
Couple days later after harsh training that took place everyday finally there was only 50 kids left with extra ordinary looks and shape. Johan was one of them and so on the 15th it was time for the last test before getting sent to a higher ranked arena. in this final test all 50 children had to fight one on one in order, must defeat 2 kids to pass to test. Johan was pretty far on the list, he carefully observes the battles between other children, it was either quick one or a very long one, finally Johans turn has come and his opponent was non other than his bully, James was much bigger than Johan but James always hated the emotion lacking face of Johan, he knew Johan had talent as he used to dodges some of his punches to tease him which made him beat him up even worse. Aso the fight begun.

The arena buzzed with the usual sounds of laughter and chatter, but today, a palpable tension hung in the air. Johan, with his cold, impassive gaze, faced James, whose smirk exuded arrogance and confidence. James sneered, taking a step closer to Johan. "What's the matter, Johan? Too scared to show any emotion? Or are you just too stupid to feel anything?" Johan's face remained a blank canvas, not a flicker of emotion crossing his features. His eyes, dark and unyielding, locked onto James with an unsettling calm.

The first move came from James. With a burst of aggression, he lunged forward, aiming a punch at Johan's face. Johan's reflexes were swift and precise; he sidestepped the blow with minimal effort, his expression unchanged. The crowd gasped, a mix of excitement and anxiety rippling through them. James, undeterred by his miss, threw another punch, this time aiming for Johan's midsection. Johan caught James's wrist effortlessly, twisting it with calculated force. James winced but quickly masked his pain with a growl of anger.

"You think you're tough because you don't feel anything?" James spat, wrenching his hand free and stepping back. "You're nothing but a freak." Johan's silence was his only response. He moved with an eerie grace, every motion deliberate. He advanced on James, his movements smooth and controlled. When James tried to kick, Johan caught his leg and swept his other foot from beneath him, sending James sprawling to the ground.

The crowd erupted in cheers and murmurs. James scrambled to his feet, his arrogance now mingled with a hint of desperation. He charged at Johan with a wild swing. Johan dodged and delivered a quick, precise punch to James's stomach, knocking the wind out of him. James doubled over, gasping for air. Johan stood over him, his face an unchanging mask. He leaned in close, his voice calm and devoid of malice. "Emotions make you predictable," Johan said quietly. "Your anger makes you weak." With that, Johan turned away, the fight clearly over in his mind. The crowd parted to let him pass, whispers following him as he walked away. James lay on the ground, clutching his stomach, his arrogance shattered by the emotionless enigma that was Johan.