ch 14: Rosalie respect, Jaspers ability

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Anna's POV:

After Alice thrown us out of bed she dressed and styled me and sent me into the kitchen to have breakfast before we would go shopping.

As I was sitting at the counter eating my toast Emmett and Jasper both walked into the kitchen, "Well done little sis", boomed Emmett while Jasper smiled and nodded at me, which caused Edward to roll his eyes in respond. Esme was beaming like a Christmas tree the whole time.

Yesterday night it slipped my mind for a moment that I was in a house full of Vampires and as the result they all heard the conversation I had with Edward.

I apologized to him for not choosing a more private place but he just shrugged and said that I hadn't said anything, they all hadn't already known. I was shocked and amazed at the same time that Edward took it so calm.

Seems like there is hope for him, after all.

After finishing my breakfast we were ready to go. Edward grabbed my wrist and spun me around as I was making my way to the front door.

"I don't want you to go." He said before placing a soft kiss on my lips. He pouted adorably.

"Yeah, but if I don't I'm afraid Alice is going to kill us both." I smiled at him rolling my eyes.

"Annoying little pixie" Edward sighed defeated, I giggled.

"I'll be back soon. I promise!" I told him. Giving him one last kiss before Alice dragged me out of the house.

When I was outside looking at the car Alice just got in I almost had a heart attack. It was Rosalie's red BMW.

"Anna hurry up or are you going to stand there forever?" She called as she saw me standing frozen on the spot.

"It's going to be alright love:" Edward whispered into my ear chuckling at my expression. Completely stunned I went to the car and slipped into the back seat. As soon as I closed the door Rosalie took of.

"Your wondering why I'm here!" It was a statement not a question.

"Yes, I know you were making an effort but I haven't thought you would spend hours with me on your free will."

"Trust me I wouldn't have thought it either but after yesterday night things changed." Rosalie said.

"Oh, and how so if you don't mind me asking?"

"First I thought you were only some stupid human girl falling for the perfection of a Vampire, blinded by looks and money. Hanging on to every of his words but you are the complete opposite. You've got a backbone girl. Edward needs someone to set him straight and you are just the girl for the job. It's going to take some time for me to learn to like you but you got my acceptance and approval." Rosalie told me while she drove at top speed.

I was stunned I wouldn't have expected this in a million years but I wasn't about to look the gift horse in the mouth.

"Thank you Rosalie." I smiled at her and she nodded.

With Rosalie's speeding we arrived in Seattle in about two hours. It was cloudy, the perfect whether for Vampires in public. She drove us to the biggest mall I have ever seen.

In this moment I was really glad that I had my snickers on, that was quite an argument, I had with Alice this morning.

She wanted me to wear heels but not with me. I was going to make some miles on foot today and there for I needed the right foot wear. After it hit home that I wasn't going to wear the heels Alice let me wear the snicker, even though she wasn't happy about it.

Guess if I try hard enough I get my way with the shopping addicted pixie.

First we headed for a beauty salon where Alice and Rosalie dived in, they bought soap bars, shampoos, really expensive hairbrushes, oils and other products.

It all looked and smelled fantastic but when I saw the price for the products I almost fainted. Twenty five dollars for a bar of soap that's just plain crazy, with this start I could only imagine how the day would look like.

And I was right, they weren't really down to business until we walked into a shoe shop where Jimmy Choo's could be found.

For the next hours, I followed Rosalie and Alice around to various designer stores, letting them pick things out for me. I was determinate to put some limits to Alice's shopping insanity well that was easier said then done but in the end we came to an agreement.

She could buy me clothes but only if I liked them and would wear them. Our arms kept filling up with bags and we had to make some runs to the car. Thanks heaven Rosalie's BMW has a big trunk.

Vera Wang, Dolce and Gabbana, Coach, Prada, Fendi, Chloe, Marc Jacobs just to name a few designers we had to check out.

I was horrified at how much money they spend on clothes but I reminded myself that I promised Edward to work on not worrying about the money issue. I really tried.

Aside from that I had to admit that it was a lot of fun to shop with Alice and Rosalie. Girls gone wild in the shopping mall.

Not to forget that it was also exhausting. I don't know where I got the condition from to keep up with them but I made it.

After we visited our last shop Alice pushed us into a hair studio to make our hair, nails and make-up.

We all got French nails and a light make-up while Alice and Rosalie only got their hair styled, I got some high lights into mine. It looked amazing.

When we were finished I was exhausted and happy to go home. I had fallen asleep during the drive and got woken up in the most wonderful way.

Edward kissed me awake.

"Time to wake up sleeping beauty." He chuckled while placing kisses all over my face.

"Hi!" I said still half asleep.

"Hi, tried much?" He asked amused.

"Yep but it was fun. Do you like my knew hair style?" I asked much more awake now.

"Yes, you look beautiful. You always do." He breathed while letting his fingers slide through my now silky hair.

We got the purchases and went into the mansion. I only just made it past the door step when Alice kidnapped me into her room ordering me to wear a royal blue Halter Cocktail dress by Scala which hugged my chest beautifully, a breathtaking silver necklace, earrings and a bracelet as jewellery and blue velvet stilettos to complete the outfit.

I was dressed and Alice led me down stairs where Edward was waiting for me in black dress pants and a white dress shirt, the shelves were rolled up to his elbows and the three top buttons were open.

I could see his perfect shaped marble chest. On his right wrist he was wearing a silver watch and his bronze hair was messy, he looked absolutely generous.

My breath hitched when I saw him and my heart was about to jump out of my chest. We were looking at each other before he said in a husky voice.

"You look so beautiful."

"Thank you. You aren't that bad yourself." I smiled at him while biting my lower lip. He kept on staring at me.

"So what is this about?" I asked curious, desperately needing a distraction before Edward caused me to pass out.

I was about to pass out because a hot, absolutely generous guy was standing in front of me. This was so not like me but when you are in love...

He smiled mysterious and led me to the conservatory.

It was breathtaking there, added to the chains of lights were now little candles that were placed everywhere shining through the plant. The soft lights and the dark sky filled with stars outside the glass walls made the room look magical.

In the fountain were blue lights under the surface of the water making the water in the fountain seem blue and violet. Soft jazz music was playing along with the sound of the fountain and next to the southern glass wall of the conservatory there stood a beautifully set table.

"Edward what is this?" I asked his completely amazed

"Just an attempt for a little romantic evening. Don't you think it's the best place?" He asked very alluring. I smiled at him and gave him a passionate kiss.

In the conservatory at Kevin's place we became a couple. Edward was such a romantic and I really appreciated it.

"It's perfect." I breathed as he led me to the table, I ate my dinner and we danced for a while, well you couldn't really call it dancing since I can't dance but he was a patient teacher.


After I showered and brushed my teeth I was ready for bed, Edward was already waiting for me.

"You know today at the shopping trip I bought something. Wanna see?" I pulled out a huge bag and showed him a big blanket. He looked at me puzzled, not knowing what to say.

"It's a heating blanket. This way you don't have to stay over the covers but can crawl under them with me. The heat of the blanket should be able to warm up your cold skin. I mean only if you want to?"

He looked at the blanked and me in amazement.

"Why haven't I thought of this?" He asked mainly himself, I shrugged my shoulders and he took the blanket to spread it across the bed, guess he liked the idea.

We snuggled up under the blanket. I was lying on my side and Edward had his stone chest pressed to my back. His head was lying on the back of my shoulder and he said.

"I really like this invention."

I giggled at that and answered.

"Yeah, me too. Good night Edward."

"Good night, my love." Edward whispered and softly stoked my arm while I drifted off to sleep.


I woke up to find Edward smiling at me his crocked smile. He looked so happy this morning.

"Morning beautiful."

"Morning handsome." I replayed smiling back at him.

What was with me, I constantly had to smile around him. Then I remember I was in love with this guy and my brain chose to become mush when he was around. I mentally rolled my eyes at myself.

I put my hand on his chest and it was warm. The blanket worked. I was lying with my Vampire boyfriend in bed not separated by fabrics and it was cosy and warm.

Edward looked at me with his pools of liquid gold shining down on me before he bend his head down, brought his face close to mine and attacked my lips with his own.

We kissed, snuggled and talked until it was eleven that's when Esme called me down for a little breakfast.

I was eating my toast sitting on the kitchen counter Edward watching me from the opposite side of the counter.

"I've been thinking. I would like to show you something. I thought we could make a picnic basked for you and spend some time outside. It's going to be really nice weather around noon. What do you think?" He asked while looking intensely at me.

"Sounds great I'm game."

After I washed the dishes Alice dressed and styled me for the day outside. She never pasted a chance to play Anna Barbie and I liked to play it. Having a personal stylist was awesome.

We have been driving for a while listening to jazz music. It wasn't my taste but some of the pieces were growing on me. Edward explained all about the music. Who composed it and the era it was from.

His taste in music was not always my case but I still wanted to know what fascinated him about it.

Then the road we were on ended, constricting to a thin foot trail with a small wooden marker. He parked on the narrow shoulder and we stepped out of the car. I knew immediately what he was going to show me. His meadow, I was really excited to see it in person.

"It's a little bit far, do you insist on walking by yourself or do you prefer a ride on my back?

"Mmm…you know I would like to walk a little and when I'm tried I will take you up on your offer. How does that sound?" I asked him.


The forest was beautiful but the walk in it was exhausting after over an hour Edward pulled me on to his back and took of with Vampire speed.

I loved it to go fast the feeling was indescribable, the wind in my hair, how everything became a green blur. I could feel the adrenaline rush through my body as the world around us melted together.

When we stepped through the last fringe of ferns we reached the loveliest place I had ever seen. The meadow was small, perfectly round, and filled with wildflowers yellow, violet and soft white.

Somewhere nearby, I heard a stream. Through the branches of the trees around us rays of sunshine were shining through. I walked slowly and amazed, through the soft grass and beautiful flowers. I was surprised at how warm the air felt there.

It was just like in the book described I couldn't believe I was there.

"Do you like it?" Edward whispered into my ear.

I turned around so he could read the answer in my face. Just then I noticed that we where standing in the shadows. I stepped into the sun and held me hand out for him.

"Edward can I see you in the sunlight, please?"

He smiled an unsure smile and nodded. Edward took a deep breath, opened his shirt, let it slid down to the ground and then he stepped carefully and hesitant out into the sun.

Edward in the sunlight was shockingly beautiful. I looked at him in awe. Stehenie Meyer said in her book that he literally sparkled, like thousands of tiny diamonds that were embedded in the surface and it was true. The movie didn't capture this phenomenon in the least.

Edward was standing there perfectly still his chest was board and defined. His abs were hard and well build. His arms strong and muscular. He looked perfect like a Greek sculpture.

The books say that everybody can see from his physical appearance that he is the youngest but that isn't true.

If I didn't know him and his age I would say that he was around twenty judging by his physical appearance

He watched me as I starred at him and asked.

"Does this scare you?"

"No, it is beautiful and don't even try the phrase, it's the skin of a killer, on me."

Before I noticed him move he pulled me into his arms and starred at me while smiling.

"What? Do I have something in my face?" I asked.

"Thank you."

"For what?" I asked not being able to make sense out of it.

"For being her and for loving me."

Before I could say anything he kissed me, it was a passionate kiss while he pressed me to his body. I placed my hands on his exposed chest and I could feel the defined muscles of his chest moving under my hands. Curiously I ran my hands over his chest his sexy six pack and his well build arms. I couldn't get enough of him.

I don't know how long we stood there and kissed but at one point he pulled away and led me to the middle of the meadow.

We lay down. I put my head on his chest while he placed his hand on my stomach. It was so peaceful to lay there with him listening to the sounds of the forest.

After a while he asked me the question that I heard the most often from him.

"What are you thinking?"

I smiled at the question and tried to answere as best as I could.

"Just how strange, weird and unpredictable life is. Honestly, I would have never thought I would some day end up here."

"Is this good or bad?" Edward asked carefully. After thinking for a while I answered.

"Both. It is bad, because I lost my family, but also good at the same time because I have you now."

I turned my head as I told him that. Edward smiled half sad half happy in response and nodded his head. As a few moments of silence passed he asked me in a serious voice.

"If you had the chance would you go back to your world?"

If I had the chance would I go back? That was a though question.

"To be honest Edward I don't know. I love my family and I miss them but to be away from you..." I didn't finish this sentence instead I sat up and placed my hand on Edward's cheek, bushing my thumb lightly over his cool skin.

Edward looked at me in suspense waiting patiently for me to continue.

Sitting with him in his meadow, looking at him I realized just how much I loved him. How much Edward meant to me. I couldn't imagine a life without him anymore.

Was it really only two days ago that we confessed our love for each other?

But then again he was part of my life for months now. How come I didn't notice earlier how important his presence in my life had become?

"I can't imagine my life without you in it." I laughed bitterly as I said this.

"What is it?" He asked concerned and confused at the bitter tone in my voice.

"I just never thought I would be one of those girls."

"One of those girls?" He asked looking absolutely lost.

"Girls that are so in love, a love sick teeny and this whole bla bla bla. I never wanted to find the one true love, Edward. I wanted to meet someone who I would like and get along with. If you don't have expectations you can't get hurt but now that I have found you….." I looked deep into his eyes as I said the next words.

"I don't think I could live without you Edward." And to be honest that scared me. I never thought that love could be such a powerful thing.

I tried to imagine a life without Edward in it. I don't think I would be completely lifeless or comatose. I doubt I would fall in a great depression. I'm just not that kind of person.

But a life without Edward in it, it seems so….I don't know …not right…..wrong…..incomplete.

It's like walking a path in a world were nothing exists. A room without any objects or sounds or colours. Walking a grey endless path in a white room with no aim or purpose.

Love is really a messed up thing. A beautiful messed up thing.

"You don't have to be sacred I will never leave you." He said as he cupped my face in his hands and made me look into his golden pools.

"In the books you left Bella because you thought that your world was too dangerous for her and you wanted her to lead a normal, human life." I retorted. I didn't know where this fear of him leaving was suddenly coming from.

Yes, I promised myself that I wouldn't let New Moon happen but when he chose to leave there was nothing I could do about it.

That wasn't quite true there was a thing I could do but seeking the Volturi out and asking them to change me so could chase him down and kick his ass was not the best idea.

Edward let go of me and his hands fell into his lap. He looked at the ground for a while. He thought about what I just told him and said.

"That are good reasons for me to leave….." In this moment I didn't know if I should burst out in tears or bit his head off but on second thought I did know. My anger won.

Just before I could open my mouth to yell at him he looked at me with the most anguished expression I have ever seen in my life efficiently stopping me dead in my tracks.

"I'm sorry but I can't. I can't leave you. I know that we don't know each other very good yet and that it's early in our relationship but I can't leave you, ever." Edward was desperately trying to convey to me what he was feeling.

"I seem to have made some very stupid mistakes in the alternative future." I only nodded at that in absolute agreement.

"I don't know if I can explain this but I have the feeling that…no I know that whatever good reason there might be to leave I could never do it. I need you by my side. All my perceptions you are turning them upside down." He said honesty shining in his liquid gold.

"What do you mean I'm turning them upside down?" Now I was the confused one.

"I was absolutely convinced that I'm a ruthless monster and that I don't have a soul but that was before I met you and now I wonder if I might be wrong about that. Just to name an example." Edward said thoughtfully.

I didn't know how to respond to this so I did the only thing that came to my mind I kissed him and wrapped my arms around his neck. Edward's arms locked around my waist and he pressed me closer to him.

While being in his embrace I though just how different this Edward was then the one I knew out of the books. The Edward out of the books would have never said that.

I was wondering if it might had anything to do with the fact how I was, with the fact that he was in love with me and not Bella.

Carlisle said that Vampires only change when something significant happens in their lives. Edward is in love that I would call significant but what if it also counted who he was in love with?

Like he was adjusting to the person he was in love with. What if Bella's insecurities, low self-esteem and self doubts made it possible for Edward to leave her and do all of his mistakes and because I'm remotely confident, determined and I have self-esteem because I know what I want and don't feel like I do not deserve Edward I'm rubbing off on him.

I know that is twisted logic but somehow it does make sense to me. At least it would explain why my Edward is so different then the Twilight Edward.

After this emotionally exhausting talk we just lay there next to each other. Just enjoying each others company and thinking about what had been said.

As it was becoming colder and the sun began to set we went home. The weekend was absolutely amazing. Edward and I got together, we had a romantic date, he showed me his meadow and we had an important talk.

I groaned as I remembered that tomorrow we had to go back to school. It was time to get Edward and Anna are together bomb over with.

Somehow it felt like with making our relationship public the original Twilight plot was truly over.

Edward's POV:

It was in the middle of the night and the beautiful creature who is my girlfriend was lying in my arms not separated from me by any fabrics. I haven't thought this was possible.

The idea with the heating blanket was brilliant. The blanket warmed my body up like the sun a stone in summer.

I had to smile to myself. One would think that a mind that is capable of solving the most complicated mathematical problems is able to come up with something as simple as a heating blanket against the cold of my skin.

I don't know, in the beginning, the casual way she behaved around my family and I, despite knowing what we are didn't sit right with me but thinking about it now I see that there was more to her behaviour that meets the eye.

She really doesn't care about the differences in our species. When she looks at one of us, the first thing she sees isn't the Vampire, the predator, the danger but the person we are and at the same time never forgetting the challenges that occur in the interacting between our tow species.

The person counts more then the species!

The who over the what!

Always trying to make bridges over the differences in our species, she is really something else.

She is so fragile and breakable but also so strong and determinate. She lost everything her family, her friends, her home, her identity, her entire world and she keeps going forward.

I wonder if she keeps going forward because she really is that strong or because if she wouldn't be moving forward she would break down and there wouldn't be a way back?

I may not know the answer to that question but I know that from now on she won't need to be strong on her own.

An equal relationship.

I was thinking about the talk we had in the meadow all of the sudden. All the bits and pieces I got from her about how I was supposed to be according the books made me realize just how great of a gift her presents in my life was.

She was changing me, making me a better person. Everyone knew it. I knew it, my parents, my sibling. Anna completed me. For the first time since I became a Vampire I know the reason for my existence. The reason why I didn't die back then.


Edward she is going to wake up in tow minutes. I'll give you fifteen minutes then I have to dress her, not one second more!! Alice voice echoed in my head.

Right on cue my love began to stir, I brushed a strand of her hair out of her face and kissed her forehead.

"Morning beautiful."

"Morning handsome." She replayed while her eyes were still closed.

I leaned in to her and captured her lips with mine. The kiss started out sweet and innocence but quickly grew passionate. As her breath became uneven I broke the contact with her lips only to kiss along her jaw, behind her ear, down to her neck.

I was completely caught up in kissing her which is why I didn't notice when the little pixie burst into the room.

"I said fifteen minutes Edward. Morning Anna it's time. Get up I have to get you ready for school."

You don't want to get on my bad side, dear brother! Alice warned as I considered to throw her out. Her gift could be really annoying sometimes.

We were all dressed and ready for school Alice, Jasper, Rosalie and Emmett took the BMW and Anna and I drove in my Volvo.

Today at school I had to show the male populating that Anna is mine. The thoughts that most of those male kids had about my mate made me want to crush their heads.

We were purposely running a little late so that I would have the audience that I needed, everyone in Forks High would know that Anna is my girlfriend.

She is mine.

We parked in our usual spots and got out of our cars. I went to Anna's side to open the door for her. She waited patiently for me, knowing how important these small gestures of courtesy were to me.

This one of the things that is new to me, telling someone else how I feel. What I want and what I expect.

Anna told me that since she told me what she expected from our relationship she wanted to hear my point of view as well. Since I'm in the process of figuring many things out, I told her what I knew for sure.

For example how important it was for me to be able to be a gentleman towards her. And the other thing, after seeing how hesitant she accepted the new room that Alice and Esme made for her, I explained to her what it meant to me to give her gifts.

I loved to spoil her. Money was something I possessed plenty of. Not even when I was human money was an object to me. The gifts I made her and the things I bought for her were expression of my love for her.

I wanted her to understand that if she rejected my gifts it would kind of feel like she was rejecting me. And same goes for my family.

Anna promised me to work on her accepting my and my families gifts. I also understood her hesitation in accepting our gifts. She was coming from another background as I was but she was my mate and this was a point I wasn't about to retreat.

It's actually funny about 90 years I have built those wall around myself, never letting anyone to close to me, not that my family hadn't tried but every attempt I would fight off. And hen Anna comes and is able to demolish them without any effort. Not leaving me any space for excuses or apologies. She is truly making me a better person.

I know very well that I don't deserve an angel like her but I'm determined to become worthy of her no matter what.

I opened her door and offered my hand to help her out of the car. She accepted it and gracefully stepped out of my Volvo.

Anna and I walked to the middle of the parking lot that was filled with students. I took my chance turned Anna around to face me, pulled her into my arms and kissed her passionately. She was surprised at my actions but kissed me back. I gave her a long passionate kiss while my hands were running up and down her back.

When I broke our kiss she looked dazzled and suspicious at me. I was pleased to notice that everyone in the parking lot was fully aware of our display.

What they are together!? When did that happen? Oh she's so gonna spill! Jessica

Edward freaking Cullen!! How the hell did she get her claws on him? That bitch!! Lauren

Of cause Cullen just had to snatch one of the hottest girls away!! Lucky bastard! Eric

Dam and I was about to ask her out. What does she want with him anyway he's a freak!! At least Bella is still free. Mike

They look good together. I'm happy for her. Angela

Angela was really an honest and sweet girl just as Anna told me. As for the male population here they knew now that Anna was mine and if they were smart they better not try to hit on her, it wouldn't be good for their health.

I was proud of my accomplishment as I looked at my beautiful mate. She looked still suspicious at me, crossing her arms over her chest and raising an eyebrow at me before saying.

"Marking your territory, hmm!?"

I could tell she was teasing me. I put my hands on her hips and pulled her to me whispering in her ear.

"Vampires are very possessive of their mates my love. I want everyone to know that you are mine!"

She shivered as I whispered into her ear, she shook her head while smiling a seductive smile, stood on her tiptoes, looked directly into my eyes with her hazel pools and said.

"And you are mine." Before grabbing the collar of my jacked, pulling me closer to her and placing a kiss on my lips.

I got the felling that she would put my self-control to more then just one test. I could resist the call of her blood but when those were dangerous thoughts to think and before anything could get out of control I broke the kiss.

"We better go to class before we're late."

She smiled triumphantly and satisfied at me, I took her hand and we entered the school building. We were the gossip of the day, like she promised herself Jessica attacked Anna in their English class.

Anna answered patiently all the questions knowing that Jessica would spread the news all over school before the last class. That was fine by me everyone should know that Anna was mine. The thoughts Mike, Eric and Tyler had about her made me want to snap their necks. Luckily for them seeing her with me cooled their thoughts down a little.


After school was out we got into my Volvo and we drove home. I was thinking about what we could do today when Anna asked me.

"Edward there is something I want to ask you or better tell you regarding Jasper."

"And what would that be?" I asked her.

She looked thoughtful as if not knowing how to begin I cruse the fact that I couldn't read her mind for about the millions time before asking.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Hmm…..I have been thinking about Jasper lately."

"What about him?" I asked confused.

"I came up with a theory regarding Jaspers gift. That's why, please could you drive a little bit slower so I can explain it to you before we arrive at your home?"

I nodded curious now and slowed down even though I didn't like to go that slow.

"First what is Jaspers gift?"

I looked at her wondering why she asked when she knew it already but answered.

"He is able to feel and manipulate emotions, you know that."

"Yes, I know that but thinking about it I realized something!"

"And that would be!" I pressed really not knowing where she was going with this.

"Look Jasper is able to feel your emotions. He feels what you feel right." I nodded starting to get confused.

"And thirst is also something that you feel right! Have you ever considered he might feel your thirst too? What if the reason why he struggles so much with his control is because he has to endure not only his own thirst but also yours too?"

Anna's POV:

I watched him mull all this over for several minutes. Before he nodded and said.

"You could be right. It sounds plausible, I think."

"Thanks. I thought we could test the theory."

"What do you have in mid." He asked me curious.

"How about Jasper staying down wind form me while being restrained by Emmett and Carlisle, only in case my theory is right, then you inhale my scent and let yourself feel thirsty for my blood. If Jasper gets thirsty despite not being able to smell me, my theory is right. What do you think?"

"Guess it's worth a try." Edward said after thinking it over.

"Oh and we shouldn't tell them what we are up to." Edward nodded in agreement.

As we arrived everyone was in the front yard Jasper, Emmett and Carlisle standing a few feet away and down wind. Count on Alice to see this coming.

"O.K. we are ready to go." Alice said exited and nervous.

The others looked confused not knowing what to make out of the situation. Emmett and Carlisle were holding Jasper in their iron grips. Before them stood Rosalie, Esme and Alice as a barrier between Jasper and Edward and me.

Edward bent his head down to my neck and inhaled deeply, allowing his mind to register his thirst for my blood. Jasper immediately started growling and snarling, fighting Emmett's and Carlisle's hold on him to get to me.

Edward quickly stopped breathing. Alice rushed to her husband and started kissing him passionately that surprised him so much that he immediately stopped growling.

He looked confused at Alice before his eyes focused on me and went back to Alice. The poor guy was more confused by the second.

"What just….happened? Why did I...."

"Jasper everything is fine. It was an experiment we will explain it." Edward said and Jasper looked at him in plain, utter confusion.

All family members were now standing in front of us edger to get to know what just happened.

"Anna came up with a theory regarding Jaspers gift." Edward said and turned his full attention on Jasper before continuing.

"Jasper your ability is to manipulate and to feel emotion." Jasper nodded so did the others.

"You feel when persons around you are happy, angry or sad."

"You know that Edward would you please stop beating around the bush." Jasper was getting impatient. Edward chuckled before he continued.

"Of cause my apologies. Thirst is also something that someone feels. It's also something you are able to feel from others and we just proved it. You thirsted for Anna's blood what should have been impossible seeing as you couldn't even smell her from where you were standing."

"Wait you mean that….." Emmett threw in realization showing on his face.

"Yes, Emmett what you think is right. Jasper is feeling our thirst as well. He was just now reacting to my thirst to Anna's blood. That's why he struggles so much because he not only has to deal with his own thirst but also with ours added to his own."

After Edward finished everyone looked completely stunned.

"Of cause why didn't I think of this." Carlisle said dumbfounded after a while.

Jasper was only looking completely blankly into nothing. Slowly regaining his ability to speak back he said.

"I….I ...I can't believe that I failed to make the connection between my thirst and my gift. I mean looking at it now this is so plain obvious." He shook his head in disbelieve, angry at himself for not realizing earlier.

"Maybe because it is too obvious but you should see the bright side of it." They all looked me waiting for me to continue.

"You are not the black sheep of the family anymore."

After a few seconds a huge smile spread across Jaspers face.

"You are right. Thank you." Jasper said happiness shinning in his eyes. He still wasn't able to fully catch the momentousness of this discovery for him.

"Your welcome." I answered shrugging my shoulders.