CH 5: Meeting the cullen family

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Edward's POV:

I can't believe this she really got into a car with tow Vampires and one of them wants her blood badly and despite knowing all that she is here. I thought that after confirming that we really are Vampires the girl would run for the hills but instead she stayed I could see her in the minds of my siblings every day.

The girl wasn't afraid of them when they glared at her, she talked to Alice as if she was just a normal human girl instead of a dangerous Vampire.

Instead of running away she gave me stuff with her scent on it for me to get used to her scent, how did she even know it would work?

What's wrong with this girl?

She is willingly going into a house, in which seven Vampires live she must be crazy, the poor girl must have lost her mind.

"That isn't nice you know."

Anna pulled me out of my thought and I try to hear her mind to know what she meant by that, but of cause I could hear nothing. It's really frustrating that I can't read her mind, so I have to ask.

"What." It came out more irritated then I intended.

She crossed her arms over her chest and glared at me, she glares at a Vampire. I could only shake my head at that.

"That you think I'm crazy for going with you willingly to meet your family even though I know that you all are Vampires." She hissed at me while still glaring.

"How do you know."

I was shocked to say at least could she read minds, too. That thought fascinated and scared me at the same time. I had to know so I asked.

"Can you read minds, too."

Anna was quiet for a few moments, she smiled knowingly smile at me, she was really putting me in suspense, after a while that was pure torture, she said.

"Well to answer your question no I can't read minds. What you think is pretty plain written across your face. And yes I do know that I don't react like others would react, finding out that you are a Vampire and that you have a huge desire of killing them for their blood. But that is what you have to understand about me I am not like the other people I am me. Listen Edward I do know what I'm dealing with I know how dangerous you are and can be not only because you thirst for my blood. You could simply kill me by accident because you are so strong and if you don't pay attention you could crush me any time. I'm fully aware how dangerous your world is but Edward you have to understand I'm here because I want to be, none is holding me here against my will. If I didn't wanted to be here I would have found a way to go away from Forks but that's not what I want.

Edward this is my life and I'm making my own decisions you can think that I'm crazy for choosing what I do but you have no right to take that choice away from me or trying to stop me from living the life I want to live. And no your age doesn't give you the right either."

What …how …god this girl is driving me insane.

She is like none I ever met before human or Vampire. Yes, it is her life but her choice is crazy and dangerous I will have to talk to her later and make her see reason but something tells me I will see reason instead.

Go, girl! You tell him! I told you this would be fun, Edward. Alice told me in her mind while she sat in the backseat giggling to herself, she was enjoying this.

I ignored her, right now Alice was as crazy as Anna was.

Hmm maybe I should talk with Carlisle, with his connections we should be able to find her, some kind of therapy. Every other normal human girl would have been screaming the second she found out what I am but not Anna no she doesn't fear me, she stands up to me instead.

God this is so frustrating why can't I hear her mind. Usually girls of her age are vain and simple minded why does she have to be so different and difficult, it's so hard to understand her.

But why do I want to understand her so badly?

Anna's POV:

We reached the house of the Cullen's and the description of Stephenie Meyer didn't do it justice. This couldn't even be called a house any more it was a mansion with white walls, blue glass walls in the front of the mansion and a beautiful front yard like one out of a garden magazine. I stood there starring at the mansion of the Cullen's after Edward opened the car door for me and helped me out of the car like the gentleman his is.

Alice bolded into the mansion at Vampire speed surely right into Jasper's arms. I could only see a blur. I admired the mansion and gasp till Edward asked.

"You like it?"

"Your mansion is more beautiful then I imagine. I knew it would be impressive but I didn't expect this." I answered him still full in admiration for the beautiful mansion.

"How did… I mean…." Edward began but I cut him of.

"Don't worry you will understand in a few minutes. Haven't you heard patience is a virtue, but then again it is not one of yours."

At that he looked at me questioningly, curious and frustrated while leading me into the mansion.

"Are you afraid?" Edward asked me while opening the front door of the mansion for me.

"Yes, I'm very afraid, especially of Dr. Cullen." I answered him that made him stop dead in his tracks. He looked completely shocked so I explained.

"It's not the Vampire that I fear but the doctor. I mean he's the one that can have me easily admitted into a funny farm. I have decided to tell you the truth and not to lie about how I know so much about you and where I'm from. And believe me this, any lie I came up with is more plausible and easier to believe then the truth even for me and I'm the on living this insanity." I sighed and went inside past Edward who was processing what I just told him, it's funny when the tables are turned and he is the one having no clue what's going on.

In the living room there they all stood.

Carlisle smiled at me a little bit unsure having heard what I said.

"Well hi, uh…my name is Anna and it is really nice to meet you all. Mrs. Cullen your mansion is really beautiful." I said to them with a smile.

Esme smiled back and thanked me.

"Thank you. It's nice to meet you as well."

O.K. this was awkward, what to expect if a strange girl knows all about you suddenly shows up out of nowhere but I knew exactly how to break the tension.

"So you wanna to it here?" I asked them and on cue Emmett boomed with laughter having jumped on the dirty meaning immediately, everybody else smirked and Edward was shaking his head in disapproval. I was feeling a little proud at my accomplishment which didn't go unnoticed by Jasper.

"You seem to know us better then we thought. You knew exactly what reaction you would get out of Emmett by saying this."

"Yes, sorry I just wanted to break the tension. It wasn't my intention to manipulate you or anything….., listen I know that you are stressed because I, a normal human girl know too much for my own good and I could put you in danger with my knowledge. I promise I won't tell a soul but you should know that by now and I will tell you how I know. Well that means if.." I turned my head to look directly at Carlisle. "Dr. Cullen promises me not to admit me into a funny farm. If you give me your word, neither you or anyone else will admit me, I will tell you everything."

He looked wary at me before saying.

"Alright you have my word and please call me Carlisle."

"Carlisle." I repeated.

We went into the dining room and sat across the huge table. Esme and Carlisle looked wary, Emmett and Alice excited, Jasper looked tense, Rosalie glared at me and Edward's face was unreadable.

"You may begin when you are ready." Carlisle said with a small smile.

"O.K. well where to begin….oh ..before I begin I have one last request please hear me out don't interrupt me. I know what I will tell you will not make sense at the beginning, just hear me out."

I plead, they all looked really curious now and nodded in approval.

"Well it was some months ago that I found out about the Twilight books and the movie Twilight. They interested me so I read the books and saw the movie. Twilight is about you, about your life here in Forks. A little bit about you past and how you got changed into Vampires but mainly it tells how Edward falls in love with his singer Bella Swan."

By now they all looked like I have gone insane, Edward was stunned, I ignored it knowing that was only the beginning but I had to give it to them they remained silent.

I stated to tell them about their past how everyone became a Vampire.

"But since Bella isn't even here let me tell you about your pasts. Carlisle was born in the 1640s and was the son of a pastor ...." I was telling them everything I knew about Carlisle's life until he met Edward.

"Edward Anthony Masen was born in 1901 in Chicago...."

I went on from Edward to Esme to Rosalie, choosing my words careful with the both of them, then continued with Emmett and Jasper.

As for Alice I didn't tell this story here wasn't the right time to speak about her troubled past. I would do it another time, it had to be done with tact. The whole James topic was a delicate matter, not only for Alice but also for Jasper, he won't like it one bit that there might be a threat for his Alice. Then there are also Edward and the Phoenix incident, not a good idea to voice that now.

It was really difficult for them to comprehend that I knew those things but there was no helping it. They all just looked at me with large eyes.

"The Twilight books are really popular in my world and nearly every teenage girl read them."

In my world caught there attention and before anyone could ask I continued.

"Yes you heard right I said in my world I'm from another world, a parallel universe. I went to sleep after seeing the trailer for the new Twilight movie thinking that I couldn't wait to see the film and the next thing I know is that I woke up in plane about to land in Seattle. I just went along with the situation not knowing what to do, then I met Kevin Billings who turned out to be my uncle here. But I only figured out where I am when I came to school and started to meet the characters out of the book, first the human ones then the Vampires. So here I am now stranded in another world but believe me never in one million years would I have expected to turn out as Edward's singer, though I'm really happy that Edward can't read my mind." With that I ended my speech, they all looked shocked and disbelieving at me and Rosalie was the first to recover.

"That's nonsense! Can't you see she is lying." She was annoyed with the whole situation.

"Who wrote the books?" Alice asked.

"Oh come on Alice you won't believe her do you?" Rosalie hissed at Alice but Alice just ignored her waiting for my answer.

"The author is a woman called Stephenie Meyer. She said that she had a dream about Vampires well you and she wrote what she saw in her dream and it became a world hit."

Alice looked really thoughtful, then looked at me and said.

"That makes sense."

"What!!" Rosalie yelled frustrated and in disbelieve, I was happy but also couldn't believe that she believed me and the other looked at Alice as if she lost it too. Alice took a deep breath and explained.

"I saw how Anna arrived in our world. Of cause back then I didn't know what to do with what I saw. Here Edward look for yourself."

Alice was showing him her visions and Edward's face went from shock to disbelieve to absolute stunned.

"Would you care to explain to the rest of us." Emmett asked annoyed.

"Wait what do you mean you saw how I arrived? Ah yes I know the visions stuff what I mean is…." I asked curious.

"Yes, I was getting there." Alice said with a smug smile.

"Then please fill us in." Said Emmett impatiently, Alice gave him a look and continued.

"Now where was I? Oh yeah I saw you arriving." Alice turned to me now. "Well first I only saw an empty seat in a plane and this for a few seconds I didn't understand it at all and then all of the sudden you were sitting there. Only this wasn't all when you appeared there literally out of thin air, your neighbour was talking to a stewardess they should have seen you popping out there, there was no way they could have missed this but they behaved like nothing happened."

"So that means what Anna told us is the truth?" Esme asked stunned.

"Yes." Edward and Alice answered at the same time. They were all processing the information. And so was I. I was hoping they would believe me but I hadn't expected that my arrival would be announced. This was making less and less sense. I was about to ask what to do with my knowledge about their future when suddenly Alice blurted out.

"Oh no, Anna." Looking serious and concerned, then they all looked at me and I was wondering if my question was that bad while looking puzzled at her.

"Why do I see you being delivered into the hospital after a car accident, you can't drive?" Alice asked.

"No, I was going to learn it in my world but here I already have a license. It's not like I could tell anyone I can't drive having a license so I thought I teach myself. I have to fit into the roll somehow don't I. It's not like I have asked for any of this." I defended myself my question nearly forgotten.

"So you made the car kiss the tree." Emmett boomed.

"Not everyone is a Vampire with perfect reflexes. I would have loved to see you learn to drive as a human." I retorted, Emmett thought about what I said and after a while Edward started laughing hysterically and Emmett looked embarrassed at first before saying smug.

"Well at least it had style."

We all looked puzzled from Edward to Emmett and back before Edward said.

"He remembered his first driving lesson. He drove the car back wards through a barn wall directly into a pig stable."

Everyone started laughing a little and Emmett said proudly.

"Well what can I say it's a talent to make the most of it. What boring first driving lesson would have it been without the pig stable."

At that everyone was laughing freely even Rosalie even though she was trying to compose herself quickly.

"It's decided then before you kill yourself we are going to give you driving lessons." Alice said happily.

"What?" I asked surprised and before I knew what was happening Alice was dragging me out of the house to the front yard and getting a Land Rover. Pushing me into the car she drove off into a clearing. Edward, Emmett and Jasper beat us there and I got my first driving lesson. Emmett was game immediately, Edward and Jasper needed some time but were on it when Emmett announced that he was the expert anyway and we didn't need them. It was a lot of fun three guys and a car but everyone survived the driving lesson including the car. I'm actually pretty good at driving. I felt a little guilty because it was a little hard for Edward and Jasper to be exposed to my scent.

When we got back to the Cullen mansion Carlisle and Esme were waiting for us at the front door, they came to the car and Carlisle said.

"I hope you had fun and everyone survived as far as I can see." He smiled at me and continued. "While you have been gone I have been looking into the matter but I didn't find anything about portals or another worlds. I will continue searching to see if I can find something useful."

"Thanks you Carlisle that is nice of you. I really appreciate it." I thanked him.

"Edward you have to take Anna home it's gotten late." Alice said all of the sudden. I looked at my watch and it was near dinner time I had to be home soon, wow time really passes quickly when you have fun.

Edward ran into the mansion and brought a blanket back I looked at him wondering for what he needed a blanket and he said.

"So that you won't get cold if I would put the heat on….." I understood what he meant and it was really considerate of him. I wrapped myself in the blanked, got into his Volvo and we drove off.

Edward turned his sound system on and I knew the song that was playing.

"Clair de Lune." I said Edward seemed surprised and asked.

"You know Debussy?"

"Yes, I know Debussy. The French composer from the late 1800's." He nodded while a slightly astonished expression appeared on his face.

"His other pieces are O.K. but I like this one." I added.

"So you like classic music?"

"Hmm….well I like all kind of music and as for piano pieces I have a favourite composer."


"His name is Yiruma, and his Kiss the rain and River Flows in you are my favourite pieces."

"I know him he is quite good." Then he pressed some buttons on his sound system and River Flows in you was playing. I immediately had a huge smile on my face.

"You really like that piece." He stated amused, I only nodded in agreement. We listened to the music and then his face darkened.

"This isn't right you shouldn't be so comfortable around me or Vampires in general. We are monsters and dange…" But I cut him off.

"God Edward please cut that out it is frustrating. Listen to me you are not a monster, you are simply a man that happens to be a Vampire and drinks blood to survive, animal blood if I might add."

That frustrated him even more.

"Edward I see where you are coming from but like I have explained to you before I know the risk and I'm here, fully aware of the consequences that might come."

He sighed and said.

"I really don't understand you."

"Hmm… wasn't that what you wanted?" He raised an eye brow at me.

"Aren't you always complaining that everything is always the same and that you are bored to death? Well now you have me here, obviously I'm not like the others and you won't get the screaming and running thing from me. Next time you just have to be careful what you wish for. Because obviously you can't return this.." I showed at myself, "packet anymore."

He looked at me puzzled, started laughing and said.

"You are crazy." While still smiling to himself.

"Well at least I can make you smile, so are we friends now or are you afraid of the alien?"

He looked at puzzled again and asked.


"Well you know I wasn't born on this planet, not this earth at least, so in theory I'm an alien aren't I:"

He started laughing and after a while he said.

"You are an original."

"So is the Vampire now going to be friends with the original alien?" I teased.

"I would love to hear what is going on in your head and since asking you is the only way to get to know, guess we can try. But never…" I cut him off.

"Yes, yes you are a dangerous creature. I won't forget." Edward nodded at that.

We arrived at Kevin's house before I got out I remembered something.

"Oh would you please tell Alice that I would love to go shopping with her."

"You know what you are in for, right?"

"Yes I know I think but lets face it it's not like I can avoid it." Then I took on a serious face, looked him directly in the eye and continued.

"There are times that you have to look the danger and the horror in the face and take it like a woman!"

"You are absolutely crazy." Edward laughed.

"Yeah I might be a little bit but how boring would life be without a little fun. Thank you Edward I had a great time today, see you after Christmas. I won't be here over Christmas Kevin told me we would go to some of his friends out of state to celebrate Christmas. We're leaving tomorrow."

"O.K. after Christmas then." Was his only response before he drove off.

Like Emmett said, making the most of it. While I'm here I can become friends the Cullen's, a friendship with them won't get in the way of Bella's and Edward's love story, right. And besides if I like it or not that's my life now; so why not living it to the fullest?