Send a car to Aeliana

I teleported back to my castle, the familiar surroundings snapping into place around me. The hallway was dimly lit, and a couple of servants jumped at my sudden appearance. I couldn't help but smirk at their startled expressions. Pathetic.

"Lady Elena is waiting for you in the meeting room," one of the braver servants said, stepping forward. He had a nervous twitch in his eye.

"Elena? Seriously?" I rolled my eyes. "Why the fuck is she still here? I thought I made it clear that last time was just a bit of fun."

"She... uh, she seems to think it was more than that, Lady Ciara," he stammered, clearly uncomfortable.

"Well, that's her problem, not mine," I snapped. "I'm not dealing with her drama tonight."

"But Lady Ciara," the servant persisted, his voice shaking slightly, "she's been waiting for hours. Maybe you could just talk to her for a minute?"

I glared at him, feeling my temper flare. "Do I look like I care? If she can't take a hint, that's her issue. Not mine. Now get out of my way."

The servant opened his mouth to protest, but I cut him off with a sharp gesture. "I said, get out of my way."

He stepped aside quickly, and I marched past him, making my way to my room. The door slammed shut behind me with a satisfying thud. I headed straight for the bathroom, feeling the tension from the day's events start to ebb away as I turned on the hot water. Steam filled the room, and I stripped off my clothes, stepping into the scalding shower.

As the water pounded against my skin, I couldn't help but think about Aeliana. That woman was infuriatingly intriguing. So different from the others I usually messed around with. I wondered what it would be like to have her, even if just for one night. She'd probably put up a hell of a fight. And that thought made me smile.

I spent a long time in the shower, letting the hot water wash away the grime and tension. When I finally emerged, I wrapped a towel around myself and walked into my bedroom, only to stop dead in my tracks.

There was Elena, sprawled out on my bed, half-naked and looking every bit the desperate fool she was. Her long blonde hair was fanned out on the pillows, and she wore a flimsy piece of lace that barely covered anything.

Her eyes, which once sparkled with a hint of mystery, now stared at me with a dull, expectant glaze, as if she anticipated my sympathy or desire. The room reeked of cheap perfume, a sickly sweet scent that only added to my growing nausea.

She was always trying too hard, always reaching for attention in the most pathetic ways possible. The makeup caked on her face was smudged, giving her an almost clownish appearance, and her lipstick, now smeared across her cheek, made her look like a parody of seduction.

Elena was the kind of woman who thrived on the chaos she created, reveling in the drama and turmoil. She had a knack for making everything about her, twisting every situation to feed her insatiable need for validation.

I could see the desperation in her eyes, the silent plea for me to acknowledge her presence, to give her the attention she so desperately craved. But all I felt was a profound sense of disgust. It wasn't just her appearance that repelled me; it was everything she represented.

The emptiness of her life, the hollow pursuit of shallow thrills, the endless cycle of self-destruction. She was a walking reminder of everything I wanted to avoid, a living, breathing embodiment of the very worst aspects of human nature.

As I stood there, looking down at her, I couldn't help but feel a wave of pity mingled with my revulsion. It was sad, really, how someone could fall so low, lose so much of their dignity, and yet still think they had something to offer.

"Ciara, I've been waiting for you," she purred, trying to sound seductive but coming off as needy.

"Get the fuck out," I said bluntly.

Her eyes widened, and she pouted. "But I thought we had something special."

"Special?" I scoffed. "We had a one-night stand. That's it. Now get out before I throw you out."

"Ciara, please," she pleaded, sitting up and letting the lace slip further. "I know you felt something."

"What I felt," I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm, "was a momentary lapse in judgment. Now, I'm done with you. Leave."

Tears welled up in her eyes, but I was beyond caring. She grabbed her clothes, holding them against her chest as she stumbled out of the room, sobbing. I sighed heavily, flopping onto the bed. Damn it. Now I had to get the sheets changed.

I called for a maid, and a few minutes later, they came bustling in to strip the bed and replace the linens.

The next morning, I woke up feeling surprisingly refreshed. Maybe it was the dinner with Aeliana's parents. They were nice, decent people, which was more than I could say for most. I stretched, feeling the pull of muscles that had been too tense for too long.

The sunlight streaming through the curtains cast a warm glow over my room, chasing away the remnants of yesterday's weariness.

I headed downstairs, drawn by the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and sizzling bacon. The dining room was a picture of morning tranquility, with soft light filtering through the large windows and the gentle clinking of cutlery as the maids set the table.

I took my seat and was promptly served a hearty breakfast of scrambled eggs, toast, and a side of fruit. The food was simple but satisfying, a comforting reminder that some things in life remained pleasantly constant.

As I ate, my mind kept drifting back to Aeliana. There was something about her that intrigued me, something that made it impossible to shake her from my thoughts. It wasn't just her beauty or her charm, though she had plenty of both.

It was the way she carried herself, the quiet strength she possessed, the unspoken resilience that seemed to emanate from her. Despite the chaos that had surrounded us, she had remained composed, a stark contrast to the turmoil I often found myself in.

Finishing my meal, I wiped my mouth with a napkin and took a long sip of coffee. The rich, bitter flavor was a perfect counterpoint to the sweetness of the fresh fruit I'd just eaten. I stood up, ready to tackle the day ahead. I had a lot to do, but first, there was something I needed to arrange.

"Send a car to Aeliana," I ordered one of the maids as I got dressed. "I have a feeling she'll need it."

The maid nodded and quickly left to carry out my instructions. I continued getting ready, choosing my outfit with care. I couldn't stop thinking about Aeliana. As much as I hated to admit it, she was under my skin. And I was going to do something about it.

Once I was dressed, I headed out to the garage to choose a car for the day. The garage was a gleaming showroom of automotive excellence, each vehicle more impressive than the last.

I ran my hand over the sleek curves of a black Aston Martin, admiring its flawless design. There was a power and elegance to these cars that always filled me with a sense of pride and anticipation.

I settled on a silver Jaguar, its polished exterior reflecting the morning light like a mirror. It was a car that commanded respect, much like I intended to today. Sliding behind the wheel, I felt a surge of confidence. The engine roared to life with a satisfying growl, and I couldn't help but smile. This was going to be a good day.