ch 19

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Anna's POV:

I ran as fast as I could as suddenly a blur ran past me and tow clod, hard arms caught me. Stopping my escape dead.

My heard was about to jump out of my chest, squeezing my lighter and the hairspray. Ready for the next fight.

I slowly turned around and was faced with.....

Somewhere in the back of my mind I knew that this embrace had something familiar but I was too far gone to pay attention to it.

I was in survival mode.

A predator ready to strike.

It took a split of a second to turn around but it felt much longer to me. Turning my head around my eyes locked with dark pools of black.

Right in front of me was the one sight I was praying for.

My Edward.

His eyes were pitch black, slowly turning into topaz as he saw me. His features were concerned and anxious. He looked like he couldn't believe what he saw.

His breathing was quick and shallow. He was shaking lightly as he was looking intensely into my eyes. His lips parted and closed a few times, unable to let a word escape.

I couldn't take it anymore. I let the lighter and the hairspray fall and threw myself at him. I wrapped my hands around his neck. I stood on my tiptoes and attacked his wordless lips.

As my lips touched his everything else cased cease to exist. Everything fell from me the fear, the pain, the worry.

Electric shivers were running down my spine. My whole body became instantly hot. I was kissing him hard and with as much passion as I possessed.

He was returning the favour with equal enthusiasm. He kissed me with more force then he had ever before.

Edward held me as close as possible to his body, not allowing any air between us. His hands were running up and down my back.

The adrenaline was still working and I didn't feel any pain but I knew I would pay for it later, it was wroth it.

As I needed air I broke our kiss resting my forehead on his since he lifted me off the ground.

"I love you." I whispered my eyes still closed as I was desperately fighting for air.

"I love you. I need you. Thank god I have you back." He said with his voice breaking several times.

He placed me back to the ground as he took my face in his hands placing a kiss on my forehead before pulling me to his chest.

He suddenly pulled back. His hand holding on my shoulders, panic in his eyes.

"Are you hurt? Are you alright? What are you doing out here alone? Where is HE?" the questions started out with panic and concern turning into pure hate at the last word.

Suddenly Jasper, Carlisle and Esme were standing next to Edward and I. All of them looked relieved to see me alive.

"Where is HE?" Jasper asked in an urgent and hate filled voice, commanding an answer looking monstrous. The want to kill clearly visible on his features.

And I thought James was frightening.

"Ah…..just follow my scent and you find him." I choked out.

It's not that I was afraid of Jasper, I knew he wouldn't hurt me, but seeing him like this a lethal, pissed of Vampire, it surprised me more then I thought.

Realization of what I just said hitting him, with a quick nod he was gone.

When I shifted my attention back to Edward I could see that he was torn between wanting to be here for me and the need to hurt James bad.

I knew out of the books that he always regretted not having killed James. It made him feel like he fail completely, increasing his guilt.

"Edward, go. I'll wait here with Carlisle and Esme. I'll be alright. I love you." I said giving him a quick kiss.

A small smile touched his lips before he disappeared leaving me with Esme and Carlisle.

In a flash I was in Esme's arms. Her head was in my neck and her uncontrolled sobs shook her small frame. I wrapped my arms around her stroking slowly over her shoulder trying to comfort her. Telling her that everything was alright.

After a while she was finally able to pull her self together.

"I thought we lost you. I was so scared."

"I'm alright don't worry. It takes more then one little Vampire to take me down. I'm hard to kill." I smiled at her.

She frowned a little at that. I took a sharp breath turned to Carlisle.

"Edward and Jasper they will be alright alone with James, right?" I knew they would be but still I couldn't shake off the concern.

Edward can read minds it's not like someone can surprise him, except of me and Bella of cause, and Jasper is an experienced fighter. Two against one.

Carlisle smiled warmly at me and shook his head before stepping closer to me. He stroked my cheek in a lovingly fatherly manner.

"Don't worry they will be just fine but what about you?" The doctor coming out in him.

"As for now I'm fine you can check me out once we are back at your place." I told him, not wanting to be examined in the middle of the forest. He nodded in understanding.

"How did you manage to escape him? Did he let you go to hunt you?" Carlisle asked confused, wondering, curious and angry at the second option.

"I'll explain it at your place O.K." I smiled at him. He nodded thoughtfully probably asking himself what I was hiding.

Esme bend down to the ground and picked my weapons up giving me a puzzled look.

"I explain that later as well." She nodded but still looked questioning and curious back and forth between the lighter and hairspray and me.

After a while we saw purple smoke in the air. Only now it clicked in my head that I felt James a walking torch, for god's sakes.

Sudden disappointment washed over me. How did I fail?

But before my thoughts could run away with me I was suddenly back in Edward's arms.

"Are you alright?" I asked Edward anxious as I looked into his now lightening eyes and the beautiful topaz could be detected again.

"Silly love. I'm alright as long I have you in my arms." Edward said as he nuzzled his face in my neck, squeezing me tighter to him. Over his shoulder I saw Jasper standing in front of me.

"Jasper you alright, too." I asked him just to make sure.

He smiled and nodded still being a man of few words if you didn't coax him into a conversation. His smile faded as his gaze fell on what Esme had in her hands and he looked calculating at me before asking.

"Why was James resembling a piece of coal when we arrived in the timber mil?"

Edward pulled away from me only so far that he could look into my face. He looked curious at me raising an eyebrow but before I could utter a word a sudden down purr surprised us.

Really. That. Absolutely. Wasn't. My. Day.

"That can wait let's get Anna home before she catches a cold." Esme said in that motherly commanding voice of hers.

Edward scooped me up bridal style, pressed me to his chest and took off. I had my hands tight around his neck and inhaled his unique scent, feeling safe and secure.

We arrived back at the Cullen mansion and as soon as Edward sat me on the ground Alice pulled me into a tight hug.

"I'm so happy you are alright Anna." She sobbed as she held me.

"Great to have you back little sis." Said Emmett as he pulled me and Alice who was still hugging me into a giant bear hug, lifting us both from the ground.

"Can't breath over here." I choked out. Emmett looked sheepishly at me and put Alice and me back to the ground.

Next Rosalie gave me a quick hug which completely caught me off guard but after the first second of shock I recovered and hugged her back.

We were talking and spending time together and she was always friendly to me but this was the first time she hugged me. That was really quite a shock but pleasant one.

"I'm glad you are alright." She whispered in my ear before she went to stand next to Emmett who beamed at her.

"Thanks Rosalie." I smiled at her as Edward was suddenly standing at my side pulling me to him, his arms around my waist.

"I'm so sorry I didn't see this in time. I'm…" Alice started.

Her eyes pained and regretful but she didn't get to finish her sentence.

"Alice you have nothing to apologize for. James made a last minute decision. You couldn't have seen this really." I sneezed as I finished my sentence and I was shivering slightly.

I didn't notice at first but my clothes were drenched from the rain. I was cold and being held by Edward, as comforting and wonderful it was, didn't help me to warm up.

"Love your cold." He stated as he looked at me with worried eyes.

"Alright, come on Anna you will take a nice warm bath first before…." Esme turned to face Jasper and the others. "…anyone will ask her what happened with James. Understood."

We all nodded.

"But I would actually like to take a shower instead." I said as we made our way to Edward's bathroom.

"Of cause dear whatever you want." Esme smiled warmly at me.

My back was burning and a hot bath wasn't a good idea. I went to the bathroom and slowly took my clothes off.

I turned the water on and made sure it wasn't to warm. My chest, where James hit me, also burned and a deep red mark was showing.

My back looked bad as I caught a glimpse of it in the mirror. On my back there were deep red streaks of the planks that James threw me in to.

Now that I took of the cold and wet clothes my back burned like crazy. When the chilled water hit my back it stung and I hissed before my back started to feel better.

As the burning on my back faded until it was bearable I stepped out of the shower. Only lightly touching my back with the towel as I dried myself.

There on the counter in the bathroom were Edward's sweat pans, one of his t-shirts, my panties, my bra and slipper laying for me. Guess Alice brought them in.

"Put them on but not the t-shirt instead put the towel over your chest it will give Carlisle the best access to your back." I heard Alice say through the bathroom door.

"Thanks Alice." I call though the door.

As I entered Edward's room Carlisle was already waiting for me next to the bed. I sat down on the bed and he treated my back and deep red spot over my chest. Nothing was broken, thank god and he put smoothing ointment on the burning places.

After he bandaged me up to keep the ointment where it should be we went downstairs to meet the others in the living room.

Edward was of cause waiting outside his room the whole time. He looked concerned, slightly reviled and lovingly into my eyes before placing a careful kiss on my lips. He was careful not to touch my back as we went down stair.

He lead my to one of the love seat, sat down first and pointed for me to sit between his legs. As I sat down and leaned my back against his chest carefully. The cold of his skin felt wonderful against my still hot back.

"Now would you please explain why James was a piece of coal when Edward and I arrived in the timber mil and what's up with these?"

Jasper pointed at my hairspray and the lighter that were lying on the table in front of me. Everyone looked curious at me.

Edward's POV:

Just as Jasper had asked his question the images were flying back to my mind. As I left my love in the care of my father and mother I flew to the place where that monster was.

I wanted, I needed to take part in his elimination. None dares to lay a hand on my mate and survives it.

The choice if I shall stay with her or chase him was one of the hardest I ever had to make but of cause my love knew what I needed.

Now that I knew she was safe and being able to leave her in the care of my parents I needed to avenge her.

Following my loves scent I soon arrived at the timber mil my thoughts clouded with the colour red as the confused thoughts of my brother hit me.

What the hell happened here?

Was the question that repeated in his mind. Before I had time to wonder I entered the run down building and saw the reason for his confusion.

There before us on the ground was what I recognize to be James. Or what was left of him.

There to Jaspers and mine feet lay a burned body of a Vampire. Wet, black and purple ashes sticking to his body.

He had no hair left on his burned head. The black and dark, dirty purple slough that covered his body was cracked in several places, his soiled venom leaking out.

The wet ashes smelled awful. The stench was burning my nose. He looked very much like a burning victim on a worse case scenario.

But he wasn't dead in fact he was already heeling. The pain he was feeling preventing him to notice Jasper and me.

I briefly worried for my emphatic brother if the pain wouldn't be too much but his furry at the monster in front of us was beating James pain.

Jasper had already gotten over the wondering of finding James in this condition and was thinking about how to kill him the most painful way.

Jasper was a peaceful living person but when anything or anyone threaten his mate's life he couldn't be held responsible for his actions.

I understood the feeling completely.

I couldn't understand a single word or image in James mind till now it was all to chaotic but now that he was getting a grip on himself it became more clear.

He was cursing his companion who left his coven when James started to hunt for my mate. I had to suppress a growl or I would make him aware of us and I couldn't get more information.

Then he was thinking about how it was, being on fire the pain and the fear. It was the first time in his existence to feel this emotion.

He would have been dead if not for the fact that he found a pool of water and threw himself in it.

In the back of the building I saw the pool. A cement pool filled with rain water.

I wanted to know what exactly happened here but as he began to call my mate names and thought of all the ways he wanted to hurt her I lost it.

Jasper feeling my decision attacked with me. James thoughts were panicked as he noticed us. He was still gravely injured and couldn't fight back.

My brother and I tore his body slowly and painfully apart, making a fire and slowly tossing one part of him after another in the fire, starting with his feet.

We finished the threat for our mates off. Once and for all.

Anna's POV:

"First of all I had no idea that James would go after me and no it was not your fault Edward." I said in a stern voice but was immediately interrupted by him.


"No buts. Edward do you remember the guy James and his coven killed about three weeks ago." I felt him nod. "He was a friend of Kevin's and he was at our house just before James killed him. My scent was on him and James smelled me on him. Not only me because my scent was mixed with yours. The reason why James didn't show up while you were playing baseball was because he was already hunting me and didn't have time for games. That's also the reason Alice wasn't able to see this he was constantly changing his mind how to get to me as he discovered that you are there. It was a coincidence when he saw me there on the campus and he took his chance. I smelled too good to him so with or without you he would have gone after me."

They all nodded as it all sank in.

"O.K. but what's up with the lighter and the hairspray?" Emmett asked curiously.

"I just wanted to be prepared. Just in case. Fire is the only think that kills a Vampire and hairspray and a lighter do make a huge flame." I told them exactly what happened after James kidnapped me. I heard Edward and the others growl a few times.

"Really only you could come up with something like that." Emmett laughed the others shook their heads looking amused, concerned, disbelieving and a little bit proud at me.

Edward was kissing my neck, inhaling my scent, his arms as tight around me as he dared.

"O.K. enough about me what happened to Laurent and Victoria?" I asked them.

"We killed that evil bitch." Rosalie stated bored.

Alice's POV:

Yes, we did. One of the newborns of that bitch's army would have hurt my Jasper that was unforgivable.

"Any idea how we catch her?" Emmett asked as we left the parking lot at school.

He was right that was a problem. She had this ability if not for it we would have been able to catch her and James till now.

Emmett, Rose and I we were trying to come up with something but nothing worked. We where near the meadow and nothing we came up with would have worked.

All of my visions ended with her making an escape.

Her gift was a problem that we needed to overcome and suddenly I had the perfect idea how. I looked it up and it would work perfectly.

I explained everything to Emmett and Rose and Em went to get the needed supplies.

Rose and I went to hide downwind from where Victoria would come from to leave the false trail.

Suddenly a vision hit me.

I saw Anna and she was setting the male Vampire on fire with a candle lighter and a can of hairspray.

Smart girl.

"Alice what did you see? Alice?" Rose was frantic.

"Is it Anna is she alright?" she was worried for our youngest sister.

Rose was not someone who showed her feeling on every occasion and she did need time to warm up to someone but she did care deeply about Anna.

She liked her guts and everyone who could put Edward in his place was on her good side.

"She is fine in fact she is kicking James ass." I chirped at her.

Rose gave me a look like had gone mental. I only giggled.

"You'll see. Emmett's coming."

"Got everything we need?" Rose asked as Emmett arrived.

"Yeah, I was lucky to be able to get my hands on fresh donated blood and I also stole the jacket of the man who donated it to make the scent more potent. Everything is in plastic bags my scent isn't on it."

"Brilliant. She will be here in three minutes. We better get down to business."

He handed me the plastic bags and he and Rose went to hide in their hideout. In the mean time I placed the jacket and the blood behind a fallen tree.

The wind would carry the scent directly to where Victoria would stop to place the false trail. Because of the fallen tree she wouldn't able to see the reason for the scent of blood.

I was careful not to touch the jacket so my scent would be on it.

"Stop breathing guys." I said quietly so only Em and Rose would hear.

I also held my breath. I took the still warm blood bag and tore it carefully apart and dripped the blood on the jacket.

My scent would be only faint I made sure not to touch anything unnecessary she wouldn't notice my scent until it was too late for her.

I packed everything up and went to my hideout waiting for her. And as predicted she appeared right on cue.

She was rubbing Anna's jacket on the tree to leave a false trail. She looked uncomfortable here gift warning her that this was a trap but the warning came too late. The wind picket up and carried the scent of blood in her direction.

Emmett, Rose and I had only to wait now for her body to become tense that's when the scent hit her and she would need a few moments to regain her composure.

The scent reached her nose her body tensed it was our cue to attack and we did. The witch never saw it coming.

We where in a save distance away from her not to alarm her gift too early but close enough to reach her in time.

The fresh human blood was something her senses immediately caught and her inner predator took over for a precious few moments.

When fresh blood reaches a Vampire there is always a moment of shock. A newborn would have gone after the scent immediately but she was older more experienced but still the scent surprised her and she needed time to adjust.

The few seconds she needed to snap out of it were her downfall. Emmett had her in his vice grip.

She struggled but it was no use from there it was a piece of cake for us and Victoria was just a pile of ashes and purple smoke.

Anna's POV:

Jasper had his arm around Alice and squeezed her to him as she told us what happened. Emmett beamed happily and Rosalie also looked satisfied.

"Oh, I almost forgot as for Laurent I saw him heading in the direction of Alaska." Said Alice excited bouncing in her seat.

"He left James coven when James decided to attack us that was too much for Laurent. He was scared of the number of opponents. I could hear it in James thoughts." Edward mumbled as he nuzzled his face in my hair.

"I also called Irena and told her about Laurent. I don't know if they are soul mates but she does deserve the chance." Alice said smiling at Jasper lovingly what sparkled a memory to resurface.

"Carlisle, have you heard from Garrett recently?" I asked him all of the sudden.

He looked at me stunned. My knowledge still startled them sometimes. Edward pulled his head away from me to look at me with a worried expression.

"Is something wrong?" He asked concern dripping in every word.

Right Edward wasn't a Garrett fan if I remember correctly.

"No don't worry it's just he and Kate will hit it off. Just trying to help. I wish I also knew who is out there for Tanya." I said as I shrugged my shoulders, which was not a good idea it hurt to do so.

"Garrett and Kate?" Carlisle repeated thoughtfully.

It was becoming harder to keep my eyes open the painkillers that Carlisle gave me were showing their effect. I leaned against Edward's chest and was slowly falling asleep.

"Seems like someone is ready to go to bed." Edward chuckled as he kissed the top of my head.

Edward pulled me carefully on his back, because my back was too injured to carry me bridal style, and brought me into his room, lying me down on his bed.

I was lying on my side. He rested himself behind me on his side as well so that my back was lightly pressed against his chest.

I turned around a little bit so I could he could see my face. I needed to tell him this before it got out of hand therefore he needed to see the sincerity in my eyes.

"Edward listen, I saw how you looked at the lighter and the hairspray and I want to tell you, you got it all wrong." He looked confused at me.

"I didn't had them with me all the time because I thought that you weren't enough to protect me or that you wouldn't make it in time or anything like it. I knew you would save me. I never doubted that."

"Then why did you carry them with you all the time?" He asked I could hear the hurt in his voice.

"Because I didn't want to be a helpless, useless victim." I started and he was about to say something but I put my finger over his lips and silenced him.

"I know Edward my opponent was a Vampire and rationally looking I didn't had a shot in hell but that's not what it was about. It was about being strong on my own I knew that you would come and safe me I never doubted that. Believe me Edward. But until then I wanted to be able to stand my own ground and not to be at his mercy." I looked at him as it sank in what I told him, many emotions were showing in his eyes.

I could see that it would take a while before he worked though that one and I would give him the time.

"I love you, Edward." I whispered and he kissed my cheek softly before I drifted off to sleep.

Edward's POV:

Anna rested in my arms safe and secure. I never knew what real fear was until the moment James kidnapped her. Every second this monster had her captured was unbearable torture.

Not knowing if she was alright.

Not knowing if he was hurting her.

Not knowing if I would see her again alive and in one piece.

Not knowing if I would ever have her in my arms again.

I have to admit that killing this sadistic monster was a pleasure. Jasper and I took our time to end his miserable existence the most painful way.

My world is so dangerous for her and yet she is showing no fear. The way she thinks, the way she reacts and responds to every obstacle, danger and challenge makes it unbelievably hard for me to make the right decision.

It would be right to leave her and let her have what ever normal life she could achieve given her circumstances but then I would take her choice away from her.

The choice. The right to life her life the way she wants it to. Even when I think she is crazy for the choice she is making.

To patronize her, just feels down right wrong. The old me would have done it but the new me knows how wrong that is.

Sometimes I really wonder why she is putting up with me seeing how much work I am and how badly screwed up.

But even if I could take away that choice from her and could I really force myself to stay away from her?

Could I really abandon the reason for my existence, my world, the one love I waited over a hundred years for?

The thought of it is tearing me apart, burning me alive million times worse then a fire of the change.

No I can't. I can not leave her. I'm not strong enough and I don't want to be strong enough. I used to know what right and wrong was.

It mattered a great deal to me but right now there is only one thing that is right and that is having her in my arms, feeling her next to me, being able to touch her, to kiss her, to make sure she is happy every day, to protect the beautiful smile that is gracing her lips when she is happy. Nothing else matters to me and it never will.

It's funny how much she changed me. I don't think that before her or if it had been anyone else then my Anna I would have made the same decision.

The Edward Cullen, the moody, short tempered, overbearing, overprotective, pessimistic, dramatic, self-loathing and self-hating know-it-all is slowly but steady disappearing and a new me is starting to resurface. I think one calls it growing up.

But it's not only me it's the both of us. We are growing as individuals but also as a couple.

I think for the first time I understand what makes the relationships of Carlisle and Esme, Alice and Jasper and Emmett and Rosalie so strong and special.

They complete each other in each and every way. They have faith and trust in their partners but are also strong on their own for the one they love.

The incidence with this monster was a prove of Anna's trust in me even though I didn't see it at first.

The fact that she had that lighter and hairspray with her all the time made me feel less a man for her to have the need to protect herself and not trusting in my ability to do so.

I didn't even think of her need to be able to protect herself not to have to feel dependent on others.

I only saw my pride hurt. How wrong I have been. Sometimes I think that she is able to read my mind. Always knowing what I think and feel and always addressing the matters at hand.

Her forwardness is another think a love about her. What she is lacking in physical strength she is evening out with her smartness and intelligence.

She truly is my partner, my equal other half. My love, my strength, my reason for existence, my joy, my hope, my Anna.

She once told me that in a difficult situation there are three ways one could go.

First: Trying to ignore the whole thing as best as it goes.

Second: You can be a coward and run from it.

Third: The most difficult one stay and try to figure it out.

A life at my side in my world is dangerous and highly risky but I will not push her away. As long as she is willing I will fight for her, for us no matter what the odds. Never will I let go of her.

This is not the seventeen year old boy speaking in whose body I'm captured but the man that is forming a future with the woman he loves.

Yes, the man in me was taking the upper hand but the scared seventeen year old boy was also still present and was throwing irrational fear at me.

I knew I couldn't lose her. I couldn't walk way for her sake, hurting her for her sake how wrong that sounded.

As far as I came, here in this moment something dark started growing in me.



My old me needing to protect her ever second from everything and everyone.