CH 15: port angeles, la push

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Anna's POV:

A few days went by since the day that Jaspers gift and his bloodlust got connected and he was now more at piece then I have ever seen him.

The realization of the connection between his gift and his bloodlust has finally brought him closure with his past and a piece of mind.

And not being the black sheep of the family did wonders for his self-confidence. In the books it appeared that Jasper was a Cullen only for Alice and that he didn't like this life but it's not like that.

Jasper is a proud guy and being thought of and treated as the weakest link was quite a low blow for his ego but now that he knows how strong he really is he is living this live with pride and hope for the future.

All family members made plans to hunt more often and Jasper's whole behaviour changed over the past few days.

He was more relaxed and happy then I ever seen him

Carlisle worked out a training plan to help him increase his control around humans and instead of keeping his distance, Jasper started to spent time around me so he could acclimate to my scent

Alice was so happy about my discovery that she insisted to thank me. Translated that meant that I was in for another shopping trip. I love to go shopping with Alice and Rosalie but we will definitely need to work on some rest breaks for me, I simply don't have their condition.

As for Bella the day after Edward and I made our relationship official she looked like someone had just died. She looked utterly crushed and miserable. It made me feel bad since if I wouldn't have somehow stumbled into this universe she would have had her happy ending with Edward.


"Still up at this hour?" Emmett's voice boomed from my window as he and Alice entered my room.

"Hey guys what's up?" I asked them surprised, I haven't expected them.

"I need to get your outfit together for tomorrow. Kevin will take you to Port Angeles." Alice answered as Emmett sat down on my bed watching "The Hill Have Eyes". The reason why I was still awake.

"Really what does he had planned?" I asked her curious.

"I don't know. I can't really see it as if he hasn't really decided yet but anyway you need to look good." She chirped happily as she attacked my closet.

"You are not afraid to watch a horror movie on your own?" Emmett challenged.

"Do I really need to be afraid with a big and strong big brother as you?" I asked with my most innocent face, looking with my big eyes at him.

Emmett straightened up and looked proud.

"Of cause not. None hurts my little sis."

"Thank you Em." I said as I threw my arms around his neck and gave him a quick peek on his cheek.

"And what about that challenge?" I whispered into his ear as I pointed at Alice in my closet.

"In that case I would grab you and run for the hills." Emmett whispered back making a serious face.

"You may are able run but you can never hide from me." Alice said in a dangerous voice with a sinister expression on her face as she was looking at us.

Em and I looked at each other faking fright and giggling to each other.

"Are you only here because of my outfit or did Edward wanted you to check up on me while he is hunting with the others?" I asked them daring them to lie to me.

"You know how he is? He loves you so much and the thought that something might happen to you scares him beyond reason." Alice explained.

"Yeah, like when a nomad Vampire smells you and attacks you. When we are not here you will be dead meat." Emmett said solemn before turning to watch the movie.

"You think?" I retorted.

"Dead meat!" Was all that Emmett said.

Alice selected my outfit and we watched the movie to the end before the two of them went home and I to sleep.

The next day Kevin took me to Port Angeles just as Alice had told me. We went to a show of the "Blue Man Group".

The show was interesting and fun, I enjoyed it. I liked Kevin very much. He was a great guy and uncle.

As we grabbed some drinks in the shopping district Kevin led me into a second hand shop.

"Hmm...uncle Kevin why are we here?" I asked curious he always bought his clothes online. Nothing could get him into a shop.

"Because we need to by something." He answered simple and amused.

"O.K. something you couldn't get online?" I asked again mocking him a little.

"For a theme party at a company I work for I need the most hideous outfit. I hoped you could help me." He said hopeful and amused.

"Are you impaling I don't have taste in fashion?" I faked hurt.

"Of cause not but I thought it would be fun?" He said waiting for my reaction.

"Sure I'm in. Let's make you ugly." I said my mood brightening at the prospect.

"The crazier the better." Kevin said with a little sigh.

"You don't like the theme for the party." I smiled at him with a little pity. He only shook his head.

"Let's make me hideous." Kevin faked enthusiasm as we went to do the task.

I had my fun dressing him in the ugliest outfits until we found the perfect one. A bright yellow shirt, violet pans, a light blue belt, a red, green tie and a green hat.

The trip to Port Angels was fun and I was a little exhausted as we drove back. I didn't get much sleep last night because of the movie that's why I fell asleep in the car.

As I opened my eyes I was met with an unpleasant surprise. We were driving to La Push.

The sight before me was gorgeous. The dense green forests was edging the road most of the way. I could see pieces of the wide Quillayute River as we made our way to La Push. As we were driving I caught a few glimpses at the ocean. The water that was dark gray and the beach had a rocky shore. It looked a lot like in the movie.

I was kind of exited to see how First Beach would look like but my excitement disappeared as I remembered the Werewolves.

"Uncle Kevin this isn't the way home."

"I know we are invited to a bonfire at the beach. This will be fun." Kevin answered happily looking forward to the happening.

He asked me so often if I would go there telling me that his friends in La Push wanted to meet me, I refused each time. I wasn't really fond of the Werewolves and their prejudices against my Vampires.

Oh boy that's going to be a fun trip. Sure, I smell of Vampire, my boyfriend will freak and get a heart attack and oh yeah I might get killed. Lots of fun wasn't it?

"Honey something wrong?" Kevin asked concerned as he saw my expression.

Well, my Vampire boyfriend will be less then happy that I will be around young dangerous Werewolves who might kill me as soon as they smell me but aside from that everything is alright. Not the answer I could give him so I only said.

"No, everything is fine. I'm just a little tired." I forced a small smile out and before Kevin could say anything else my cell rang. I checked the ID and it was Edward, of cause Alice must have seen me disappear.

Just great that meant I was going to meet one or more of the Werewolves. I sighed, took the call and a frantic voice greeted me.

"Love are you alright Alice can't see you any more. Your future disappeared."

"Hi Edward I'm sorry I forgot to call you. I fell asleep in the car and now we are driving to La Push we got invited to the bonfire. My uncle just informed me." I said I couldn't speak openly with him while Kevin listened.

"LA PUSH!?!? You can't go there. The Werewolves there they are young and dangerous. What if something happens to you….." I cut him off.

"Edward don't worry nothing will happen I promise to stay away from the ocean and I will not drown in it." I tried to calm him. I hoped he understood what I was trying to tell him.

"Can't you just find some kind of excuse to leave, please?" Edward sounded desperate and angry at once.

"Uncle Kevin is really excited about the bonfire, like really, really." I tried to explain my predicament.

Stealing a glance at Kevin, seeing his satisfied expression about being finally able to get me to La Push, even if by kidnapping, I knew I was in for it if I liked it or not.

"I don't like this one bit." Edward sighed still angered and I could detect a little fear in his voice as well.

"I love you. I'll see you when I'm back. You aren't going to get rid of me that easily Mister." I laughed into my cell to cheer him up and ensure him that I would be fine.

"I love you too and please come back to me as soon as you can. I miss you terribly." Edward velvet voice purred longingly.

"Miss you too. Till later." I said before I hung up.

As I did so we arrived at what I recognize to be Billy Black's house. It desperately needed a new paint job. I sent a little prayer to heaven hoping that this would go well and got out of the car.

Just as I shut the door of the car Jake was running out of the house wearing a goofy grin on his face and greeting us.

"Kevin, Anna finally you are here. Hi."

"Hi, Jake." Kevin and I greeted back. Kevin went immediately off to meet Billy, Harry and the others and I was left with Jake.

"So Kevin finally coaxed you to La Push." Jake asked laughing.

"Kidnapped is more like it." I answered rolling my eyes feeling a little annoyed at the situation.

"Don't you like it down here? Is it the place or the people?" Jake asked a little hurt.

"No, not at all. It's just that after everything I am not into meeting new people and so on, sorry."

"Oh. I'm sorry ….of cause your ….parents…." Jake started, being uncomfortable, stumbling over his words.

I felt bad for him. I didn't really lie because I did lose my family. Only not like everyone believed I did and the Werewolves were my main reason for not to come here. Not, that I could tell him that, yet.

"It's O.K. Jake. So a bonfire? Does anyone need my help in the kitchen I'm a good cook."

"Yeah, I think Emily would appreciate it." Jake smiled at me grateful for the change of topic.

He led me into the small kitchen of his house and there stood a beautiful woman with three big red scares on her face. I didn't look at them but extended my hand to her and said.

"I'm Anna, Kevin's niece. It's nice to meet you." She shook my hand and introduced herself.

We were working together in the kitchen talking about recipes and other stuff when suddenly the door in the kitchen was ripped open and three huge native American boys charged in. The boys all had angry expressions and were shaking.

It happened so suddenly that I got scared and screamed, holding my hand over my heart because I very nearly had a heart attack.

One of the boys was shaking so hard that his form was blurry. I thought he would phase into a Werewolf on the spot. I had to prevent that.

"You know the door there that you just knocked down has a purpose. It is meant to be knocked on before you enter a house." I said as glared at them after I was able to catch my breath and regained my ability to speak back.

The anger was leaving their faces as they took a closer look at me, for sure hearing my wildly beating heart, causing them to look puzzled at each other.

I used the opportunity to take a closer look at the three of them. The largest of the three of them was Sam. He reached close to Emmett's size. He was very tall, had jet black hair like all of them and seemed to only posses muscles.

The other tow, Paul and Jared, I assumed, who also were amazingly big but nowhere near Emmett's league.

"Sam is something wrong?" Emily asked concerned as she went to his side. Sam froze and I could practically see the wheels in his head working for an answer. I had pity on him and offered one.

"You know guys the food won't cook itself faster when you charge in here like a fright train. Boy you must be hungry and by the way my name is Anna. I'm Kevin's niece."

Jared recovered first and said.

"Hi,... I'm Jared…. it's nice to meet you that are Sam and Paul and yes we are very hungry." He laughed nervously.

The other tow looked sheepish but also suspicious at me. They exited the kitchen quickly after that and left Emily and me to finish the cooking.

As I stood there in Billy's kitchen I suddenly remembered how Bella got to know that Edward is a Vampire.

I might be Edward's girlfriend and it is well known all over school that Edward and I, are a couple but it doesn't change the fact that Bella is in love with him. I often catch her stealing glances at Edward in school.

I feel bad for changing everything and that she now was heartbroken but I couldn't give Edward up. I fell in love with him and a life without him was something I couldn't imagine.

The only thing I could do for Bella was to protect her from the world Edward, the Cullen's and I belonged to, for her sake and ours.

I had to come up with something and if possible so that I wouldn't have to spill too much on my side.

The food was finished and we carried it outside. Everyone grabbed what he wanted and we went to sit on the drift wood that was placed around the fire.

To my surprise the girl next to me was Kim and I started a little chat with her. She was nice and a little shy. I noticed that she was sitting here alone so I guessed that Jared hadn't imprinted on her yet. I was going to change that.

"So you know anyone beside Jake here in La Push?" Kim asked me pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Actually I do."

"You do! Who?" She asked surprised.

"Well I met Sam and Paul earlier and ….where is he? I did see him just a while ago." I said while I looked out for Jared. I spotted him and called out.

"Hey, Jared could you please come here for a sec!" He nodded and came over to Kim and me. His eyes where on me the whole time and he didn't even notice that some else was next to me.

"How can I help you?" He asked with a smile. He seemed to be the type of guy to have a warm and sunny personality.

"Jared Kim. Kim Jared." I introduced them and as Jared's eyes locked with Kim's he looked awestruck. Kim wasn't any better. I smiled proudly at myself and it was time for me to leave them alone.

I went for a walk at the beach. I had to think about how to solve my problem with Bella and Jake. As the soon-to-be-wolf approached me.

"Hi! Mind if I tag along." He asked.

"Not at all." I said as a plan was forming in my head.

"Kevin told me that you are building a car on your own." I started the conversation. He looked excited at my choice of topic and explained.

"Yeah, it's a classic I can't wait to get my license and cruse around in it." I smiled in understanding at him. He continued to tell me something in the language I didn't understand car and driver. After he seemed to be finished I took the chance to strike.

"There is something I want to ask you."

"Shoot." He encouraged grinning.

"My uncle told me one day that your people don't like the Cullen's. Why?"

That day I was having sort of a déjà vu. Kevin was telling me nearly exactly the same things about the Ouileute not liking my Vampires as Charlie had told Bella in the Twilight book.

I looked at him with big eyes. He sighed and said.

"It's just some stupid legends. It's nonsense really."

"What legends?" I asked nicely but not flirting. Jake sighed again.

"I can't tell you besides it's just nonsense." He tried to end the topic. To bad for him. I looked at him pouting and plead.

"Pretty please."

Jake shook his head, sighted heavily and looked around the area for a while before giving in.

"Well, there are lots of legends, like legend that claim that we descended from the wolves and that the wolves are our brothers. It's against tribal law to kill them and then there are the stories about the cold ones." His voice became deeper and he tried to sound scary.

"The cold ones?" I asked, in fake surprise.

"Yes. There are stories of the cold ones as old as the wolf legends, and some much more recent. According to legend, my own great-grandfather knew some of them. He was the one who made the treaty that kept them off our land." He sighed as he said that.

"And?" I urged him to continue.

"The cold ones are the natural enemies of the wolf well, guess you would call them Werewolves. During his time as elder my great-grandfather met up with some of the cold ones but they were different." He said bored.

"How so?" I asked to keep him talking.

"They didn't hunt the way others of their kind did they weren't supposed to be dangerous to the tribe. A truce was made with them. If they would promise to stay off our lands, we wouldn't expose them to the pale-faces for what they are."

"For what they are?" I wanted him to say it.

"Well your people would call them Vampires. I told you it's nonsense." He laughed and we continued to walk a little bit more as all of the sudden he started carefully.

"There is something I wanted to ask you?"

"O.K. shot." I answered.

He nervously swallowed and I knew where this was going. He took a deep breath and said.

"Well,…you are going to school with Bella and Kevin and Charlie are friends. Do you think that....the both…." He was stumbling over his words and was really unsure. Jake blushed a deep red and I decided to help him out a little.

"If you have a chance with Bella."

He blushed but quickly looked determined and nodded. I already took Edward away from her and I did own her kind of. It was a fact that she fell in love with Jake in Eclipse. The only reason they didn't become a couple was that she loved Edward more.

"Listen Jake there are some things that you have to understand about Bella."

"Such as?" He asked me in a serious voice craving every little detail I would give him.

"Bella is insecure and shy. She has a low self-esteem and thinks that she is plain and boring. She thinks that no guy would give her the time of a day and if someone does she is rather slow in that aspect. She thinks she is unworthy of any kind of love or affection."

"What?" Jake looked at me with large eyes and his mouth hanging open. Not being able to believe what I just said.

"I know I don't really understand it myself but that is how she feels and thinks. And as to if you have a chance with her. I think you do but it won't be easy Jacob. If you have the stamina you will be able to slowly win over her heart. I'm sure of it."

He took in what I said and thought about it for a while.

"You tow are friends then?" He asked still in thoughts and curious about how I know so much.

"No, not really but I'm good at judging people."

He nodded at that and we continued our walk. We were on our way back to the fire as Jake turned to me and said with a determined look in his eyes.

"Thanks for the help and I will win over her heart."

I smiled at him and said.

"I'm sure you will."

Jake laughed out loud and run off to his friends who were standing around the fire. I looked around and was thinking about my next step as I saw Sam and Billy enter Billy's house.

This was the perfect opportunity so I followed them. As I entered the house I interrupted a conversation they were having. Sam was about to say something but I beat him to it.

"So you are a Werewolf." He looked at me stunned.

"They broke the treaty." He growled, starting to shake.

"Actually Jake did, just now."

"What?" They both looked shocked at me and before they could recover I said.

"The stunt you pulled in the kitchen did tick me off. You had the same expressions as the Cullen's on your faces when they smelled some thing they don't like.

Well obviously you aren't Vampires and Vampires don't shake until their shape gets blurry so I asked myself what you could be.

I remembered uncle Kevin telling me that you don't like the Cullen's so I thought that I might as well start there.

I was taking a walk at the beach with Jake and coaxed him into telling me about the legends. The werewolves and the cold ones."

Yes, I lied big time and I felt sorry for doing so but I wasn't about to give my secret away to them.

Billy closed his eyes and shook his head sadly while Sam looked mortified.

"What does that mean now, for us?" Sam asked strained. Three against seven, it wasn't looking good for them and Sam knew it.

"That you are lucky." I said and they gave a puzzled look.

"I already knew about them being Vampires and the Cullen's are very peacefully living persons. They aren't interested in a fight. I would only like to ask of you to make sure that something like this wouldn't repeat if the wrong person will hear those legends..."

"I understand I will have a word with my son." Billy said in a serious and firm voice.

"I should warn you about Bella Sawn. She is watching the Cullen's like a hawk. She might try to pull the same stunt as I did. If she gets to know about those legends." I told them making my voice sound as worried as I could.

"Something like tonight will not repeat. I will make sure of it and I will have an eye out for Bella Swan." Sam said in, what I believe was, his alpha voice.

"Thank you." I said while I smiled in gratitude at him.

"But when you know what they are how can you…" But I cut Billy off.

"I thank you very much for your concern Billy but I know what I'm doing. I know that you don't understand and that you think of them as monsters but they aren't. In fact I haven't met tow nicer and good hearted people as Carlisle and Esme."

Sam snored at that and made a disgusted face but didn't say anything. He blamed the incident with Emily on the Cullen's. There was no helping it.

"I wasn't brainwashed if you might think that. I make my own decisions. It's my life to live. And if you really need to hear it my mistakes to make." I said in a clear and calm voice.

"You are really making a big one but guess I can't convince you otherwise." I quickly shook my head "no". "Only please be careful about your…friendship with them." Billy struggled for words. He thought I was only friends with them. Guess it didn't really sink in that Edward and I are a couple.

"I will." I said with as much seriousness in my voice as I could.

We stayed a little while longer in La Push and I got to meet Seth. Like I said I'm not a Werewolf fan but I always liked Seth. He is really nice and easy to talk to. He does have this whole cute-baby-brother thing going for him.

Around eleven o'clock Kevin finally called it a day and we where on our way home.

On the way to our house, I was looking out of my window as I suddenly caught sight of something white moving in the woods as fast as the car. I knew immediately who it was. Edward.

My poor Edward, he must have been half crazed with worry.

As we arrived home I said good night to Kevin and went into my room knowing Edward was waiting for me. But it wasn't only Edward who I found standing in my room as I opened the door.

Seven Vampires looked puzzled and worried at me. Edward immediately came to my side and pulled me into a hug.

"Are you all right, love? They didn't hurt you did they?" He asked concerned.

"No, I'm fine but what about you? What happened?" I asked as looked at all of them. Alice answered.

"I had a vision of you telling us how Bella got to know our secret."

"What?!?!" They all yelled all of the sudden. Not good Kevin was at home as well and he was bound to have heard that.

"Anna what's going on up there?" And there he was. My Vampires looked at me with apologetically expressions on their faces. I sighed and called out.

"Sorry I accidentally turned the TV too loud. It won't happen again."

"O.K. honey. Good night." Kevin called back.

"Good night, uncle Kevin."

"You better keep it down because I don't think I could come up with any kind of explanation for you all being here in my room at this time of the day." I said with a smile on my face that would be definitely something.

"So the twit knows our secret? Just great!" Rosalie was seething with anger.

"No she doesn't know yet and she will not get to know." I tried to calm her down.

"How can you be...Anna since you read those books do you know how she got to know? It wouldn't be good if she figured our secret out." Carlisle said.

My Vampires never asked how Bella got to know their secret and I never told them. It just didn't come up. Guess they thought that someone, meaning Edward, told her.

"Yes, I know how and I took care of it." They all looked surprised and Jasper voiced his suspicion.

"It does have something to do with the wolves, doesn't it?"

"Yes, it did." I said and started to tell them how exactly Bella found out in the book and what happened in La Push.

"I think I will have to have a word with Billy Black. If the wrong person gets access to those legends it could end bad and mentioning us by name wasn't part of the treaty." Carlisle said thoughtful, analyzing the situation while Rosalie, Emmett and Edward looked furious and were growling, Alice and Esme looked concerned and Jasper looked ready to kill someone.

"Look they are sorry for the incident and they promised me to take care of it."

"Stupid mutts they are going around spilling our secret, breaking the treaty and we are supposed to be the ones who are dangerous." Rosalie spat angrily.

"Rosalie." Esme said trying to calm her.

"Oh I almost forgot here is Billy's phone number." I stepped out of Edward's embrace and gave Carlisle Billy's number.

"Thank you. I'm glad you are alright." Carlisle smiled warmly at me.

Esme gave me a hug and Alice a quick peek on my cheek before my Vampire family left except of Edward of cause.

Edward pulled me with him on my bed placing me in his lap and nuzzling his face in my hair.

"Hey, you alright?" I asked him as I moved away a little to be able to look into his eyes while brushing my thumb across his cheek.

"You have no idea how frighten I was that something would happen to you." He said concerned, pain and worry shining in his eyes.

As I looked in his troubled pools I couldn't find any words so I did the only thing that came to my mind, I kissed him. My warm lips softly toughing his cold ones before they started to hungrily move with his.

He tightened his hold on me and kissed me harder then usual, desperate. While we were kissing I could feel his tense body relax and finally a smile gracing his perfect lips.

I pulled away to look at him again and saw that he wasn't breathing.

"I better go shower I must reek like a wet dog."

He had a sheepish look, flashed me a crocked smile and answered.

"Can't argue with that love."

I kissed the tip of his nose and made my way to the bathroom. As I stepped out of the bathroom Edward was already in my bed waiting for me.

I had to do something to distract him or he would be brooding over me being in La Push and in danger the whole night and develop a paranoia of being eaten by the Werewolves.

We were making progress with the Edward-growing-up project but old habits died hard. For all his perfection Edward had some big faults. One is that he thinks too much.

I looked at him while leaning at the door frame of my bathroom. I shook my head as I made my way to my bed.

"Really how does anyone expect me to sleep when such a hotty is lying in my bed?"

He didn't have a shirt on and his board and muscular chest looked absolutely amazing in the moonlight.

Edward sat up and went to the end of my bed standing on his knees, taking my hand.

"Are you trying to flirt with me?" He teased me but two could play that game.

"Does it work?"

"Yes." He stammered out.

I bend my head slowly, cupped his face in my hands, while he placed his hands on my hips having a firm hold on me before our desperate lips meet.

While kissing each other hungrily Edward lifted me up and placed me carefully in the centre of the bed with him hovering above me.

We broke our hot, needing kiss as he went over to attack my neck. God it's so hard to keep a straight thought when his lips are sweetly torturing me but with Edward I had to act on the current situation before it was too late.

"Edward you don't need to worry."

He sighed as he stopped kissing my skin, lifting his head up to look at me with a pained expression.

"Anna you don't….."

"understand how dangerous these creatures are." I ended his sentence.

"I know just how dangerous they are Edward. If I were to face one of them on my own I would be in really deep trouble."

"That's an understatement." Edward threw in.

"I know but I'm not a little princess who waits for her knight to safe her. I'm someone who takes matters in her own hands. I rather be the one to safe the knight. Don't underestimate me, Edward." I told him with a determinate look on my face.

"Anna you are…."

"A human in the physical aspect, fragile and breakable compared to you species. I'm not made out of glass. I do not break that easily. I know that I would make it out alive. I would make it out alive." And I was absolutely convinced that I would.

Not even a stupid Werewolf could keep me away from my Edward. I may not be as strong as Vampires or Werewolves but I am creative. At least I think I would have a shot. Somehow!?!?

My love looked at me intensely, I could see in his eyes that he was mulling this over.

"Edward instead of worrying yourself crazy believe in me, have faith in me. Know that no matter what I will always come back to you." I was serious as a heart attack.

"You are my world. Gravity." He breathed as he nuzzled his face in my neck and turned us both around so I was lying on his bare, muscular chest.

His left hand played with my long brown hair as we were just lying in silence.

"I will try. I promise." Edward said after a while.

I smiled and lifted myself up to give him a kiss before breathing.

"I love you."

"As I love you." He smiled at me with love shining in his eyes.

I rested myself against his side, his right arm under my neck and grabbed his left arm pulling it over me to fall asleep in his loving embrace.