Lunch with Nathaniel

Sitting in the meeting room, I could feel the weight of boredom pressing down on me. The room itself was grand and imposing, meant to reflect the importance of the decisions made within its walls. High, vaulted ceilings stretched above us, adorned with intricate carvings of demonic symbols and legends.

Dark wooden panels covered the walls, each one polished to a high shine, reflecting the flickering light of the chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. A long, heavy table dominated the center of the room, surrounded by high-backed chairs that creaked ominously whenever anyone shifted their weight.

The whole place had a suffocating, old-world grandeur that made me feel small and insignificant.

Despite the room's intended grandeur, I found the meeting painfully dull. Leora, with her usual stern expression, was leading the discussion about the recent surge of rogue demons. The death of the notorious demon killer had left a power vacuum, and chaos was starting to seep into the cracks. Captains and commanders took turns voicing their opinions, each one more self-important than the last.

"We need to increase patrols in the outer regions," one captain declared, his voice booming through the room. "The rogue demons are taking advantage of our lack of presence there."

Another captain, a woman with a severe bun and an even more severe expression, shook her head. "No, we should focus on reinforcing the borders of our main cities. If we lose control there, we'll lose everything."

I stifled a yawn, trying to appear interested. The truth was, these meetings were always the same—endless debates with no clear solutions. I couldn't help but let my mind wander, my eyes occasionally drifting to Nathaniel, who was sitting a few seats away.

Instead of paying attention to the discussion, he was looking at me, a faint smile playing on his lips. It was both flattering and annoying. Couldn't he see this was important, even if it was boring?

Leora's voice cut through my thoughts. "Aeliana, what do you think? Should we focus on patrols or city defenses?"

I snapped to attention, clearing my throat. "I think a balanced approach might be best. We need to ensure our cities are secure, but we can't ignore the rogue demons in the outer regions. If we let them gather strength, they'll become a bigger threat."

There were nods around the table, and Leora gave me a small, approving nod. At least I had said something that made sense. The discussion continued, but my mind kept wandering.

I couldn't help but think about how much more useful I could be in the field, actually doing something about the rogue demons, instead of sitting here listening to people talk.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Leora wrapped up the meeting. "Thank you all for your input. We'll reconvene tomorrow to finalize our plans. Aeliana, you can go ahead and have lunch. I'll be tied up here for a while longer."

I stood up, grateful for the chance to escape. "Thank you, Leora. I'll see you later." 

As I stepped outside, the fresh air was a welcome relief from the stuffy meeting room. I sighed heavily, feeling the tension ease from my shoulders. 

"Aeliana!" a voice called out, and I turned to see Nathaniel approaching, a bright smile on his face. "Want to grab some lunch together?"

I hesitated for a moment, considering my options. Despite his annoying habit of staring at me during the meeting, Nathaniel was good company. "Sure, why not?" I replied, forcing a smile.

We walked to a nearby restaurant, a quaint little place with a cozy, inviting atmosphere. The smell of freshly baked bread and savory dishes filled the air as we entered. The walls were adorned with charming paintings of countryside scenes, and soft music played in the background. We were seated at a small table by the window, giving us a view of the bustling street outside.

Nathaniel picked up a menu, glancing over it with a thoughtful expression. "Everything here looks good. Any recommendations?"

I scanned the menu, my mouth watering at the descriptions. "The grilled chicken sandwich is really good. And their soup of the day is usually worth trying."

He nodded, setting the menu down. "Sounds perfect. So, how are you holding up after that meeting? You looked like you were about to fall asleep."

I couldn't help but laugh. "It was pretty dull, wasn't it? I know it's important, but I feel like we go around in circles most of the time."

"Tell me about it," Nathaniel agreed. "Sometimes I think they'd be better off just letting us handle things out in the field."

The waiter came to take our order, and we both opted for the grilled chicken sandwich and a bowl of the soup of the day. As we waited for our food, Nathaniel leaned back in his chair, giving me a curious look. "So, Aeliana, what's your story? How did you end up working for Leora?"

I shrugged, not really in the mood to delve into my life story. "It's a long story. Let's just say I wanted to make a difference, and working for Leora seemed like the best way to do that."

Nathaniel nodded, seeming to accept my vague answer. "Makes sense. I've always admired how dedicated you are. You're really making a difference."

I rolled my eyes, though I couldn't help but feel a little flattered. "Well, thanks. I just try to do my job the best I can."

Our food arrived, and we dug in, the delicious flavors momentarily distracting us from the conversation. The chicken was perfectly grilled, juicy and tender, and the soup was rich and flavorful. I couldn't help but savor every bite.

"So," Nathaniel said between mouthfuls, "do you have any plans for after work? Maybe we could hang out, get to know each other better."

I raised an eyebrow, smirking slightly. "Are you asking me out, Nathaniel?"

He chuckled, not missing a beat. "Maybe I am. What do you think?"

I considered it for a moment. Nathaniel was charming, he was genuinely nice. "I'll think about it," I said finally, giving him a teasing smile.

We finished our lunch, the conversation flowing easily between us. Nathaniel had a way of making even the most mundane topics interesting, and I found myself enjoying his company more than I expected. As we left the restaurant and walked back to the castle, the sun was shining, casting a warm glow over everything.

When we reached the castle gates, Nathaniel turned to me, a playful glint in his eye. "Thanks for joining me for lunch, Aeliana. We should do it again sometime."

"Maybe," I replied, still teasing. "We'll see how things go."

He leaned in, pressing a quick kiss to my cheek. "I'll hold you to that," he said with a grin before turning and heading back to his duties.

I watched him go, a mixture of amusement and uncertainty swirling in my mind. Nathaniel was definitely a charmer, but I couldn't shake Leora's warning from my thoughts. As much as I enjoyed his company, I needed to be careful.

As I watched Nathaniel walk away, I couldn't help but smile brightly. Maybe I did have a little crush on him. His charm and easy-going nature were hard to resist, even if Leora's warning echoed in the back of my mind. It felt nice to be appreciated, and for a moment, I allowed myself to bask in that warm, fuzzy feeling.

I turned, heading towards the hallway that led to my quarters, my thoughts drifting back to the pleasant lunch we had shared. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to spend more time with Nathaniel, to get to know him better. After all, everyone deserved a chance, right?

Suddenly, a loud crash echoed through the corridor, snapping me out of my daydream. My smile faded as I hurried towards the source of the noise, my heart pounding with alarm. What on earth had just broken?