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Edward's POV:

Who is that girl?

How does she know so much about us?

She knows that I'm able to read minds and about Alice's visions.

It's one thing to figure out we are Vampires but to know our abilities, how is that even possible, she is only a human.

And even more confusing is that she knew what was wrong with me, when even I didn't. When her scent hit me I was about to lose control but she knew what to do. How can it be that she knows something about Vampires that even most of the Vampires don't know?

She knows what we are and yet is not afraid.

She was angry at me but not scared, worried maybe but collected herself quickly. I was planning on killing her and she knew it, she knew even better then me what was happening, but instead of running away or begging for her life, she was lecturing me.

I never came across a creature like her.

She was surrounded by four Vampires, she knew what we were and she wasn't afraid. Who reacts like that?

I can't believe this, why wasn't she scared of us or disgusted or found us in the least repulsive and especially me, the one who wanted to kill her for her blood.

No, nothing like it she didn't act like she was standing in front of a monster that was about to kill her, what was the actual situation. No she behaved like I was a normal guy, a kid that was caught trying to steal cookies out of the cookie jar.

Impossible, is this girl out of her right mind.

Then there are her eyes those eyes that look so angry at me, her expression, her body language showing no fear or disgust but anger and .. worry …. and understanding?

Understanding not only for wanting to kill her but also for my bad manners, I was glaring at her murderously and growling at her.

I don't get this girl at all.

She worries about my family, how my running for the hills would affect the members of my family instead of worrying for her own life.

What am I to think of this?

When we got home Carlisle confirmed what she said about her being my singer and he also told me that she most likely was right that I could get used to her scent.

We had a vote about the girl, Rosalie and Jasper were for solving the problem to put it nicely, while Esme, Emmett and I were undecided. Alice was vehemently against harming her, telling us that she wouldn't spill our secret but wouldn't tell us anything more aside from that. Carlisle made the decision then not to harm her but to watch her closely, he wanted to talk to her to get to know how she found out about us.

This girl is really a mystery and it frustrates me to no end that I can't read her mind.

She was right though, it wasn't easy but I am becoming used to her scent the longer I'm at the mercy of her intoxicating scent the easier it becomes to be around it without losing control but I will have to buy her a new scarf. I ripped hers in pieces while in the training.

For the next few days I only left the house to hunt and the rest of the time I stayed inside to get used to that intoxicating scent that clouded my mind.

Alice had to bring me another piece with her scent and she told me that the girl with the blazing eyes would talk to us on Friday.

I wonder what secret was hidden behind those hazel eyes.

Anna's POV:

After I came home I went to bed and slept, not wanting to think anymore, my head hurt and the world was spinning all around me. When I woke up it was time for dinner. I was kind of hoping that I would wake up back home but I knew it was a hope in vain.

I was in Twilight and that was a fact.

Now that I knew where I was I needed to know at which point of time exactly I was and I do remember this Kevin guy saying that he was sorry because of my parents, I got to get to the bottom of this one next.

I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in!" I called.

Kevin Billings came in and sat at the end of my bed, looking concerned at me.

"Honey how are?" He asked me carefully, I must look really bad right now. I can only hope I do not look how I feel like.

"Thanks I'm better, uncle Kevin." Might as well star calling him that since I don't know how long I will have to play his niece.

"Anna I know this must all be really hard for you, the death of your parents and then you had to move here. I just want you to know that I'm here if you need me." He said sincerity in his eyes.

"Thank you." I said this man seemed to be really nice.

"I just wanted to know if you would want to come with me a friend of min his name is Charlie Swan he is the police Chief here, we wanted to go down to La Push to a bone fire would you like to come or do you want me to be here with you." He asked.

La Push no thanks I had more then enough supernatural adventures in the last twenty-four hours I better not push my luck.

"Ah….that's nice of you uncle to invite me but I would like to stay home the yet lack you know. I let everything sink in but you can go. I'll be fine on my own. Thank you uncle." I told him politely.

"O.K. if you need me you have my number in the mobile I got you." He said as he stood up.

"Yes I know thank you again, for everything." I smiled at him. I didn't know what that everything was but it felt right to say it.

He went out of my room and after a while I heard his car start to life and drive away that was my cue to search for more answers.

I went through the whole house searching for documents that could tell who exactly I was here and what exactly happened to my Twilight self. I also searched the internet to get to know about my Twilight parents death. After a few hour of search I put my former Twilight life together.

As the story goes in this world I was an only child. My parents and I we lived in New York and they had a car accident in which they both died. It was a big crash with twenty other cars and the newspapers brought the news in details so it wasn't that hard to figure out that part. One thing that reviled me was that when I saw the photos of my Twilight parents on the net they didn't look like my parent. The same names but different people, so now my only relative was Kevin Billings he is the bother of my mom here.

As I already figure out earlier I was 16 years old here and I had a license I don't have any idea how to drive a car but I had a license, that is cool ….. and dangerous, got to come up with something for that. Right now I don't have a car but if Kevin asked me to drive somewhere I'm going to be screwed. As long I didn't know how to get home I had to play my part here.

Maybe secret driving lessons would do the trick?

As I if didn't have enough to worry about. In this moment I was overcome with the desire to work of some steam, to let it all out to be able to breath again. That's why I went into the forest behind the house, made sure none would hear me and let everything catch up to me, crash down on me, I couldn't hold it in any longer, so I freaked, screamed and cried.

After a while I felt exhausted but better.

It isn't healthy to hold everything in sometimes you have to let it out. Those little freak moments help me not to lose my mind and after such a moment I'm always able to think clear again.

The facts are that I went to sleep in my room and woke up in a plane in the world of Twilight, I still don't know how the heck that was possible.

But seeing as I'm here a month before the story starts I can't be in the book.

It can't be a dream either, it feels too real, it has to many details and it's going on for too long already.

Which leaves only on possibility I must be in another world, a parallel universe in which Twilight isn't fiction but reality.

Stephenie Meyer said that she got the idea for the book from a dream, I read somewhere that dreams are portals to other worlds, it seems like it's true. I never dismissed that idea seeing how my mom and grandma were sometimes able to predict the future by seeing it in their dreams.

Is this how I got here?

The last thought I had before I drifted off to sleep was that I couldn't wait to see the new Twilight movie but why doesn't it work the other way. Why can't I wish or dream my way back into my world?

Even though I still had unanswered questions I was coming to terms with the whole situation now that I had some time to think it all over. As I remembered the fact that I was here about a month before the story of Twilight actually starts and started to worry how my being here would change things before I realized that there was no use worrying about getting in the way of the story anymore because I already did.

Then another realization struck me with me actually being Edward's singer there was no way he wouldn't have noticed me, maybe not on my first day at school, but his nose would have caught my scent at some point.

At least this way I had the situation under control.

Wow since when did I become a control freak?

Maybe I am meant to be here, there is that saying that everything happens for a reason. Whatever that means!

On the next day as I came to school Edward wasn't there I was worried that he still bolded out of state, I didn't want Esme to worry. I went to ask Alice since she was the only one who didn't wanted to kill me with death glares. I think I irritated the living day light out of them by not being scared by the murderous glares they gave me. It was rather funny to watch and maybe a little bit suicidal to annoy Vampires even if they were the Cullen's.

But back to the main point Alice told me that Edward didn't bold he was staying home trying to get used to my scent. She also promised or warned me however you want to see it that we were going to go shopping to replace the scarf that I gave Edward and the pillow that I had to bring her tomorrow for Edward's training.

I really like Alice she is energetic, friendly, funny and a little bit crazy I really hope we could become friends. She was also the only of the Cullen's who talked to me, I could see that Emmett also wanted to but judging from look Rosalie gave him as he was about to try on Wednesday he would have hell to pay if he did.

I told Alice that I was ready to talk and we came to the agreement to wait until Edward was able to handle my scent so he wouldn't be left out.

As for the human fraction of this adventure, well I knew what to expect no surprises there. Angela is nice, Jessica and Lauren are gossiping behind mine back and Mike, Taylor and Eric are hitting on me, because I'm the new shiny toy and nearly everyone knows the new girl. At least I don't have so much trouble with being in the spot light it's not that I like it but I'm good at ignoring it.


It was Friday, the last day of school before Christmas break. I arranged myself with the current situation there was nothing I could do about it, anyway. Every night I would sleep in while praying to wake up in my bed but so far I'm still here.

The school bus just stopped at the school and I got out. I was wondering if they wanted to talk to me before or after Christmas break when I heard someone calling after me.

"Hi, Anna. Anything planned for the weekend?" I new this voice, Mike.

I turned around and saw him standing in front of me, a huge grin in his face. He is a nice guy but I'm really not interested in him and he just doesn't get the hint. I was thinking how to get out of this one when a velvet voice scared the living daylight out of me.

"Good morning, Anna."

I turned around and there he stood Edward Cullen and smiled a crocked smile at me. He is really cute when he does that, no focus girl.

While I was bringing myself back to reality Edward turned to Mike and said.

"I'm sorry but Anna has some plans, already." His voice sounded scary and the look that Edward gave Mike made him turn pale white, he nodded at me and tried to get away from Edward as fast as he could.

I felt sorry for Mike but it was rather funny to watch.

"Good morning to you too, and that wasn't nice Edward he will probably have nightmares now." I told him while he smiled proudly at his accomplishment, I just shook my head at him.

"Probably." He replied smugly, not sorry in the least, stepping closer to me.

When he was getting closer to me I remembered his predicament, raise an eyebrow and asked him.

"Is it better now? Can you handle my scent? I mean that must still hurt you, doesn't it."

He laughed a dry laugh and looked at me confused and disbelieving.

"How can you worry about me in a situation like this? You know what I'm and what I'm capable of and yet you do not fear me, no you worry about me. This isn't how people usually react."

I sight and explained a little annoyed. I always hated the whole I'm-a-monster-thing.

"Well first off all I'm not usually people, I am me. Second I know you won't hurt me, don't even try to convince me otherwise, I just know you won't, period."

He looked intensely into my eyes while I glared at him. Sorry Mr. sexy Vampire but a cute face is not enough to break me.

"I'm not sure if you are right about not hurting you but you are certainly like none I have ever met. And to answer your question I am able to handle your scent now."

He said while his topaz eyes looked curious at me.

"Good! Guess today is the day. Explanation time, hmmm." I asked him in mocked excitement.

Right on cue Alice danced to our sides.

"Yes, and we have to go shopping to replace the stuff Edward destroyed." She beamed at me.

"Hi, Alice." I greeted her back.

Edward looked a little ashamed.

"That means you are coming with us after school to our house?" He asked sweetly. I looked in the direction of his Volvo and saw that they came with tow cars. Rosalie's BMW was really an amazing car. I also caught a glance at Rosalie who looked like she could barely restrain herself from bouncing at me.

"Sure but are you sure it is safe judging from Rosalie's expression she isn't happy about this at all. If looks could kill I wouldn't have survived this week or this moment. She should really lose up a little." I told him unimpressed.

Edward looked shocked, then concerned, then surprised, guess he couldn't quite believe I agreed to go to his house, and he also was a little amused before speaking.

"Good and I will protect you from Rosalie if needed but something tells me, you can handle her on your own." He smirked at the last part and I smirked back.

"Guess you won't leave me alone till I actually spill the beans, he? I raised an eyebrow at him, suddenly not sure about this. My theories sounded plausible in my head but speaking them out loud? Who can blame being a little freaked at that thought.

"No." He said shaking his head amused.

"O.K. then let's get the show on the road." I in an unsure voice but there was no helping it.

Edward was thoughtful while we made our way inside the building. Talk about brooding Vampire, this guy really needs a little fun in his life.

The school day went by quickly and when I came into the parking lot I saw Edward and Alice at his Volvo. Emmett, Jasper and Rosalie must have taken her car because them and her car were nowhere to be seen.

As I approached Edward's car he asked me in a concerned voice.

"Are you ready?" His expression unreadable.

"Yes!" I said in a sure and firm voice. Edward being the gentleman that he is opened the door for me, I got into his car and he closed the door behind me.

I can only hope Carlisle won't admit me into a mental institution after I told him what happened to me and how I know about them.