CH 11: 100 questions

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Anna's POV:

On Sunday Charlie came over to thank me personally for saving his daughters life we had a nice talk and I came to like him. He really loves Bella very much. She is his whole world.

It was Monday now and a new week started here in Forks. I got out of bed, showered, dressed and had a snack. I put my jacket on. I grabbed my back pack and was ready to leave for school. I opened the front door of the house and froze death in my tracks out of surprise.

Edward's silver Volvo was parked in the driveway, slowly I was getting the suspicion that he likes to scare the living daylight out of me. Edward was leaning against his car with an amused expression on his face when he saw my reaction.

"What are you doing here Edward?" I asked him still trying to catch my breath after he very nearly caused me a heart attack, good thing I didn't scream.

"Good morning, Anna." He greeted me with his silky voice and a smile touching his lips.

"I thought I come and give you a ride to school." His eyes roamed over my face and the way he looked at me was telling me that I didn't really have a choice.

But I was never one to get down without a fight.

"Why I can drive on my own. As far as I know my car isn't broken and besides I like driving." I told him my arms crossed over my chest.

He looked taken aback, sighed and muttered to himself.

"Not like other girls at all, indeed."

"What was that?" I asked him with a raised eye brown, having heard what he said.

He quickly composed himself and answered.

"It's just the more time I spend with you the easier it is to be around your scent. I would really appreciate it if you would help me out here." He looked shy at the end.

"Well if that's the case, I'm gladly accepting." I smiled at him as I made my way to the car. I was having the suspicion that that wasn't the whole reason but I went along with it.

He held the door open for me and I stepped in. He shut my door, went to the drivers side and started the car. As he pulled out of the drive way he said.

"Well I have been thinking and I think it is unfair that you know so much about me and I know nearly nothing about you. Given this fact would you allow me to ask you a few questions?" Edward was smiling at me with his perfect and beautiful smile trying to dazzle me. His beautiful topaz pools made my head spin and I had troubles to concentrate, luckily I was able to snap out of it and said.

"Really Edward don't dazzle me, it is hard to think when you do that."

"I'm dazzling you." He asked surprised and a little amused.

"Yes, that dam Vampire ability." He laughed at that. "But if I'm dazzled I can't answer your questions. Guess it's only fair that I do since I know so much about you and your family. So shoot."

He nodded and became serious.

"What's your favourite colour?" he asked making a serious face.

"It changes from day to day and is depending on my mood. But usually it's blue and white."

"And what is your favourite colour today?" His face was still emotionless.

"Let me think about it. Hmm…I guess violet. And don't ask me why it just is and if you ask me tomorrow it will be another colour." I answered.

"But blue and white are constant." He asked.

"Yes." I answered.

He nodded and went to the next question.

"What music is in your CD player right now?"

"What music I have in my CD player, let me think. On the CD are Yiruma, El Divo, Paramore, The Pussycat dolls, Nickleback, Kelly Clarkson, Linkin Park, Timberland and so on the charts up and down." My taste in music is diverse.

"Hmm….you are going from one genre to another. No solid preference?" He looked amused, of cause music is one of his favourite topics.

"Well, I like a lot of types of music. I don't have one clear preference I just like what I like, I guess. Yes, there are people that are fixed on one genre like rap or classic but I'm able to find something I like in nearly every genre."

He nodded at that looking thoughtful as we already arrived in school. Edward was driving really fast, like a maniac but I like the speed so it didn't bother me. Thank god for quick Vampire reflexes just in case.

Edward quickly pulled into his usual space. Thanks to his insane driving we still had a little time before school started. He used it to ask me more questions.

"What was the last book you read?"

"You mean aside from Pride and Prejudice from Jane Austin that we have to read for English?" I asked back. He only nodded.

"Well, the last book I read in my world was Breaking Dawn and the draft to Midnight Sun. After that I really didn't have the time to read books for fun. School and my family life were keeping me too busy. The day just doesn't have enough hours when you need to sleep." I told him with a sigh.

"And what is Midnight Sun about and why only the draft?" He asked curious. Right, I never told them about Midnight sun. I only mentioned the other four books.

"Well, it's Twilight out of your perspective. It never got published though. The draft, which was only half finished, appeared on the internet and the author was so sad about it that she didn't continued the book."

He looked at me stunned before his expression turned sad and he said.

"I'm pretty messed up aren't I!" He laughed bitterly wearing a pained expression as he said that. I made a thinking sound and answered.

"You are a stubborn, overbearing, a little drama queen, you have quite a temper and you hide behind your self-hatred and your self-loathing. You are running away instead of facing your problems and you think that you don't deserve happiness. All in all you have quite a tendency to sabotage yourself."

He looked like a crushed puppy now and lowered his head.

"The good new is that you aren't messed up you are only a seven teen year old boy. Edward you may have been able to gain an unbelievable amount of knowledge but emotionally you are still only a seven teen year old boy."

I reached out to touch him and urged him to look at me.

"Edward look at me please." Unwillingly he complied, showing his sad and pained eyes. I felt horrible to cause him pain but it needed to be said.

"It's your choice you can decide if you want to continue to run away and hide behind your self-hatred and your self-loathing or if you want to move on."

"What if I can't? What if I'm not strong enough?" He breathed out so softly that I almost didn't catch it. The pain in his eyes was heartbreaking.

I took his hand, squeezed it and looked in his pools of pain.

"Edward you are dealing with tow singers at one time and neither Bella or I are dead. You are so much stronger then you realize. You only have to accept that you do deserve to be happy."

He looked into my eyes, looking into my soul, squeezing my hand. We stayed in this position until the bell rang and we made our way to the building. He didn't say anything on the way to first period and I didn't interrupt his thoughts.

After first period ended Edward was waiting for in the hallway to walk me to my next class.

"You O.K.?" I asked him concerned as I saw him.

"Better thank you but this is my day asking questions." He meant business.

"Of cause, wouldn't dream of spoiling your fun!" I said laughing.

Throughout the day he continued to question me at every chance he got. While he walked me to English, when he met me after Trig, through the whole lunch hour, he questioned me relentlessly about every detail of my life. The movies I'd liked and hated. He seemed to like it that I like action movies better then chick flicks, even though some times a chick flick isn't that bad. He asked me about the places I'd been to and the many places I wanted to go to, and about the books I've read. Just like in the book.

I couldn't remember the last time I'd talked so much to anyone. By this point I felt like I was the suspect of an interrogation. I was getting the feeling that he had a catalogue of question and that he wouldn't stop until I had answered everyone of them. It was funny to watch how he absorbed every answer I was giving him. His never-ending stream of question continued as he drove me back home. Mostly his questions were easy to answer and some of my answers appeared to surprise him very much.

"What kinds of flowers do you prefer?" He asked as we were sitting in the Volvo in Kevin's driveway.

"I like roses. Not really original but I used to spend every summer at my grandparents house and my grandpa he raised roses in the front yard. He would always bring me roses to my room red, yellow, white and pink ones that's why I like them so much. They remind me of the wonderful time I had with my grandparents." I smiled sadly at that memory.

"You miss your family." It wasn't a question.

"Yes, I do but I'm alright." I put on a strong front not that it fooled him but he let it go. I noticed how dark it gotten out side and stepped out of the car.

Turning around I sighed.

"You're not done yet, are you?" I asked.

"Not even close." He said with a smile on his lips and then he sped of.

I went into the house started to make dinner for Kevin who was home this week. His job requires him to travel a lot through the country and also abroad. In the last few weeks since I came to live with him he cut his travels back but will be soon taking up his normal routine. We talked about it and I reassured him that I would be alright on my own, which I am and beside I can keep the poor guy from his life only because he thinks that I'm his niece.

The next day was the same. Edward still asked me questions but this time about my live in my world. The questions today were much harder to answer. They were the ones that involved me actually thinking hard and talking about my emotions. I described my family and my relationships and he had me describe anything and everything. I briefly wondered if I was doing the right thing because he should ask Bella all those questions but then again he was the only one who didn't ask me those questions I assumed that he read the answers in the minds of his family, guess he didn't.

Maybe he used me as training before he would ask Bella, so I pushed the worry out of my head.

After school we sat in front of Kevin's house again for hours, as the sky darkened and it rained.

After I described my last Christmas with my family he surprised me with his next question.

"I'm curious I ask you questions the whole time, don't you have questions of your own?" He asked me with a curious expression and a raised eye brow. I laughed and answered.

"I already asked all the questions that I could think off and Emmett, Alice, Esme and Carlisle gave me the answers. My curiosity is satisfied for now."

"Why did you ask them and not me?" He asked looking a little hurt.

"Would you have given me an honest answer no matter what I would have asked?" I asked back. He made a pained face and looked at his lap.

"See that's why I didn't ask you. You may mean well but that doesn't mean it is. You may think you can protect someone by keeping the truth away from this person but in most cases the plan backfires and there will always be something standing between you and the other person." I said while putting my hand on his shoulder, he raised his head and we looked each others eyes.

"Are you finished with your questions?" I asked him after a while.

"Hmm…only for now. It's late and Kevin will be here soon." He said.

"Oh how late is it?" I asked.

"It's twilight." Edward murmured while he looked at the western horizon, obscured as it was with the colourful clouds. His looked out of the window not seeing anything, his mind seemed to be somewhere far away. I looked at him as he gazed at the landscape.

I was still looking at him when he suddenly shifted his attention back to me.

"It's the safest time of day for us, the easiest time but also the saddest, in a way the end of another day, the return of the night. Darkness is so predictable, don't you think?" He smiled wistfully.

"It's the end of one day and the beginning of another one. And the night does have it's benefits. When else can you see the stars?"

He laughed at that and we sat in his car for a while longer talking about random things before it was time for me to go and prepare Kevin's dinner.

Edward always the gentleman opened the car door for me before saying good night and speeding of.

I went into the house to make myself ready to start preparing dinner as I heard tow cars park in the drive way. I went to the front door and saw a blue truck next to Kevin's car. I recognised the tow man in the truck immediately.

Billy and Jake.

Bill stepped out of his car with a warn smile on his face. He looked very similar to the actor who played him in the movie.

"Hey, you must be Anna. Kevin told us about you. Nice to finally meet you." Jake said with a bright grin on his face as he shook my hand.

"Sure it's nice to see you, too." Even though I would have preferred we wouldn't have met quite so soon. "Do you want something to eat? I can make dinner for you guys if you want." I told them as we entered the house.

"Yeah, we are as hungry as wolfs." Jake answered. He had no idea just how right on the mark he was.

"Sorry Anna that I didn't warn you but I invited a few people. Oh and Charlie and Bella will be shortly here too. The big game will start soon." Kevin told me in an apologizing voice.

"It's alright I'm going to make you something." I said.

"Yes and Bella can help you when she comes." Kevin told me over his shoulder as he pushed Billy's wheelchair inside the living room.

Bella came into the kitchen and I saw that she struggled not to glare at me like she usually did. From what I witnessed Bella was a nice girl. Patient, friendly and she always had an open ear for her friends. She was the good soul like described in the Twilight books.

But when it came to Edward there was also another Bella and after reading the books I'm positive that she wasn't aware of that side of her. Though she didn't feel to be good enough for him there is a very strong streak within her that wanted to be with Edward and was possessive over him.

It made me wonder how it would all play out later on. Bella didn't have to share Edward's attention with anyone else as his family in the books but here I was now.

Could we become friends? Or would she feel threatened by my presence in Edward's live? Would she react jealous if I spent time with him like with the others?

I could only hope it would work out well. The Cullen's were the only thing I had left. The only thing that kept me sane. Without them in my life I would be utterly lost.

"So how long..." She started but thankfully got interrupted.

"Hey Bells what are you cooking? I'm starving." Jacob whined when he entered the kitchen.

After that Jacob was occupying all her time which I was grateful for. I could sense that she still wanted to talk to me about Edward and the Cullen's, the questions were burning on her tongue but with Jake there she didn't voice them, what was a relive for me.

I didn't like the position I was currently in one bit. I didn't want to lie to Bella. I also couldn't slip either because that would mean I would betray the trust of the Cullen's. I couldn't tell her accidentally something she wasn't supposed to know, she wasn't supposed to know from me, anyway.

Luckily Edward and Bella would be a couple in a few weeks and this whole egg dancing around Bella would end. This hide and seek game was really straining my nerves.

The rest of the evening went on uneventful. Until Kevin asked me how my friendship with Edward was going. He heard about it from Jessica's mother. I nearly choked on my vegetables. Talk about embarrassing.

And I wasn't the only one who choked on the food because Billy and Bella also did. We earned weird looks from Kevin and Jake.

Billy's face turned grave and serious as he heard that I was hanging out with a Cullen and he would watch me with concern the whole evening. But he thankfully didn't start the topic with the Cullen's.

Jake and Bella got along just fine laughing and smiling the whole time. One could see that Jake had a big crush on her but Bella being Bella didn't notice it at all.

Jake seems to be a nice guy but simply not my cup of tea.

As they left I started to wonder if I ever would be able to get home or if this was my life for good now.