Chapter 54: Song of the Dawning

  "Boss, serve the wine!"

  Tonisov slapped the table hard and yelled, "We're going to get drunk tonight!"

  "No drunkenness!"

  It was nighttime, and Alan was in a bar called the Saber on Goldwing Street in Babylon. This is a name full of military style, firstly because the bar is famous for selling strong alcohol, and secondly because it was opened by a retired Brigadier General, and it is often a meeting place for federal soldiers. The Saber Bar is simply decorated, but every corner and every piece of decor continues to be clean and military style.

  This was a place for men and spirits, and Alan was quite surprised when he had Tornisph brought to this bar. After all, Tornisph's style seemed out of place in a bar.

  "Alan, I'm so happy." The Ensign's voice interrupted Alan's interest in observing the bar, Tonisf had somehow produced a handkerchief and was choking on it with his mouth tightly clenched, "I've picked up five Death Stage contestants, but you're the only one who has gotten a superior win. In the future, let's see who will still say that all the boys brought out by Tonisph are soft!"

  A comment that drew laughter from the other soldiers next to him, and Tonisoff, catching a handful of the spirits that had just been brought to him, raised his glass and called out, "Let's have a drink to Allen!"

  "To Alan!"

  After pouring a glass of brandy all over the place, Tornisoff was still excited as hell. The Ensign even jumped up on the bar's stage, straddled a dancer who was having a hot dance, took the microphone and said, "Today is a day to celebrate, and I can't help but sing a song already."

  I'm not sure Tonisov had sung yet, but there was already a dismantling at the bottom.

  "Please spare our ears, Ensign."

  "That's right, your song reminds us of the old mother hen's crowing!"

  There was another roar of laughter, and Alan laughed along with them. A waitress walked over, she was young, probably around sixteen or seventeen. Long brown hair cascading out of her eyes, her eyes were mesmerized, and her boldly open collar left a patch of snow-white pecs exposed to the air. A soldier whistled at her, reached up and groped her ass and tucked a tip in her cleavage.

  The girl cursed softly and didn't move to receive the tip in her pocket. Walking past Alan, she placed a beer in front of him and rubbed her breasts on his arm saying, "This one's on me."

  "Hey, that young lady!" Tornisph called out with the microphone, "Don't think about tricking our young master Alan into your bed with a glass of beer, let me tell you, he's now a red-hot member of the Beskold family! That's right, this morning Master Horn personally invited our young master to join Bethcote, and he has a great future ahead of him. At least he'll be able to make a brigadier general in the future, so please move your boobs, that position should be reserved for other noble ladies!"

  Soldiers also followed the coaxing, the girl's face suddenly red, hatefully cursed "damned siren", but could not help but walk away. Just like what Tornisph said, Allen was already considered a member of Bethcord, and was personally invited by the family patriarch Horn, so his position in the family would definitely not be too low in the future. For such a person, the worst person who could accompany him would be the daughter of an ordinary nobleman's family, and never an ordinary waitress like her.

  In Babylon, class is far harsher than one might think. If you didn't have enough power and claimed something that wasn't supposed to be yours, death was already considered the lightest punishment. The girl didn't want to be known by some noble girl who knew that she had a crush on Allen and then somehow died in some remote alley one day.

  Sometimes, offending a noble lady is far more frightening than the cockney boys who go around showing mercy.

  After a small interlude, Tonisov already didn't care about the demolition of the soldiers underneath, and started to sing in a hoarse voice: "The morning sun woke me up, and the birds on the windowsill were already singing. Originally thought it was just a repetitive morning, their arrival changed everything ..."

  "The shooting star that shines in the sky brings not the gospel of heaven, but the revelation of hell. The sea lifted up huge waves, the mountains crumbled in cannon fire, the city turned into a sea of fire, we no longer hear laughter, only the devil's murmur ..." began to be gradually echoed by the soldiers, who sang in a low voice while clapping their hands on the table to form a common beat.

  "Day is replaced by night, and the world is left with nothing but blizzards and howling winds. But a voice cried out that mankind should revolt!" Tonisov's voice rose, "So we packed our bags and left the familiar village. There was endless darkness ahead, and we did not know where the way back was located. Yet, we will face the ice and snow, and charge in the direction of the storm! Charge!"

  The song picks up tempo and almost all the soldiers at the bar join in the chorus, "No matter how strong the enemy is, we won't retreat; even if the God of Fate has forsaken us, we'll rush to that battlefield of the last known, tearing the darkness apart and letting the dawn's dawning light illuminate that day's other side!"

  "Thousands of soldiers, billions of honors. Even as I die in battle, I will chill the hearts of my enemies! We are the blades of dawn, we are the shields of hope. On that monument of valor, our names shall be engraved!"

  What followed was a few repetitions of the melody, but the soldier sang more and more urgently. The speedy melody and the stirring lyrics made Alan's blood boil, even though he was not a soldier. He did not know that this is the "Song of the Dawn", a song written to commemorate the epic battle, known to everyone in Babylon, and even more loved by the soldiers. The song ended abruptly when the soldiers roared out the last rousing note.

  That sudden interruption, leaving a huge gap, brings a deeper shock to the soul!


  I don't know who called out, and the next thing I know, everyone was drinking. Even Alan was in a stirring mood, and couldn't help but drink a few more cups at that moment. He hadn't drank so much alcohol, a few cups of wine immediately surged, and the world became disoriented in his eyes.

  Finally, the teenager was overwhelmed and fell asleep on the table, holding his glass.

  Also a bar, "Twilight" is much more expensive than "Sabre". Located at the southern end of Goldwing Street, adjacent to the bustling Hatton Commercial Street, every day in and out of this place are rich and expensive. Twilight, on the other hand, emphasizes a kind of restrained luxury to meet the aesthetic standards of the current aristocracy. An archway dotted with stars serves as the front door, and as you walk in along the red carpet, there is an unadorned partition, the only decoration being a mural on the partition inlaid with mosaic porcelain.

  When you turn the partition, however, a huge space with a dark blue backdrop rocks your eyes. This is Twilight's hall, boasting areas for a dance floor, a bar, a public area, and a hidden card table. The bar is adorned with stained glass walls, stone carvings, crystal chandeliers, and even a small fountain that serves as a divider in front of the stage used for performances!

  Twilight is far above Sabre in both size and clientele. The people who came in and out of this place were all well-dressed and elegant, just like a miniature miniature of the high society. Of course, Twilight's hospitality was not all aristocrats, but more of the rich people of Babylon. Babylon was a place where classes were clearly defined, even in all walks of life. With Twilight's qualifications, the guests were mostly rich folk, lower class nobles, or side children of some families.

  The true gentry and nobles don't even bother to hang out in such places.

  But even so, Twilight had the same insurmountable class concept. For example, those elegant hidden decks were only open to the noble class, and commoners, even if they were rich, could only wander in the public area. At this moment, a burst of laughter erupted from one of the booths, drawing sidelong glances from the onlookers. Inside that were seven or eight fifteen or sixteen year old half-grown children, and these older children were basically the children of a certain family.

  One of them, a big boy with a sturdy figure, a head of brown hair combed with oil and shiny hair, and freckles on his face was obviously the center of attention. With exaggerated expressions, and drastic movements he was recounting his fight with the two family guards, "... In the end I put Megan down with an overhead flying kick."

  "And after that?"

  "After that of course I went to celebrate with those chicks from Yeni, don't ask me where I went to celebrate, anyway all I can say is that those chicks were just too hot."

  There was a heartfelt laugh, and one of the boys raised his glass and said, "Come, let us drink to the promising young master Vince."


  After three rounds of spilling, that's when someone said, "Vince, I heard you guys at Bethcord just recruited a kid named Allen. That's the winner of this Deathmatch isn't it?"

  Vince was unimpressed, "It's just a surface pariah, how much can he do, the big deal is that he's a family warrior."

  Unexpectedly, he had just finished speaking. Someone from another deck behind him said quietly, "I don't think so."

  Wen Sen immediately changed color and stood up coldly, "Do you know who I am, and it's not for you to judge what I say!"

  The man laughed softly, "Cousin Vince, what a rack."

  Vince was dumbfounded and walked into the back of the card table. There weren't many people in the booth, a teenager a bit older than Vince was sitting in it, and there was a girl with a hot body on each side. The teenager's square face had deep contours, his short dark brown hair showed his competence, and his eyes were so bright that they seemed to be able to look straight into people's hearts.

  Seeing him, Vince immediately piled on a smile and said, "So it's Cousin Kordoff, what brings you to Twilight?"

  "Bored and wandering around casually, I realized this place is actually quite nice." The youth nudged at a woman to his left, signaling her to sit away and make room for Vince.

  Vince didn't hesitate to sit on his ass, pouring Kordoff a drink himself and saying, "Kordoff, what did you mean by what you just said?"

  "It's obvious, that kid called Allen, definitely won't be as simple as just being a clan warrior." Kordoff shook his wine glass and looked at Vince with a smile on his face and said, "Don't you forget, that was the person that Grandpa personally invited. Do you think that grandpa would be so bored that he would purposely invite a future family warrior?"