Chapter 7: The Art of Raising Souls (Part 1)

  In his last life, Kato Mikaze had a hangover, and when he woke up, he found that he had traveled directly to the world of Naruto as a baby. It can be said that he had never experienced death in person.

  In this life, Kato Mikaze was closest to death in this life, the death of his parents. His father was injured in the battlefield and never came back. His mother also died of depression because of the war.

  There was also the death of his close teammate Kikukawa Daichi after he became a ninja, as well as the death of other teammates or other Konoha ninjas in the future.

  The death of these close or unfamiliar people had a certain impact on Kato Mikaze, until Kato Mikaze became a ninja for more years.

  With more and more experience, more and more proficiency, and stronger abilities, he encountered more and more dangerous and critical situations, and he looked at death less and less.

  Even Kato Mikaze himself felt that he was a little numb to death. He sometimes thought that if one day he faced death directly, he, Kato Mikaze, would definitely face it with a smile.

  But now, who can tell Kato Mikaze that he can face death with a smile? Kato Mikaze can spit in his face.

  Just when Kato Mikaze was practicing the secret technique of the Kato clan, the spiritual transformation technique, and was about to successfully leave his soul.

  The subconscious deep in Kato Mikaze's soul told him that he couldn't go out, and couldn't leave his soul.

  There was a great terror outside, and he would definitely die if he went out. The real death would erase his existence from the soul level.

  Whether it was the ordinary worker in the previous life or the Konoha ninja Kato Mikaze in this life, they would be annihilated and disappear completely.

  Kato Mikaze's current soul strength is not enough to face the great terror outside.

  At this moment, Kato Mikaze, facing his own imminent death, had never felt that life was so fragile in his understanding of death.

  It turns out that life can be so fragile, as if it can be broken at once...

  At the same time, Kato Mikaze's plug-in, the ninja system, started up by itself for the first time without Kato Mikaze calling.

  "Warning! Warning!…"

  "It has been passively detected that the soul of the host Kato Mikaze is about to leave his body. The ninja system of this system is deeply bound to the host's soul and does not belong to the ninja world."

  "At present, the host's soul is not strong enough, and it cannot hide the system itself well. It will be detected and thus rejected and annihilated."

  "Passive analysis reason: The host actively practices the Kato clan's secret technique of spiritualization. It is the effect of the secret technique of spiritualization. He is about to reach the state of soul leaving the body…"

  "The host's soul leaves the body, the host's soul is annihilated, and the system is annihilated…"

  "The host's soul leaves the body, the host's soul is annihilated, and the system is annihilated…"

  "The host's soul leaves the body, the host's soul is annihilated, and the system is annihilated…"


  "Out of the underlying logic of protecting the host's soul and protecting the secrets of this system, the emergency plan is activated…"

  "Activate the emergency plan…"

  "Activate the emergency plan…"

  "Activate the emergency plan…"


  "The emergency plan is activated successfully, consuming all remaining attribute points, consuming part of the host's soul power, and consuming part of the original power of this system. The secret technique of spiritualization is urgently deduced and evolved."

  "Deduction goal: prevent the host's soul from being annihilated and the system from being annihilated"





  "Deducing success."

  "The art of spiritualization has evolved into the art of nurturing souls."

  "Emergency start-up successful. This emergency start-up consumes part of the system's source power."

  "Warning! Warning!... The system's source power is insufficient. No more emergency starts are allowed before the source power is restored."


  At the same time.

  In Kato Mikaze's spiritual world, Kato Mikaze felt that his soul body was divided into two.

  A part of the soul body completely lost the feeling of being light, infinitely expanding, and wanting to fly out. Instead, it became more condensed and refined than before.

  Although it is in a transparent soul body state, it no longer looks like the rootless duckweed that can be blown away by a slightly stronger wind. Instead, it gives people a feeling of being heavier and more stable.

  This part of the soul body and Kato Mikaze's spiritual world or soul space are becoming more and more in line and integrated. 

  The face of the soul body also looks more like Kato Mikaze himself. The soul body before was as blurry as looking through a muddy lake with sand flowing all over it. Now it is much clearer than before, looking through the same muddy but less muddy lake.

  Especially deep in the center of the brow of the soul body, which corresponds to the position of the pineal gland in the human body, there is something like a nebula in the universe.

  It seems very small and infinitely large, rotating slowly counterclockwise, and can be vaguely seen through the brow of the soul body. Another part of the soul body seems to have become lighter, infinitely large and infinitely small, and the upward force is stronger than before the split.

  This part of the soul body flew upward, as if it was quickly shuttling through a long rubber water pipe with the outlet facing upward;

  the surroundings were extremely dark, but also shining brightly; there seemed to be nothing around, but there were many things pressing and squeezing itself;

  it expanded infinitely and flew upward, flying for a long time, or a moment.

  It broke through a circular shining opening, and then the vision became bright.

  Kato Mikaze felt light and floating in front of his body.

  His body was still in the seal of Mao, wearing the light blue silk pajamas similar to Hanfu, and sitting cross-legged on the bed in his bedroom.

  He carefully felt his own body, and there was another soul body, showing the same movements as the physical body.

  After a closer feeling, the physical body opened its eyes, and at that moment, Kato Mikaze's consciousness and perspective were divided into two.

  One was the perspective of the physical body, the hand seal had been untied, and his hands were placed on his knees.

  His handsome sword eyebrows were slightly wrinkled at this time, and between his eyebrows, there was a trace of relief for surviving the disaster, and a trace of doubt.

  A pair of eyes stared at his soul body floating in front of him in doubt.

  The soul body also looked at himself in front of him and observed the surrounding environment. The perspective of the soul body was more dim than that of the physical body, but it looked like his soul body was shining, and the soul body in his flesh was also shining.

  The field of vision was not very wide, and the area that could be clearly seen was about the size of his bedroom. There seemed to be a wisp of mist in the distance, and the whole vision was filled with a sense of mystery.

  Through the mist of the soul's vision, looking at the family lands around, I could vaguely perceive various glowing souls. Some souls had very strong brightness, while others had relatively weak brightness. Some were active, while others were more immersed.

  I tried to increase the sensitivity, and the physical body increased the output of chakra mental power or soul power. The sensing range seemed to expand all of a sudden.

  From my home to the lands of other families next to me, it expanded to the entire street, to the entire community, and continued to expand to the entire Hidden Leaf Village, and countless soul lights lit up at the same time.

  When Kato Mikaze's soul light swept through the souls in the entire Hidden Leaf Village, most of the souls did not react, but there were dozens of souls who noticed it, and several were ready to make specific responses.

  Then the soul's vision continued to expand, starting from Konoha Village and passing through forests, as if it could expand infinitely to the distance.

  Kato Mikaze's body was not idle either, and he even stood up and poked the soul in front of him with his finger. At first, it went straight through, as if there was nothing there.

  Feeling the control carefully again, it seemed to turn into jelly again. It felt very comfortable to touch, a little cool and smooth.

  Kato Mikaze was curious, so he poked, pinched, and inserted his fingers there. Even the soul body in the middle felt uncomfortable being inserted, and came back to his senses from the state of sensing other soul bodies, staring at him with contempt.

  "!!! Hey! What kind of eyes are you looking at? You actually despise me. Do I despise myself? Are you kidding me?"

  "..." The soul body continued to look at the fingers pinching its chest muscles with contempt. No words.

  Kato Mikaze was about to continue speaking when he sensed the information from the soul body that there was a soul body next door, approaching here quickly.

  Kato Mikaze reacted and realized that it should be his elder brother Kato Dan, who was always looking after him at his request. Sensing the situation on his side, he used the spirit transformation technique and flew over to see the situation.

  Kato Mikaze quickly controlled his physical body, returned to his bed, crossed his legs, and made the seal of the rabbit with both hands.

  The soul body floating in front of him quickly narrowed his soul vision and quietly looked in the direction of Kato Dan, waiting for his big brother Kato Dan.