I hate that woman

I woke up to the sweet sound of my little sister's voice calling out to me. Before I could even open my eyes, I felt a small weight on my bed.

"Big sis, you're going to be late to work!" Lily's voice was filled with the kind of joy only a six-year-old could have.

I smiled as I opened my eyes to see her beaming face. Her black hair was a tangled mess from sleep, and her eyes sparkled with mischief. Her chubby cheeks were flushed with excitement, and she wore her favorite pink pajamas, adorned with little unicorns. "Good morning, Lily," I said, my voice still groggy. "Why are you up so early?"

She giggled and bounced on the bed, her energy boundless. "Mommy said you would be late if I didn't wake you up! And you have to look pretty for work!"

I groaned but couldn't help but laugh. "Alright, alright. I'm up." I ruffled her hair, making it even messier. She giggled again and jumped off the bed, dashing out of the room, probably to share her success with Mom.

I noticed her tiny slippers were on the wrong feet, and her path left a trail of toys and clothes she'd scattered about in her usual morning chaos.

I quickly got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. I undressed and brushed my teeth while stepping into the shower. The warm water cascaded over me, waking me up fully. I lathered up, rinsing away the last remnants of sleep, and quickly washed my hair, enjoying the brief moment of solitude and the invigorating feel of the water.

Once I was done, I stepped out and wrapped a towel around myself. I made my way to the wardrobe, but when I opened it, I froze. Instead of my usual large, comfortable clothes, I found a selection of form-fitting, too much for me.

"Mom! Where did all my clothes go?" I called out in exasperation.

Her voice came from the kitchen, cheerful and unbothered. "You're 26, Aeliana. It's time for you to find someone! Now hurry, or you're going to be late for work."

I groaned again. "But Mom, these clothes are so... sexy." I sifted through the options, finally settling on a black skirt that hugged my curves a little too perfectly and a fitted white blouse. The skirt was shorter than I was used to, accentuating my long, toned legs.

The blouse clung to my slender frame, highlighting my waist and hinting at the shape of my breasts. I looked at myself in the mirror, my black hair falling in soft waves around my shoulders. I decided to style it simply, pinning back a few strands to keep it out of my face.

I took a deep breath and stepped out of my room. My parents were in the kitchen, my mom bustling around with a smile on her face. "Bye, Mom. Bye, Dad," I said quickly, trying to make a hasty exit.

"You look absolutely beautiful, Aeliana," my mom teased. "Someone at work is going to be very lucky today."

I blushed and rolled my eyes. "I doubt that. See you later." I rushed out the door before they could say anything else.

Outside, I approached my car. It was a simple, no-frills vehicle, far from fancy but reliable. I got inside and took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves before starting the engine.

As I drove, my mind wandered. Being 26 and still living with my parents who constantly pushed me to find love was both amusing and frustrating. They meant well, but it wasn't as easy as they made it sound.

I reached the border between the human and demon territories. The guard at the checkpoint smiled as I pulled up. "Good morning, Aeliana. Have a good day at work, and might I say, you look gorgeous today."

"Thank you," I said, blushing again. "You too."

I continued my drive, eventually parking in front of Leora's castle. The former Demon Queen's residence was grand and imposing, but I had grown used to it. Inside, the servants greeted me warmly.

"Aeliana, did you eat well this morning?" one asked.

"You look very hot today," another teased. "Here to flirt with someone special?"

I laughed and shook my head. "You guys are incorrigible. I'm just here to work."

I made my way to Leora's office and knocked on the door. "Come in," her voice called.

I entered to find Leora already working at her desk. She looked up and smiled brightly. "Good morning, Aeliana. You look lovely today."

"Thank you, Leora," I said, feeling the warmth of her compliment.

"Have some food, you look like you need it. Let's start working now." She gestured to a tray of croissants and a pot of coffee.

I grabbed a croissant and poured myself some coffee, feeling grateful. "So, what's on the agenda today?"

"We need to organize the cooking lessons for my students," Leora said, sorting through some papers. "And don't forget, we have that big event coming up soon."

"Right," I said, taking a bite of my croissant. "I'll start arranging the documents for the cooking lessons."

We worked in companionable silence for a while, the only sounds being the rustling of papers and the occasional sip of coffee. I was deep in thought, organizing the lesson plans, when the door suddenly burst open.

I turned to see Ciara standing there. She looked as stunning as ever with her white hair and red eyes that seemed to pierce right through you. Her black pants and white shirt were impeccably tailored to show off her perfect figure, and the black horns on her forehead added an exotic touch to her already striking appearance.

Ciara's gaze immediately zeroed in on me, her eyes lingering on my body, especially my butt. I could feel her eyes roaming over me, and it made my skin crawl.

She always had this way of making me feel uncomfortable, like I was some object for her amusement. Her red eyes, sharp and unyielding, seemed to hold a perpetual sneer, a constant reminder of her superiority complex.

She stood there with an air of arrogance, her perfectly manicured nails tapping rhythmically on the desk beside her.

Her flawless skin, like porcelain, only served to heighten the illusion of her cold, unapproachable demeanor. I hated the way she always seemed so composed, so in control, as if nothing in the world could ever ruffle her feathers.

Her presence was suffocating. Every time she was near, it felt like she was silently looking at me.

Her smirk, barely noticeable to anyone else, was enough to set my teeth on edge. I despised the way she carried herself, the effortless grace that seemed to mock my every move.

Ciara was everything I wasn't and everything I didn't want to be. Her confidence felt like a weapon, wielded against those she deemed inferior. I hated that woman with a passion that burned deep inside me, a flame that flickered every time our paths crossed.

"I hate that woman," I thought to myself.

Leora cleared her throat, breaking the tension. "Ciara, here is your work."