Sergeant Hotstuff

After Ciara left the office, Leora turned to me, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "What do you think of Ciara, Aeliana?" she asked, leaning back in her chair.

I couldn't help but chuckle. "Ciara? She's a heartbreaker. She probably has had a hundred one-night stands by now. I think she thrives on breaking hearts and leaving chaos in her wake."

Leora laughed, a rich, warm sound that filled the room. "She is my granddaughter, after all. But you're right, it is quite amusing."

I watched Leora, a mixture of curiosity and bewilderment swirling inside me. How could someone as kind and wise as Leora have a granddaughter like Ciara? The woman was a tempest, all fierce eyes and sharp edges. I couldn't deny her beauty – she was striking, with her white hair and piercing gaze – but that only made her more dangerous. It was like admiring the lethal grace of a predator, knowing full well that any moment could bring an attack.

"Amusing," I repeated, shaking my head. "I guess that's one way to look at it."

Leora's smile softened, a trace of nostalgia flickering in her eyes. "Ciara has always been wild, even as a child. She has a spirit that's hard to tame, and a heart that fears being caught."

I bit my lip, unsure how much to say. I didn't want to seem disrespectful, but I couldn't ignore the knot of irritation tightening in my chest. "It's just… she's so reckless. And selfish. She doesn't seem to care about anyone but herself."

Leora tilted her head, studying me with those perceptive eyes of hers. "I can see why you'd feel that way. But everyone has their burdens, their reasons for the way they are. Ciara's had a tough life."

I frowned, thinking about the countless times Ciara had waltzed into a room, commanding attention and leaving devastation in her wake. "I guess I just don't understand her. Or maybe I don't want to."

Leora's laughter was softer this time, almost melancholic. "Understanding someone like Ciara takes time and patience, Aeliana. She's like a storm – unpredictable and often destructive, but there's a beauty in her chaos if you know where to look."

I sighed, feeling a mix of frustration and resignation. "I'll take your word for it. But it's hard to see that beauty when she's constantly causing trouble."

Leora reached out, placing a comforting hand on my arm. " Sometimes the people who seem the most unlovable are the ones who need love the most."

I nodded, though I wasn't entirely convinced. Ciara was a force of nature, and I was just trying to keep my own head above water. But maybe, just maybe, Leora was right. Maybe there was something more to Ciara than the whirlwind of chaos and charm she projected.

Our conversation was interrupted by the sound of the office door opening again. Zephara, Leora's wife, entered. Seeing her was always a bit startling. Ciara looked almost like a clone of Zephara: white hair, red eyes, and those same black horns.

It was as if Ciara was a younger, more chaotic copy of Zephara. The only differences were the lines of age and wisdom on Zephara's face and the deep love she shared with Leora, a love that shone in her eyes.

Zephara smiled warmly at me. "Hello, Aeliana," she said before moving to Leora's side. The two shared a heated kiss, the kind that made me blush and look away.

Leora broke the kiss and glanced at me with a smile. "You can take a break, Aeliana."

I didn't need to be told twice. I knew how quickly things could escalate between those two. With a chuckle, I slipped out of the office, closing the door behind me.

Now on my break, I knew exactly where I wanted to go: the demon training arena. There was something about watching the demons train that was both fascinating and oddly relaxing. The arena was a massive, open-air structure surrounded by high walls.

The floor was packed dirt, worn smooth by years of intense training. Torches lined the walls, casting flickering light over the various training equipment scattered around: racks of weapons, wooden dummies, and various obstacles for agility drills.

As I approached, the sounds of grunts and clashing metal filled the air. The demons were in the midst of their training exercises, moving with a mix of grace and raw power. But what really caught my eye was Sergeant Nathaniel.

He was a striking figure, a half-demon, half-human with a physique that was both powerful and lean. His skin was a warm tan, contrasting with his dark hair that fell in loose waves around his sharp features.

His eyes were a piercing blue, a rare color among demons, and they seemed to sparkle with a mischievous light. He had a pair of small, black horns peeking through his hair, and a faint, almost unnoticeable pattern of scales ran along his arms, hinting at his demon heritage.

Nathaniel was in the midst of a sparring match, his movements fluid and precise. He wore a sleeveless tunic and leather pants that clung to his muscular legs, allowing full range of motion. His strength and skill were evident with every strike and parry, and I couldn't help but be mesmerized by the sight.

As the soldiers noticed me, they paused in their training and came over to chat. "Hey, Aeliana! Nice to see you," one of them called out, wiping sweat from his brow.

I smiled, waving back. "Hey, everyone. How's training going?"

"Grueling as usual," another soldier replied with a grin. "But seeing you here makes it a bit more bearable."

I laughed, shaking my head. "Flattery will get you nowhere, you know."

One of the older soldiers chuckled. "We're just glad to have a pretty face to distract us from Nathaniel's harsh drills."

Nathaniel, overhearing this, turned and walked over, a playful smirk on his lips. "You guys better not be slacking off because Aeliana's here," he said, his voice deep and commanding, yet friendly.

"Wouldn't dream of it, Sergeant," one of them said, mock saluting.

The soldiers soon returned to their training, and I continued to watch, my eyes drawn back to Nathaniel. He was instructing a group on their sword techniques, his movements a blend of power and elegance. He caught my eye once or twice, flashing me a smile that made my heart skip a beat.

As I stood there, lost in the rhythm of the training, I suddenly felt a presence close to my ear. "Looks like someone is in love," a familiar voice whispered.

I jumped slightly, turning to see Ciara standing there, a mischievous grin on her face. She had her arms crossed, and her red eyes sparkled with amusement.

I scowled, trying to hide my embarrassment. "What are you doing here, Ciara?"

She shrugged, still grinning. "Just enjoying my break. And watching you drool over Sergeant Hotstuff here. Quite entertaining, really."

I glared at her, my cheeks flushing. "I'm not drooling over anyone. I'm just... watching."

Ciara chuckled, clearly enjoying my discomfort. "Sure, whatever you say, Aeliana. But you'd better wipe that look off your face before Nathaniel notices."

I shot her a withering look, which only made her laugh harder. Despite my irritation, I couldn't help but feel a bit of grudging admiration for her audacity. She was infuriating, but there was something about her that was undeniably captivating.