9-New Comrade

Johan had grown accustomed to the constant hum of activity within the massive stadium that served as their city. It was an immense structure, originally built for grand sports events, but now repurposed as a self-contained metropolis after a cataclysm made the outside world inhospitable. Inside its walls, makeshift homes, markets, and communal areas sprawled across the once grassy field and bleachers.

Johan, with his trademark emotionless demeanor, moved through the bustling corridors, his mind focused on his next task. He was known as a reliable courier, navigating the labyrinthine passages of the stadium with ease.

It was during one of these deliveries that he first encountered Adrian. The older teenager was practicing swordsmanship in one of the abandoned locker rooms, repurposed as a training area. Adrian's swordplay was fluid and confident, a stark contrast to Johan's precise and efficient movements.

"Hey there!" Adrian called out, noticing Johan watching him. "Want to spar?"

Johan shook his head. "I'm just passing through."

Adrian sheathed his practice sword and walked over, his face lighting up with a friendly smile. "I'm Adrian. You seem like you know your way around here."

"Johan," he replied curtly. "I do."

Despite Johan's initial coldness, Adrian's persistent friendliness began to wear him down. Adrian, who dreamed of becoming a knight and helping the community, found Johan's calm efficiency intriguing. He invited Johan to join him for training sessions, and over time, Johan accepted.

Adrian's optimism was infectious. He would talk about his ambitions, the history of the stadium city, and his plans to organize a group of defenders to protect the inhabitants from the occasional dangers that arose within their enclosed world.

One evening, as they rested after a particularly intense sparring session, Adrian spoke up. "You know, Johan, you're pretty skilled. Ever thought about joining the defenders?"

Johan shrugged. "I prefer working alone."

Adrian's expression turned serious. "You don't have to. You could make a real difference here, especially with your skills." Johan remained silent, but Adrian's words lingered in his mind

A week later, an announcement echoed through the stadium's PA system. A group of bandits had infiltrated the city, seeking to exploit the residents and take control of the scarce resources. Panic spread, and the defenders quickly mobilized to confront the threat.

Adrian immediately volunteered, and Johan, driven by a newfound sense of duty, followed suit. The bandits had taken over a section of the upper bleachers, using the high ground to their advantage. As the defenders moved in, Johan and Adrian worked together seamlessly, their contrasting styles complementing each other.

Adrian's sword clashed with a bandit's weapon, his moves fluid yet forceful. Johan, moving with eerie calm, disarmed another bandit with a precise strike. They fought side by side, their trust in each other growing with every moment. In the heat of the battle, Adrian was knocked to the ground by a particularly brutal bandit. Johan's eyes flickered with an emotion he rarely showed: concern. Without hesitation, he stepped between Adrian and the bandit, deflecting the attack and delivering a swift counter that incapacitated the assailant.

With the bandits defeated, the defenders secured the area. Adrian, bruised but grateful, looked up at Johan. "Thanks, Johan. I owe you one."Johan extended a hand, helping Adrian to his feet. "We survived" The battle against the bandits solidified Johan and Adrian's bond. They became known as an unbeatable duo within the stadium city, their partnership a symbol of hope and resilience.

Johan, once the emotionless courier, found a purpose in defending their unique home alongside Adrian. The stadium city, with its challenges and dangers, was a place where they both could make a difference. Together, they faced the future, ready to protect their home and build a better life for everyone within its towering walls.