4-First friend

A kid with white hair about 175 centimeters tall kid was the first to put his dagger in another kids eye with a psycho smile. so started everyone killing eachother, weak and scared looked ones were to first ones to get killed, and so Johan gets a rock thrown at him, with a weak expression he looked his behind just to see a snotty kid screaming while running at him, so without much effort Johan dodges his arm with dagger and trips him with his foot.

In the midst of these some strong and tall kids started to group up to finish off the weak ones even faster. Johan just sits on the ground looking up, and he sees someone with a golden shiny crown gazing down on the massacre, he had long white mostauche with strong looking soldiers around him. And so about 30 minutes passes by Johan only dodges and trips other in order to not attract any attention to him. there was about only 300 kids left. Everyone was out breath and couldn't move any longer, so a soldier came to the arena to compliment the survivors of the first day. And so they were to free to go to their rooms. When Johan comes to his room he was surprised to see 6 kids including him.

A gentle voice from behind says "well done surviving brother" when he looked back it was a nice looking kid with a big smile, Johan didn't say anything instead he makes a weird face trying to smile, luckily the other understood what he was trying to show so he asked "my names Olza what's your?" Johan with a quiet voice answers back his name. it was a first someone talked to him in a gently manner.