Chapter 56.

  Among the nobles, above the famous warlords, all of them had a territory that the Federation had divided for them on Babylon to serve as the root of the family's foundation, as well as a symbol of their identity. When he saw the territory of Bethcord, Allen froze. Looking down from this ramp that the flying car was traveling on, it was located in the center of an open valley, just like a small town.

  The town is not grand, but fine and elegant. The architectural style is mostly Gothic, except for those ordinary houses, but all the buildings in the town that have some characteristics, such as the bell tower or the church, are all decorated with stained glass walls, with huge floor-to-ceiling windows and those long and winding corridors. As for the corners of the buildings, the stone carvings of angels or flowers are even more colorful.

  The main road is spacious and smooth, running through the east and west ends of the town, with a gorgeous fountain in the center, surrounded by benches for people to rest on. On either side of the main road are cobblestone sidewalks, and alongside them are green strips planted with tall trees. The town is bustling with stores of all types, awnings, store signs, and potted plants. The streets are alive with pedestrian traffic.

  Just behind the town was a majestic mountain range. The peaks were so high that they wanted to stick into the clouds. The tips of the peaks are silver and white, but they are covered in snow all year round. Below the snow line, it was covered by woods, with large green patches stretching to the foot of the rolling hills and eventually bordering the valley.

  Right at the foot of the mountain, a majestic old castle was built according to the situation. The old castle with dark walls as its main color, the forest of towering spires and the family flag flying on the high point, all show the world the majesty and heritage of this ancient family.

  "It was the town of Levin, which was inhabited by relatives of several of the side families, but mostly by those who served the large family of Bethcord. This includes maids, servants, artisans, cooks, guards, and more. As for Castle Ugale, it is where His Lordship and the direct members of the family reside. The castle itself is equivalent to a fortress, containing towers, gun emplacements, military stations, warehouses, armories, command halls, and living quarters for the lords. Among them, there are no less than a hundred dark passages alone, and those who have just moved into the old castle will need at the earliest half a year to familiarize themselves with the location of the various areas, or else it will be extremely easy to get lost inside." Butler Haisin introduced the brief information of this territory of Bethcord for Allen, when talking about these things, the old butler's face glowed with a slight color of triumph: "Oh, right. The old castle was built by the first patriarch of Bethcord, Lord Ugale, so for more than two hundred years, the old castle has continued to bear the name of patriarch Ugale."

  Alan sighed softly, "Are all the great nobles' territories this big? If such resources are used on the surface ..."

  "Young Master Allen, this territory, as well as the wealth of the Beskolds is well deserved by this family. You have not grown up in this family, so you don't know yet, what Bethcord has given for the entire Federation. But it doesn't matter, you'll learn these things later. Yes, like Bethcord, the great nobles who were able to obtain the right to independent territories have all contributed to the Federation as well as humanity, so they have this privilege. As for the size of the territory, it is naturally proportional to what they have given. Please don't be surprised that if it was a powerful family, they even owned their own floating islands. Of course, those floating islands orbit far above Babylon and are usually hard to see."

  Small Allen's head for a time can not turn a corner, floating island on top of the floating island, Babylon is already so prosperous, those special floating island of the rich and powerful should be so grand? It is no wonder that the conflict between the surface and the floating island has not been able to be resolved, the gap between the two is like a cloud of mud, and is not a two-year death match can be alleviated.

  The flying car has driven along the highway into the town of Levin, the town pedestrian traffic, occasionally a few children laughing and chasing each other, their faces in the sunshine overflowing with innocence and joy. Alan can not help but envy them can be so lucky to be born in Babylon, to know that in his like these children about the same age, must and snow wolves together with the crisis-ridden wilderness, in order to hunt prey, to solve the problem of food and clothing.

  Looking at the town again, according to Hazen, the town has a population of two thousand, and the family guards alone, which are affiliated with Bethcord, number nearly a thousand. On Babylon is still so, can see the strength of the family of Bethcord. As for the ancient fortress of Ugal, it is like an ancient beast hibernating at the foot of the mountain, which may rise up at any time to attack people.

  Despite being an ancient castle, the castle now uses many technologies and facilities that are tied to the times. For example, the Tesseract Furnace buried underneath the old fortress, providing energy supply for the entire fortress as well as the town of Levin. As for the rapid-fire particle machine guns and ion cannons in the towers, if the fortress misjudged its true strength because of its ancient appearance, no matter which invader it was, they would pay a heavy price for it.

  After all, it even had its own two Harrier Hawk frigates in the Ugal Castle. It was important to realize that on Babylon, magically powered flying ships, especially of the attack variety, were a strictly regulated resource.

  When the speeder arrived at the main gate of the castle, the gate opened on its own, and behind it was a cobblestone paved piazza. In a fountain in the square stands a statue of Ugal, the first patriarch of Beskold. Fully armed family guards are posted around the square and in the shadows of some of the buildings, so that in the event of an attack on the square, these guards would be able to make a full counterattack in a very short period of time.

  Alan got out of the car and was led by Hazen through the square and into the interior of the castle. The interior of the castle had many long and winding corridors, and the bright wall lamps on both sides made the space inside the castle as bright as day even when there was no sunlight. The floors of the corridors were covered with long carpets, while the walls on the left hand side were decorated with murals or armor every ten meters.

  Ugheller Castle is majestic on the outside, exquisite and elegant on the inside, any detail can feel the heritage of the famous family. However, there are also shortcomings, for example, elevators will not be seen in the castle, after all, the pattern of some places can not be changed, not to mention that the installation of elevators in an ancient castle does seem incongruous. So Allen could only follow behind Haisin and step onto the spiral staircase of the main building of the ancient castle.

  Eventually, Alan was taken to Horn's study. After opening the door, Horn was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking out at the front of the old castle and the town of Levin. As Hazen gently covered the door for them, Horn turned back to him with a gentle smile, "Come over to my side."

  Alan walked over to him, and Horn pushed him to the window, saying, "Tell me, boy, what do you see?"

  The view fell first on the woods between the old castle and the town, and then cast itself into the town of Levin. Spinning and climbing upward, Alan saw the winds roll in, and felt his mind spread out infinitely, and heaven and earth seemed to have no limits.

  Horn saw him looking up at the sky dome and nodded, "A person's chest determines the achievement, Allen, you are able to fit in a piece of heaven and earth without being confined to a fort and a town, this is good. I don't know how many brats come to the old castle, always lingering on those ancient pieces of even the city, sending them the same is already rejoicing, not realizing that such narrow vision, and how to be a great man."

  "But remember, you're not the only one who has seen the vault of heaven in Bethkodri, and there's no shortage of those who have mounted a piece of the starry sky among them." Horn patted him on the shoulder and said, "I've already got people on the trail of the predator that attacked your town back then."

  Alan looked at him in surprise, and Horn said blandly, ''You want to avenge your own mother, as a father, why would I not want to recover this blood debt for my daughter. But I will respect your decision, and when their traces are found, I will forward all the information to you. As for the cost of all this, just consider it your advance."

  "Master ... grandfather." Alan called out the word raw, "Can I trust you to track down another thing."

  "Oh, you say." Horn raised an eyebrow.

  "I'm trying to find a hunting group that was the one that sold me to a man named Hearn so that he could take me instead of his own son in the death ring." Alan said in a deep voice, "I have an item in trust with them, and now, it's time to get it back. However, I don't know the name of their regiment ..."

  "It doesn't matter." Horn coldly grunted, "It's only half a year, it's not difficult to track down news of such a hunting group. I also want to see which ungrateful fellow dares to trade with my grandson!"

  He was clearly moved to true anger, and an unspeakable pressure suddenly filled the study. Horn grunted again before calming his anger, "I'll have Helsing let you know if there's any news, and I'll take care of these two matters for you. Now, I hope you'll listen to my advice."

  "I'm listening."

  "About you, I'll make it public within the family later. But even then, it won't be possible to program you directly into the heir sequence. After all, I had already expelled Lanie from the family back then, and if you want to return, you have to show strength that can convince the family's Council of Elders. A victory in the Death Ring is one, but it's not enough. That's why I want to arrange for you to go to the Dawn's Edge Academy, which is an academy that specializes in cultivating talents for the children of our lineage, and if you are able to successfully graduate from it, then it will serve as an important credential for a family's assessment of your abilities." Horn paused, then smiled, "Besides, as a family leader, just being able to fight won't do. Alan, you still have a lot to learn."

  Alan nodded, "I do have a lot to learn."

  "So you agree?"

  "I can't find a reason to say no." Alan spread his hands.

  Horn laughed and nodded, "Very well, you're much drier than Lanie in that regard. God knows how much I wasted my breath trying to get her into the academy back then."

  The name was mentioned unintentionally, but it caused the grandparents and grandchildren to fall into a shared silence. Fortunately, a knock on the door broke the heavy atmosphere in the room.

  "Come in." Horn said.

  Hathin pushed his way in and nodded, "Master, they're all here already."

  Horn "hmmm" and pressed his hand on Alan's shoulder, "Come on, let me introduce you to your mother's brothers. As well, as some of our old friends from Bethcord."