CH 9: Accident

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Edward's POV:

It was Tuesday and in the night it was freezing cold what made the melting snow turn to ice on the street. Anna was a good driver but she drove only for a few weeks it was to dangerous to let her drive to school on her own, that's why Alice and I fetched her up.

I was happy having an excuse to spend more time with her. Her company is something precious to me. We arrived at school and got out of the car.

"Morning, Anna. Angela wants something from you. She is standing at the other side of the lot waiting for you." Said Jessica as she was on her way to the school building and walked by Anna. Like usually Jessica was trying to flirt with me, making me wonder when she would finally give up on me.

"O.K. Thanks Jessica." Anna answered politely. She is always nice and polite to people even though some of them just don't deserve it.

Before Anna was about to make her way to Angela she turned to me and said. "See you class then." When she turned away from me I gabbed her backpack wanting her to have better balance on the iced ground. She looked up at me puzzled.

"I take it to class." I explained, she smiled at me in gratitude and was on her way down the lot.

My siblings and I we reached the front doors of the school building when Alice suddenly had a vision.

Bella Swan was standing next to her truck, a dark blue van lost control and was moving fast in her direction. She didn't have the time to get out of the way because she stood there frozen in place. The van hit her.

Alice looked sadly at me and told the others to hold their breath. I felt sad that a young life was about to end but there was nothing we could do about it.

In that moment I knew that I wasn't in love with Bella Swan. She was a nice girl but not the one for me. Over the past week I made an effort to get to know my supposed to be "soul mate". Yes, Bella is a nice and interesting girl. She isn't shallow or vain but she doesn't have this pull on me. Yes, her blood calls to me but it's only her blood.

She doesn't posses this pull, this hold on me that only stroke me once in my 100 plus some years about a month ago. The pull that no matter how hard I fought, no matter how hard I tried to distract myself I couldn't shake off.

No, Bella Swan wasn't the one for me and the way I found out would be called hilarious if it wasn't on such a sad event. A cliché made me realize the truth. A life and death situation that left no questions unanswered and showed where I stood. I was worried about how not to expose my family when the blood of my singer would be spilled and not about the well being of Bella Swan.

I was making plans how to fastest escape when she got hit by the van when suddenly Emmett's mortified thoughts reached me and the vision that Alice received punched the air out of my lungs and made my whole world freeze.

Turing around I saw Anna suddenly being in front of the van and I knew even with my Vampire speed I couldn't reach her anymore. It was too late.

The only thing on my mind was.

"God, please not her."

Anna's POV:

I was on my way to Angela trying not to slip on the ice. As I looked down on the ground seeing the ice I had a feeling that I forgot something, I just didn't know what it was.

I went carefully down the lot until I saw Bella, she was looking at the ground. I followed her line of sight to see what see what she was looking at.

She was looking at the automobile tire. There were snow chains on the truck.

Snow chains.


At the words my eyes widen in realisation, I stood frozen on the spot, horror washed over me. I wasn't thinking anymore my legs started moving without my knowledge. I was running, running in Bella's direction only a second before I heard the high-pitched screech that was fast becoming painfully loud.

The only thing on my mind right now was Tyler's van and beside that I wasn't thinking any more, on instinct I grabbed Bella and used the drive that I had to push us both out of the way.

As I flying a short distance until I started falling to the ground still holding on to Bella, I heard a loud crashing sound.

The metal of the tow cars rubbing against each other.

Glass breaking and hitting the ground.

And then I hit the ground. I hit the iced ground on my left hip. The impact was so strong that it broke my hold on Bella. I felt the air being knocked out of me and I slide on the ice until I hit against something hard with my back.

I didn't hear anything and I didn't feel anything.

Suddenly I dully noticed that something cold was pulling me gently up. I was pressed against a cold and hard body. On instinct I held on to that cold body for dear life.

After a while the sounds were slowly coming back and I could hear a frantic velvet voice calling out to me.

"Anna, Anna, are you alright, please say something. Open your eyes." That was Edward's voice I was holding on to Edward. He was pressing me gently against his chest, slowly I opened my eyes and pushed myself carefully away from him, while I trembled slightly not letting yet go of him only enough to be able to look up into his eyes.

I was met with his darkening topaz pools that looked frantic, worried and anxious but started to relax as I nodded that I'm O.K., not yet being able to speak, my body still in shock while my mind was getting back to normal quickly. We were looking in each others eyes I was completely lost in his dark topaz pools, while he pressed me against his body again, smiling his crooked smile at me, everything started to disappear again except of him and me when reality hit me.

It should have been Bella. Edward should hold Bella, not me. She should be in his arms right now.

"Bella where is Bella. What happened to her?" I asked franticly and scared looking around to find her.

"Shhhh…don't worry Bella is alright look." Edward pointed ahead of us where Bella started to get up. She had a red spot on her forehead. She must have hit her head on the ground when she fell. At her sight I relaxed and turned to see Edward he was stroking my left cheek, while looking worried and shaken.

I tried to move but my left hip made itself known and wasn't happy at all with my action. I winced as my hip painfully throbbed.

"What's wrong." Edward asked franticly starting to freak again.

"Only my hip isn't happy with me for landing so violently on it." I tried to smile at him it turned out to be more of a pained grimace.

Rosalie, Emmett, Jasper and Alice were at my side before I knew it. All looking worried, even Rosalie.

"God Anna what are you doing!" Alice exclaimed while she appeared to a little shaken.

"You almost gave me a heart attack there." Emmett said but not in his usual booming voice but with a serious face and a voice laced with disapproval.

"Quick get Tyler out of the van, hurry!" someone shouted.

I could see that Mr. Varner, Coach Clapp and a few EMTs, that already arrived, were taking care of him. Bella vehemently refused her stretcher, not that she had any luck with that.

Edward placed me carefully on another stretcher never taking his eyes of me. As I looked how Bella was doing I could see that she was jealously looking at me before she turned her head away from me as she noticed that I caught her.

In the past week while observing Bella Swan I noticed that I wasn't the only one at the receiving end of her glares. Every single girl that dared to steal a glimpse of Edward and was caught by Bella got quickly warned by her with a scowl.

I knew from the books that she thought that she wasn't worthy of Edward but her unconsciousness seemed to have less problems to show the possessive of Edward that clearly was there.

But how she could be so much in love with someone who she didn't even know was beyond me. Yes, I did get that he was beautiful this was after all one of his predatory trails but that a nice shell was enough was something I couldn't fathom.

Reading the books it was obvious that she never really knew Edward. All she ever saw was the beautiful shell. She never really captured his imperfection nor did she understand his demons fully.

I could only shake my head at that but who said love had to be perfect.

It looked like the entire school was there, watching as they put me in the back of the ambulance. Edward got to ride with me in the ambulance, Vampires and their dazzling. Bella got put in another ambulance.

Nearly everything went according to the book from then on. Charlie arrived at the scene in full panic mode, at the same time I saw Esme's Land Rover pull up into the school parking lot.

"Esme is here!?" I stated looking at Edward who smiled sheepishly at me.

"Alice." Was all he said. I sighed in registration they would bring me to the place I dreaded the most no matter what. As they were getting me into the ambulance I heard Charlie yell in panic for Bella.

"Anna, are you alright!?" It was Esme's worried voice when she arrived at my stretcher.

"Yes, I'm fine, only my hip hurts a bit," I said in a claim and polite voice. "but this is completely unnecessary. I can go home and I will be fine. No need for the hospital." I used my best puppy dog eyes to plead with her, not to force me to go to that horrible place, not that it was of any use because she simply turned to the closest EMT for a second opinion.

"You are not getting out of here as long Carlisle hasn't given you his O.K. and now be good and stop fighting it." Edward said in a voice that attempted to sound amused but the strain and worry could not be missed. I just sighed.

There was no hope I would be at the mercy of the Doctors in that hospital. As a child I was sick very often and spend a lot time with Doctors and in hospitals since then I hate them. I knew Esme, Edward and the others only meant well so I tried to claim myself down and to endure it.

While Esme spoke with the EMT and Edward was stroking my hand, I used the time to think about what just happened, how I screwed the plot of Twilight up and how in the world to fix this.

While thinking my eyes fell on the van. Tyler's van was completely destroyed on the passenger side and all the windows were smashed because of the impact of the crash, so were the windows in Bella's truck. But aside from some dents on the drivers side her truck seemed to be alright.

Esme finished talking to the EMT and got into the ambulance as well.

"Don't worry my dear. Everything will be alright. I already called Kevin and told him what happened. He is currently in Seattle and has to be there for the next tow days he wanted to come back but I told him that I would take care of you. He agreed and you have to call him after Carlisle examined you."

"Thank you Esme but I really don't want to cause any trouble." I told her not wanting to be a burden.

"You don't cause any trouble. I love to have you over. You know that, right?" She asked me sincerely, I only nodded.

Of cause, the ambulance got a police escort to the hospital because in the ambulance behind us was Bella, just like in the book. When we finally arrived at the hospital I was taken out of the ambulance and rolled into the hospital while being stuck on the stretcher. It was a frightening feeling laying there while everyone else fussed about me it made the situation seem so much worse then it was.

They put me in the emergency room, the room looked like in the book described a long room with a line of beds separated by pastel-patterned curtains. A nurse put a thermometer under my tongue and left me there on the display because she didn't pull the curtains to protect me from being seen and I was laying there feeling like a caged animal in the zoo with no chance of escape.

Suddenly I could hear another flurry of hospital personnel, another tow stretcher were brought to the beds next to me. I knew it were Tyler and Bella who were brought in. He had bloodstained bandages wrapped tightly around his head. His left arm looked broken. All in all Tyler looked a hundred times worse than I imagine, guess since Edward didn't stop the van the force of the crash was worse. At the sight of his bloodstained bandages I started to feel dizzy, I really don't have it with blood and cuts. He was staring anxiously at me, ready to cry.

"Anna, Bella I'm so sorry! Oh my god. I'm so sorry. I almost killed you both! I'm so sorry you have to believe me! I…." But I cut him off.

"I'm fine, Tyler you are the one who looks awful, the better question is are you all right?"

"Yeah Tyler, same here I'm alright as well." Bella said looking hopeful it would end his apologies. That hope would be crushed quickly. The look at Bella told me that aside from the red spot on her forehead she didn't seem to have any injuries.

During our conversation, the nurses began to unwind Tyler's soiled bandages, exposing a variety of shallow cuts all over his forehead and left cheek. And that was my cue to look at the ceiling if I didn't want to faint, which I didn't. I just wanted to get the hell out of the hospital. In the meantime Tyler just had to keep on rambling.

"I thought I was going to kill you tow! I was going too fast, and I hit the ice wrong"

He winced as one nurse started treating his face, I felt sorry for him but at least it shut him up for a while, though I knew he wouldn't stop.

"You have really fast reflexes Anna: If not for you…." But he couldn't finish the sentence. Yeah if not for me everything would be as it was supposed to be. The nurses were treating him and he couldn't talk for the moment which Bella used to thank me.

"Anna thank you. You saved my life:"

"Your welcome." I smiled weakly at her, if she only knew how much I screwed up back there, she wouldn't be thanking me. Bella looked like she wanted to say more but the nurses were treating us now and that was the end of our conversation.

After a while they X-rayed my hip and did a few more tests. I told them I was alright but none listen. I was alright but still trapped in the ER till I would see a doctor. I prayed that Carlisle would get me out of the hospital quickly.

So there I was waiting and harassed by Tyler's constant apologies and promises to make it up to me and Bella. And Bella giving me strange looks, I really wanted to get out of there fast. I tried many times to convince Tyler that I was fine but he would keep up his remorseful mumbling.

God please someone save me.

That's when Edward and Carlisle came in.

"I was actually expecting to see you at my house and not here, Anna." Carlisle chuckled while he looked at my medical file.

"At least someone has fun." I pouted at him. "Please get me out of her Carlisle I'm fine but none believes me. Please I'm desperate here." I said giving him my puppy eyes, pleading for his understanding.

Edward was tense and worried the whole time, anxious looking from me to Carlisle they had a silent conversation. Well under normal circumstances I would give them a piece of my mind for shutting me out, especially when they were talking about me but I just wanted to get out of the hospital as quick as possible, so I let it slip this time.

Carlisle smiled, leaned in to me and said.

"I'm proud of you Anna." He wouldn't be proud if he knew how I screwed up.

With that he checked if I was alright which I was, except for a big bruise on my left hip that was starting too built. Luckily I didn't break anything. With the warning that I should be careful I got released, finally. I was about to get off the hospital bed and leave the emergency room when Edward gently scooped me up bridal style and carried me out. What ever was the fastest way out of there was fine with me.

In the hall Esme, Alice, Emmett, Rosalie and Jasper were waiting. After Edward gave them a break down on my health Alice, Emmett, Rosalie and Jasper went back to school and Esme, Edward and I we went to their house.

I was with Edward on the back seat of Esme's Land Rover. He was holding me tight to his chest as I felt the pain killer starting to work.

Suddenly he looked at me with an unreadable expression and asked.

"Anna did you know what would happen today because you were reacting too fast to be caught off guard. In fact you started running before the van lost control."

"Yes, I knew that there would be an incidence with Tyler's van but no, I didn't know or better I didn't realize that it would be today until it was too late. I don't know the more time goes by the more real you all become. At first you were nothing but characters out of a book to me and I trapped in a story but now everything is so real. I think I kind of forgot that I'm in a story. I only realize what would happen when I noticed Bella looking at the snow chains on the truck but then it was already too late."

He sighed pinched the bridge of his nose and said.

"You could have been killed."

"Yeah I know. God I messed up. I'm so sorry Edward."

He looked at me interrogative and I explained.

"Look it should have been you, the one who saved Bella. That is or was how she got suspicious of you, that you aren't exactly human. And I messed that up. I'm wrecking your love story if I keep that up you and Bella will not come together. You tow are soul mates according to the books and I'm in the way. I'm really, really sorry Edward."

As I said that he got angrier by the second and spat at me.

"This is MY live and not some stupid book. I'M making MY OWN choices and no book or any author will tell me who I fall in love with BECAUSE SHE IS NOT THE ONE I…."

He looked livid but stopped himself, pressing me closer to his chest, breathing in and out deeply to claim himself. I was lying there in his arms completely confused.

But I couldn't think to make sense out of it because I was drifting of to sleep, worried about what I had done.

Bella was blissfully unaware of everything. I was thinking about telling her everything but after Edward exploded on me I better kept my mouth shut and who knows what will happen if she doesn't find out on her own that the Cullen's are Vampires. Maybe she was only so understanding because she found it all out on her own.

I only wanted to help but in the end I mess it up. I could only hope that I would be able to fix this mess that I caused.