CH2: Cullens and vampires

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"Hi, Anna I show you the way to the cafeteria since you are new here." Mike said as he grinned at me.

At the word cafeteria a light went on in my head.

If Mike, Jessica, Eric and Angela were here and I was in Forks then that meant that the Cullen's also should be here.

At that thought I almost blacked out.

Of cause the Cullen's how could I forget them but wait this can't be I mean….no….what …..god.

I was becoming a wreck.

Nothing made sense anymore.

I mean Twilight that was just a book I couldn't be possibly in it, right.

Then again I did suddenly wake up in a plane and met Angela, Jessica, Eric and Mike and now that I think about it the woman in the office…..

"Anna are you alright you look awfully pale?" Mike asked, looking concerned at me as he pulled me out of my thoughts.

Oh right I was still in school. Think of a plan girl. Think of something ...… something. This isn't real this is just a story in a book for gods sakes.

A book! And I'm a real person!

That was it, I knew now what I had to do.

It felt like a wake up call to jump into action and I was determined to get to know what was going on.

"Ah….I need to….. do something. Thanks Mike I see you at lunch." And I bolded for dear life.

I let the poor Mike stand there completely confused but I couldn't worry about it now. Something was wrong here and I mean really wrong.

When I was switching classes this morning I saw a media room. It had computers. I only hoped it would be open.

I ran to the room faster then I thought I could run and when I threw myself at the door it was not locked, luckily I don't know what I would have done if it would have been.

I made my way to the nearest computer and turned it on. The time it took to come to life almost killed me.

I was shaking all over.

I broke out in sweat.

Tears were running down my face.

I was having a dam panic attack.

Then finally what felt like eternity, eternity that word made me cringe, the computer was on. I went on the google-site.

I googled Twilight, again waiting and finally there were the hits. I breathed out a sigh of relive, smiled and thought I was stupid for even thinking it would have been possible. I was relaxing until I started reading what stood there.

The panic creeping back my spine.

Yes there were hits for Twilight but not the book by Stephenie Meyer. I didn't think about it. I tried again it had to be a mistake.

I googled New Moon there hits again but not the ones I wanted.

I googled Eclipse. The same.

I googled Breaking Dawn. The same.

Midnight Sun. The same.

My throat was tight, my hands shaking, my sight a blur, I don't know if I was breathing. I took a moment before tipping in Stephanie Meyer and pressing enter.


No Stephenie Meyer.

No Twilight.


I was taking deep breaths in and out, then I had another idea I searched for book stores here in the area.

Port Angeles and Seattle I found them and called one of them. I mean the computer could have made a mistake right.

It's just a mistake. Those things also make mistakes.

My mobile was shaking in my hand, it was ringing and I waited and waited till.

"New Port Books, book store. Amy here, how can I help you." Answered the sells lady.

"Mmmm…..hi I wanted to ask if you have the Twilight series. Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn." I said, my voice as controlled as possible under the circumstances.

"A second please."

Oh as she said that I knew it wasn't good. This was bad. If you ask for the Twilight books there isn't a second please. They know what you mean.

I was getting a headache by now. A really serious one.

"Mmm…..hallo." Said the woman on the phone.

"Yes I'm still here." Yes, I'm here dying.

"I'm sorry it must be something new we don't have it in the store nor is it in our stocks. Maybe you should try another book store." She said.

"Yes thanks." I chocked out pale white by now covered in cold sweat.

I tried another book store and another and another and another but it was always the same.

After feeling how my entire body went ice cold I thought what to do next. Possibilities running crazy in my head but I put it all aside I had to call my parents. I was so shocked waking up in that plane that I totally forgot that I could just call my parents. I called my house number but only got told that this number doesn't exist, I tried all the numbers of my family members but nothing.

After a moment of sheer panic about not being able to contact my parents I realized that that was plausible if I was really in Twilight then they wouldn't be here but neither should I should be.

This was getting me nowhere, I took a deep breath and turned the Computer off.

I searched in my bag till I found a mirror, a tissue and make-up I packed this morning. I dried my face with the tissue, it had been stained by my tears and refreshed my make-up until I was presentable again.

Before I was going to admit myself into a funny farm and beg them to throw away the keys I had to make sure that ….that …..the…Cullen's really...existed that they were…..VAMPIRES and that I…..Twilight.

God what was I thinking.

Did it even matter by now.

I was beyond the point of no return.

I started my way to the cafeteria breathing in and out trying to claim myself as good as I could. When I entered the noisy room I looked at the floor not looking at the people inside I wasn't ready to see what I feared, at least not yet.

Mike must have seen me he yelled my name I followed the sound of his voice. I reached the origin of the sound I was following and looked at him he was smiling a huge smile at me I smiled back and said.

"Hi; Mike."

"Glad you could make it. Now that's the group I'm hanging out with. You know Jessica already, this is Angela, Eric, Tyler and Lauren. Guys this is Anna." He introduced them to me.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you." I smiled at them and sat down trying to act normal, forcing myself to so.

Luckily they went back to the conversation they were having and didn't pay much attention to me in this moment. I used this change to look around the room.

I lifted my head and started looking at the students in the room, scanning the room for the source of my soon to come melt down.

I was looking and looking and everyone was human so far, no beautiful Vampires in sight.

Maybe there was another explanation for Mike and the others, maybe I was still at least in my world and only got kidnapped but if the Cullen's would be here that would mean...…

I couldn't even complete that thought, my sanity was waving it's good bye to me.

This was a nightmare.

I may have lost it or worse????

My heart started to go back to normal and I went claim, void of any emotion and that wasn't a good sign. Usually if I did that my body was preparing me for something.

When I went void of any emotion it meant that I already knew that the situation had a bad ending.

And so it was.

I saw them.

Sitting there at a table near a window.

Four beautiful creatures.

I recognize them immediately.




And the last one sitting with his back to me Edward.

They were beautiful, gorgeous. Stephenie Meyer didn't do them justice in her books I have never seen people so, I don't know inhumanly gorgeous. Yeah that's right "inhuman". The movie cast was nothing compared to them.

Then I noticed one was missing. I was getting my hopes up that maybe it is just a coincidence, a huge mistake on my part after all. There should be five beautiful people not four.

But then again Jasper was maybe still in class or he went out to get something from his car or maybe he went hunting. There were so many possibilities that my mind was bombarding me with.

Nothing absolutely nothing made sense anymore.

I didn't understand.

I was just starring at them, not being able to understand what I was seeing or how that was even possible.

"What are you looking at?" Asked someone. I looked at the source of the voice and saw it was Jessica.

No, please no. Don't! Was all I was able to think I chanted it in my head.

"Oh I see." She said as she looked in the direction I was looking a second ago.

Now it was coming I braced myself.

Preying wouldn't help anymore. I was long beyond that as well.

Bring it girl.

"That are the Cullen's. Alice, Edward and Emmett Cullen, and Rosalie Hale. There are five of them, the one who isn't here right now is Jasper Hale, Rosalie twin brother and they all live together with Dr. Cullen and his wife." She said.

I just nodded at her it was a nod in defeat, not that she would have known. I felt nothing anymore, there was nothing.

When I didn't say anything she continued.

"They're all together like really together Emmett and Rosalie, and Jasper and Alice. And they live together." She was shaking her head in disapproval and disgust.

If I wasn't that shocked I would have said something about her behaviour towards the Cullen's but I didn't had it in me at this point.

I was jelly inside.

"But you know that they aren't related Jessica." Angela said to her.

"I know but still. Dr. Cullen is really young, in his twenties or early thirties. They're all adopted, foster children. Mrs. Cullen can't have kids so they adopted. They moved down about two years ago from Alaska I think. Oh and just a good advice don't waste your time, Edward is the only one without a girlfriend but he doesn't date. There isn't a girl good enough for him at this school. Don't waste your time."

At mentioning his name Edward turned around and looked in our direction.

Our eyes locked.

The world stood still.

Dark topaz, his eyes were dark topaz.

Topaz like ...…Vampire.