ch 20

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Anna's POV:

"I don't like this one bit!" Edward grumped as he paced upset in my room.

"I know honey, so you keep on telling me for three days."

I answered him while I was standing in front of my closet and couldn't decide if I should wear a jacket or just a sweater.

"Can't you just make some kind of excuse?"

"Edward I used up ever excuse there is already. Doing homework, learning for an exam, having a headache, having cramps and so on."

I turned to face him putting my right hand on my hip.

"Kevin is fed up with all my excuses. He doesn't believe me anymore."


"No, buts Edward yesterday he forced me to have a talk about why I don't want to go to La Push so much. He even asked me if one of the guys there did something to me."

"Love it's just..."

"I know that you are afraid that something might happen to me and it's not like, I like going there but there isn't a way around it, Kevin is persistent."

My Vampire stopped pacing and pinched the bridge of his nose exhaling angrily. I went to him and rubbed his arms.

"It's not like I could tell him that my Vampire boyfriend doesn't like the idea of me going to visit his enemy the Werewolves, now can I?" I smiled at him.

"Love this is not funny." He pouted upset at me.

Then he looked intensely into my eyes with his bright golden pools. He brought his hands to my shoulders and slowly run them down my arms making me shiver in pleasure at his touch.

Edward bent his head and placed soft kisses at the nape of my neck. He blew his cool breath across my warm skin making goose bumbs arise.

His scent was making my head spin and my knees were becoming jelly. He had gotten so damn good at seducing me that I nearly forgot my own name when he touched or kissed me, not to mention what he did to me when he used both.

"Hmm….your skin is so soft and warm." He hummed against my skin.

"Ah…..yeah….." I had trouble forming a word by now.

His hands which where on the small on my back moved to my hips, he hooked his thumbs under my top and started rubbing circles on my hip bones.

I had my hands on his arms holding on to him because I wasn't sure if I would be able to stay on my feet without support.

He kissed his way up from my neck to my jaw line to my lips before his cool, hard lips captured mine in a hot, passionate kiss.

My hands locked themselves around his neck while my fingers found their way into his soft, silky hair.

Edward had his arms locked around me pulling me closer to him until we were flush against each other and not even a piece of paper would have fit between us.

Breaking the kiss to work his way from my jaw line to my ear he asked against my skin.

"How about we continue this in bed?"

I might have been nearly out by his touch and his kiss but if he thought that he could dazzle me into something he wanted me to do he was sadly mistaken.

He is going to get a really cold shower about right now.


Was all I said while I pushed him in the direction of my bed, my Vampire complied. As we reached my bed he sat down on the edge looking up at me.

His eyes hungry and filled with desire, I smiled at him breathing heavily. One thing was for sure, that boy could kiss.

I put my hands on his chest and pushed him gently down on the mattress. I had only jeans and a red top with spaghetti straps on.

Edward had my top rolled up so he had access to my belly, my hips and the small of my back. He had his hands firmly on that area caressing my skin.

I went with him on my bed straddling his waist. I sat down on him and he hissed at the contact.

"Love…..ah….you are killing me."

I grinned at that and slowly bend my head down to rain kisses along his neck. It were slowly open mouthed kisses and I blew my hot breath over his cool skin with each kiss.

My Vampire hissed once more before he started to purr in pleasure. He let go of his hold on my hips as I kissed my up to his ear.

Taking his earlobe in my mouth I sucked it and flicked it with my tongue. A low growl came from deep with in his throat.

Edward was shivering under me as I kissed my way back to his lips with one final sweet and loving kiss I sat up straight.

Edward looked at me dazzled, breathless and slightly confused. I just smiled warmly at him.

"We are going to continue this after I'm back from La Push."

With that I hopped off him and went back to my closet. Grabbing a sweater I turned around seeing my Vampire sitting up with a stunned expression.

His mouth was hanging open.


It was hard for him to find words. He looked so cute just then.

"I had to punish you for trying to dazzle me into getting your way."

I said as I made my way to him pulling the sweater over my head. He was still speechless as I grabbed his face with my hands placed my lips hard on his.

"I also can play unfair."

I smiled at him after breaking the kiss. He looked at me with a scowl.

"Seems like she got you good brother." Emmett laughed as he entered my room through the window.

Edward looked at Emmett and muttered at me.

"You are spending too much time with Rose." I only giggled.

"What are you doing here?" Edward asked not pleased at all with the whole situation.

"We are here because we have something for Anna and because I need to dress here." Alice chirped.

"What's wrong with my clothes?"

"Nothing they are good but because of the thing we have for you, you need something more functional." Alice answered skipping to my closet.

"What thing?" Edward asked coming to stand behind me raising an eye brow.

Emmett pulled out a little, blue box behind his back and gave it to me.

"Open it," he was really excited.

I opened the box and in it was the little stun gun I bought as I knew I had to go to La Push. I didn't want to go there unprotected so I bought the stun gun on a shopping trip with Alice and Rose.

As I told Rose what I need the gun for she proposed to grade it up for me.

"A stun gun?" Edward asked angered. "Why are you giving her something like this?"

"Oh chill Edward. It's just in case. Do you really want her to go without any protection?" Alice muttered out of my closet.

"I don't want her to go at all."

"It would be nice if you would stop talking about me like I'm not here because I am!"

I glared at my Vampire.

"So how does it work? Still the same?" I asked Emmett ignoring the both of them right now.

"Yeah, but just in case I explain again. You only have to switch off the protection and push the red button. Rose tuned it up a little as promised so it will hit those dogs out of their fur if one should be stupid enough to get to close to you."

"Emmett…." Edward started shaking out of anger.

"Come on Eddie boy she stood up to a Vampire. My little sis has fight in her." Em said proudly, patting my shoulder.

Emmett was very proud of me that I was able to stand up to James and burn his backside literally.

"She shouldn't have to fight at all."

"SHE is standing right in front of you and SHE is getting more UPSET with YOU by the second!"

Edward took a deep breath to calm down, while I looked sternly at him with my hands on my hips.

"I apologize, love but please understand....." Edward was pleading with me.

"I know they are dangerous you don't have to tell me that but you know what the one who wants me there is Billy Black."

"What?!" Emmett huffed displeased to hear that.

"It seems like they finally got it that I am not only friends with you all but that I am Edward's girlfriend and now Billy wants to have a talk with me."

"Who do those mutts think they are?" Edward spat in rage.

"Billy called me today insisting that I come."

"You didn't tell me about that. Alice?"

"Sorry Edward I didn't see it." Alice answered as she went out of my closet with a new outfit for me in her hands.

"I got the call just before you arrived and started to tell me again how much you don't like me going. And I kind of didn't have the opportunity to tell you till now."

"Stupid dogs." Emmett muttered under his breath.

"Don't worry. I go there talk to him and do my best to stay away from the wolves alright."

I told Edward as I locked my arms around his waist looking into his eyes. He pulled me into his chest and hugged me tight.

"I still don't like it."

"I know." I smiled up at him reassuring.

"Alright, love birds that's enough. Anna you have to chance into your new outfit."

Alice held the clothes out for me. Dark blue jeans, a cute sweater that clung to my corves and a jacket I haven't seen before.

"Alice is that a new jacket?"

"Of cause I bought it as we bought the stun gun. In that jacket none will notice the stun gun and by the way now that Rose upgraded it, it kicks a bear out it's shoes. Em tested it."

Alice smiled at me happily. Emmett grinned.

"Poor bear."

"Anna, are you ready we have to go!" Kevin yelled from down stairs.

"Give me five minutes I need to change my clothes and I'll be right there." I yelled back.

I grabbed the clothes and went into the bathroom to change. As I excided the room Alice and Emmett were already gone only Edward stayed behind.

He held his arms open for me to walk into them what I did.

"I could just scoop you up in my arms and run for it." Edward whispered in my ear before he nuzzled my neck.

"Edward I can take care of myself you know it don't you."

I looked intensely into his eyes.

"It's just I love you so much I never knew something so precious could exist."

His face was pained, the fear of losing me was clearly written on his features. He was far from being over the whole James incident.

"Edward I love you. I don't even think that love is powerful enough to express what I feel for you. Nothing not a Vampire or human and not a Werewolf could ever keep me from you. No matter where I go I'll always return to you."

Edward kissed me hard and held on to me desperately.

"Anna come down don't make me come up there." Kevin called out a little annoyed by now.

"I'm a girl I need time to dress up. Be right down just give me a sec."

I looked at me Vampire who still didn't lessen his grip on me.

"He is going to come up here and then how do you explain your presents in my room?"

He sighed in defeat. He didn't like this one bit but there wasn't anything he could do about it now other then to place his lips over mine once again.

"Come back as fast as you can." He whispered against my lips.

As I stepped away from him to the door he was very reluctant to let go of my hand his face was a mask of pain but I had to leave.

Not because of Kevin or Billy Black or the Werewolves but because of Edward's building paranoia.

I had to show him that I could handle myself so that he didn't fall into being the Eclipse Edward where he watched Bella's every move and was freaked for her safety.

Hopefully a visit in La Push and handling the Wolves on my own will show him that he doesn't have to be freaked all the time or else I will have to have a talk with Carlisle and Esme about it.

I have the bad feeling that even though he made great progress he still could come up with something as equally stupid as New Moon if pushed too far.

Many girls here and in my world may think that Edward is perfect but he isn't. He is also only a guy, one with issues at that.

I may be here in a world where the supernatural really exist, thought I'm asking myself if maybe in my world there also are some kind of supernatural creatures? Maybe even Vampires but we only don't know it like the people here don't know about them?

Supernatural or not a relationship still requires work and a relationship with Edward is a lot of work but it is worth it.

It is somehow funny how normal our relationship is in some aspects.

"Anna, are you all right?" Kevin asked worried pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, sure I'm alright." I answered as I looked out of the car window as the scenery past by on our way to La Push.

"You really don't like it in La Push! If you would give it a chance….."

"Uncle Kevin....listen like I told you yesterday they are just not my cup of tea."

"Why not?" He asked serious.

"You know that they don't like the Cullen's?"

He sighed frustrated and nodded grim.

"Edward is my boyfriend, Alice my best friend and I love all of them. I mean I even get along with Rose and she doesn't get along with anyone out of her family. I don't like it how they talk about them. Their prejudice. It's home uncle Kevin. A place where I belong again, the Cullen, are home for me. Can you understand that?"

He looked at me and I could see the hurt in his eyes. I smiled warmly at him.

"Of cause I love you too. I didn't think I need to mention it."

"I love you too honey. Before I had to take you in I couldn't imagine myself being a dad. I was pretty pleased with my bachelor life but now. I do find myself thinking about a family often. I think I could be a good dad."

"Yes, you will be a great dad but do what you think is right and not what others tell you, O.K.?"


"Even when they have years of experience everyone is different."

He nodded at that thoughtfully.

"You really love the Cullen's? Hmm….."

"Yes, I do."

Kevin looked at me again smiling and understanding.

"Edward is a good boy and he really loves you."

"As I love him."

After that we drove in comfortable silence to Billy's house. I would have a serious word with Billy about butting in into my business.

As usual there where many people at the Black's house, Kevin soon got snatched away by some people that were unknown to me.

It was weird I was in Billy Black's house but he wasn't here and neither was Jake for that matter. I had a bad feeling about this.

I snatched a coke out of the kitchen, went out into the garden and sat down there on a chair. The sun was going down and the horizon looked beautiful.

The normally grey water was orange/red now and glittered like silver. The red/blue/ yellow sky that had little clouds hanging in it looked like one out of an old expensive painting.

I inhaled the scent of the sea as the wind blew it in my face. The air was cold and crispy but I didn't mind much. I was used to the cold by now and even if it doesn't really make sense the cold the warm to me now.

I just wished that I could have shared this beautiful view with my beloved Vampire.

"Um…..Anna." I heard a voice behind me.

Turning around I saw Jared carefully approach me.

"Hi, Jared. What's up?"

"Listen we would like to talk to you."


He scratched the back on his neck uncomfortably and answered.

"Yeah the council of the Quileute tribe would like to speak to you."

"I thought that something like this would happen."

I sighed got up and walked to Jared.

"Lead the way."

He looked at me funny and confused.

"You really are not scared even though you know what I am?"

"Nope. My boyfriend is a Vampire, remember?" I smiled at him.

He only nodded and looked ahead thoughtfully. We walked a little around La Push before he said something again.

"There is something that I would really like to know."


"Did you know I would imprint on Kim?"

"Are you trying to figure out if I know what an imprint is?"

He looked guilty away. Sam made him spy on me.

"Let's just say I do know a hell more them I should and that is safe."

"You are not a normal girl are you and it won't matter what they say."

"You're a smart boy." I shrugged at him. He only sighed.

We reached a house that was placed a little on the out strikes. It was bigger then Billy's house and I could see Sam standing at the front door.

"Hi Sam." I smiled at him as I passed him and went into the house.

"Hi." He grumped shortly.

I was led into the living room where Billy, Harry and a man who looked quite brittle and ancient sat with them on the couch I assumed that this was old Quil Ateara.

Sam, Paul and Jared stood behind them in protective stances. Their arms crossed over their chests, trying to look dangerous. I could only roll my eyes.

"So what's up with this party?" I asked bluntly.

I earned surprised looks from them all.

"Hmm….well I guess we don't need to introduce ourselves to you?" Asked Billy.

I only nodded.

"We are here because we heard some disturbing news about you being together with one of those….."

"He isn't one of those he has a name Edward Cullen and I would really appreciate it if you would use it. I'm not going around calling them mutts, do I?" I pointed at the three guys behind him.

Paul looked murderous at me and growled but Sam gave him a look and he was silent again.

Billy was a little shocked but composed himself quickly.

"Sure this sounds like a reasonable request. So is it true that you and Edward Cullen are a couple?"

"With all do respect this is none of your business but yes we are a couple. I love Edward and Edward loves me."

Now that was a real shocker to them. They were all take aback.

"What carp those things don't even know what love is!" Yelled Paul.

I raised my eye brow, stood up and was about to leave.

"What are you doing?" Asked Harry speaking for the first time.

"I'm leaving. I will not stand by and listen when you offend my boyfriend and my family." I said in a serious and firm voice.

"Y-Your family?!?!?" Billy choked out stunned and disbelieve was written plain across his face. The expressions of the other persons in the room mirrored his.

"Yes, my family. The Cullen's are my family."

"But they are dead!" Harry said not being able to say anything else. I think his mind wasn't able to comprehend what I just said.


"This is just disgusting." Sam spat.

"Oh and being together with an animal is so much better?" I shot right back.

"At least I'm still a human and I don't want to suck people dry of their blood."

"As if being around you isn't dangerous." I looked directly into his eyes and he looked unsure for a few seconds.

"Child you don't know what you are dealing with. What the cold ones are capable of." Old Quil said looking with a wise expression at me.

"I do exactly know what I'm dealing with."

"Just because of the crap that they told you." Sam spat disgusted again.


Now they all looked surprised at me, I confused them again.

"I knew about Vampires before I came here to Forks."

"What?!?" Billy and Sam asked in union.

"I know more about Vampires and their nature then you could ever get to know. AND I do know what a Vampire is capable of since one tried to kill me in the past."

"Hang on a minute! But if one tried to kill you who can you be here then?" Jared asked confused the others also looked at me for an explanation.

I rolled my eyes on them.

"I killed him."

O.K. that wasn't the whole truth I burned James backside and Edward and Jasper destroyed him because he threw himself into a pool of water but well they don't need the details.

Their mouths were hanging open after their jaws hit the floor. They all looked at me like I had grown a second head.

"So….what…..I….Your Buffy or what?" Paul somehow got out, blinking at me.

"No, I'm just me."

They didn't believe me I could see it in their faces but apparently Sam thought he could use what I said to his advantage.

"But if you know what those thinks are capable of how can you be together with something that wanted to kill you?" Sam asked with pure disgust in his voice but also smug.

"So that means if a human tried to kill me, like it happens every day a dozen of times, I should hate and despite the whole human kind?"

"That's different." Paul shot back.

"How is that different?"

"Their humans." He answered being haughtily.

"And you just ignore the fact that humans are capable of murder out of bloodlust because it is fun for them to kill and that's alright?"

None said anything. They all looked away from me.

"The Cullen's aren't bloodthirsty monster who kill for fun. They are gently, warmhearted and very kind. If you would be able to see past your bigoted prejudice you would see that."

"We are just trying to protect you. What will happen when you bleed in front of one of them? They could crush you any time by accident. They are dangerous, bloodthirsty, heartless, soulless monsters that should burn in hell better now then a second later." Sam spat angered.

With that he had my temper getting the best out of me.

"Accident! Oh wait you mean like a bear accident? Really?!?!"

Sam cringed at that knowing that I was referring to Emily.

"You little, ungrateful, stupid bitch..."

Paul screamed as he made his way quickly to me. He was shaking all over, his body was blurry and it was changing it's form.

I heard cracking sounds coming from him and his body was deforming really fast.


"Oh god no, what are you doing?"

"Paul stop!"

I heard Sam and the others yell as they saw what was about to happen. Sam and Jared tried to grab him to keep him away from me but I was too late. He was too fast for them.

In this moment I had to admit that I was a little afraid but I kept it together as much as needed. The whole time ever since entering the hours I had my right hand in the pocket of my jacket where the tuned up stun gun from Rose was.

I just needed to wait for the right moment.

He was nearly in front of me, fur was coming out of his skin it looked rather disgusting. He looked more like one of those paintings in that all people and objects are deformed then anything remotely human or even animal like.

I unlocked the protection of the stun gun in my pocket and waited the few seconds until he was near enough.

My heart was beating hard in my chest and I was sweating like crazy. The adrenalin was shooting through my body.

As his arms reached around me and his chest was finally near enough. I quickly pulled out the stun gun out of my pocket and held it to his body as I pressed the red button.

Paul let out an earsplitting growl that sounded like one from an animal not something a human would be capable of before the crinkle of electricity could be heard.

It was followed by a pitiful howl as his enormous body was shaking and slowly sinking to the ground.

His eyes rolled back into his head and he had his human form back that's when I let go of the red button.

Paul rested to my feet, his body jerked uncontrollably. The only thing left from the big bad wolf from a few seconds ago was a pile of misery.

The whole room was frozen as I turned the stun gun on Paul Sam, Jared, Billy, Harry and old Quil were looking at me with big eyes, holding their breaths.

"I'm in this business for a while. I can deal with Vampire and I can deal with Werewolves. Guess you believe me now."

I put my stun gun back in my pocket and crossed my arms over my chest, glaring at them.

"I-Is h-h-he alright?" Jared asked as he rushed to Paul's side recovering from the shock.

"He'll be fine in a while and hopefully it will teach him a lesson, don't mess with me."

Billy opened his mouth and closed it again a few times. He looked like a fish out of water.

"Listen I appreciate your concern. Thank you for worrying but you don't have to. If I would need help I would ask for it but I don't need any.

This is my life and my decision and none has the right to take this decision away from me."

"Child do you understand that we only try to protect you. Kevin is a dear friend of ours and we regard him as family and you as his niece are one of us as well." Old Quil told me looking stern at me.

I really wanted to throw it in his face what just happened. He was talking about protecting me while one of his own people nearly killed me just now but I thought better of it.

"I feel honored that you welcome me so warmly but nonetheless I already have a family. The Cullen's."

"You are making the wrong choice child but I know that look in your eyes. You have your mind set on this. Just know that we will be here if you shall need help. Kevin and you are family."

Old Quil Aterar was a Council leader and the oldest of them and even though Billy was the direct descendant of Ephraim Black old Quil had the last word here.

"Thank you Mr. Ateara. Good night." I smiled at all of them, thankful that it was over and made my way out of the house.

It had gotten pretty dark outside and I hoped that I would find my way back but thank god La Push wasn't that big I would make it somehow.

I was thinking about just how much Edward would freak when I told him what had happened at that meeting. Oh boy that was going to be one hell of a talk.

"Hey Anna what are you doing here all alone?" I heard a voice call from behind me turning around I saw Seth coming my way.

"Hi Seth. What's all that?" I pointed at the plastic boxes in his hands.

"Oh mom wanted me to get more food that she prepared."

"Come on I help you." I reached to get some of the stuff.

"Thanks but what are you doing here all alone at night?"

"Exploring the town."

"If you wanted a sight seeing tour through La Push you could have asked me."

"Thanks Seth I might take you up on that offer some time but more importantly what about the girl Sara that you told me about?"

Seth blushed at that and turned his gaze straight ahead not looking at me. Last time he accidentally slipped that he had a crush on her. She is class mate of his.

"Like I told you before she is way out of my league..."

We chatted the whole way back to Billy's house. Seth was a really nice boy, a perfect little brother.

After we delivered the food and Seth took me to the place where the kids hung out. Kim, Embry, Quil, Jake and Leah were there.

It was my first time seeing Leah. She was beautiful in an exotic kind of way, perfect copper skin, glistening black hair and eyelashes like feather dusters.

When she saw me the first thing she did was to glare at me.

"That's my sister Leah." Seth sighed then. "I'm sorry she does need some time to warm up with people." He smiled unsure and apologetically at me.

"It's O.K." I smiled back.

We were in a little clearing near the beach. The sound of the sea pleasantly whooshed in the background.

They had made a fire and were sitting on logs around the fire. Seth greeted the guys and introduced me to Quil who I didn't meet before.

Jake was a little pissed at me I could see that because he must have gotten it pretty bad after last time from Billy and from Sam.

Kim looked at me curious out of the corner of her eye the whole time but wouldn't go near me.

"You just had to tell my dad!" Jake barked at me as I stood alone looking at the ocean.

"Jake listen I'm sorry but I had my reasons."

"Yeah what reasons?" He asked angry.

Just as I wanted to answer him we heard Quil and Embry fight.

"Damn Quil what's wrong with you man?" Embry shouted at him as Quil started to shake.

"Oh no." I whispered as I knew what would happen in a few moments.

Everything happened in slow motion then as I made my way to Quil to get the situation under control.

"What the hell?" Jake breathed confused and slightly afraid.

Quil couldn't stop shaking he looked around panicked now, the fear in very of his features. His body was shaking just like Paul's. The disgusting cracking sounds were traveling through the night air.

Embry was standing frozen in shock in front of Quil not able to move a muscle. Seth and Leah were slowly backing away from Quil but only took two steps back before they also froze in place.

Jake wasn't moving from where he stood either only Kim rushed to Embry's side trying to safe him. Foolish girl she was about to get herself killed.

A deep rumbling sound erupted from his core, Quil cringed multiply in agony as his body began to shift.

Next to the screams of agony that were leaving his lips one could hear fabric tearing itself from his body.

His body broke more and more. His muscles were growing very big very fast. Fur was growing out of his skin.

Seeing him shift was disgusting and fascinating at once. I could feel the air around me shift with him. It was quite powerful. Even more then it was with Paul earlier, maybe because it is Quil's first time?

Kim had reached Embry by now but it was no use she couldn't make him or anyone else move and run for their lives.

In this moment I could only think what was wrong with the girls here? They live in a world with dangerous supernatural creatures and don't think about protecting themselves at all?

Bella runs into the arms of a sadistic Vampire without any kind of plan and Kim is about to do something equal stupid.

Kim was franticly begging everyone to leave but none listened I approached Quil quickly pulling my stun gun out of my pocket unlocked the protection never leaving Quil out of my sight.

His jacket and shirt were gone now and he looked like a hairy vase that was broken and was now glued together horribly.

Another animalistic growl rumbled from deep within his throat as he reached the, what I assumed, final stage of his change.

That was when the electro shock of my stun gun hit him. The animalistic growl turned into a pitiful howl as Quil shook because of the stun gun and his body turned slowly back into human from.

Making weird noises Quil fell on his knees and sank to the ground before I stopped pumping electricity into his body.

Quil laid rolled up into a ball on the ground twitching uncontrollably as two Werewolves arrived at the scene.

"You know if I have to take down another one I'm going to charge you." I joked while the two wolves looked at me like I had grown a second head, again if I might ad.

Guess they thought that the incidence with Paul was just a lucky strike. Well they guessed wrong.

"What. The. Fuck!?!?!" Yelled Jake all of the sudden.

Kim looked at me with wide open eyes, shock was written all over her face at my action. Embry was sitting in front of Quil looking at him shocked and disbelieving before he lifted, his now pale white, face up to look at me and then back down at Quil's form on the ground.

Leah was just standing there and looked like she might faint any minute while Seth also had sunken to the ground shaking his head the whole time in denial while tears were streaming down his face.

Jared had changed back into his human from and comforted Kim. Jake looked like he didn't know if he should bolt or freak or both.

"You wanted to know my reason for telling your dad, now you saw them." I told him while I shrugged my shoulders.

"I-I-It-It-It's t-t-true...," Realization hit him about the legends. "...and-and …you knew?" he asked dumbfounded.

I just smiled and packed my stun gun back together and put it back into my pocket. By now Sam also had changed back and took over.

Sam scooped Quil up in his arms and commanded us all to follow him. Leah tried to put up a fight not wanting to follow them but with one stern glance from Sam she shut up.

They were all reluctant to follow but too scared to run away or argue. Soon we arrived at the house where I was earlier. It turned out to be Quil's home.

Arriving in the house Leah began to scream.

"Someone better tell me what the fuck that was just now." She was shaking herself. I wasn't quite sure if it was out of anger or fear, maybe both.

"What just happened to Quil and what the fuck is up with the two of you?" She turned to face Sam and Jared.

Billy, Harry and Old Quil exchanged worried glances as they slowly understood what must have happened.

"I'm waiting!" She growled and glared at everyone in the room except of Seth.

"The legends about us being the descendants of the wolves are true." Jake choked out not looking at anyone.

"W-What?!?" Leah asked unsure, looking confused.

Seth and Embry were silent and were trying to keep track of what was said, both not in the condition to speak themselves.

"I think we have some explaining to do." Billy sighed shaking his head sadly.

Leah, Seth, Embry and Jake got everything explained about the Werewolves and the Cullen's being Vampires and me being Buffy.

It took them a while before they stopped freaking. I really had the urge to tell Sam to have a talk with Leah and tell her about imprinting but I guess that would have been too much for her for one day. I just kept it to myself, guess for now.

Sitting there with the Werewolves in that house I sighed. I mean what were the chances that I was going to have to take out two Werewolves in one night. I was slowly asking myself if it was the story that required the whole drama. That no matter who took up the place of Edward's mate had to go through all kind's of dangerous adventures.

I wasn't a drama person at all I liked it quiet and peaceful but guess that's not what faith, destiny or what ever, had in mind, for me and the Cullen's for now.

When Quil finally woke up he was greatly confused, freaked and scared. Jared and Paul took care of him. And the funny thing was after I used my stun gun on him Paul was scared of me.

Emmett will love this when I tell him. Edward on the other hand not so much.

When I looked at my watch it was nearly midnight.

"Do you guys still need me?" I asked Billy who was sitting in his wheelchair right in front of me.

"Ah… no thank you for your help." Billy smiled weakly at me, the day had been hard on him and he was worried about Jake.

"Alright then, I've got to go now."

I stood up form the chair I was sitting on and left the house. I was started walking the way back to Billy's house where Kevin was as Sam stopped me.