ch 17 baseball and kidnapped

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Anna's POV:

The weeks pasted by in a blur. Edward and I got to know each other better and we were in love and happy together. (I know sounds cheesy but don't forget I'm happily in love.)

Everyone in school got used to the fact that we were a couple now. Even though the first tow weeks the girls hit on Edward like crazy.

He told me that the girls here thought he was gay because he wouldn't go out with anyone of them and now that he had a girlfriend they were giving it a shot.

He was positively disgusted by their behaviour I felt sorry for him having to fight all those girls off.

Boy I never glared so much in my life at someone as in those two weeks at the female population of Forks High.

I mean honestly some of them even had the nerve to hit on him while I stood right next to him, giving Edward their numbers and asked him to call them.

It took all I had not to do something I might would have regretted later.

As for Bella, after Edward and I announced that we were a couple, she stopped trying to speak to me. When ever I saw her she would give me a jealous and sad look then quickly look away.

I was really happy with Edward but I did feel a little guilty for snatching Edward away from Bella, well in a way at least. None can choose who one fall in love with.

Bella was still gazing at Edward in every lunch break and I asked myself if she would manage to find out what he is.

Carlisle called Billy Black after the incidence that happened when I was at their bon fire. They had long conversation about the treaty and some specific points of it.

As the day where Mike and the others were to go to La Push draw closer I proposed to go to La Push with them to see if everything would go well and the wolves kept their part of the deal.

Do I really need to mention that the idea got shot down immediately by a certain someone with help if I might ad?

Carlisle had voiced a vital point that we had to trust the wolves on this one because Bella and Jake could meet up any time.

She could go to La Push any time and meet one of the other boys there as well. On there territory it was Sam's and the other Werewolves responsibility to protect the secret. Theirs and ours.

And they did. After her visit in La Push Bella didn't start an internet search for Vampires. Instead Alice saw her tip an e-mail to her mom.


It was Friday now and the school had ended. It was the day where Bella would be attacked by those men in Port Angeles.

Rosalie didn't want to have anything to do with it. She didn't like Bella at all, and went straight home while Edward, Alice, Jasper, Emmett and I would follow Bella, Angela and Jessica to Port Angeles.

Of cause with Edward's driving we were there way too early.

"Do I even need to ask what we are going to do now?" I asked knowing what we were all in for.

"Isn't it obvious? SHOPPING!" Alive chirped excited jumping out of the car.

"Only one store Alice. Three against two. One store Alice." Emmett warned.

He and Alice argued on about her being allowed to visit only one store with clothes while Jasper was a silent bystander wisely not taking anyone's side.

Edward rolled his eyes and groaned. I locked my arms around his waist and said smugly.

"You should have followed the traffic laws, especially the speed limits, now you have to live with the consequences of your actions."

Edward looked at me with a wicked glimmer in his eyes and before I could get away from him he had his hands on either side of my waist and tickled me.

Dear lord Edward was such a tease. Ever since he discovered how ticklish I am he used every opportunity to tickle me.

I squealed as he tickled me until I finally was able to free myself from him and run a few steps in front of him catching up with Emmett, Jasper and Alice ahead of us.

"Hey aren't you supposed to be my big brother and protect me?" I pouted playfully at Emmett.

"Shoot I knew I forgot something." He grinned at me and the boys smirked at each other.

They wanted to mess with me they could have it. Alice was beaming and could barely hold in her excitement.

Jasper sensing her mood, already knew that something was coming. Jasper must send Edward a warning because Edward sobered up and tried to catch up to me.


"Alice how about we go look for shoes and make-up and some clothes?" I said not giving Edward the opportunity to continue.

"Oh I would love that." Alice sang playing along knowing before hand she would get her way.

"Right Jazz we are going shopping." Alice said with a glowing face but her voice was threatening.

"Sure my dear." Jazz answered with an amused expression.

Edward and Emmett groaned at that.

"I hope that taught you a lesson boys, don't mess with the best." Alice said smugly as she turned around to look at them before grapping my arm and dragging me into the first store.

After a shoe shop where we didn't find anything to our liking, yes Alice could actually go into a shop without buying something. We bounced on a make-up store buying some make-up.

The last stop was a little boutique where Alice spotted an outfit for Jasper. I was looking through the tops as two cold hands locked themselves around my waist.

"That was really naughty of you my love." Edward muttered as he kissed my neck.

I sucked in a sharp breath as he blew his cold breath over my skin making goose bumbs arise. I turned my head so I could face him.

"What can I say? I'm just as good at dishing out as I can take in."

"I've noticed." He said as he gazed lovingly at me, kissing my temple and rocking us both a little.

When we where finished with the shopping we still had about two hours until Bella would appear at the book store.

She had no idea what Edward was nor had she heard about the legends but she still would go to try to find a decent book store. She would still run into the same problems.

"Since we have time how about we get you something to eat, my love? You didn't really touch the lunch at school today."

"Honestly can you blame me they had everything I don't eat?" I retorted. My Vampire didn't like it one bit if I neglected my meals.

Edward looked stern at me.

"O.K. I could use something to eat," and I was a little hungry by now to be honest.

We went back to the Volvo and Edward drove us to a restaurant.

La Bella Italia.

We got out of the car and Emmett and Jasper excused themselves to go to look for some video games they wanted to check out. It was only Edward, Alice and me now.

The restaurant looked a lot like in the Twilight movie and the host was a female. She had long, straight blond hair, big blue eyes and a figure like a model. In her white and black work dress she looked like every men's dream come true.

She assessed Edward with hungry eyes and welcomed him a little more warmly than she should have. I don't think she noticed Alice and me in this moment.

It did annoy me that all female seemed to throw themselves at him but that was the price I had to pay being with him and I gladly did.

"A table for three?" Edward said holding my hand.

The host flickered her eyes on me dismissing me immediately and then turning her gaze on Alice, eyeing her challenging. I just rolled my eyes at her behaviour but I couldn't blame her, Edward is just too hot, hands down.

She led us to a table big enough for four in the centre of the most crowded area of the dining floor. Déjà vu was all I thought.

"Can we have a table at the windows please?" Alice in a sweet voice, looking directly into her eyes, dazzling her.

"O-Of cause." She answered being a little dazzled. Edward chuckled.

Shaking her head she led us to a table at the windows.

"Your server will be right out." She said her eyes trained on Edward as she reluctantly left us.

It was getting dark, the light was disappearing quickly behind the mountains and the stars where becoming visible.

The view out of the window allowed us a beautiful sight at the red, orange, violet blue horizon before the colours faded into the dark of the night.

"Do we still have enough time not that we are going to be too late?"

"Don't worry Bella Swan just arrived with the other two girls in the boutique that's going to take a while."

Just as Alice finished answering our server arrived, her face expectant. Just like in the book the hostess had definitely dished behind the scenes.

The girl had the look of a predator in her eyes and my Edward was her prey. She flipped a strand of short black hair behind one ear and smiled with unnecessary warmth, trying to be alluring.

"Hello. My name is Amber, and I'll be your server tonight. What can I get you to drink?"

She was only looking at My Vampire and tried to be sexy. Edward put his arm around my shoulders and started to kiss my neck.

The look on her face was priceless.

"Three Cokes please." I smiled at her.

Her face turned hard, she huffed a little and turned to walk into the kitchen.

"She won't do anything into the drinks will she?"

"I'll watch out." Edward said against my neck.

"Edward....the server is gone you can cut it out, now." I pushed him gently away.

I had to stop him before I lost it. It was hard to keep a straight face and to suppress the moan that was caught in my throat. What he could do with his lips should be illegal and was definitely not meant for public places.

"Fine." He sighed pouting against my skin, sending shivers down my spine.

My eyes locked with Alice's and she was having a knowing look which made me wonder what she had seen me doing if Edward would have stopped.

Rolling my eyes in amusement I looked around the place, started to giggle a little at the whole situation and shake my head.

"What?" Edward asked. Alice looked curious at me.

"You know this is the restaurant where you were supposed to have your first date with Bella later tonight."

"Really?!" Edward and Alice asked in union.

"Yeah, and the hostess and the server are doing exactly what they did in the book. It's rather funny to experience that."

After I had eaten my spaghetti we left the restaurant meeting Emmett and Jasper outside. Edward drove us to the book store where Bella would turn up in a few minutes.

Emmett, Jasper, Alice and I got out of the car while Edward would park it somewhere Bella couldn't see it.

The windows of the book store were full of crystals, dream-catchers, and books about spiritual healing.

Alice told us that Bella wouldn't enter the store. We only entered it so we could have an accidental run in with her. Edward arrived a few moments after we went inside.

"Alright guys get ready only thirty seconds left." Alice whispered and we prepared ourselves for the act.

Bella arrived looked at the window display, her face was showing disappointment and she was about to turn around when we excided the store.

"Hi Bella." I greeted her as I caught her eyes.

"Um…..hi." she greeted back in a soft and quite voice, blushing and looking at the ground.

"Don't you want to go inside?" Alice asked.

"No, this store isn't really my cup of tea." Bella answered being nervous and blushing even more.

"I'll better go back Jessica and Angela, are surely waiting for me. I'm here with them so good night."

"You are going back into town so are we. Let's go together." I smiled at her.

Bella wanted to decline this offer but Emmett stepped in.

"Bella it's already dark outside and we are quite out of town. If you go on your own who knows what could happen to you."

First Bella wanted to argue with Emmett I could see that but then she looked around and sighed defeated.

"You are probably right. It has gotten pretty late." She said blushing again and biting her bottom lip nervously.

I knew that she was feeling really uncomfortable seeing Edward and me together but better she felt uncomfortable now the being raped and killed later.

As we were on our way back to town Alice tried to start a conversation but Bella wasn't up to it, understandable. We continued our walk in silence.

As we passed the backs of several somber-coloured warehouses, I knew those men weren't far. Soon we could hear there laughter which sounded sick and wicked in my ears.

Edward pulled me closer into his body and growled lowly so that only the Vampires and I could hear. Jasper shielded Alice protectively with his body.

Alice rolled her eyes amused at her husband as if she couldn't take them out on her own. Bella also heard them and looked frightened in their direction.

"Don't worry Bella they won't come near us. We are a large group and with Edward, Emmett and Jasper here they won't bother." I told her to calm her.

Bella only nodded at that walking a little faster then before. We arrived at La Bella Italia and Jessica and Angela were just stepping out of the restaurant.

They both made big eyes as they as Bella with us and Bella waved at them before she turned to face us again.

"Thanks for accompany me here. If not for you guys then....." She looked at the ground as she said that before anyone of us could say anything she continued.

"All I want to say is thank you. Good night."

"Good night." Alice and I said in union the boys nodded.

With that she turned and ran to Jessica and Angela, in one piece and unharmed. I only could hope that she wouldn't run in more trouble.


It was Monday and at the end of this week the girls choice dance would take place. Edward, Alice, Jasper and I were driving in Edward's Volvo to their house. Suddenly Alice went still and I heard a low growl coming from Edward. As Alice resurfaced I asked Edward.

"What's wrong?"

"It's just three nomads are in the area. I don't like other Vampires so close to you, especially non vegetarian." Edward said in a grim voice.

"Don't worry love nothing will happen to you I will make sure of it." Edward said sounding firm and confident.

"Yes I know….ah…." I was biting my lower lip debating with myself how I should tell them or if it was really wise to do it while my boyfriend was currently driving.

"You know about them?" Edward suddenly asked shocked, figuring it out by himself.

"Well yeah I do. It just that I didn't wanted to worry you and Jasper too much because you won't like what I have to tell you one bit." I told him honestly.

"And what exactly won't we like?" Jasper asked suspicious before Edward could.

"Let's get home and I tell you when the others are also there."

Edward speed to the Cullen mansion even faster then before.

We arrived, got out of the car and gathered together in the dinning room around the big table.

"I understand that you have something to tell us about the three visitors that Alice saw in her vision?" Carlisle asked and I nodded.

"Well then the floor is yours when ever you are ready."

I took a deep breath and began.

"Alice I told you about your past right." She nodded. "Well what I didn't tell you was that James would come here."

"What?!" Jasper sprang from his seat. "Why didn't you tell us earlier?" He asked me angrily.

Edward shot up from his seat and took a protective stance in front of me, growling at Jasper.

"Jasper, please calm down." Carlisle said as he went to him and put his hand on his shoulder. "Edward:" Carlisle looked at him and told him something in his mind.

Edward nodded and sat back down putting his arm around my waist and pulling me closer to him, shielding me from Jasper.

I thought Edward was a little bit overreacting but Carlisle had it under control so I just rolled with it for now.

"I'm sorry for not telling you earlier but I didn't want to freak you out unnecessarily for weeks."

It was the truth. Edward and Jasper would have been paranoid the whole time, worrying over Alice's and mine safety.

"It's alright love now which one of them is James?" Edward asked me as he took my hand in his.

"James is the blond one. He is a tracker and a sadist. The woman, her name is Victoria and she is in love with James. She would do anything for him even though he doesn't consider her his mate. And the second male is Laurent he is only with them so he has company and doesn't have to travel alone.

The reason why I didn't tell you earlier is because you two would have freaked for weeks."

"With a very good reason for that." Edward retorted carefully.

"But back to what happened the day after the dance there will be a thunder storm coming and you were supposed to play baseball. You would have brought Bella to that clearing and for a while everything was alright until James and his coven showed up. He smelled Bella and you all protected her, what made chasing her the perfect game for him.

That was one reason he wanted Bella and the other was that he recognized Alice and according to him, you owned him something since he still considers her his prey, well kind of." At this point Jasper growled dangerously and muttered under his breath in a dark ice cold voice.

"I will rip this bastard in pieces."

"I like that train of thought but I wasn't finished." I said as Emmett interrupted me.

"What there is more?!"

"Yep, it's gonna get better but I'm afraid I will have to spoil your fun Em." I told him with a smirk.

"Spoil my fun?" He asked confused.

"As the story went Edward killed James in the end but you couldn't catch Victoria. I already told you that she is in love with him so she wanted to avenge James death. A mate for a mate but because she couldn't get to Bella on her own she created an army of newborns in Seattle for the purpose of killing Bella and every Cullen they could get. And of cause an army of newborns in Seattle brought the Volturi on your door step. What I'm saying is that if you want to take care of James you better not forget about Victoria, which would mean no army of newborns for you Emmett." I smiled at him while he pouted. "And as for Laurent he will not help them in this and he might be Irena's mate but I'm not sure about it. I just know they got along pretty good."

"He will want you." I heard Edward whisper as he tighten his grip on me. They were all thoughtful except Jasper and Edward who were looking murderous.

"And what would happen if we wouldn't go play baseball on Saturday?" Carlisle asked after a while. I answered before Jasper or Edward could say something.

"Well in the book they were leaving the area when they heard you play, what caught their attention and led them to you, but I can't say for sure that they will leave if you won't be there."

"I'm sorry Carlisle. I do respect your pacifism but I won't stay put when I know that there is a danger out there for my Alice. He may not discover her now but what about next time?" Jasper asked in a stern voice.

"You are right son this matter has to be taken care of." Carlisle finally said with a sad expression he didn't like the aspect of killing someone even so vile creatures as James and Victoria.

"Oh wait I almost forgot Victoria has a gift." I blurted out all of the sudden they all looked at me.

"Sorry just remembered." I nearly forgot that.

"It's alright love what is her gift?" Edward asked me calmly.

"She is able to feel dangerous situations. If there is a trap or any kind of danger she knows it somehow."

"This complicates things." Carlisle stated thoughtful.

Alice was running though different scenarios in her had to see if they would work out after a while she and Edward sighed.

"Because of her gift they would know when we would track them and it wouldn't end well for us. The best chance we have is to wait for them at the baseball field and surprise them during a game." Alice filled us in.

Everyone nodded and it was decided that I would stay with Esme at their mansion while they took care of James and Victoria.

Of cause the James and Victoria problem wasn't going to stop Alice from going overboard because of the dance on Friday night.

"Alright girls time to go shopping. We have a mission. The perfect prom dress." Alice said in a serious and determined voice.

"Alice you can't be serious with James and Victoria here....." Edward and Alice argued if we should go to shopping now. They argued back and forth but one thing was sure Alice would win. No doubt about it.

While the tow of them were arguing I turned to face Esme who was sitting on the couch in the leaving room beside me, watching them amused.

"Esme did you ever go to a school dance when you were human?" She looked sad at me.

"No, I didn't. I went to a catholic all girls school we didn't have any dances there and even if my father wouldn't have allowed it."

"Then why don't you come with us on Friday to the dance. I mean you and Carlisle." I suggested. She looked stunned at me and didn't know what to say so I did.

"The school always needs chaperones. I don't know if you will like it or not but at least then you can say that you have been to a high school dance. If you like!"

And from her expression I could tell that the idea was growing on her by the second.

"Esme, girls choice." I told her and she was at Carlisle side in an instant, looking at him with excited, pleading eyes. Carlisle smiled at her and said.

"It would be my pleasure to go to the dance with you my dear." Esme's face lit up and she kissed him.

"It's decided then let's get in the car and get us the perfect prom dresses." Alice said as she grabbed me and dragged me to the car.

The guys didn't want to let us go on our own so they went shopping with us. It was my first time going shopping with Esme. I was shopping with Alice often. I also was shopping with Rosalie but never with Esme. It was really fun us four girls and many, many shops.

The guys where silently enduring the mischief. They had to stand outside the stores because Alice wouldn't let them see the dresses we picked out. After we had all found something to wear to the dance we went home.

On the next day Esme called the school to ask if they needed some more chaperones and they gladly accepted Esme's offer to be a chaperone.

The days to the dance Edward didn't let me out of his sight. He or someone else from his family was always by mine side. Just in case as Edward called it. I was also prepared just in case James got to me. I'm may be only human but if he thinks I'm defenceless this sadistic monster is sadly mistaken.

It was Friday now and we were at the Cullen's in Alice's bathroom getting ready for the dance.

Rosalie wore a red dress that clung perfectly to her curves. It had one straps over her left shoulder and a slot on the right side that went from the bottom nearly to her waist exposing her right leg. She looked absolutely hot in it.

Alice wore a lace up halter dress by Mori Lee. It was pink and ended a few inched above her knees. Her pink heels and a silver necklace and a bracelet on her left hand completed her outfit.

Esme wore a deep emerald evening grown that looked perfect in combination with her caramel hair. Long earrings, a platinum bracelet and emerald stilettos completed her outfit.

And I well I wore a long strapless purple dress. My hair was in loose curls lying on my shoulders. I wore silver heels and a big bracelet on my left hand.

The boys were completely stunned when we came down the stairs and they saw us in our dresses for the first time. Esme took a lot pictures and we were off to the dance.

At the dance we had a lot of fun. The theme was Casino Royal and we walked in into a mini Las Vegas. We were only dancing among ourselves. Not letting our other half's dance with any other boy or girl that didn't belong to the Cullen family.

Edward and I we were slowly dancing to the music flush against each other. My head was resting on his shoulder and I had my arms locked around his waist. His arms mirrored my actions.

Slowly swaying to the music I suddenly heard him groan.

"Edward what's wrong?" I looked up concerned.

My Vampire grimaced and cringed before he sighed.

"Carlisle and Esme are a little bit too much into the whole teenager thing."

"They are having their fun." I smiled at him but he wasn't happy at all to have to see or hear this.

Edward rested his head on my shoulder and breathed in my scent trying to distract himself which sparkled an idea.

I pulled away from him, gave him a smile, took his hand in mine and started to lead him from the dance floor.

"What are you doing love?"

"You'll see." I grinned at him.

I pulled him out of the gym through the hallways of the school to the chemistry lap. He looked at me puzzled but didn't say a thing.

I opened the door and pulled him inside with me. I lead him to a desk in front of the big windows.

The moon was shining brightly and was the only light source we had. He looked generous in the moonlight. His skin was faintly glowing, his features were brilliant.

I pushed him down to sit on the table. He was curious and amused about that.

"So what are you doing?"

I placed a soft kiss on his lips pulling away from him I smiled and looked around the class room he followed my gaze.

"We are alone in a class room," I run my hands over his tights he caught what I was implying, his arms were around my waist in an instant.

He pulled me closer to him as his lips touched my collar bone, slowly savouring my skin there.

Edward worked his way from the base of my throat along my neck to my jaw line until he finally found my lips.

His right hand was in my hair as our lips moved with each other slowly dancing a passionate dance.

My hands were on his chest lightly running up and down, feeling his muscles under his clothes.

We were continuing to sweetly torture one another till we broke apart breathlessly, panting, us both have stupid grins on our faces.

"Thank you." Edward said as he stood right in front of me still heavy breathing his right hand stroking my cheek lovingly.

His golden eyes looked intensely into mine, sparkling, filled with love and happiness.

"Thank you for what?" I was a little confused.

My Vampire bent his head his lips touched my ear lightly before he softly whispered.

"It has been a fantasy of mine to make out with you in a class room. Thank you for this wonderful experience."

Edward raining kisses on my neck and shoulder before we had to make ourselves presentable again we go back to the dance.

"This was a wonderful evening. Thank you for the idea Anna." Esme said as they drove me to Kevin's place in Carlisle Mercedes.

"Your welcome I'm glad that you liked it." I smiled at her from the backseat while Edward had his arm around my waist and was playing with my hair.

"I have to admit I felt like a teenager, tonight." Esme giggled.

Carlisle took her hand and kissed her wrist while gazing lovingly at her. I should have been worried because he wasn't looking at the road but well he is a Vampire after all.

Edward walked me to the front door, kissed me good night just as Kevin opened the front door and cleared his throat.

"I know she looks absolute generous but I'm afraid you will have to say goodbye for tonight Edward." Kevin said feigning being upset about our kiss.

In reality Kevin really like Edward and was very supportive of our relationship. I was glad that Edward and Kevin got along.

"I'm afraid I will, sir." Edward said in a respectful voice to Kevin and pulled me one last time close to him before kissing my temple and telling me good night.

As he jumped back into the Mercedes, I knew he would be back in a few minutes. Kevin pulled me excited into the living room.

"Did you have fun?"

"Yes, it was awesome."

"Yeah, I bet you look really happy on the pictures."

"What pictures?" I asked confused.

He pointed at his lap top and there was a picture of Edward and me at the dance on the screen.

"Esme send them over a while ago."

I was wondering when she found the time to take pictures of us but then again she was a Vampire.

As I entered my bedroom, after my nightly routine, Edward was laying under the heating blanket on my bed, waiting for me. I joined him and we kissed a little before I fell asleep.

As I slowly woke up I heard a velvet voice say.

"Morning beautiful."

"Morning handsome." I replied instantly with a smile on my lips. He kissed my forehead and asked.

"What do you want to do, now? We have some time before I bring you to my house."

"Hmmm…..I'm not hungry so why don't we just stay in bed, talk, kiss and enjoy each others company."

"You always have the best plans." He purred as he kissed the tip of my nose. That's how the next hours were spent until we had to go to his house.

As it was time for them to go to the clearing Edward pulled me to him and brushed his lips over mine. He pressed me against his body and kissed me passionately.

As our lips parted he gazed into my eyes where he could see my worry for him and the others. He placed a soft kiss on my forehead.

"Don't worry love everything will be fine."

"Just please be careful all of you." I said as I looked at all of them. Edward gave me a dazzling smile and they left the house.

"Don't worry. This James and his coven are outnumbered it'll be fine." Esme told me as she led me to the couch.

I didn't know if she was trying to convince me or herself. I just didn't like it that I was safe while they were putting themselves out there. I gave her a weak smile and sat down with her in the leaving room.

All we could do now was to wait and prey that they wouldn't get hurt. I did have faith in them and knew that they could take care of themselves but still I was worried.

After what have been the longest tow hours and seven minutes of my life Edward and the others were back. From the look on their faces I could tell it didn't go how they wanted it to.

"What happened?" Esme asked concerned as Edward came to stand behind me and wrapped his arms around me pressing me into him.

"They didn't show!" Emmett said disappointed as he sat down on the couch and pouted.

"What do you mean they didn't show?" I asked confused.

"I had the vision that they were going to come to play with us but suddenly they turned around and we couldn't find them anymore. I can't see them clear. I think they are searching for something and since they don't know where they are going it is impossible to get a vision. That's so frustrating." Alice explained in an annoyed voice crossing her arms over her chest. Jasper took her in his arms trying to calm her down. He was visibly angry and disappointed that they escape him.

"And where does that leave us now?" Esme asked again.

"We will continue to search for them but I don't think we will be successful. If we only knew what they are searching for." Carlisle explained with a sighed.

Edward pulled me closer to him, nuzzling his face in my hair. He didn't like it one bit that James and Victoria were still alive.

In the next tow weeks Alice saw that James and Victoria were still in the area but she couldn't detect the exact place and Victoria's ability was making catching them even harder.


It was Thursday and I was sitting in my trig class with Edward at my side. Not knowing what James and Victoria had in mind was having a toll on all of us.

Maybe it was this toll that had me having this uneasy feeling, a feeling telling me that something was wrong or was going to be. Ever since I woke up I was feeling strange as if in the back of my mind I knew something was about to happen and it wasn't anything good.

But then again this whole James and Victoria matter might only makes me hysterical but careful enough not to complain about the twenty-four-seven custodies.

At least I had pleasure of knowing if James was stupid enough to kidnap me, he would be faced with an unpleasant surprise.

Watch out sadistic Vampire you got the wrong girl to mess with.

If my emergency plan will work out, a quiet voice in my head added.

I tried to push those thoughts away and concentrate on the lesson, no need to drive myself crazy. Suddenly the trig teacher came to stand beside me.

"Anna would you please bring these papers to Mr. Banner." He said as he handed me the papers.

"I can do it." Edward said reaching for the papers but the teacher wasn't having it.

"I think Anna is capable of doing this on her own, Mr. Cullen." The teacher said in a stern voice and handed me the papers giving Edward a disapproving look.

I turned to him and gave him a reassuring smile. I leaned in as the teacher had his back to us and gave him a light kiss on his cheek.

"I'll be right back." I whispered to Edward and he nodded reluctant, not liking it that I would go alone.

He looked like a lost puppy probably debating with himself if he should just ignore the teacher and come with me or not.

As I stood up I looked at him and breathed.

"Edward I love you." At that he gave me his crooked smile and mouthed an "I love you" back.

I went to Mr. Banners class which was across the campus. On the way across the campus I had an uneasy feeling like I was being watched.

I stopped and looked around but didn't see anything shaking my head to clear my thoughts I continued my task and delivered the papers.

As I made my way back the feeling of being watched returned and I suddenly had the felling that someone was behind me.

My heart was going wild in my chest, throbbing violently against my rib cage. My breath became shallow and short.

My mind tried to convince me that I was just imagine think that the last few days had just taken a greater toll on me then I thought.

But it was no use I could feel the sweat form on my forehead and in my palms. Fear and paranoia were rushing through my body.

I did the only thing I could think of in a situation like this I run but I didn't get far as a cold hand went over my mouth.

I got spun around until my back was flush against a wall. When I opened my eyes again I was faced with the beginning of my nightmare.

There before me was a handsome looking man, too beautiful to be human. His beauty, the cold of his skin and his crimson eyes betrayed him. A Vampire was standing before me, holding me hostage.

But it wasn't only any Vampire.

It was the sadistic tracker.

It was.
