Chapter 42: The Gladiatorial Arena (above)

  Ellen and Lucy got a rare break and slept between the hours after the wolves had retreated and three o'clock in the afternoon. When she woke up, Ellen saw that Lucy was resting on her lap. The young girl was sleeping peacefully, curled up like a baby lion. That was a really apt description for Lucy, especially in light of her usual flailing ways.

  A few glimpses of sunlight, gently falling on her body and creeping up her face over time. She frowned slightly and rubbed her little face hard, moving to a place where the light didn't shine and resuming her sleep. There was no telling what she was dreaming about, and an occasional smile would appear on her face, only for it to fade and quickly return to peace.

  It was a rare moment of quiet, and Alan moved his arms and checked himself over. The external wounds had long since stopped bleeding, the smaller ones crusted with a layer of blood, while a few of the larger ones were not yet amenable to strenuous activity. They had Lucy sewing them tight, but if they moved too much, they would split the wounds open a second time. Luckily, these injuries fell on less important parts of the body, so the effects were relatively minor, which was one of the benefits that came with selective injuries.

  Physical energy, on the other hand, had recovered sixty to seventy percent, and even source power had recovered quite a bit. To Allen's surprise, the source power vortex had quietly increased by one and had now reached eight!

  When guiding Allen, Hughton had once popularized some simple knowledge of the source power system to him. Before the formation of genetic circuits, the human body was like a piece of sponge, and the speed of generating source power vortexes would be relatively faster. And for those who were gifted like Allen, the speed could only be described as a surge. But once the genetic circuit was formed, the speed of source power growth would slow down.

  That was because the source power equivalent required for the first genetic circuit had basically reached the upper limit of the human body's capacity at this stage. If it were to grow as rapidly as before, the source power would burst the body. Therefore, the rate of growth of source power would slow down. The source power that was hammered out again at this time would naturally be absorbed for the body and be used to strengthen the physical capabilities, enhance the adaptive strength of the organs, raise the upper limit of the body's capacity for source power, and so on.

  So right now, Allen wasn't overly elated, not to mention that the life and death battle with the wolves earlier in the day would have stimulated the growth of source power, which made sense. He still needed to add another source power vortex before he could hope to impact the first barrier. From there, he could build circuits and form engraved seals. Only when advancing to become an engraver would one be considered to have opened the door to power and thus be able to become what the Federation called a talent.

  At that time, even in the military sequence of the Federation, one would be able to mix in as a second lieutenant. Otherwise, before forming their own engravings, a source power user would at most be a private first class, and that was just a little more advanced than cannon fodder.

  "Yah, you're awake? Why didn't you wake me up?" Lucy turned around, finally waking up. She yawned and said sleepily.

  Ellen spread her hands and shrugged her shoulders, saying nothing. Lucy asked again, "How's your injury?"

  "Better than I expected, and thanks to you." Alan fingered a wound on his body and said, "Your stitching was expertly done."

  "That's for sure, this young lady has systematically learned battlefield first aid techniques!" As soon as Lucy regained her spirit, she changed into a smug expression again.

  Alan became more and more interested in who Lucy was, as far as he knew, a child growing up on the surface rarely had access to such learning as Battlefield First Aid. That was a real war discipline, how could an ordinary surface teenager have the opportunity to learn such techniques? A girl who possessed excellent shooting skills and was well versed in strategy and battlefield first aid. The origin of such a person would definitely not be simple.

  Shooting skills can be trained, but the other two things, you can't just learn them if you want to.

  Of course, if Lucy didn't say it, Allen wouldn't ask. Everyone has their own secrets, Allen is not stupid enough to break the pot to the end.

  Guru Guru Guru ...

  A strange sound rang out from Lucy's stomach, Allen glanced towards her, the latter's small face reddened as she said, "What for, but I haven't eaten since last night. It's normal to be hungry after running and fighting!"

  "I didn't say anything." Alan stifled a laugh as he said, "We don't have anything else right now, but there's quite a lot of wolf meat, so let's roast some hind legs for dinner."

  When she thought of Alan's skill in grilling meat, Lucy's mouth immediately slurped and she kept nodding her head like a chicken pecking at rice. Allen helped the wall to stand up, picking up the Mad Butcher and trying to tear a few hind legs off the wolf carcass to serve as food. A subtle sound suddenly caught in his ears and he looked up. Up above the sunlight poured down through the gaps in the mountain, leaving dappled shadows on the rock walls on either side.

  It was in one of the shadows that something burrowed out of the rock wall. It crawled downward, turning away from the shadows and exposing its shiny black shell to the sunlight. It was a scorpion, flailing and gently paddling as if flaunting two large chelicerae. Behind the flattened body, the tail pin was raised high, which is what a scorpion looks like when fighting. More and more scorpions came out of the cracks in the stone, which was an unconventional thing to do.

  Scorpions love shade, and are supposed to hide in shady places during the day, rarely burrowing out of their lair to move around in the sun like they are doing now. But from last night until now, not a single thing had been normal. Alan was almost certain that these scorpions were just like those storm wolves, driven to action by something.

  "Looks like we're not going to get our dinner." Alan said.

  Lucy looked up and her face immediately became ugly. This girl had a great sense of not changing her face even against a Tyrannical Wolf, but now at the sight of the densely packed scorpions, her face changed drastically. It seemed that the girl's nature was such that even a single Tyrannical Wolf could easily take out hundreds of such scorpions.

  "Run run run." Lucy shouted, picking up her things and running out. The mountain crevice was still clogged with the corpses of several riot wolves, and it took the two of them quite a bit of effort to get out of it, but fortunately they didn't give the scorpion swarm a chance to catch up with them.

  Just after leaving the cave, Allen felt a chill on his back. Looking back, on a boulder behind them, there was a storm wolf basking in the sun. Seeing them come out, it was looking at the two of them with ghostly pupils like flickering blue fire. The tyrannical wolf stood up, shaking his whole body, and then led his neck to howl, and the wolf's howl immediately echoed in the mountains.

  With a low curse, Alan pulled Lucy up and continued another round of escaping.

  This time it went straight from afternoon to evening, during which time they rested for a while near a stream and found the body of a teenager. Four or five cartridges were recovered from his pouch, all of which went to Lucy, whose bullets had been expended in the battle at the cave. After that, the two of them crossed the river and were driven by the wolves all the way to a valley. After leaving the valley, Lucy saw a large lake from afar.

  The lake in the moonlight flooded with light like fish scales, more people care about is that the center of the lake actually has a purple-blue energy shield, inside do not know what is protected.

  At that moment, the wolves approached behind them. Although the two knew that without tools, it would be useless even if they ran to the lake, they had to do so. But just as they ran close to the lake, the earth suddenly shook. The water in the lake tossed and stirred up a large amount of water splash. Right in front of Allen and the two of them, a wire bridge rose up from the lake, connecting the lake shore to the center where the energy shield was located.

  "What's going on?" Lucy said in surprise.

  "It's not going to be good anyway, but it's not our choice now!" Ellen yelled, pulling her toward the wire bridge.

  The rope bridge was already wobbly, plus it had just risen from the lake, the bridge surface was wet with water. Even though the two of them had sharp reflexes, they almost slipped a few times when they ran. As for the sense of balance of those violent wolves is even worse, they rushed on the bridge, either slip or can not keep balance to fall into the lake. Once they fell into the lake, they would see a large shadow appear in the lake, and then the lake water boiled up. The falling Storm Wolf struggled desperately in the water, but a large amount of blood still bubbled up.

  Occasionally a dark shadow or two jumped onto the lake, and in the moonlight, Alan could see it clearly. With that huge head and mouth full of sharp teeth, what was it if not a bloodthirsty piranha?

  The iron ropes were difficult to navigate, and there were piranhas in the lake. But even so, there are still more and more riot wolves running on the bridge. Allen broke the back, Lucy covered, the two of them cooperated with each other, and finally came to the floating island in the center of the lake under the battle and retreat. As soon as he jumped onto the land, Alan gave a cry, and the pattern of the Mad Butcher's blade lit up, and the ability of energy sharpness was activated, and a section of buzzing energy blade popped out from the end of the blade.

  He swung the Mad Slaughter and instantly chopped through the bridge's iron cables. Then he chopped through the bridge plate, instantly cutting off the entire rope bridge. With a rumbling sound, the rope bridge was flung into the lake water, throwing hundreds of violent wolves on the bridge into the lake water at the same time. The lake immediately exploded, and those ferocious piranhas in the water immediately went on a killing spree, causing the entire surface of the lake to be flooded with a layer of blood light!

  It was then that Alan caught his breath and glanced around. The floating island in the lake was empty, only a few coconut trees were planted, and even the shrubs were rare. In the center is an energy shield, through the blue-purple cover wall look in, you can see inside a square-shaped silver metal body, do not know what use. At this time, the sound of water again, but the floating island several directions are floating a rope group.

  "Isn't that Mike?" Lucy pointed toward the southern shore of the lake.

  Alan looked far away, and sure enough, on the other side of the rope bridge, Mike and a teenager ran onto it. Behind them was a group of fierce poisonous tarantulas! The tarantulas, which were also third-order dangerous species, chased after the two teenagers and started to climb up the bridge. It's a similar scene on the other rope bridges, with some of the Deathmatch contestants and the assorted Dangerous Species that are chasing them.

  "Looks like this is our last joust." Alan said calmly.

  The situation was already quite obvious, the Committee, through some special means, had driven all the teenagers scattered all over the place to this location. The next step, naturally, was for them to kill each other. However, with only a week having passed since they entered Yellowstone Park, it seemed that the Ring of Death had not yet come to an end, so one wondered what the Committee's intention was with this setup.