Chapter 51: Unexpected Victory

  Five in the morning.

  "Come on, Lucy!"

  Close to a mountain forest on the western edge of Yellowstone, Allen slid down from a tall arbor and pulled Lucy, who was napping against the underside of a tree trunk. Lucy opened her sleepy eyes and yawned, "Why do we have to run before it's light ... so we can get some sleep."

  "People's alertness is at its lowest at this time now, whether we can escape from Yellowstone depends on this moment, don't dawdle!" Seeing Lucy's lazy look, Ellen pulled her forward in no good humor.

  The end of the mountain forest was in sight, and Alan could already see a row of power grids erected on the edge!

  Just as they ran out of the woods, several bright lights were suddenly cast on the ground and focused on Alan's two bodies. Allen changed color: "Not good, we've been discovered. Come this way!"

  Pulling Lucy, they escaped from the illumination of the lampposts, but two more pillars of light fell, still shining on them. That's when Alan heard the roar of a magical flying ship's engine, he looked up, a flying ship shaped like a crescent moon was descending with blue fire spewing from its engine.

  "Damn, it's the Destiny!" Alan recognized it, of course; it was the flying ship that had shuttled them teenagers attending the Death Stage to Yellowstone at the time.

  Next to the Destiny, there were also three small ships. Two of them were Harrier Eagle frigates, with a narrow hull in the front and a wide hull in the back, this kind of magic energy flying ship had average firepower, but it was superior in speed. When they appeared, trying to escape would only become a joke. The other flying ship had a unique appearance, its body was all silver and white, with golden lines on the surface flowing with the light of energy. When one saw it, one could probably only describe it as gorgeous, which was very different from the pragmatic military style of the federal side.

  As all the flying ships landed above the ground, Allen pulled Lucy behind him and pulled Mad Butcher off his back, arching his body slightly, "Don't be afraid, I won't let them hurt you!"

  The lift deck of the Destiny was lowered to the ground by a tractor beam, and on the deck stood Alstair, along with several fully armed Federation soldiers.

  Alstair wore an odd expression when he saw Allen. Followed by his signature smile, he said, "Congratulations, Mr. Allen, you have achieved the winning qualification for this year's Stage of Death!"

  "What?" Alan thought he'd heard wrong.

  "I don't think there's any need to repeat it again, right? Given the fact that the final contestant, Lucy, is also dead, as the sole survivor of the Death Stage Tournament, you are naturally the unquestioned victor, aren't you?" Alstair said with excellent poise.

  Ellen glanced toward Lucy in the back, "Are they all blind?"

  Lucy shrugged her look, an innocent one.

  "Well, Mr. Allen, drop your weapon and come with us. You still have a little time before dawn, and you need to be ready for the enthusiastic celebrations of the populace." Alstair beckoned toward Allen.

  Allen wasn't a fool, and Mad Butcher didn't put it away for that reason. He said in a deep voice, "What the hell is going on here? I am not going to let Lucy leave within sight if you ..."

  "What a stubborn kid." Alstair shook his head and snapped his fingers.

  A metal orb then flew in front of Alan's eyes and began to play the freshly refreshed death list. In it, Alan saw not only Anse, but also Lucy. But Lucy was standing well behind him, and Alstair spread his hands and said, "As you can see the list is now synchronized with the information base stations of all the public platforms on Babylon, which means that the whole of Babylon knows that you are the winner of the death ring. It is also known that the news that that temple ... no, that lady is dead. As for why it was handled this way, based on your authority, I can't tell you the truth. You just take it as, it's a miracle favored by God, anyway, you don't want to see that young lady get hurt don't you?"

  "Trust me, it's for the best!" Alstair emphasized, then with a swing of his head, "Come, follow me."

  "Yes, but Lucy has to leave with me."

  "You are a cautious little thing. Don't worry, we won't do anything to the young lady as her people come to get her." Alstair glanced toward the ornate silver-white flying ship.

  It was then that Alan noticed that the silvery ship's barn door opened and slid down a rail of light that connected to the ground. From inside, a powerful old man stepped down, looking no different from a human old man, but Alan noticed that the old man's ears were much more pointed and long than a human.

  Lucy then gave Alan a gentle hug from behind and whispered, "It's okay, Alan. That's my teacher Metallon, you go with them first. I'll come to you, and when I do, I'll unlock all your questions."

  She let go of Alan and took a few steps towards the silver flying ship before stopping again. Turning back, Lucy winked, "We're friends, so trust me, okay?"

  It was then that Alan put away the mad butchery and nodded to Lucy.

  He watched Lucy board the flying ship before Alan boarded the lift deck of the Destiny. Alstair tapped him on the shoulder and snapped his fingers again, and the tractor beam lifted the deck up, eventually merging it with the ship's hull.

  With a stomach full of questions, Allen returned to the training building he was in at the beginning. When coming down from the flying ship, Allen looked around, not without a sigh in his heart. Twenty-two people had set out that day, but now he was the only one who had returned. Other than Lucy, in that Yellowstone Park, there were twenty teenagers who stayed in that place forever.

  At the moment, the training building was also very cold, even though the lights were on, there were far fewer people in the building to greet them. As soon as Alan came down, though, the empty silence was immediately filled with the sound of Tornisph's voice.

  "Alan baby!" Tornisph practically screamed as he ran over, still dressed in his gaudy, exaggerated clothes today, one face traced with eyeliner and lip gloss. His heels clacked on the ground as he darted next to Allen and hugged him in one fell swoop.

  Immediately, the scent of some unknown brand of perfume immediately died into Alan's nostrils.

  "I knew you'd come back, you're such a lucky boy for me!" It had to be said that Tornisph just had that eerie charm. Obviously there was only one person, but he created a warm atmosphere, making Allen have no time at all to feel the kind of spiritual silence he had just felt.

  When he saw that Tornisph's lip-glossed mouth was about to imprint itself on his face, Allen had reached out to take hold of the grip of the Mad Butcher, and the feeling of cutting the man-demon down in one fell swoop was born in his mind again.

  "Ensign!" Alstair saved the man-demon's life just in time, and the minister coughed dryly, "Take Mr. Allen back, and don't forget, you only have three bells to prepare."

  Tonisoff squealed with a cupped face, "I almost forgot about this, come on baby, we don't have much time."

  Reaching out and catching Alan, the Ensign then dragged him towards the elevator. They reentered the room on the 13th floor, and Alan was startled when they entered the lobby. The hall was already filled with people, and by the looks of it, it was full of Tonisoff's assistants, including Ethan, whom he had met once before that day on the receiving flyer. Only today, Tonysf almost called all of his people over, including many hot sexy girls with hot body.

  Their eyes glowed at the sight of Allen, like they wanted to eat little Allen alive.

  Mad Butcher took it down for Tornisph at some point, and the Ensign shoved him in the direction of the gals and called out, "Come on, you guys are in charge of cleaning Baby Allen's body. I want him to come out clean, no blood allowed!"

  "Ethan! Ethan!" The Ensign screamed again, "Get Baby Ellen's gown ready, and dammit, if I see a single wrinkle, watch your ass!"

  Alan was already being pulled and tugged towards the room by several of the ladies, there was no shortage of hands going up and down, and as Alan's eyes looked around, the world was filled with towering peaks of jade. He managed to squeeze his head out and called out to Tonisoff, "Ensign, did you know that Lucy she ..."

  At the sound of "Lucy," Tornisoff signaled, so the girls stopped. The Ensign walked over, patted Ellen's face and said, "Listen to me, baby. I know you and Lucy were great friends and I'm deeply sorry for her death. But rules are rules, and no one can break them. So look, you might as well forget about this experience, there's a brighter world waiting for you in the future."

  After saying that and without giving Ellen any room to question it, Tornisoff gave a firm slap towards one of the gals' asses and called out, "Come on, come on, move it girls, make sure you clean Ellen baby!"

  Allen mentally fell silent, since even Tornisoff didn't know the truth about the death ring, which meant that Lucy's identity had to be kept under strict secrecy.

  Who the hell is she?

  In the end, Allen gave dragged into the bathroom and was stripped clean by four or five hot women. The whole process of bathing was no less intense than a battle. Only this battle was not about life and death, but about defending the sovereignty of one's own body. When this chaotic bath was over, Allen's memory only had some blood-spattering images related to words like full and wet clothes.

  The tiny teenager, full of chagrin after a mind-blowing journey, gave the ladies a shove in front of Tornisph's eyes. By this time, the Ensign was ready to give Alan replacement clothing. Soon enough, Alan changed into the gown, which clearly had a military style to it. As he pushed it to the floor length mirror for Tornisph, a handsome teenager just appeared in the mirror.

  In the mirror, the short silver-pale hair stood up at its roots, adding a bit of masculinity to Allen's handsome silhouette. And from the military-style stand-up collar design, to the waist design that narrowed the waistline to emphasize the lines, as well as the pair of military boots that were mainly deep black and decorated with golden patterns. All of them were emphasizing Allen's temperament of killing and decisiveness, especially since he had just left from the death ring, and the killing chance in his eyes was still receding, which made this temperament even more unique and obvious.

  Looking at himself in the mirror, Allen had to admit that Tornisph did have a knack for image design. Not only did the lieutenant know how to reflect his temperament, more importantly, he knew how to cater to the tastes of the people on Babylon. From his initial arrival at the floating island to this moment when he appeared as the winner, the changes in his dressing style alone were proof of this.

  Tornisph stood behind Allen, his hands resting lightly on Allen's shoulders, his eyes glowing as he said, "See? Baby, I told you you were going to be a superstar. Now, you've done it. In two hours, you'll be the idol of Babylon. They will cheer for you, and even more so, they will go crazy for you!"