CH 16: life with cullens

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Anna's POV:

"Thanks for the ride." I said as Edward put me down.

We just came back from our walk at the river near his house. Well, more like I got carried bridle style the way from the river to the house.

"Anytime my love." Answered Edward as he placed a light kiss on my lips.

"That's enough lover boy it's time for a rematch." Emmett boomed waving some video game in front of him, impatiently waiting for my boyfriend.

"So edger to lose again?" Edward challenged with a cool smirk on his face.

Emmett crossed his arms over his chest and snort.

"You are going down lover boy."

"We'll see about that."

My Vampire gave me a kiss on my nose before he disappeared with Emmett in front of the big flat screen.

I shook my head at the two, after all boys will be boys, and made my way into the kitchen, feeling a little hungry.

Esme was sitting at the big counter her nose in a book.

"Hi Esme." I greeted her as I gave her a hug. She hugged me back.

"How was your walk?"

"It was niece thanks for asking."

"That's good to hear. You must be hungry by now?"

"Yeah a little." Esme's eyes lit up at my respond.

"Good because I have bought a new cook book and there is a recipe that I would really like to try." She said excited as she reached for the book and showed me the recipe.

"A chicken chilly lasagna?!? Sounds yummy."

"Yes, I thought that we could freeze the rest and you could take it home." Esme proposed.

"Hmmm…Kevin loves your cooking he is always looking forward for me to bring something home."

Esme beamed at this with pride and we started to prepare the meal. Cooking with Esme was always fun. We cooked, laughed, chatted and were having a good time.

She was really becoming a second mom to me. I missed my family and my mom terribly but I was getting used to the fact that I might never see them again.

And now that Edward and I were together, and I knew how much I loved him, I don't know how my choice would look like if I been given one.

We chatted happily about how our day was, while working side by side in the luxurious kitchen. Esme had ordered the best of everything when she was furnishing the mansion.

She really made this mansion a home not only a house to live in. The kitchen was made out of industrial materials and stainless steel paired with ribbed glass vintage lights set off the warm wood cabinets. The granite counter formed big enough for everyone in the family to take a seat.

"How's dinner going?" Edward asked as he entered the kitchen.

"Well let's see we chased down the pasta and currently we try to bounce on the tomato, chilly sauce. Wish us luck!"

Edward laughed, came around the counter, wrapped his arms around my waist, kissed me on my forehead and said.

"Good luck my little, brave hunter." While his golden pools starred intensely at me.

"So who won?" I asked but Edward didn't get a chance to answer.

"Get a room you two!" Emmett barked annoyed as he pasted the kitchen and Edward's smile grew wider. Emmett didn't like to lose at all.

After dinner Edward, Esme and Alice were teaching me how to dance. I'm terrible in that activity but I knew that Edward loves to dance, I wanted to make him happy and I wouldn't let a chance pass by to be in his arms(boy I'm so teeny in love it is sickening), so I willingly committed myself to their guidance.

I wasn't anywhere near good but at least after about two hours it looked similar to dancing. As it was getting late I noticed everyone getting ready to head out.

"Are you going somewhere?" I asked none in particular.

"Esme and Carlisle have their jazz night tonight and the rest is going hunting." Edward answered my question.

They were giving us privacy. Sometimes it could be really embarrassing that there were no secrets in this family. Guess I would have to get over that.

"They won't be back until tomorrow morning."

I smiled and snuggled into his chest, breathing in his intoxicating scent that made my head spin.

Esme was the first to go as Carlisle arrived from the hospital, followed by Jasper and Alice.

Emmett was waiting with Edward and me as Rosalie was getting ready, while waiting, Emmett grinned at us before becoming very serious.

"Remember kids to behave yourself while the adults are out of the house. Don't do anything I wouldn't do."

He ended his little speech with a serious and fatherly voice. Edward only rolled his eyes while I asked.

"Emmett is there even anything on that list!"

Emmett started to think hard and I could see that Edward was as eager to get the answer as I was.

"Nope." Answered Emmett with a shrug and a satisfied grin.

"Did you really expect something else!?" Rosalie said as she entered the room before she and Emmett yelled "Good night" while taking off into the forest.

My relationship with Rosalie was on a good way, I dare even to say we are becoming friends, how awesome is that. Edward and the rest of the family still can't get over the shock that she actually accepted me, well neither can I but I certainly will not complain about my luck.

Edward and I laughed, snuggled on the couch and watched T.V., relaxing.

When Edward kissed me nowadays he seemed to be more hesitant to pull away and he had problems keeping his hands under control when he touched me.

I don't really know what I did differently then Bella but whatever it was I was opening the can of worms with it.

I asked Edward if he wanted to try to go a little bit further and he admitted shyly and nervous that he would like that but was afraid of hurting me. Of losing control.

His worry wasn't unfounded his inhuman strength and his desire for my blood were facts that shouldn't be underestimated.

If we weren't careful every second we were together he was most likely to hurt me or even kill me by accident.

One of the things I couldn't understand about Bella's behaviour was that she pushed all the responsibility on him. Not giving it a single thought how much it cost him everyday not to kill her.

Jumping him, pushing his boundaries too far, making him feel bad for keeping her alive and unhurt.

Yes, love is a powerful force and all the desires and urges are hard to keep at bay. I understand that since I'm in this place right now but that is no excuse to act irresponsible.

Or it is maybe only that I have more discipline?

Or maybe because I want to take it slow?

Slowly discovering everything instead of jumping head first into it?

Anyway after much talking and discussing Edward and I decided that today we would try to explore the area of heavy kissing and touching. I was nervous and excited about that.

"Why don't you go shower first and wait under our heating blanket for me?" I told Edward as I switched the T.V. off.

"Sounds like a plan." He purred into my ear, kissing along my jaw till finally reaching my lips but not touching them before he disappeared upstairs.

He is such a tease sometimes but I could feel that he was even more nervous about this then I was.

While Edward was showering I made the bed ready and switched the heating blanket on. I checked my e-mails and sent Kevin one to let him know that I was alright to have something to pass the time.

After I brushed my teeth, showered and brushed my hair I slipped in my Victoria Secrets pajama. A blue, satin boy short set. The pajama is really cute and a little bit sexy, it hugs my curves beautifully.

I got out of the bathroom and entered Edward's room. I was blown away at what I saw. Candles were lit in the whole room, they and the moon where the only light source. Red rose petals where lying on the ground and the huge, comfy, king seize bed. It looked like a scene out of a Hollywood movie.

I heard the soft music play as my eyes fell on my Vampire who was tugged in the heating blanket so his body would be warm.

"It's perfect Edward."

Edward's POV:

I was lying in our bed, waiting for my love to come to bed. While resting I thought about how my life had changed since this beautiful angel walked into it.

Her image popped out in my head as it did a lot lately. Actually if I'm being honest with myself I was thinking about her the whole time ever since our encounter on her first school day here in Forks.

The way her eyes blazed at me, her determined expression. Whenever I think about her I can't get this stupid grin out of my face, her hair how it softly moves in the wind, how her big hazel eyes sparkle when she smiled and her perfect shaped, full, cherry red lips.

Only the chaste kisses we were sharing were not enough anymore, my desire for her grew everyday and it became harder each day to hold back.

At the top of that my love made it so much harder to regard further bases as unapproachable. Her understanding of the situation we both were in made it impossible for me to see her as an immature, hormone driven teen.

I think if she told me over and over that she didn't see any danger in us being together I would be more determinate to hold back. Being able to tell myself, no having evidence that she doesn't know what she is doing or how dangerous that is.

But that is just not my angle. Her apprehension of what it means to be a Vampire and how hard it is not only for me but also my whole family not to kill her while being around us is scary.

It's hard to believe that she isn't a Vampire herself, she certainly knows enough about being one and the dangers that come with it.

The knowledge of her being aware of what she is doing and her being able to handle the situation is weakening my restrain to keep the current boundaries of our physical relationship.

I'm still terrified of hurting her but knowing that I could stop any time if it would be too much for me without her regarding it as a rejection does give me confidence to attempt a try.

Thinking about what I was about to do I couldn't believe it. This certainly wasn't the old me…..but before I was capable of getting myself further lost in my thoughts my love entered the room and made her presence known.

"It's perfect Edward." She breathed in admiration.

When I looked up at my love my breath hitched and I could swear my dead heart skipped a beat.

She was a vision.

Standing there in her blue satin pajama that clung to her every curve, she looked absolutely breathtaking.

Seeing her standing there, her exposed long, perfect legs, the thin fabrics hugging her delicious frame my desire for her won over.

No longer being able to be separated for my love by the space between us, I stood up and walked over to her, pulled her into my embrace until our bodies were pressed flush against each other.

The warmth of her body pouring into mine, the feel of her soft frame flush against mine hard one made fire burn in the pit of my stomach.

I looked into her beautiful hazel eyes, seeing the same desire that I was feeling, I couldn't hold back anymore, I kissed her with more force then I ever had before, running my hands up and down her back.

Realizing my hasty actions I started to pull back, I was terrified that I hurt her.

"Edward it's alright. Like it told you I will make myself known when I don't like something or when you hurt me. We are both in this together and we going to take it slow. Alright." My love whispered reassuring, confidence shining in the beautiful doors to her soul.

"I know. It's just I'm scared of hurting you." I said while taking a shaky breath.

"I know that's why we both have to be careful."

Seeing the determination behind her words my lips found hers for a desperate and needing kiss.

Her warm, soft lips were moving against my cold and heard ones. I cupped her face in my hands, holding her gently while our lips danced in passion with each other.

Her warm, small hands were placed on my chest lightly touching me, each touch of her soft like the kiss of a butterfly but powerful like gravity.

My love slowly moved her delicate hands from the top of my chest down to my abs, slowly, lightly sending small blows of electricity though my body.

Carefully, slowly and curious she was exploring my torso through the fabrics of my shirt till her hands reached the hem of my pyjama top, tugging it up.

I gazed at her as her fingers played with the offending fabrics.

"Edward." Anna breathed as she lifted her head to look up at me.

My love smirked sexy at me, the spirit of excitement in her shining eyes, while she was tugging at my shirt.

"That's in the way."

I smiled understanding and nervous, stealing a kiss from her lips to calm my jittering nerves before I lifted my arms in the air while my love pulled the offending fabrics off my body.

As the shirt fell to the ground I looked at my beautiful mate who was warmly smiling back at me.

I bend my head down for our lips to touch, sharing soft, light kisses full of love and adoration while my hands caressed her body in my embrace with a care as if it was made out of finest china.

My lips travelled slowly from her mouth along her jaw line to her ear down her slender neck exploring every inch of her soft, heated skin.

Our hands eagerly running over our frames, eagerly but tender, hasty but worshipping, excited and lovingly while we were holding each other.

We were lost in the touch of one another. Her intoxicating scent and her heart beat the only reminder for me that I couldn't use my full strength.

Her scent was unlike the scent of other singers. Intoxicating, addicting was her perfume making my throat burn but with the time the urge to sink my teeth in her soft flesh to savour the delicious nectar faded slowly. After all she is my perfect match of a singer.



Dangerously addicting, my lips found hers once again taking our time to savour this moment.

As we broke our lovingly kiss my love gazed at me hungrily, stirring up my own desire.

I had to remind myself again to stay calm and to tune it down a little. I knew this wasn't going to be easy and I needed to be in control to go on.

While I took a few moments to calm myself my love patiently waited for me not moving a muscle. She just smiled at me with understanding in her eyes until I let her know that I was O.K. again.

Without the fabrics in the way Anna started to run her hands over my upper body again, concentrating on every feature on my chest, my abs and my arms.

She traced every line and feature of my torso with her fingertips, making me shiver in pleasure as her fingers were playing a lovely symphony on my cool skin.

Her warm touch was pleasurable, sweet torture.

Where she caressed my body my skin burned, it was an indescribable feeling. The warmth of her skin was leaving a trace of fire on my body.

As the last note of the intoxicating melody was played my lips immediately found her soft red pillows.

Her warm lips were moving hard against my cold and heard ones, not breaking the kiss I scooped her up bridal style and carried her to our bed.

I laid her down as I gazed at her amazing body, she was pure beauty. I pulled myself on the top of her putting my weight on my arms.

I captured her full, cherry red lips with my own, kissing her slightly gentler but with no less passion. I hovered over her, basking at the feel of her delicate frame under my body.

I moved my hand slowly from her neck, down her side to her hip as I leaned into her, allowing as much contact with her body as I dared.

Placing my forehead on hers I granted us both a minute to catch our breaths and myself an opportunity to pull myself together again.

I bend my head as I lightly brushed my lips over hers before I went over to kiss along her jaw, down her delicate neck and the areas of her cleavage that her V-neck pajama top exposed.

Hungrily my lips savoured her soft, heated skin. The sweet taste of her flesh on my lips.

My angel breathed heavily and moaned lightly. Rewarding my effort with the sexiest sounds I have ever heard.

Running my mouth along her body tasting her, touching her, hearing her heart beat and the rushing of her blood under my mouth, I needed a break.

Just because the urge to sink my teeth into her flesh lessened didn't mean that I didn't wanted to drink her sweet nectar.

I pulled back from her standing on my knees, my eyes closed, breathing heavily, trying to calm down.

Fleeing the bed lightly shift under me I noticed my love mirror my actions. Being in control again I opened my eyes to see my love warmly smiling back at me.

"I'm sorry."

"Edward what are you apologizing for? Didn't we say no apologies?"

"Yes, but if you were together with a hum….."

"Edward listen I am in this relationship fully aware of all consequences. I want this. I want us. Yes, it is a little complicated and it is dangerous but I decide to do it no matter what. There are thing that are worth everything. You are worth it. We are worth it."

I didn't know what to say. I just looked down at the covers. My love cupped my face in her warm, small hands a lifted it up so I would look at her.

"Edward I could have a relationship with a human boy if I wanted it, sure, but what's the use in it if it doesn't make me happy. What's the use in all of those human experiences if they don't make you happy? If they don't give me any fulfilment?"

I never thought about it that way. She was right what is the use in all if it doesn't make one happy?

"Maybe you are right but a human boy could do this and more….."

At that she laughed and shook her head, leaving me slightly confused.

"Edward even if you would be a human, this is as far as I would go. Taking it slowly, I'm not only doing it for you but also for myself. I love you and I want you but I'm not ready for more then kissing and touching. I'm sure that all girls in this world and mine think that I'm crazy for not jumping you the first chance I get but I want to take it slow, baby steps."

My angle smiled at me as she took my hands into her squeezing them lightly.

"And beside did I ever not tell you when I wasn't happy with something?"

She asked making a cute serious face, making me laugh and breaking the tension inside me.

"No..... Anna I love you." I squeezed her hands, it sounded more desperate then I intended.

"I love you too, Edward."

We looked at each other what could have been an eternity until my Anna let go of my hands and brought hers to the top of her pyjama top.

Slowly and carefully she opened the first button never breaking eye contact with me. As she reached for the next I grabbed her wrists. She looked questioned at me.

"C-Can ….I do…it, please?" I breathed out shakily.

The love of my life smiled at me and let her hands fall to her sides, standing before me unmoving.

My hands were shaking as I lifted them to the second button of her top. My breath captured in my lungs. Carefully touching her chest lightly I swallowed hard. Slowly and clumsy I undid the button.

With each button of her top the anticipation of what was behind the confines of the fabrics grew but also my fear of not being able to control myself and hurting her.

As I dismissed the last button from it's task, the sides of her top slightly fell apart, only revealing a small tab of her belly.

I still held my breath as I watched the fabrics slide of her delicate shoulders. All my worries of this act being too much were proven wrong.

I don't know how this amazing creature did it but she knew exactly how far she could push my boundaries without me losing control.

Once the shirt fell of her shoulders it revealed a royal blue bikini top that covered what would be too much for me to maintain control but allowed enough access to her soft flesh.

I laughed relieved at what I saw, placing my forehead on her neck whispering "I love you" over and over as I rained kissed on her heated skin.

Pulling back, I took her in completely before my hands explored the sight before me.

I placed my hands on each side of her hips and I concentrated on the feel of her soft and warm skin there before slowly rubbing circles with my thumbs on her stomach.

My touch on her stomach was tickling her as she softly giggled at the contact of my thumbs on her belly.

Having been tickled enough Anna pushed at my chest wanting me to lay back down. Without speaking I complied, I lay down on my back and pulled Anna on the top of me, she was straddling my waist.

My love took my hands in hers and placed them on the covers. I fisted the fabrics in my hands while my beautiful mate gazed at me with pure love in her eyes.

I was still unsure and frightened this was all so new to me. I was horrified of the idea of hurting her but I was unable to stop. The hunger for her blood, the blood of my singer was completely replaced with a new much stronger hunger for her body.

It was a fight I couldn't win.

It was a fight I didn't want to win.

In the back of my mind the gentleman in me was screaming at me to stop but the man in me silenced him.

Where had the gloomy, depressed Vampire gone who would never allow this?

Did I really trust her so much that I was doing something against my better judgement by putting all my faith in her?

In this moment I realized that I was seeing Anna as my equal. I had trust and faith in her and was willing to give her the lead in departments I was unsure about or unexperienced with.

With this new found knowledge and faith I moved my hands slowly and cautious on her hips and took a gentle hold on her.

Anna took a sharp breath and closed her eyes as my hands touched the hot skin of her stomach. Regaining her composure she waited for me to adjust to the new position. She was taking me in while biting her lower lip. She looked so hot I nearly melted away.

Anna brought her hand to my face and traced my lips with her fingertips.

"Grab the covers." My love gently and huskily commanded.

I did as I was told and let go of her hips to fist my hands once again in the covers before my angle started running her both hands lightly over my chest, making contact only with her fingertips.

It felt like pure electricity was running through every part of my body. I heard the fabrics of the covers tear.

As I calmed down she started to place small, hot kisses along my chest and I couldn't hold the moan in that escaped my lips, which caused a sexy grin to spread on Anna's beautiful face.

My love lifted herself up into sitting position and intensely gazed at me for a moment, waiting for me to be ready to go on.

As I regained my composure my hands found her hips again. She was slightly trembling as I started to carefully and slowly run my hand up her sides concentrating on the feel and on not hurting her.

Slowly and carefully my hands were running over the heated skin of her torso. I was exploring every little inch I could get access too.

It was pure desire.

I needed to feel her.

Exploring her body was both torture and pleasure in one.

I turned us around and Anna was back lying on the mattress and I felt my hunger for her worse then ever.

Taking a few calming breaths I carefully brushed my lips against the soft flesh of her tummy, slowly kissing and worshipping every inch of her torso that wasn't covered by the minimal fabrics that kept my sanity at bay.

She was arching her back at the contact of my cool lips with her hot skin and making the pleasure that I brought her known by making the sweetest sounds as I slowly worked my way along her body.

When I had covered every last inch of her torso with kisses I captured her lips with mine, her hands found their way into my hair pulling me closer to her as we shared a long, passionate kiss before breaking apart.

Anna was lying next to me, we both were breathing heavily, basking in this amazing high.

I have never felt this extent of satisfaction and joy before in my life.

It was pure bliss.

Looking at Anna's face and seeing the joy on her face that mirrored mine, knowing that I also am able to make her feel like she makes me, causes me a feeling of joy and satisfaction I can't put in words.

"You O.K.?" Asked my personal angel looking up at me.

"More then just O.K." I breathed as I placed a kiss on her forehead, taking her hand in mine and lacing our fingers before brining her hand to my mouth and placing a kiss on the back of her hand.

I expanded my boundaries in the aspect of a physical relationship with Anna tonight. I still don't believe in sex before marriage but touching and kissing seemed appropriate enough.

We still had a long way to go in our physical and emotional relationship and I was looking forward with anticipation and excitement to pass every step along the way.


I resented the rising sun because it announced that my love would leave soon. I know it only would be hours before I could see her again then but still her being here it just felt right. She belonged here with me in my house, at my side, in my arms.

I was lying in bed with Anna sleeping soundly beside me. Her head was lying in the crook of my shoulder. I caressed her body softly with my fingers, watching the rise and fall of her chest with every breath. Her body was so fragile and breakable but her personality on the other hand strong and determinant.

Somehow here looking at her right now, thinking about her, I feel my whole world shifting. I can't really explain it to myself but for the last over 100 years I was a product the culture in which I was raised in. It was commonly that the man was the protector and provider making the decisions for both, himself and his wife. This is what I believed in, how I was raised.

It feels like I was frozen in place the whole time and now I'm moving on again.

Is this how growing up feels like for about 90 years I was collecting knowledge in different areas but it seems that only now I come to fully understand it especially the changes in culture.

Carlisle told us once that Vampires do not change unless a great event happens in their lives to trigger the change but my angle not only triggered a change in me she is causing me to grow up and evolve.

It's like I'm capable to see the world through her eyes and everything is brighter, better and for the first time since I got to know what I have become there is hope.

As it was time for her to wake up, I gently began to kiss Anna's neck, ears, and chin as I worked toward her full lips. Her first response to my ice cold lips on her neck was a deep moan and an arching of her body into mine, and then she let out a deep sigh as I moved along her neck. By the time I reached her earlobe, she softly murmured.

"Morning handsome. I really love it to be kissed awake by you, Edward."

The events of the evening before made me a little bold so I licked her earlobe and whispered ever so softly in her ear.

"This is certainly a pleasurable way to wake you up, my love."

I was still planting kisses down her jaw line when she opened her eyes and said.

"Hmm...…did we become a little bold since the activities yesterday night, Mr. Cullen?"

"Yes, indeed I did. Is that alright?" I asked her.

"Of cause it is alright. That was the best night in my life so far. Thank you. I love you."

I couldn't stop the stupid grin that spread across my face. I kissed her forehead and pressed her to me as tight as I dared.

Edward you guys got to get out of bed, we need to go to school soon. Alice told me in her thoughts I groaned and said.

"It's time to get out of bed we need to go to school." I sighed and began to stand up.

Anna smiled at me came closer and whispered in my ear.

"It's a good thing that Kevin sleeps like a stone, isn't it."

Her hot breath made me shiver and before I had time to think, she ran into the bathroom closing the door behind her, that little tease.

I quickly changed my clothes and went to get the present I had bought for Anna as she was shopping with Alice and Rosalie.

It's a Platinum charm bracelet form Tiffany with diamonts I hope she will like it.

Anna came out of the bathroom directly into my arms, kissed me and melted into my embrance.

"Love, I have something for you. A little present if you don't mind."

She pulled back and I showed her the small box in the typical Tiffny's colours.

"Tiffany's," was all she said. The surprise evident on her face. My love smiled at me, took the box and gave me a kiss before opening the box.

When she opened the box and saw the charm bracelet her eyes sparkeled and her kissable lips formed a perfect "O". She liked it. I took it out of the box and put it on her wirst.

"Thanks you. It's beautiful." Anna beamed at me and looked at her sparkeleing bracelet again.

"Not as beautiful as you are my love." I said while holding her in my arms and kissed the top of her head.

As we made our way downstairs we were greeted by my emphat brother.

"Well, well what do we have here? Someone is in a unusual good mood. What happened with all that repressed sexual energy of yours, dear brother?" Jasper smirked at me having Emmett's full attention now. Alice stood by Jaspers side being barely able to contain her laughter blocking her thoughts. In a flash Emmett stood at Anna's side and asked her.

"Did you make a man out of my little brother. It was finally time that this 100 plus some years old virgen got some action!" Emmett boomed, I was about to bounce on him when Anna suddenly asked.

"Afraid Edward is going to beat you in that department?" She raised an eyebrow at him and smiled triumphantly.

Emmett's jaw hit the floor this wasn't the reaction he was hoping for. My siblings and parents couldn't hold in their laughter at the sight of Emmett's priceless expression. Anna caught him completely off guard and he couldn't come up with a good retort to that.

I was positively proud of my girl.

After school I brought Anna over to Kevin's place. He was back from abroad and insisted on some bonding time with his niece.

Back home I sat down on my piano and began to play. When I drowned in my thoughts I was playing one of my favourite jazz pieces but resurfacing from them I noticed that I was playing something entirely else, Wish by S.E.N.S. one of her favourite pieces.

I often catch myself nowadays that I do something or try something out I wouldn't have done before Anna entered my life.

It's like she imprinted herself on me and I'm slowly finding to a new balance. One between the person I have been for the last hundred and something years and the person she shows me I can be.

I have been through many decades of changes but nothing really touched me or even could attempt to alter my view of the world but now it's happening without me even realizing it.

As I sit at the piano and press my finger against the keys my thoughts taking me back in the old days.

As I was still a newborn to this life.

As I was gifted with a new father, a friend and companion.

A woman who loved me as if I was her own.

My darkest days as I rebelled against my mentor.

My childish stage as I was behaving rudely towards my new sister.

All the times I was acting out or blowing off on my family.

Remembering those times I suddenly realized how blessed I am having been graced with this wonderful people. My family.

Even after committing all the sins that I have and behaving ungrateful they didn't abandon me or loved me any less.

My love once told me that one could have more then one family. The biological family that one is born in and then there is the family that one can choose. People that have sincere feeling for each other even though are not blood related.

I realized only now that I am blessed enough to have both. I had a loving family as I was still human and I have one now as well but I also discover that I never really made my gratefulness know.

As I played my last note I stood up from my seat and made my decision. I had to act on that decision now before I, well how did my love put it "think it to death", and before I'm going to wimp out of it.

"Family meeting please."

Within a second everyone was in the dinning room that we used only for those meetings.

"Is everything alright son?" Carlisle asked concerned as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

Esme looked at me with a concerned expression as well. Rosalie was bored as usual. Emmett curious, Alice was the only one grinning knowing what I was about to do and poor Jasper was confused by his wives emotions.

"Yes, everything is alright. I would only like to tell you all something."

"Of cause son." Carlisle said as he mentioned for us to take our places.

I took a deep breath and said.

"I would like to apologize to you all and thank you."

"Apologize for what." Rosalie broke in confused. The rest of my family also looked curious at me not understanding.

"Please let me finish before you ask." She nodded and so did the others.

"It's just that I realized how I acted in the past and how rude and ungrateful I have been behaving. Therefore I would like to apologize to you all."

They all sat shocked in their seats and before someone had the chance to say anything I went on.

"Further more I would like to apologize especially to you Rose," Her eyes widen as she looked at me. "after you have been changed I haven't been pleasant company."

"That's an understatement!" Rosalie snort rolling her eyes. Esme shot her a disapproving look.

"Yes, I know. I just want you to know that I had my issues what doesn't excuse the way I treated you back then but I want you to know that it had in no way anything to do with you personally.

I do love you Rose, you are my sister but as you know the two of us clash on many occasions and points of view despite that I should have pulled myself together better back then.

I hope you will find it in you to forgive my selfish and immature behaviour and rudeness."

Wow never thought you would step down from your high horse. It's good to see you down to earth, little brother. Rose smiled at me.

"Next I would like to apologize to all of you for all the times I snapped at one of you or was just generally unpleasant to be around."

"Sure thing bro we are family." Emmett boomed happily.

"Yup." Was all that Alice said.

Jasper nodded thinking that I finally started to mature. I had to roll my eyes at him.

"Edward you really don't need..." Esme started but I cut her off.

"Yes I do Esme. I have to specially thank Carlisle and you for regarding me as your son. For loving me everyday and putting up with me, my temper and stubbornness."

I turned to my creator and continued.

"Carlisle I want to thank you for never giving up on me. For being my friend, companion, mentor and father."

Esme was in a flash in front of me and threw her arms around my neck as she hugged me tight to her, sobbing touched by what I said on my shoulder.

In Carlisle's thoughts I heard that he was also touched and proud at me for doing this. After a hugging attack from Alice and Emmett and nod from Rosalie and a pat on my shoulder from Jasper and Carlisle I went out for a run in the forest.

I had never been one to share my feelings with others and doing what I just had done did cost me a lot of overcoming.

The whole time I felt like bolding out of the dinning room but those were things that needed to be said

I was slowly coming clean with all the lose ends and issues in my life and it was a good feeling.