CH 3: Blood singer

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At mentioning his name Edward turned around and looked in our direction.

Our eyes locked.

The world stood still.

Dark topaz, his eyes were dark topaz.

Topaz like ...…Vampire.

Our eyes were still locked I wasn't breathing. The more I searched, the more I saw the more impossible it became.

I looked into his dark topaz pools, he starred back. My mind was blank not because he was drop dead, again a word that made me cringe, gorgeous but because he looked like the main character of a book and was most likely a Vampire.

Vampires do not exist!

But I wasn't afraid of the Vampire aspect, what freaked me out and scared me beyond reason was that it looked more and more like I somehow landed in Twilight.

I couldn't wait to see the next Twilight movie but I didn't wanted to be part of it.

They belonged into the books or on the screen and I into real life. How could we be at the same place?

We were still looking into each others eyes I broke the contact I needed to think.

Ice cold shivers were running down my spine.

O.K. think girl what are you going to do now. You need to make sure they really are Vampires but how to do that.

I can't spill their secret in public and getting myself killed isn't a bright idea either.

How do I find out that the Cullen's... …A light went on in my head again.

Edward...mind reader.

Edward can read minds, that's it but wait shouldn't he have heard me by now? Well maybe I wasn't loud enough. Yeah that's it let's get down to business.

I looked at him again he had his back turned to me and I started to think as loud as I could.

Edward I know what you are, you are a Vampire.

And nothing he didn't turn around. O.K. next shot.

Edward Anthony Masen Cullen I know that you are a Vampire, please turn around.

Again nothing, no respond.

Edward if you don't turn around I will tell everyone that you are a Vampire.

No this didn't work either.

Hmmm…maybe they really aren't Vampires and I'm wrong or maybe I'm a shield like Bella and that's why he isn't responding.

I sighed in frustration.

O.K. what next? Edward's ability was a blind end but Edward wasn't the only one with an ability. I knew who my next target would be.


I know how Alice's ability works but what should I do? I thought for a moment and came up with the perfect solution. It was bound to get me their attention.

I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and made my decision, thinking about how I would turn it into reality and concentrating on Alice at the same time.

I was picturing how I would climb on the table...not I had a better one, more shocking.

I was picturing how I would grab a knife, go to the Cullen table, cut myself before them, let my blood spill and scream out loud that they are Vampires.

Yes, that would get me their attention.

I opened my eyes and saw how Alice went stiffed and her eyes went unfocused. When she resurfaced form it her face was a mask of shock and panic.

She and Edward turned to look at me disbelieving, shocked, frozen in panic and in fear of my next move.

If I was pale before I was green now.

I had my answer, it was true they were Vampires and I was in Twilight, no mistake possible.

It was official now I was in Twilight!

That's something to wrap your mind around.

"It worked! It's true!" I breathed out before I could stop myself.

"Did you say something?" I heard someone ask. I turned around and saw Mike looking concerned at me.

"Anna are you alright you look absolutely green. Maybe I should get you to the nurse office?" He said as he was about to stand up but I stopped him.

"Mike thanks but I just need some fresh air. Just give me a minute and I will be alright."

I didn't wait for a response I grabbed my stuff and fled the cafeteria which wasn't easy considering my leg were about to give out under me.

They were the Twilight Vampires I was in Twilight.


I was repeating this over and over in my head because I couldn't believe it. I wanted to know what was going on but now I wished I would have stayed in my zombie state.

I need a little time to claim my strained nerves freaking out here wasn't a good idea.

I don't know where I went or how I even got there but I was standing outside of school, I didn't remember leaving building.

The thought of what just happened in that building made me nauseous and I was shaking. It was all so real and clear all of the sudden.

I took deep breaths in and out, my eyes closed, slowly claiming myself, trying to prevent a melt down.

Then I heard foot steps I opened my eyes and was holding on to my back pack that I had swung over my shoulder, a soft breeze was blowing past me.

The foot steps stopped dead in their tracks. I heard a low growl.

My head shot up, I turned around and I couldn't believe what I was seeing or should I say who and what was happening to him.

The wind was blowing my scent in Edward's direction I looked at him and for the first time registered what I was seeing.

I nearly had a heart attack.

He stood there before me, rigid, his eyes pitch black, murderous, full of hate and disgust, glaring at me as if it would make me disappear. If I didn't know the reason for his reaction I would have been intimidated but I knew the reason and I could only feel sorry for him. Poor guy didn't even know what hit him. The only problem with this situation was that he reacted to the completely wrong person. He put his hand over his mouth and appeared not to breath, I knew he wasn't.

Emmett, Rosalie and Alice arrived I knew they didn't know what was going on. If we wanted to get out of this predicament I had to take control.

Forgotten was the shock about my discovery and my melt down, I was in action mode now.

"Emmett gab Edward now." I commanded while directly looking at Emmett.

Emmett looked up at me startled not understanding the situation but there was no time to explain.

"Emmett grab Edward before it is to late!" I said it louder, firm and commanding.

He complied this time and locked Edward in his iron grip. Edward was shaking all over and growling lowly.

Emmett, Rosalie and Alice looked confused, stunned and afraid while they were trying to glare at me.

And I well….

I felt sick.

I wanted out, now.

I was about to faint.

The bell rang and students started to pass us to get to their class in the building behind us, neither them nor I moved we stood perfectly still, looking at each other.

When the noises of the students died down and it was only them and me, I suddenly turned on my heel and was prepared to run away quickly but stopped dead after only one step.

O.K. I was already dealing with the fact that I somehow landed in Twilight but being Edward's singer there got to be a limit to this insanity. Maybe I just got it wrong, he could react like this for another reason, right?

Yes, that must be it I was just imagine things.

I was going crazy.

I happily lost it.

I could live with that.

I had to be sure I turned around and saw them still standing there not moving. Edward's eyes were murderous, filled with hate and hungry.

That's when I knew I wasn't wrong. I was really his singer!

No mistake.

I was really his singer too!

I took a deep breath, held my hands up to them, tried to gather every bit of sanity and control I had left and said.

"O.K. look I'm not trying to run away I just need to go down wind of Edward. Apparently I'm his singer and I need to get down wind from him to make it easier on him."

While I said this I went to stand down wind of them. They were watching me like hawks not letting me out of their sight.

"What is a…." Emmett started to ask me but I cut him of saying.

"Edward breath it will clear your head."

He looked a little shocked and confused before asking.


"Just breath, Edward!" I commanded with force in my voice.

He took a deep breath relaxed a little bit, still looking angry and suspicious at me.

"How did you know?" He asked glaring at me.

"Ah….well… see...uh…it's complicated." I was able to choke out, not my most brilliant performance but with Vampires who want to kill you right in front of you and you don't really know the answer yourself. I mean I know how I knew but I didn't know the rest.

"How did you know?" He asked again starting to fight against Emmett's hold on him

"Stop Edward you certainly don't want to do something you will regret later." That stopped him again and I took the chance to step a few steps back, he didn't move.

The others didn't say anything only watching the interaction between us. Guess they were to confused by Edward's and mine behaviour.

"How?" He asked again in a strained voice.

I took pity on him and told him what I knew for sure.

"I know what you are and that you and your family only drink animal blood. You can read minds but not mine, Alice can see the future and Jasper can feel and manipulate emotions. I know a lot more about your family but here isn't the right place or time."

After being confused his face became angry and concerned, he was getting ready to shake Emmett of to get to me. The others were torn between bouncing on me and looking shocked.

Rosalie was just as ready to kill me as Edward was this wasn't looking good at all. I had to keep my cool and maneuver my way out of here for my own and for their sake.

"Edward Anthony Mason Cullen stop right this instant!" I said in a firm voice.

Like I would let him kill me this easy, yeah right if he thinks I will, he lost his mind. He would feel guilty and miserable over this for eternity, I couldn't let that happen.

"If you think that I will let you kill me you are sadly mistaken. Now stop this or do you really want to disappoint Carlisle and Esme." I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at him, at all of them.

He was completely taken aback, so were the others as I mentioned Carlisle and Esme. They all were froze in place, Edward wasn't fighting Emmett anymore.

That one hit home I knew disappointing Carlisle and Esme was the last thing anyone of them wanted to do.

Comprehension was showing in their faces.

"Listen up I'm sorry for scaring you in there but I had to make sure you were what I knew you to be. Edward couldn't read my mind so Alice's ability was the next best target to test but I would never tell a soul about your secret, it's safe with me. As for how I know and why well I …..I don't know myself that is I know something but ...."

I sighed touching my temples my head was throbbing.

"Look yesterday I was a normal girl with a normal life and then everything went up side down all of the sudden. I just figured out that... I don't know. I need time to figure out what the hell happened to me. I swear I will never tell anyone about you. The other thing is that I'm your singer Edward, Carlisle will explain it to you better but the bottom line is that I'm your personal brand of heroin, well my blood actually, it sings to you, that's why you want it that badly but you won't kill me. Think of Carlisle and Esme and how this will hurt then. Do you really want to do this to them and to yourself? You are stronger then that and you know it."

With my arms still crossed over my chest I glared at him. Never leaving my eyes of his face as I took a few deep breaths to claim myself. The others were stunned and impressed, well Rosalie looked pissed and like she was ready to admit me into a mental institution.

"Fine." He spat still livid.

Hmm….what he is giving up?

I narrowed my eyes at him and saw him still angry but this murderous sparkle from before wasn't in his eyes anymore, he was breathing in deeply, fighting for control.

"Does that mean I'm not going to be your lunch?" I asked not trusting the situation.

"No, your not." He replied angry but also ashamed at the same time.

"Good choice." I smiled at him.

Then I looked at Alice and she said.

"We have to discuss this with Carlisle."

"What! We should just kill her she knows too much." Rosalie shrieked.

"Rose." Alice glared and said something that was to low and fast for me to understand but it worked Rosalie crossed her arms over her chest and glared at me and Alice murderously.

I nodded my understanding and was about to leave when an idea struck me. I undid the thin scarf around my neck and threw it at Alice. She caught it and gave a puzzled look.

"It will be easier on Edward to maintain control if he is used to my scent. That way he won't have to bold out of the state and Esme won't be worried sick about him." I explained my action. Her face lit up and she said.

"That's brilliant. It will work I can see it." She smiled at me.

"Hmmm…I have my bright moments sometimes." I gave her a weak smile before continuing. "I will tell you when I'm ready O.K."

With that I turned around gave them a small smile and waved with one hand a half wave while walking off into the building.

Makes me wonder who was more shocked about what happened me or them.

The balance of this day the Cullen's do really exist, I was trapped in Twilight and I didn't even know how it all happened.

I was tired and I only wanted my bed now that's why I went to the nurse office telling the nurse I wasn't feeling well and it wasn't even a lie.

I went home straight into my bed, put the covers over my head, hoping it was all just a dream after all.

Boy that was the weirdest day of my life so far.