CH 12: kiss

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Anna's POV:

I was still recovering from yesterdays visit from Bill, Jake, Charlie and Bella. It's not that I don't like them or anything it's just knowing their place in the story I'm always afraid I would say something I'm not supposed to and that is why I feel very uncomfortable in their presents.

I was saddling in, in my new life here. I've been here nearly tow months and I still had no idea how to get back. It looked more and more like I would be stuck here forever and I was dealing with the fact that I might never see my family again.

At least I had very good friends. The Cullen's have been awesome to me for which I'm really grateful.

Kevin was back in his old routine and had to fly for a week to London. Now he had tow weeks time to decide where to put me for that week and his choices didn't sit well with me. Even though we had a talk in which I assured him that I would be fine on my own he didn't like the idea of leaving a 16 year old on her own. I was trying to convince him that he didn't need to worry about me but it wasn't going well for me.

In fact it was going horribly for me. His friends Charlie and Billy gave him some parental tips and now he wanted me to stay at the Swans place or at Billy's in La Push since they were his closest friends and it would be the responsible thing to do. At least that's what they told him.

Boy if he only knew!!

Living with Bella while I'm not allowed to tell her anything would cost me my sanity and don't even get me started at the damage I could do in La Push.

I in La Push!!

God, all the ways that could end up in a disaster.

I mean Billy was already watching me like a hawk after he got to know about my involvement with the Cullen's. He would try to talk to me about the Cullen's for sure. I don't like the way he thinks and talks about them one bit. If I stay a whole week with him I might end up saying something I shouldn't.

And the worst case scenario would be if the universe or what ever power brought me here would play some sort of cosmic joke on me and one of the werewolf's would end up imprinting on me.

OH HELL NO, not even over my dead body.

I had to win this argument no matter what. Billy's and Charlie's were out of the question.

Suddenly the door bell rang, I went to the door and opened it, reviling Esme and Alice standing there.

"Don't worry we got this. Just play along." Alice whispered to me, I nodded in agreement.

"Hi Esme. Hi Alice." I greeted them as they came in.

"Hallo Mr. Billings it's nice to finally meet you. I'm Esme Cullen but please call me Esme." Esme said to Kevin in a sweet voice, he was already putty in her hands. I had to giggle.

"H-Hallo I'm…I'm….I'm Kevin Billings it's nice to meet you as well Mrs. Ah….I mean Esme. Call me Kevin. What brings you here if I may ask." Kevin asked Esme while still being in awe.

"I heard that you have to go to London in tow weeks because of your work and that trips like these are normal for you. The reason I'm here is because I would like to make you a proposal." Esme said while wrapping him around her little finger. It was really funny to watch how the prey fell.

"A proposal?" Kevin asked confused.

"Yes, from what my daughter Alice told me I understand that your job requires you to travel quite a lot." Esme stated and Kevin nodded at that.

"Well, I would like to propose to you that while you are on a business trip Anna stays at our house. Even though Anna is a really grown up and responsible girl she is still only 16 years old and needs an adult around. I would love to take up that part." Esme smiled at him.

"That's a really generous offer but I don't want to cause you trouble." Kevin responded having doubts.

"Oh please don't worry Kevin. This isn't any trouble at all we'd love to have Anna over. She is the best friend of my daughter and it would mean so much to Alice, please." Esme assured him she's really good at this.

Esme, Alice and I looked with big eyes at him and he crumbled down before our eyes.

"O.K. guess you are staying with the Cullen's while I'm gone….." Kevin wasn't finished but Alice interrupted him.

She started to jump up and down clasping her hands together and said in a very exited voice.

"Yeah, thank you, thank you that's awesome and do you know what's even better?" But she didn't wait for my answer.

"We can do so much together now. Oh this is going to be so much fun we are going shopping and play dress up and watch movies and ..."

"Alice." Esme said in a stern voice while putting her hand on Alice's shoulder to slow her down.

"What I wanted to say is only if you want Anna." Kevin looked at me and I said in an exited voice.

"I would really love to take Esme's and Alice's offer. Alice is my best friend and it would be great to spend a whole week with her." Then I turned to look at Esme and continued. "If you don't mind to have me over that is."

With that Esme pulled me into a hug and said.

"Of cause I don't mind I'd love to have you over my dear."

"Guess it's a done deal then." Kevin stated with a smile and Alice was squealing happily.

As Alice and I went to my room to get my school books, Esme stayed downstairs to discus the details of the arrangement with Kevin.

Kevin was mostly working till late into the night in Port Angeles these days. Normally he was working on his projects alone but this one he has to share with another company which is seated in Port Angeles. He is returning late at night which is why I'm spending all my free time in the Cullen mansion. And since he was going to Port Angeles now as well I was going with Esme and Alice to their house.

We said good bye to Kevin, got into Land Rover and took off.

"Is it really O.K. for me to stay at your house though you really saved me there." I asked Alice while we drove.

"Of cause it is O.K. in fact I wanted you to have a sleepover at our house for a while now and this now is even better." Alice chirped happily. "But there is something I don't understand, when Kevin told you that you had to stay at Billy's or Charlie's for a week you looked horrified and worried. Care to explain that." Alice asked a curious.

"As for Charlie's, Bella is quite into Edward as you know and I just want to avoid questions that I'm not allowed to answer. I don't want to meddle into their relationship anymore. I told Edward everything the ball is in his court I'm out of this." As I said that the both of them had an amused expression and I had the felling I was missing out on something but I shook the feeling off and continued.

"And as for Billy's I'm just avoiding the Werewolves." I said simply.

They both looked shocked and disgusted. I sighed and told them.

"There tribe didn't die out. It's in their DNA whenever Vampires are around the Quileutes with the Werewolf gene are phasing into Werewolves. There should be three of them by now Sam, Jared and Paul I think.

I lectured Edward when he was about to drain me, guess my temper wouldn't go well with young Werewolves."

They only nodded in agreement.

When we arrived at the house we have been greeted by the whole family. Yes, even Rose. Carlisle was very interested in what I could tell him about the pack, the dynamics in the pack, the shared mind thing and about the imprinting.

I did my homework, had dinner, I played video games with Emmett, Jasper, Alice and Edward until it was time for me to go back at Kevin's place.

On the next day Alice came to Kevin's place and got me out of bed early in the morning to do my make-up and to dress me. She really is a genius when it comes to fashion and style.

The school day flew by fast, after school I went straight to the Cullen's and Alice pushed me into her room for some girls talk and to my complete astonishment Rosalie also joined us.

Actually if I think about it now ever since our confrontation Rosalie didn't give even one glare or hissed at me. On the contrary she was behaving civilized towards me.

Wow guess hell must be freezing over.

Did I really win THE Rosalie Hale over in a matter of weeks??????

I shook my head at that and smiled. Alice continued to teach me about all the important designers and labels and everything else that was important to survive in the world of fashion. Alice and I were discussing the shopping trip we were doing on Saturday and Rosalie even gave us a tip for a cool boutique before she left the room, not once being unfriendly to me. That almost shocked me more then suddenly waking up in a plane, in a world where Twilight is reality. Rosalie was making an effort and judging from Alice's expression she was expecting this and was proud of Rosalie.

As we finished our battle plan for the big shopping trip I heard Esme call.

"Anna dear it's time for dinner."

"Thank you Esme I'll be right down." I called back, stood up and went downstairs to the kitchen. Esme was waiting there smiling.

"What would you like to have dear." She asked happily.

"I'm not really that hungry today Esme. Hmm….oh I know I make myself a turkey sandwich."

"How about some green salad to the sandwich? And I thought that maybe for Saturday I could try the new recipe out that I found today. You will be hungry after a shopping trip with Alice. Please take a look at it and tell me if you would like it."

She showed me the recipe it was a turkey cutlet stuffed with cheese and rice mixed with vegetables.

"Eh….yes to the salad and the dinner suggestion sounds yummy. I'm looking forward to it, thank you." I smiled at her, gave her a hug and we began to prepare my dinner, me preparing the sandwich and Esme the salad.

Esme was enjoying the cooking. She was always happy when I told her that I would eat at their house. When she is in the kitchen she is so wrapped up in her cooking, humming to herself, just looking content while preparing a meal.

Esme is gentle, lovely, caring and sweet but she also could be assertive and strong. I truly admire her. Standing in the kitchen, preparing food it reminded me how my mom and I would always cook together on Sunday, I miss my mom.

After I had my dinner Esme and I went to the living room where we sat down on the couch and Esme was showing me a book for interior design. I was always interested in that topic and Esme seemed eager to teach me. I enjoyed it to talk to her, she is really great.

After my talk with Esme I went back to Kevin's place.

As we discussed my interest for interior design Alice found a project for the three of us to do. The Cullen's have a beautiful conservatory that I absolutely love and in Kevin's house there is also a small conservatory too but it was rather run down. None had been taking care of it for a while.

This is why Esme Alice and I decided to take care of it and rebuild the conservatory in Kevin's house. We cut the wild growing plants, repaired the fountain and rearranged the positions of the plants and flowers.

Today Alice and I gave it the last touch. We put chains of lights in between the plants so it would look amazing in the dark. All Alice and I had to do now was to wait for the night to bring us the dark background that we needed.

Alice already played Anna Barbie with me and since I had nothing better to do I started making my homework.

Suddenly the door bell rang.

"I'll have it covered." Alice yelled and ran to the front door.

"There you are finally." She said impatiently.

"Alice what's the matter? Is something wrong?" Edward asked concerned as he stepped into the living room following Alice who grabbed her purse and the keys to Edward's Volvo out of his hands.

"Yes, something is wrong I have an important errand to run." She said brushed a light kiss on Edward's and mine cheek, disappeared out of the house and the sound of Edward's car speeding away was all that was left of her.

"You know I just can't shake off the feeling that one of these days she will pop into the energizer bunny." I looked at Edward and said that with a straight face and a serious voice.

At that he fell into hysterics and couldn't get himself together for quite a while but he wasn't the only one. I laughed so hard I had tears rolling down my cheeks.

Edward's POV:

Lately I found myself seeking Anna's company at every chance I got. That is why when my favourite sister called and asked me to come to Anna's house I immediately jumped into my car and sped to her place.

As I arrived Alice was her usual tornado self and blew out of the house leaving everybody wonder if she had been there in the first place.

The "energizer bunny" comment from Anna was simply brilliant I couldn't get my act together for several minutes I had to laugh so hard. After we both claimed down Anna continued to do her homework while I, wanting to be close to her, pretended to read a book.

I took out a book from the book shelf in the leaving room and sat down on the love seats next to the window which allowed me a perfect view of her.

While my angel was sitting there I would gaze at her and bask in the perfection of this moment.

Every since Anna arrived my whole behaviour changed for the better as my siblings and parents assured me.

I used to be moody and seemed to be depressed, enduring this existence day in and day out but ever since she came into my life this changed.

I see every new day as a chance to learn something new about her. Every new day gives me the chance to spend more time with her, to be in her company.

She is like a drug for me and I mean not only her blood but her whole being.

The way she moves.

The sound of her voice.

The mystery of her thoughts.

Her unpredictability.

Her honesty.

Her smile.

The way she makes me feel every time she looks into my eyes.

She brought a lightness into my being that I never knew before, a happiness that I thought would be forever forsaken for me. She is the reason I consider that I might do deserve to be happy.

She knows all my weaknesses, all my dark and ugly secrets and still has faith in me. For her I want to be a better person.

Being in her company makes me feel less a monster and more like a man. She is giving me back what I thought I lost forever I just can put my finger on what this is but no matter what I don't want to lose that feeling.

I don't want to lose her that realisation hits me like a freight train. I felt this before as Anna almost got killed by Tyler's van but I didn't know how strong my need for her to be in my life really was until now.

While I was in my thoughts Anna finished her homework and got up to walked to the window gazing out into the sky. In this moment I really wanted to know what she was thinking. I became frustrated again about the fact that I couldn't hear her thoughts. After a moment she turned around and started to walk away.

"Where are you going?" I asked her not liking it one bit that she was walking away from me.

She looked surprised at that question but answered.

"I'm just going to the conservatory. It's finally dark outside we put the chains of lights between all the plants and now I want to see how it looks like. With the dark sky in the background and the little lights in there." She smiled while saying this and her eyes sparkled like little diamonds.

"Would you mind if I would accompany you?" The words were out of my mouth before I could stop myself. She looked surprised again at me but agreed.

"Sure if you want."

I followed her into the conservatory. Esme, Alice and Anna outdid themselves. I almost didn't recognized the room. They turned a wild jungle into a beautiful little Garden of Eden. There were all sorts of exotic plants and flowers there. A fountain was standing in the middle and chains of lights were place in between the plants. The room looks pretty when Anna switched the lights on but when Anna stepped into it, it became magical.

She sat down on the edge of the fountain and was playing with the water. Through the huge glass walls the moon was shining on Anna's delicate frame. In the tender mist of the fountain and the silver light of the moon Anna appeared to literally glow. She was a vision. Never in my very long existence have I seen something so beautiful as her.

I couldn't take my eyes off of her, she was sitting there gazing out of the glass wall on the stars in the dark sky a small smile curved her cherry red lips and the sound of her heartbeat was hypnotizing me. A warm feeling that I didn't know before washed over me reaching every fibre of my being.

As I watched her sitting there, emotions were rushing through my entire body I didn't know I was able to feel. A desire I thought I wouldn't posses had my entire being in it's clutches.






All this emotions that the couples in my house Carlisle and Esme, Rosalie and Emmett and Alice and Jasper were experiencing every day were now running though me for the first time ever.

I wanted her.

I desired her.

I needed her.

Without me noticing it Anna had become essential to my survival.

She was my world, my sun, my moon, my stars. She was the light that showed me the way out of the darkness in which I have been existing for so long.

My body was acting on it's own accord as I made my way to her, standing right in front of her which surprised her. She looked up at me, her eyes sparkling and her seductive full red lips slightly parted.

I needed to feel her in my arms.

I needed her body pressed against mine.

The desire for her blood was completely forgotten. I didn't even feel the usual burn in my throat. My need for her body overpowered my desire for the blood of my singer.

I reached for her hands and pulled her up to stand up right in front of me. She looked surprised at my action but complied. I was staring in her beautiful hazel eyes that were shining in the moonlight. The hypnotizing rhythm of her heartbeat speed up, it was faster and louder then before as if it could vibrate her frame with every beat. She was breathing uneven and shallow.

I let go of her hands, placed them on her hips and slid them to the small of her back, pulling her slowly closer to me until our bodies touched. Pulling her closer up against my body she placed her hands on my upper arms squeezing them slightly.

Her hazel pools were looking intensely into my eyes, she was trembling lightly in my embrace. Her heart was throbbing in a loud and fast rhythm.

She looked at me from under her long eyelashes and bit her lower lips in an innocent and at the same time sexy way, sending my body on fire.

The desire, the need to kiss her was becoming unbearable, consuming my being completely.

I moved my right hand from the small of her back up her side over her shoulder reaching her cheek. Touching her lightly before brushing my thumb over her warm and soft perfect shaped cherry red lips. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath while I was touching her lips.

I could feel her warm sweet breath as she exhaled. When she opened her beautiful eyes I could see the same desire burning in them that I felt.

Slowly, I bend my head down watching out for any sign of fear or hesitation but there were none. Instead I was met with the same longing that I felt.

After what felt like eternity I placed my lips on hers.

Her lips were softer then I imagined, soft and warm. Shivers were running through my entire body as I slipped my right hand down her side and placed it on the small of her back again to press her closer to me. Savouring the feel of her body pressed against mine, her soft warm lips on mine cold and hard ones.

I was basking in this heaven.

Anna's POV:

I don't even know what came over me but when he lifted me up and pulled me into his embrace, everything else ceased to exist. I looked into his topaz pools as he held me and pressed me closer to his body. I didn't have any control over my body anymore. There was only this longing to feel his lips on mine.

He pulled me up to him, we were looking into each others eyes and the longing for his kiss became almost painful.

He touched my cheek and brushed his thumb over my lips sending electric shock waves through my body, making my heartbeat go wild.

He bent his head down to me and I closed my eyes before I felt his cold lips lightly touching mine. My heart skipped a beat as our lips met. The contact of his lips on mine literally took my breath away. I was melting into his embrace, his strong, gentle arms holding me.

The feel of his lips on mine was sheer heaven and that's when Bella flashed through my mind. I knew what I was doing was wrong but it felt so right.

While breathing I was assaulted with his sweet scent that started to cloud my mind and any thoughts of Bella were lost somewhere in my head.

I slowly moved my hands to his chest holding onto his shirt, trying to pull myself closer to him.

As his lips started moving against mine I couldn't help but make a soft sound.

His hands that were on the small of my back before and held me thigh to him were now running slowly up and down my back, sending shivers of pleasure through my entire body.

Feeling his lips moving against mine, his cool, hard body pressed against mine warm, soft one, his hands exploring me, caused me to moan in pleasure.

I could feel his chest vibrating as a low growl escaped his lips. He reached his limit and suddenly pulled away from my lips. He was breathing heavily but he still held onto me not ready to let go of me. He had his eyes closed and a huge smile on his perfect lips.

"Wow!" Was all he was able to say while he pulled me back against him. I buried my face in his shoulder. He was breathing heavily and trembling slightly while stroking my hair.

When he claimed down I stood on my tiptoes and brushed a light kiss on his cheek. His honey pools were gazing into mine shining with love and desire.

I brushed my fingertips over his marble lips and he placed a little kiss on them.

"This was magical." I whispered as he was smiling down at me.

He was staring into my eyes looking for something, he must have found it because let out a laughed in relief, he pulled me as close to him as he could and buried his face in my neck, placing little kisses on it.

All of the sudden he literally swept me off me feet and spun me in circles before placing me back on the ground and touching his forehead on mine. We stayed in this position for a while just enjoying the feeling before he brushed his lips on mine again.

This time it was a sweet innocent kiss. He broke away from my lips and placed a kiss on my forehead before wrapping his arms around me a holding me tight in his embrace and burying his face in my hair.

Bella came back into my mind but for now all I wanted was to enjoy being in his arms. I pressed myself closer against him, inhaled his intoxicating scent let it cloud my mind.

I was savouring every second of our moment.

Oh dear lord, I fell in love with Edward Cullen.