Chapter 55: Turning Point

  Every family that has managed to enter the top society has invariably passed the test of time. These families could trace back at least a hundred years, while old nobles like Bethcord had a glorious history of over two hundred years. These old nobles were the pillars of the Federation, and often, such families were behemoths.

  In their genealogy, the relationships are complex, just like those flourishing ancient trees, whose roots must have spread many meters underground. Beskold is no exception, and like many families, it usually divides its many members into direct blood relatives and collateral lines.

  In order to ensure the prosperity of the family, usually the position of patriarch would only be created among the direct blood relatives. Of course, in some turbulent times, there were instances where a collateral line seized the position. But those were rare, and even if they succeeded, the family would be devastated. After all, the majority of the family's power and wealth was in the hands of the direct bloodline.

  Just like a swarm of bees, in a huge family system, there was also a division of labor between the direct line and the side branches. After the Dawn War, this division of labor was even more obvious. Generally speaking, the business of the family, some relatively mild work would be handed over to the side branches to take care of. They would be responsible for most of the family's business dealings, just like the worker bees in a colony, constantly accumulating wealth for the family.

  Direct blood relatives, on the other hand, have to shoulder the obligation of developing the family business and expedition to the outer battlefields. They have to conquer more colonized planets for the family and establish safe and stable trade routes between these colonized planets and Earth, so that the family can profit from them. To put it simply, the collateral clans were responsible for the running of the family business, while the direct blood relatives had to find more sources of wealth for the family.

  Under such a model, the fact was that the chances of direct lineage descendants falling were relatively much greater. However, every direct lineage descendant who was able to gain a firm foothold in the Outer Realm Battlefield was invariably a hero on one side, and their position in the family system was difficult to shake. Because in the end, their feats were all fought out and they were true powerhouses!

  Vince's family is one of the side families of Bethcord, and his family manages the operations of more than two business chains on the surface for Bethcord. In order to stand out from the other side clans, Vince's father spent a great deal of money to send his son to the Academy of the Dawnblade in Babylon, which was designed for the children of the world's most powerful families. Vince did not disappoint his father's expectations and achieved excellent results in the academy.

  The evaluation of the younger generation's children came from many aspects, among which, the results of the Dawn Blade Academy was one of the important tests. If Vincent was able to successfully graduate, then a position as an external affairs supervisor should not be out of reach. Even though he could not be compared to the direct descendants in terms of the resources he received from the family, the position of external affairs supervisor was also a hot position in the side branches.

  To be able to make such achievements now, in addition to the arrogance, arrogance and other characteristics of the children of the family, it does not prevent Vincent also has a resourceful, flexible mind. So after listening to Kordoff's words, he was immediately touched. He frowned and said: ''What you mean is that Patriarch Horn intends to cultivate this kid called Allen into a person in an important position? How is this possible, he's just a pariah!"

  "Have you seen what Alan looks like?" Kordoff asked suddenly.

  Vince laughed contemptuously, "How do I have time to pay attention to what a pariah looks like?"

  "As far as I know, he looks a little like one of my aunts." Kordoff said slowly, "I heard my father say that my grandfather loved one of their youngest sisters, Aunt Lanie, the most. Ten years ago, Aunt Lanie suddenly ran away and left the family, and she hasn't been heard from since, and Grandfather bitterly regrets it."

  At that point, Kordoff closed his mouth; he'd given enough hints.

  Sure enough, Vince lost his voice, "So upon seeing what that Aaron looked like, the patriarch was so touched that he planned to introduce him into the family so that he could fill the loss of his daughter?"

  "Do you think it's not possible? Even if that Allen is not a descendant of our direct lineage, with his face, who dares to guarantee that grandpa won't cultivate him to become the number one among the side branch descendants?" Kordoff patted Vince's shoulder and said, "I see that you've been working quite hard these past two years, and it would be a real pity if you fell out of your position as the head of foreign affairs just because of someone's face."

  Vince nodded vigorously, even as a scowl appeared on his face, "Thank you for the reminder of Cousin Kordoff's promotion."

  "It's nothing, I'm just saying something. Well, I have to hang out elsewhere, these two beauties can be hard to handle." Kordoff laughed and stood up, and with a wave of his hand, he walked out of the card table with his arms around the two hot girls.

  Vince sat in the booth for a few moments before stepping out. His other companions invited him for a drink, but he shook his head, took off for something and left in a hurry, leaving a few boys wide-eyed. Finally, I don't know who shouted, "Vince is gone, who's buying tonight?"

  And so the teens began to wrestle with a new problem.

  Kordoff smiled slightly as he watched Vince duck his head into his seat frame and quickly leave Twilight. He was likewise sitting in a stretched magical flying car with two sexy women kissing his cheeks and earwheels one on each side. Kordoff, however, acted as if he didn't feel it, and an old man in his fifties sitting across from him with a beard and sharp eyes spoke up, "Young Master, if it's just to test that Allen, just leave it to me, why go through all the trouble of letting Vince do it."

  "Mr. Robert, you should know that he's the one Grandpa stepped in to invite. This shows that for whatever reason, grandpa values this little brat. So for something as thankless as this, it's better not to get involved with us, just let Vince do it for us." Kordoff finally reacted, reaching into one of the women's chests and gripping the plump semicircle tightly and laughed, "We just need to watch the show, there's no need to get into trouble, is there?"

  And again, "Drive on, these two little she-cats can't wait."

  The two women giggled, one of them already panting slightly as she crouched down to Kordoff's feet and began a round of violent offense. The old man named Robert's eyes were cold, as if he hadn't seen the intense peachy scene in the car.

  Alan woke up to find it was early morning. His face was sticky and he wiped it with his hand it was all sweat stains, only they were filled with the strong smell of alcohol. Looking around again, Tonisoff and the other soldiers from last night's Dardan binge were still huffing and puffing. They were sprawled out occupying tables and couches, and some were even lying on the floor clutching bottles of wine and falling asleep.

  Thinking of the war songs they sang last night and looking at these straightforward soldiers, Alan suddenly felt that not everyone in Babylon wore a false mask.

  "It's a gang of troublemakers."

  There were voices coming from the direction of the bar, where a few small lights were on, illuminating only one end of the bar. In the light, a lanky, but well-dressed old man was wiping down the bar. He bowed his head and said, "I like them though, seeing these assholes reminds me of myself when I was younger. Sorry to make you listen to a bunch of old man whining. My name is Yogi, and I've known that old guy Hughton for a long time. I heard he mentored you?"

  "Yes, thanks to Mr. Hughton's guidance, otherwise, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to stand here." Alan said as he stood up, and said with some loss, "He also said that he could be approached to learn the design of the Rubik's Cube sequence if he was interested in the future, but I haven't seen him since the tournament."

  "He came by last night, right when you guys were asleep. In fact ..." Yogi took a note out of his pocket, "Here's the address he gave you to go to when you want to learn that shit. Oh, and he also said you have to bring good wine when you go or he won't open the door, the damn old drunk!"

  Alan took the note from Yogi, and there was indeed a line of address on it, and he looked at the old man and said sincerely, "Thank you, Mr. Yogi."

  "You're welcome, just remember to stop by sometime." Yogi looked out the door and muttered, "Should be about time."

  "What almost?"

  "The man who came to fetch you should be almost here." Yogi set down a polished wine glass, "There's nothing on Babylon that Bethcord doesn't know about."

  No sooner had he finished speaking than the door to the bar was pushed open and the butler, Hessing, walked in and looked at Allen, "Young master, please come with me, the master asked me to pick you up."

  "But I ..."

  "It's okay, I've packed your things for you, no need to go back to the training center." Hazen said delicately.

  Alan spread his hands and said, "Okay then."

  Again to Yogi, "Please say goodbye to Tonisoff for me, I'll see him when I can."

  "Definitely bring it."

  Alan and Hazen walked out of the bar, where a speeder bearing the Bethcord family crest was already parked on the street in front of the bar's main entrance. The body of this family crest was a shield depicting a lion-bodied, eagle-headed beast, and around it extended a symmetrical pattern of long swords. The colors were strikingly black and yellow.

  This crest is the symbol of the Bethcord Clan Chief, and the crests of the other clans use this as a base for extended variations, but there are a few things that are not allowed to be used. Examples of this are the lion-bodied, eagle-headed beast, and the longsword a symbol that only the Clan Chief can use.

  When Alan's name was codified in the sequence of heirs, he would also have his own crest, a symbol of status and a calling card for socializing among the nobility. Of course, for Alan at this point in his life, he had nothing in Bethcordry.

  Getting into the Magic Flyer, Allen watched as the car pulled away from Goldwing Street and headed in an easterly direction. Gradually, the buildings on both sides of the road began to disappear, replaced by rolling mountains and lush green trees. The sun was rising from the east, and the brilliant sunlight was like a gift from God, bathing the entire Babylon in a golden glow.

  A new day had arrived and Alan, in turn, was about to reach one of the most important turning points in his life.