Chapter 6: Breakthrough Mutation

  Night, Konohagakure Village.

  Tonight is a clear night, a nearly full moon, like a silver dinner plate with one edge missing, hangs in the dark and azure night sky.

  The bright moonlight pours down through the gaps in the layers of clouds in the night sky.

  Like a thin layer of veil, it drapes over the tall and short buildings of various colors in the already somewhat silent Konohagakure Village.

  Against the backdrop of the watery moonlight and some faintly visible lights in Konohagakure, this first ninja village in the ninja world shows a different style from the daytime.

  Konohagakure Village, a small ninja clan residence, the clan land of the Kato family, in Kato Mikaze's bedroom.

  A young man with a head full of light blue hair sits cross-legged on the bed. He is wearing light blue, light silk pajamas similar to Hanfu, and is slowly sipping a cup of hot tea.

  The young man had just finished a comfortable hot bath, and his light blue hair was still a little wet.

  It was Kato Mikaze who had been discussing the key points of the spiritual transformation technique with his elder brother Kato Dan in the afternoon.

  At this moment, Kato Mikaze was thinking and summarizing the key points discussed with his elder brother in the afternoon. Combining his own experience in practicing the spiritual transformation technique, he was sorting out and thinking about the specific practice of his own spiritual transformation technique.

  In the past, Kato Mikaze himself summarized that he could not succeed in practicing the spiritual transformation technique. There were probably three specific reasons for his inability to leave his body. Only one of them was that his physical strength was not enough, which had been solved when he added points to the ninja system last time.

  Moreover, in the past two days, Kato Mikaze had adapted well after serious and hard practice. The changes in his body and chakra after the last addition of points, from the three aspects of body, spirit, and chakra alone, Kato Mikaze was no longer an ordinary Konoha Jonin.

  The plug-in ninja system also reserves 100 attribute points, which can help Kato Mikaze learn and study the art of spiritualization. According to previous experience, 50 points are consumed each time, and the experience of learning and studying the art of spiritualization in the system can be used twice.

  The night of Konohagakure is beautiful and quiet tonight. Kato Mikaze has decided that it is time to try to break through the progress of learning the art of spiritualization again. While his elder brother Kato Dan is at home, Kato Mikaze has asked his elder brother Kato Dan to protect him.

  At this time, Kato Dan is in his own home not far from Kato Mikaze's house, practicing the art of spiritualization, sensing Kato Mikaze at any time. If there is any situation, he can come to help at any time. Although he may not be able to help too much, it is better than nothing.

  The art of spiritualization is a difficult secret art of the Kato family in Konohagakure. It involves the soul. The scope of the art is not at the physical level, and it does not need to be practiced in the open training ground outside.

  If the practice is not successful, the environment needs to be quiet, hidden and safe. It is also extremely dangerous to practice. Even if the soul does not leave the body, it is easy to cause the practitioner to die.

  Regarding the death of practitioners of the Spiritualization Technique, the Kato family's thick scroll of secrets passed down from generation to generation, "The Record of Experiences in Practicing the Secret Art of Spiritualization", records it in great detail.

  After the soul leaves the body, some souls fly too far, and the souls are lost in the turbulence of the ninja world and can't find the way back;

  some souls may fly out of the ninja world and can't come back; in the ninja world, flying and traveling, they encounter strange monsters that just restrain the soul, and the soul is killed and can't come back;

  some souls return smoothly after leaving the body, but the soul can't return to their own bodies;

  some unlucky ones, after the soul leaves the body, their bodies are killed and destroyed;

  What's more, the soul can leave the body, the soul can fly and fly through the ninja world, the soul also returns safely, the body is well protected, and the soul returns to its own body, but the body and soul have a rejection reaction...

  These are recorded in the "Record of the Experience of Practicing the Secret Art of Spiritualization". Behind each and every record are the lives of the Kato clan ninjas.

  This is also one of the reasons why the population of the Kato clan ninjas has never increased. Many family ancestors have sacrificed their lives in the art of spiritualization.

  Some people may say that since practicing the art of spiritualization is so dangerous, practitioners may die at any time, and the qualifications required are so high, and the difficulty of practice is ridiculously high, wouldn't it be okay not to practice it?

  How is it possible? This is the Ninja World, a world without peace. The history from the birth of the Ninja World to the present can be said to be a history of cruel wars. There is basically no long period of peace. It is a world where the lives of ordinary people are not guaranteed.

  The art of spiritualization can be said to be the foundation of the Kato clan. It is a precious secret resource left by the ancestors of the family for the younger generations.

  As long as the Kato clan wants to continue to grow and develop in the Ninja World and reach the upper echelons of the Ninja World, as long as the clan members still have the qualifications to practice the art of spiritualization, the Kato clan will not stop practicing the art of spiritualization.

  Even if the spiritual transformation technique cannot be practiced to the level of the soul leaving the body, it can increase mental power, thereby affecting the amount of chakra and control, as well as the ability of perception, and is also a good auxiliary secret technique.

  However, ninjas, especially those who can practice the spiritual transformation technique successfully, are all geniuses, and they are all unwilling to admit defeat. Basically, they all have a fighting spirit to compete with people, the earth, and the sky.

  Having mastered the advanced power of ninjutsu and having the channels to master higher powers, how many people who don't want to reach a higher level and enjoy the scenery at a higher level?


  Kato Mikaze, sitting cross-legged on his bed.

  Both hands are located in front of the abdomen, with the left hand below, the index finger straightened and the thumb erected, and the other fingers gently clenched into a fist, with the palm facing inward and the back of the hand facing outward, forming a pistol shape;

  except for the little finger of the right hand that is straightened, the other four fingers are gently clenched into a fist, with the palm facing down and the back of the hand facing up; the left thumb and the right little finger are crossed and combined.

  Make the seal of the rabbit. The chakra in the body first gathers from the acupuncture points in the body, and then begins to flow along the acupuncture meridian lines recorded in the secret art of spiritualization, all the way to the depths of the brain.

  The impact and flushing stimulate Kato Mikaze's spiritual world, wanting to materialize his soul, wanting to rush out from the Baihui acupoint on the top of his head.

  Deep in Kato Mikaze's spiritual world, in the subconscious of his soul.

  Kato Mikaze called out his plug-in.

  Ninja system

  Name: Kato Mikaze

  ... (Omitted, the detailed attributes here have not changed from the original, so they are directly omitted)

  Remaining attribute points: 100

  "System, study and research the art of spiritualization."

  "The art of spiritualization is a high-level secret art. Do you want to consume 50 attribute points for a study? Are you sure?"


  It took a moment, or it could be a long time.

  Kato Mikaze felt that he had entered a wonderful state, somewhat similar to a state of flow in his previous life.

  In his mind, there were various key points about the practice of the art of spiritualization, including various experiences in the "Record of Experiences in the Practice of the Secret Art of Spiritualization" secretly passed down by the Kato clan;

  there were experiences in the practice of the art of spiritualization discussed with his elder brother; and more were his own experiences in practicing the art of spiritualization over the years;

  one by one, they flashed through his mind quickly, some of which were like flashes of memory fragments.

  Kato Mikaze felt that his spirit was becoming more and more full. In a dark space, his spiritual body or soul became larger and larger.

  But he felt as if he was getting lighter and lighter, rising higher and higher, faster and faster, until he encountered a diaphragm like an air wall above.

  He impacted again and again, as if he was going to merge from Kato Mikaze's soul clone into the shadow body. He was stuck at this step, but this time was obviously different from the past. After the last ninja system's physical strength was added, Kato Mikaze felt that his spiritual body was larger than before, and the feeling of impacting the diaphragm was more powerful.

  He didn't know how long it had been, but finally, Kato Mikaze seemed to hear the sound of something breaking.

  At this moment, Kato Mikaze's spirit or soul was still in that confined space, but he clearly felt that the invisible membrane that prevented his spirit or soul from flying out was gone.

  His own body was also providing chakra continuously.

  Kato Mikaze felt that he could leave his body at any time and then completely cultivate the art of spiritualization.

  At the moment when Kato Mikaze used the art of spiritualization and prepared to leave his body, Kato Mikaze's soul inexplicably felt that there were dangerous things outside peeping, and this peeping gaze was not so friendly.

  Kato Mikaze wanted to stop the art of spiritualization and interrupt the soul from leaving his body, but now it was beyond Kato Mikaze's control.

  At the same time, Kato Mikaze's plug-in, the ninja system, started up for the first time without Kato Mikaze calling it.


  Next door, Kato Dan, who had been paying attention to Kato Mikaze's practice of the art of spiritualization, instantly sensed a soul force appearing in Kato Mikaze's room.

  Kato Dan thought that Kato Mikaze, who was practicing the art of spiritualization, had already left his body.

  This must be the critical period for Kato Mikaze's practice. He also instantly formed a seal and performed the art of spiritualization. His soul instantly came to Kato Mikaze's room.