
After traveling for 4 whole days with 3 breads for each kid to survive with they finally arrive at the city. it was Johans first time witnessing beautiful lightnings, buildings and statues.

Many soldiers came to take the children to their new home, their new home was a beat up small prison like room where 10 kids live in a same room, there was 10 beds and 10 small but long drawers for each kid. While the kids were disgusted by the rooms appearance Johan was the only kid there with a huge eyes with surprise. Soon another soldier comes to the room and says "everyone have to gather to the main hall" the main hall was a big arena.

There was about over 1000 kids there, from age of 10 to 18 all different shape and height. This time a fat mean looking soldier with a golden armour says "each kid will get a dagger and a rock, do your best to survive" that was a everything that came out his mouth. soon enough every kids get their dagger and a rock and so all the soldiers goes out, but on a high balcony archers comes out and shoots random weak looking kids and shouts "didn't we said to kill each other?" so that massacre started.