Questioning prisoner

Leora leaned back in her chair, her eyes fixed on me with that all-knowing gaze. "Ciara, I need you to go to the dungeon. There are some traitorous demons we need information from," she said calmly, handing me a sealed scroll with the details.

I rolled my eyes. "Sure, whatever. Anything else?"

Leora's eyes flicked to Aeliana, who was standing to the side, arranging some documents. "Aeliana, I need you to accompany Ciara. Make sure she doesn't kill the prisoners," she said with a sigh.

Aeliana looked a bit disappointed, her shoulders slumping slightly. She caught my eye, and I gave her a wicked grin. This was going to be fun.

"Really, Grandmother? You need her to babysit me?" I drawled, enjoying the slight twitch of annoyance that crossed Aeliana's face.

Leora's voice was firm. "Yes, Ciara. And Aeliana, keep an eye on her."

I chuckled as we left the office, the door closing behind us. The hallway was dimly lit, the flickering torches casting eerie shadows on the stone walls. I turned to Aeliana, letting my eyes roam over her. She was looking particularly hot today in that tight skirt. "So, Aeliana, how about we make this dungeon visit a bit more interesting?" I said, my voice dripping with innuendo.

Aeliana's response was sharp. "I have no time for your games, Ciara. Let's just get this over with."

I smirked, enjoying her cold demeanor. "Suit yourself. But if you change your mind, you know where to find me."

As we descended into the dungeon, the air grew colder and damper. The darkness pressed in around us, the only light coming from the occasional torch mounted on the walls. The smell of mold and decay was thick, and the distant sounds of groaning and chains rattling added to the oppressive atmosphere.

Aeliana stumbled on a loose stone, and I reached out instinctively to catch her. But before I could touch her, she straightened herself and started to hover a few inches off the ground, her magic light wings unfurling slightly. "Don't touch me," she said icily.

I hid my chuckle behind a cough, finding her icy attitude amusing. We reached the heavy iron door leading to the inner dungeon, and two guards stood at attention. They straightened as we approached, their eyes wary.

"We're here to interrogate the prisoners," Aeliana said. The guards nodded and stepped aside, unlocking the door and pushing it open. The creak of the hinges echoed through the corridor.

The dungeon was a dark, dank place, with cells lining the walls, each one containing a demon in various states of despair. The air was thick with the stench of sweat and blood. The prisoners were chained to the walls, their eyes hollow and filled with fear.

"Lovely place, isn't it?" I said sarcastically, enjoying the way Aeliana's nose wrinkled in disgust. We approached the first cell, where a demon with dark, matted hair and numerous scars on his body glared at us.

I stepped forward, cracking my knuckles. "Alright, scum. We need information, and you're going to give it to us. Make this easy on yourself."

The demon spat at my feet. "Go to hell."

I grinned, a cruel, cold smile. "Already there." I grabbed the front of his shirt and slammed him against the wall, my fists a blur as I pummeled him. "Talk!" I demanded, each punch punctuating my words.

Aeliana stood back, her arms crossed, watching with a mixture of disapproval and resignation. She knew better than to intervene.

The demon coughed, blood trickling from his mouth. "I don't know anything," he gasped.

I grabbed his hair, yanking his head back. "Wrong answer." I drove my knee into his gut, doubling him over in pain. "We can do this all day, or you can start talking."

The demon groaned, his resolve beginning to crack. "Alright, alright. I'll talk."

I released him, stepping back. "That's more like it. Now, tell me everything you know about the traitors."

He coughed again, struggling to speak. "They're planning an attack... in the northern territories. They've got a base... in the old ruins. That's all I know, I swear."

I narrowed my eyes, assessing the truth in his words. Deciding he had given us what we needed, I stepped back. "See? That wasn't so hard, was it?" I turned to Aeliana. "It's finished now."

She looked at me, her expression unreadable. "Let's get out of here."

We left the dungeon, the heavy door clanging shut behind us. As we walked back up the stairs, I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. I had gotten the information we needed, and I had managed to get under Aeliana's skin in the process. Not a bad day's work.

"Maybe next time, you'll be a bit more open to my advances," I said with a smirk.

Aeliana shot me a withering look. "In your dreams, Ciara."

I laughed, enjoying the challenge she presented. "We'll see, Aeliana. We'll see."

We made our way back to Leora's office, the tension between us palpable. Aeliana walked a few paces ahead, her magic light wings still partially unfurled, as if she couldn't bear to be near me. I couldn't help but admire the graceful way she moved, even when she was furious.

When we reached the office, I pushed the door open without knocking, as usual. Leora looked up from her desk, her eyes sharp as she took in our expressions. "What did you find out?"

I tossed the scroll onto her desk. "They're planning an attack in the northern territories. Their base is in the old ruins."

Leora nodded, her expression thoughtful. "Good work. And the prisoners?"

I shrugged. "One of them talked after some persuasion."

Aeliana crossed her arms, giving Leora a meaningful look. "Ciara was... effective, as usual."

Leora sighed, rubbing her temples. "Thank you, Aeliana. You may go now, Ciara."

I smirked, turning to leave. "Always a pleasure, Grandmother."

As I walked out, I glanced back at Aeliana, who was already engrossed in her work. She was a tough nut to crack, but I enjoyed the challenge. With a final grin, I closed the door behind me, leaving them to their tasks.