8-Next Stage

Total of 10 kids was able to defeat at least 2 other kids, and so it was their time to move on to the next stage while the losers have to train more for the next years test, which the empire will again bring over 1000 teenagers to make them fight again.

And so Johan gets ready to go on a joyrney, while walking in the hallway he sees Olza on the other side but doesn't intends to speak with him. Olza too decides to only talk to him after catching up to him.

all 10 kids gets escorted by a carriage which took only 2 days to reach the main city, this time on the way they had plenty to eat. upon arrival, Johan sees even bigger stadium but this time it was filled with folk from everywhere. they were gathered outside the big stadium while in line seemed to be buying tickets to watch a fight thinks Johan.

When he gets to his new room, this time he had his own one, on the hallway Johan could see that this time it was much older kids there almost everyone in their teenage years from 15-22, everyone had different types of weapons gold, silver and even copper armours.