The overcast sky mirrored the grim mood as Olza and Johan faced each other in the arena, a silent crowd forming a circle around them. The tension was thick, each boy's past suffering lending a different edge to the impending clash. Olza, with his haunted eyes and thin frame, squared off against Johan, whose emotionless demeanor made him an enigma to everyone.

Johan made the first move, stepping forward with an eerie calm. Olza braced himself, his fists clenching tightly, ready for the onslaught. Johan's fist shot out, a straight jab aimed at Olza's chest. Olza dodged, his reflexes honed from years of surviving in the wild, and countered with a swift punch to Johan's side.

Johan barely flinched, his face remaining a blank mask. He pivoted smoothly, delivering a calculated kick that caught Olza off guard, sending him stumbling back. The crowd murmured, sensing the shift in the fight. Olza recovered quickly, lunging at Johan with a flurry of punches. Johan blocked and deflected each blow with precision, his movements economical and precise.

Olza's frustration grew. He fought with a wild desperation, each punch thrown with the weight of his tragic past. But Johan's cold efficiency was unyielding. He sidestepped Olza's next attack, landing a solid punch to Olza's stomach that knocked the wind out of him.

Gasping, Olza staggered but refused to back down. He swung again, but Johan caught his wrist, twisting it with a firm grip and pulling Olza off balance. With a swift sweep of his leg, Johan sent Olza crashing to the ground.

Johan stood over Olza, his face expressionless. He looked down at Olza, who lay on the ground, struggling to catch his breath, the fight clearly drained out of him. Johan's eyes, devoid of malice, seemed almost to pity the boy beneath him.

The crowd was silent, the outcome clear. Johan had won. He released Olza's wrist and stepped back, offering no words of triumph or disdain. For Johan, it was just another fight, another opponent bested with calculated precision.

Olza lay there, the weight of his defeat heavy on his shoulders. He watched as Johan walked away, the crowd parting for him, their murmurs filling the air. Despite the pain, a flicker of determination sparked in Olza's eyes. He would rise again, as he always had, enduring the hardships that life threw his way.