CH 8: Bellas first day

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Anna's POV:

The day has come and Bella would attend Forks High school today for the first time. I was really looking forward to meeting her. Alice came this morning at an ungodly hour to dress and style me.

Her slogan. I hang out with the Cullen's I shall look like a Cullen. Well at least I know that I'm always well dressed.

I ate a little breakfast and drove to school with my Audi. I parked my car next to Edward's Volvo and greeted them.

"Hi guy's."

I got greeted back and we waited for Bella to arrive in her red, orange truck. We heard the truck before we saw it.

"Good lord is it even legal to drive such a piece of junk on the street?" Rosalie asked in disbelieve and disgust as she heard and saw the old truck. We all just shrugged and waited for Bella to get out of her car or the death trap as I named it.

Bella got out of the car and I caught a good look at her. She was a short and thin girl with pale skin, even paler then mine, long brown hair and brown eyes. She did look a lot like Kirsten Stewart. She was pretty.

Bella didn't look happy at all about being here. She looked at the green forest with despite in her chocolate brown eyes. I knew from the books that she didn't like coming to Forks but I wasn't expecting her to show it so openly. She sighed heavily and made her way to office.

"So that's her. Edward's other singer." Jasper asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yup that's her." I answered him.

"And all this fuss about this plain twit with no sense of fashion, what a waste of time!" Rosalie said, rolling her eyes and went of to school. The rest of us went after her. The classes to lunch break went on quickly

At lunch we were one of the first to arrive, we sat at our usual table and waited for Bella to join Jessica's table. Rosalie was complaining about her math teacher who solved a problem on the board wrong which brought up a conversation about who had how often caught a teacher not knowing the right answer. We were so caught up in our conversation that we didn't noticed when Bella sat down on Jessica's table.

"The twit noticed us." Rosalie suddenly said with disgust in her voice.

I turned around and took a look at Bella. She was starring at Edward in awe. Her eyes were greedily taking every part of him in. As he turned around after a moment to face his siblings again a mask of disappointment washed over her face.

She did gaze at his back a few seconds longer and I could see the hope shining in her eyes that he would turn around and grace her with his attention again. When that didn't happen her eyes suddenly flashed to mine and she was, believe it or not, glaring at me before she blushed and turned around to talk to Jessica.

The others listened to what was said at the other table. I knew what was said right now since I read the book and I was in her place about a month ago.

I ate my lunch when I suddenly heard them growl lowly.

"What happened?" I asked surprised. They all looked angry, their eyes were darkening. Edward sighed to claim himself down before saying.

"Ah…this Jessica she just…."

"Oh I get it she was talking about me badly, right. I expected that." I told him unimpressed, shrugged my shoulders and turned my attention back to my lunch.

"You did?" Emmett asked stunned.

"I read the book remember. I know what kind of person Jessica and Lauren are. The only nice person at that table there is Angela. Don't worry I made my choice and I'm fine with it." I told him with a smile on my lips, looking into his eyes so he would see the sincerity of my statement.

"You know most teenage girls would be devastated if someone talked bad behind their back." Emmett pointed out pressing the matter.

"You know Emmett if I would be like most teenage girls I would be in the loony bin by now after everything that happened to me."

"She certainly has a point there." Said Jasper as it was getting closer to the end of lunch break.

"Well good luck in bio and try not to kill her." I said to Edward as I turned to face him.

"Don't worry I won't, her scent is nothing compared to yours." He said with a smug smile.

I looked at him stunned.

"What how do you know?"

"I went to her house yesterday night with Alice. Yes, her scent is also a scent of a singer but it fades in comparison to yours. Your scent is richer and pulls me in so many ways. It is painful and pleasant at once, even though the pleasantness is wining over the pain the more time I spent around you. Carlisle is calling it a perfect match." He explained to me.

"Oh, O.K. I didn't know that that's news to me but I'm happy I'm not hurting you as bad any more." I said the last part with a smile. I really wasn't expecting this.

Who knew?

The bell rang and we went of to our classes.

Edward's POV:

Yesterday I went to Bella Swan's house with Alice. I could get used to Anna's scent and I wanted to do the same with Bella Swan's before I met her. To my surprise it wasn't that bad. Yes, my throat burned and her blood sang to me as well only not as strong as Anna's.

The girl has a small frame, is pale and average looking. According to the books Anna read she was supposed to be the one for me.

I had my doubts.

I walked into the bio class room and took my place. It was one of the three classes I didn't have with Anna.

I sat at my table and saw how the class room filled with students and Bella finally walked in. She was staying in the way of the fan and her scent was blown in my direction but I was prepared and it wasn't a problem to act normal.

The teacher signed her slip and she came to sit next to me. On her way she stumbled but was able to catch herself before she fell. Her face was coloured in crimson as she took her assigned place next to me.

"Hallo, my name is Edward Cullen. Seems like we are going to be lap partners for this semester. It's nice to meet you." I introduced myself politely as she had settled in her chair.

She looked up at me in surprise, her chocolate brown eyes widen as she watched me for a very long moment. She seemed to be spaced out, her heart rat sped up and her breathing became shallow, before remembering where she was.

Yes, she behaved like any other girl I met for the first time, blinded by my perfect looks and drawn in by the Vampire, well with one exception that is.

"Hi, Isabe…..ah I mean Bella, Bella Swan. Charlie I mean my dad must call me Isabella behind my back that's what everyone here seems to know me as, Isabella but it's only Bella." She explained awkwardly, blushing again and before she could say any more Mr. Banner started the class. We had to fill out a sheet which I did in about ten minutes being slow. Bella didn't take long either. She then looked up at me blushing again, Anna was right she blushed a lot, if I wouldn't have hunted yesterday night this class would be hell for me.

"You are done that quickly?" She asked amazed, not being able to tear her eyes of me.

"Yes, as are you." I pointed out.

"I'd already done this lab in Phoenix it's no big deal." She said looking shy, her heart rate speeding up again.

After a while of silence I caught her glancing up at me, she blushed deep red. This was the moment where Mr. Banner came to our table to see why we weren't filling out our sheets. He took a look at the sheets laying in front of us.

"So, Edward, don't you think Isabella should do her work on her own without any help?" Mr. Banner asked disapproval thick in his voice, raising an eye brow.

"Actually she did it on her own." I told him. He then turned to Bella and asked.

"Have you done this lab before?"

She smiled sheepishly. "Yes I had it in Phoenix:"

"Were you in an advanced placement program in Phoenix?" He asked.


"Well, I guess it's good you two are lab partners." He mumbled loud enough for Bella to hear before quietly adding. "What the hell am I here for if they know everything already. Those kids should go to college and not waste my time here."

"Is it always so clod here?" She asked all of the sudden.

"You don't like the cold." I questioned back.

"Or the wet." She added then.

"Forks must be a very difficult place to live then. So why are you here?" I asked her already knowing the answer. She was answering immediately for someone who was supposed to be shy and retreated she was quite talkative.

"Last September my mother got remarried. Phil her husband is nice maybe a little bit too young. Phil travels a lot. He plays ball for a living but he doesn't play well. He plays strictly minor league only and that's the reason he moves around a lot. I send myself here so my mom could move with him to Jacksonville. She stayed with me at first but she was unhappy to be away from him and now I'm here spending time with Charlie."

"And you don't want to live in Jacksonville when they moved there?" I asked her.

"I don't know I see how it goes." She said after a while looking down at the table blushing again. Before class ended Mr. Banner gave us all a project we had to do with our lap partners and hand it in next week. When the bell rang, I shot out of my seat, said quick s good bye to Bella Sawn and made my way to my next class, economics with Anna.

She was already sitting there on our table. I slit into my seat next to her.

"I didn't hear any scrams and you are still here I take it, it went well?" She asked amused.

"Yeah I survived so did everyone else." I told her causing her to smile. Her lips were slightly parted. This was the first time I noticed her perfect shaped, cherry red lips that were calling to me in a very seductive manner.

"Edward are you O.K.?" Anna suddenly asked with a worried expression on her face, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Ah…..yeah I'm alright. It nothing." I told her surprised where my thoughts went. Anna didn't really look convinced but said.

"O.K. but if you feel unwell tell me and we get you out of here. Maybe tow singers at once are a little bit too much for you. Does your throat burn badly?" She asked me. Her worry for me visibly present in her features. She always worries about others. Here I sit next to her, a Vampire who could kill her so easily, who thirsts for her blood and she is worried about how I feel.

"You know you should worry about yourself instead of me. If it went bad you'll be the one dead." I told her in a serious voice.

She took a deep breath, smiled sadly at me and said.

"I know that but if it would go bad, it would be quick for me while you would suffer for eternity. So who got it worse? I'm sorry. Even when you think it is crazy this is my way of seeing things."

I couldn't believe it she was apologizing to me for the pain and guilt I would feel if I killed her. I don't know how often I cursed the fact that I couldn't read her mind but now I wanted to so badly that it almost hurt but what was unbearable was the thought of her dead. That was something that wouldn't happen not as long I was there.

The teacher started the class. When the last bell rang for today we went outside to our cars the others were already waiting for us.

"The twit is staring at us like a hawk." Rosalie snort in disgust. We looked and caught Bella Swan staring at us. When she noticed that she was caught she blushed red and looked at the ground.

You dare to bring that twit home, Edward. Rosalie growled at me in her mind.

"Oh this is wonderful. I drive with Anna to her place." Alice chirped happily dragging Anna away from me.

"You are?" Anna asked surprised while being pulled to her car.

"Yes, you know that Kevin was working for Revlon the past few months. Working out a whole new economics plan for them right." Alice explained. Anna only nodded.

"Well he was at a party yesterday and he brought some test articles of their new line and a goody bag. We so have to test them. Ah and Rosalie you have to come too, they will produce this one fire red lip stick again that you loved in the 80s. There will be one along with other products in the bag that Kevin has for Anna."

Oh, I remember that time when they stopped to produce Rosalie's favourite lip stick she was unbearable for three months, fuming over the loss of her favourite make-up article.

"Sure come, let's see what more there is!" Anna said.

Rosalie smiled, exited to get this lip stick in her hands she jumped in her car, Alice and Anna entered Anna's Audi and the girls were off.

"Do you believe what just happened. My Rose went to Anna's place." Emmett asked in disbelieve, as he, Jasper and I stared after the girls.

It was a small gesture but if Rosalie would hate Anna she wouldn't have gone to her place, not even for her favourite lip stick. In a matter of weeks Anna was able to get Rosalie's acceptance and approval.

Anna is really a remarkable girl.

The school week went on with Bella Swan stealing more and more glances at me. We talked and got to know each other better over our bio project. Of cause I wasn't giving her any hope for more then just friendship. I didn't want to hurt the girl, giving her hope for something I couldn't guarantee would be heartless.

Still despite my efforts to keep our interaction only on friendship level I could practically see how her interest in me grew so could the others.

Bella Sawn wasn't like other girls her age, she was mature and thoughtful, clumsy and always patient and nice to others. She had something from an old soul.

As the school week went by I was forced to face my feelings and with every day passing by they became more and more clear.

The desperate cries of my heart slowly reached my mind and my solitude was steady melting away.