ch 22

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Anna's POV:

I was there again.

Again in this white place.

A white world out of mists, white, grey and a few sounds.

Again, like so many times before I walked on the grey ground. Or was it a road? I don't know. I can never tell.

I'm walking on the grey ground beneath me and in front of me there are two bodies made out of white mist. I don't know who they are or what they are but they are always there.

They look so fragile as if when I would touch them they would fall apart. The two of them are turning their head to me once in a while but I can't understand what they are saying.

The two bodies made out of white mist are walking in front of me. I am following them like I always do. Every time the dream is a little longer, showing more.

The bigger body of mist is turning around again and I know what that means the scene is going to change. I always seem to jump over this happening.

The next things I see are many bodies made out of mist and a pile of mist behind me that seemed to be smocking.

The two bodies made out of mist that I am always following are now on their knees, hovering over something but I was never able to see that something.

The other bodies are standing there, one could say shocked, around the scene and that is when the sounds begin.

They are silent at first but are growing louder as if someone would turn the volume of a radio higher and higher but it's never high enough for me to understand anything.

I think one of the sounds is a car that is trying to make emergency stop and screams are there as well.

I think that I'm dreaming about a car accident but I can't see who it is. The one who drives and the one who is run over.

I am steeping closer to be able to see who is lying there on the grey ground and is hovered over by those two bodies.

But I never make it instead I can feel that there is something behind me but I can't turn around to see it.

I'm not allowed to see, it seems. There are just those feelings I feel the relief that comes after a long time of suffering.

Relief that I don't have to suffer anymore but also guilt that I don't suffer anymore and that I am grated the relief and accepting it.

Nothing about this dream is really making sense. Not when I sleep and not when I'm awake.

Coming out of my fuzzy and confusing dream a beautiful velvet voice greeted me.

"Hello beautiful. How do you feel?" My Edward breathed lightly in my ear his cool breath ticking me.

I had immediately a smile on my lips even before I was fully awake and carefully turned around to face him.

I was met with his beautiful but concerned expression. I put my hand on his cheek and slowly and softly stroke my thumb along his cheekbone.

"Good morning handsome. I feel better. My headache is gone and the best part is that Kevin is away this week and I'm staying at your place." I smiled at him happily.

It has been two days since my visit in La Push and Edward pulled himself back together. He was more relaxed now and on best behaviour.

He looked at me with love and concern in his topaz pools and kissed my forehead. I inhaled his scent as he leaned in to me, feeling content as reality hit me.

"Wait what about school? It's a school day how late is it?"

Edward first looked a little taken aback before smiling his crocked smile at me.

"It's nine o'clock…."

"What?!?" I shrieked and was about to jump out of bed when a pair of cool and strong arms held me back while the owner chuckled.

"What's so funny we are late for school!" I barked at him.

Edward chuckled even more. "Love the teacher have a faculty meeting today. The. Whole. Day. Long." He said every word slowly and clear. I held my breath while I searched my memory.

"Ah....right. Now that you mention it I think there was something like that...." I looked away embarrassed before facing him again.

"I had a major headache and when that happens then I'm a vegetable and I'm still recovering." I stuck my tongue out at him what made him laugh even more.

"Stop laughing and be grateful you can't get a headache because they suck."

"I believe you my love. You did look like a pile of misery yesterday." Edward kissed my temple softly.

"Well I certainly felt like a pile of misery but I hope I didn't hurt your feelings too much when I send you away. It's just when my head hurts I want to be left alone."

"It's O.K. I can deal with it." He answered in an even and firm voice. I raised an eye brow at him.

"Really." He defended himself before a smug smile crossed his perfect face.

"And now you have to lay back down it's doctors odder to stay in bed." He murmured softly his eyes shinning deviously.

"Is it!?" I teased him playfully.

"Yes, it is. I'm fully intending to spoil you and we have to make up on what we missed out yesterday evening." He said as he leaned in to brush his lips over mine.

"Hmm…tempting." I purred as he released my lips.

He looked into my eyes his beautiful topaz pools were darkening. I knew those dark topaz orbs which were filled with love, desire, want and lust.

His cold, marble lips came down to my neck and he started ever so softly to kiss down to my collarbone before coming up to my neck again.

My hands were running over his back and into his silky hair while I shivered in pleasure as I felt his seductive, cool lips on my hot, soft skin.

My heartbeat sped up and my breathing became heavy and shallow. I could feel the proud and satisfied smile on his lips when I started to make soft sounds.

Edward had gone from my neck to the delicate flesh behind my ear. After a few tender kisses he licked the sensitive spot causing me to take a sharp breath and to arch my back a little. He was driving me crazy and he didn't even really kiss me yet.

Edward pulled away from me just enough so he could see my face. He was wearing a triumphantly smile on his lips and his eyes were sparkling with satisfaction.

"Happy with your achievement?" I asked breathlessly.

"You have no idea, my love."


Tow could play this game. I arched myself up to him, only an inch away from his lips. I got closer to his marble lips and touched them lightly with mine.

As our lips were lightly touching I parted mine and licked along his. I could feel his surprise, his body tensed and he stopped breathing.

I pulled away from him wearing a cheeky grin. He hovered over me, not moving. After a few seconds his tongue darted out, he licked his lips and closed his eyes. A sexy moan escaped his mouth followed by a low growl.

He opened his eyes, he breathed heavily as he licked his lips again causing my heart to beat faster. Butterflies were running wild in my stomach as every fibre of my body ached to be touched by him.

"You are going to be the death of me." Edward said in a dark, husky, sexy voice as his eyes blazed in desire, making me giggle before he crushed his lips on mine.

It was a passionate kiss that took my breath away and made my whole body tingle but before we could go any further we suddenly heard a knock on the door. We broke apart catching our breaths, trying to be able to speak again.

"Come in Esme." Edward said, being the one who recovered first, while still looking at into my eyes. Esme opened the door, having a huge partly sheepish partly apologetically smile on her face.

As Edward shifted to sit on the bed Esme came to stand next to me in a flash.

"How are you dear?" She asked motherly concerned but couldn't hide the knowing smile on her lips.

"Don't worry I'm fine really." I said with a smile feeling my cheeks flame up. How could I not be fine waking up in the arms of the one I love and then the way he kissed?

"That's good to hear. I came here to see if you were alright and to ask if you wanted to have for breakfast?" She asked me sweetly.

"I think will have one of your famous fruit salads."

"Only fruits." Edward didn't look happy.

"Dear you didn't have dinner yesterday maybe it would be better when you eat...." Esme looked hopefully at me.

That was mean. When Esme made those puppy dog eyes how could I disagree with her?

"A toast with cheese and coffee with a lot of milk. Sounds better?" I asked them rolling my eyes like a small child while not being able to hide my smile.

"Al lot better my dear." Esme smiled at me before disappearing out of the room.

"Time to get dressed." I announced.

"Hey.." Edward pouted. I placed a loud kiss on his lips and jumped out of our bed.

After having a human minute, so to say, I went down and ate the delicious meal that Esme prepared for me.

She really was great at cooking. She was as good as my aunt at it. My mom could cook as well of cause but my aunt was the magician in the kitchen, hands down.

When I finished my breakfast Esme took my dishes away before I could take care of it. I always get told that this way it's faster, leaving me no room for argumentation.

"Thank you Esme." I told her with a grateful smile.

If she didn't let me clean up after myself I could at least thank her for doing it. She beamed right back at me.

Edward led me into the living room where everyone was waiting and they all looked excited at me. A strange feeling was creeping up my spine.

"Hi guys, ah….is something wrong." I asked them as I sat down with Edward in our usual love seat.

"Quite the opposite my dear." Said Esme in warm motherly voice but she looked like she was about to explode, she and Alice that is.

Edward pressed me closer to him and kissed my temple. Carlisle chuckled what got him my attention he smiled kindly at me before he began to speak.

"Anna as you sure know, we consider you part of your family. Esme's and mine daughter, Emmett', Rosalie's, Alice's and Jasper's sister and Edward's mate." He paused to see my reaction I smiled and nodded, wondering where he was going with this.

"As you my have noticed we all wear our family crest. I'm sure you've noticed Edward's ring with the crest on it. The crest is something that all of us proudly wear."

I nodded again. Yes, the crest was mentioned in the movie and not in the books but here in the Twilight world as I call this universe, they all wear the crest.

Carlisle, Edward, Emmett and Jasper wear rings with the crest on their right little finger and Esme, Rosalie and Alice are wearing platinum necklaces with the crest.

Carlisle smiled proudly and Esme handed him a royal blue velvet box. Carlisle handed me the box and I opened it. I gasped as it revealed a platinum necklace with the Cullen crest as a pendant. My own Cullen crest.

I jumped up from my seat and hugged Carlisle as tight as I could.

"Thank you." I said with the biggest smile I could muster. I hugged and thanked Esme next as I did with the rest of them before returning to Edward's side and looking at my necklace.

"May I?" Edward asked me as he reached for the necklace I nodded and turned around to assist him in putting the necklace around my neck.

"Welcome to the family Anna. You are officially a Cullen now." Edward whispered in my ear sending shivers down my spine and making my heart beat louder in my chest. I turned around and my Vampire brushed a sweet and gently kiss on my lips.

Esme came to hug me again as our kiss broke.

"I'm so glad to have another daughter. Welcome to the family my dear." Esme was beaming so was I. I was so happy I thought I would explode.

The whole time I couldn't stop playing with my locket. I was feeling happy and content. I had the most wonderful boyfriend in the world and I was a member of a wonderful and loving family.

I did miss my family in the world I came from but I learned to deal with the loss. It was really helpful that I knew they were still alive and no matter what I would always carry them in my heart.

A heavy sigh and a scowl on Edward's face pulled me out of my thoughts.

"What happened?"

"Billy Black just called they want to meet us in two hours at the treaty line." Edward answered displeased.


"Come we have to go downstairs Carlisle wants to talk to all of us." Edward pulled me up from our bed and we went into the dinning room.

"What do those mutts want?" Rose asked in an ice cold voice, her face showing disgust for the shape shifters.

"They want to talk with us about the treaty. Billy Black didn't say anything more only that he would explain when we come and that we should bring Anna."

"Why do they want her to be there?" Edward asked flatly while he tighten his grip on me.

"I don't know son. We have to go there and see." Carlisle answered calmly.

"I hate it that I can't see them and it's even worse that all of our futures just disappeared. I hate being blind. Stupid mutts!" Alice complained being annoyed at her inability to see anything.

"It will be alright darling." Jasper tried to comfort her, pulling his wife into his lap.

"But what could they want?" Esme asked concerned.

"I don't know but they certainly won't start a fight there are four of them and eight of us. It would be stupid of them given the odds." I stated.

"Eight." Edward choked out, a disbelieving and horrified look on his face.

I just crossed my arms over my chest and glared at him. He opened and closed his mouth a few times but in the end didn't say anything.

"We will go there and see what they want. Please be on your best behaviour and don't let yourself be provoked by them."

"But Carlisle what when they….." Emmett started but Carlisle cut him off.

"No fighting unless it can't be avoided." He gave Emmett a stern look and Emmett nodded, not really pleased with the guideline.

The next hour and a half passed by amazingly slowly as we waited to got to the treaty line to meet up with the Wolfs and the elders.

"Love, are you getting ready?" My Vampire asked as I was dressing myself.

"Yes, I need a little extra time on this. I have to pack myself into thick, warm clothes. If there is something you can relay on here in Forks it is that it's always cold. Really, really cold!"

I sighed as I was standing in front of the dress drawer in only my jeans and a spaghetti strap top as I was trying to capture my hair into a pony tail before putting on my sweater.

Luckily Alice didn't insist of fashionable this time around. Sometimes the little pixie did have some sense when it came to clothes.

Though I do appreciate it that my clothes for the week are always lay out for me. This way I don't have to stand in front of the closet and think about what I should wear.

I had just succeeded with my hair style as I felt two cool hands on my hips and a pair of cool, smooth lips on my left shoulder.

The electricity was flooding between our bodies like it always does when we touch or are just close to each other. Every time he touches me even in the most innocent way it sends shivers down my spine.

"Honey what are you doing?" I asked him as his hands wandered under the hem of my top ghosting over my warm skin. I gasped at the contact in pleasure.

"You are too desirable," he mumbled between kisses, "for your own good."

His lips trailed the area between my shoulders blades with small lazy kisses until he reached the sensitive spot on my neck and started licking it. I moaned softly.

"I love it to hear those sounds from you and I love it even more that I'm the reason for them." He whispered against my skin and I felt a smile on his lips while his hands were roaming over my hips and my belly.

I turned around in his embrace and gave him a hungrily kiss on his lips wrapping my arms around his neck.

We kissed lazily and lost in each other, forgetting the world around us before breaking apart. My Vampire leaned his forehead against mine as we both gasped for air.

"I'm sorry but I just needed to do that." He whispered softly, breathlessly.

"Hey, never apologize for kissing me or touching me that's all yours to have. You know that right." I looked intensely into his eyes which were becoming darker.

"Love, that are very dangerous words to say." He growled lowly pressing me to his chest and kissing the top of my head.

"There is something I want to give you." He said after a short while.

"What is it?" I asked a little confused.

"Anna you should take this with you." Edward pulled away from me and walked into his closet, walking out with my stun gun holding it out for me to take.

"Weren't you freaking the last time I had that in my hands?" I raised an eye brow at him.

He looked sheepishly at me and gave me a crooked smile.

"Yes, it did but you handled it pretty well. You are better at this then I gave you credit for. I'm sorry for that." His smiled faded at the next words. "Of cause I will protect you but just to be sure if something would go wrong."

"Then I'm going to safe you." I teased.

"Just get dressed already." He rolled his eyes at me, kissing me but couldn't hide the little twitch that the corners of his lips made.

"Wait why did you have my stun gun in the first place? That's the one from Kevin's place. I was going to take the one Rose bought as stock." I asked curious.

"I just wanted to check personally if it works." He shrugged. I rolled my eyes at him shaking my head while I finished dressing myself.

When we arrived in the little clearing deep, in the forest, at the treaty line it was nearly twilight. The wolfs hadn't arrived yet.

"Isn't it a little bit to early for him to appear?" Emmett asked all of the sudden in a serious voice.

We all looked around for a sign that the Werewolves already came but they were nowhere near in sight, not that I could have seen them as good as my Vampires but they didn't appear to sense them either.

"Who appeared?" Carlisle asked them just as Edward groaned.

Emmett stood in front of me in a split of a second and touched his forefinger to the tip of my nose.

"Rudolf the red nose reindeer." He sang and boomed with laughter.

"Very mature Emmett." Edward glared at him.

"Maybe but he isn't that far off the mark." Jasper stated snickering.

"Who would have thought that a simple red nose because of cold could be so amusing?" I shrugged what set Emmett really off and we all laughed with him.

I wasn't sure if it was because of Emmett or because it was funny or because Jasper was manipulating us, but I'm putting my money on the last one.

"They are coming." My Vampire reported sobering up.

We all stopped laughing and they all looked straight ahead of us. I mirrored their action. Two Wolfs appeared first before Sam entered the clearing carrying Billy and Harry walking behind them.

The three residents of la Push with two legs were standing guarded by the two giant wolfs. Guess Quil still wasn't in the condition to be around other people let alone Vampires.

Billy cleared his throat before he began.

"Thank you for coming on such a short notice but we have something urgent to discus."

"Of cause and what may that be?" Carlisle asked in a warm but strong voice.

"We have to talk about the treaty and the Slayer." Billy stated the others around him nodded.

Edward could barely suppress a chuckle. What ever they were thinking was greatly amusing him.

"Is there a problem?" Carlisle asked not really understanding where they were going with this, neither was I or the rest of my family.

"Yes, there is. The Slayer is clearly a part of your coven as she herself told us so. Or are we misinformed?" Billy asked raising an eye brow.

"No, you aren't misinformed. Anna is a member of our family." Edward said proudly as his arm locked tighter around my waist.

"If that is the case then she has to sign the treaty as well." Sam uncovered the reason why we were here.

I think it's safe to say the all members of the Cullen family, now including me, were speechless for a while, well all except of Edward who was wearing a grim expression.

"And it is necessary for me to sign the treaty because?" I asked curious.

Bella never had to sign the treaty why do I have to? Not that I mind of cause. Actually I felt kind of right to do it. To have my name there with the others names of my family members.

"The treaty is protecting our people from being attacked by your coven, not Vampires in generally but your coven." Billy was looking straight at me now.

"Since you are capable of hurting and killing our protectors and you are a member of this coven by choice, you are a threat just like them. If not more since a murder from you, on one of our protectors would have no consequences for the Cullen's. Those vile creatures can't be trusted."

O.K. that was a lot to take in, they were scared of me. I knew that I impressed them but weren't they going a little bit too far?

I mean one could think that after what happened our relationship with them would have gotten better but the saying that you can't teach an old dog new tricks seemed to apply perfectly to them.

It was really a pity.

And did they really think that Carlisle or any other of my Vampires would order me to kill them because it wouldn't break the treaty for the Cullen's if I did so?

It was really hard for me to wrap my mind around that... but I could see their point though. I was a grey spot in this whole treaty thing.

Though everyone with a gun or knife could kill their protectors in human form. Or they could die in a car accident. I don't think they are getting ill, do they? But that is beside the point.

And when he thought that my family couldn't be trusted what was the point in having this treaty in the first place?

I shook my head before looking at the angry and offended expressions of my family. Emmett growled lowly at Billy for the insult.

"Could you please make your points without unnecessarily offending us? I think we are old enough for that aren't we?" I said calmly and in a warm voice.

Billy didn't like it to be disabused by someone as young as me. Billy's discomfort brought Emmett and the others satisfaction. At least he wasn't about to leap over there and start a fight and the others relaxed a bit.

"But of cause I will sign the treaty if that will give you peace of mind."

I looked at Carlisle if he was alright with that. I made my decisions myself but I didn't want to be disrespectful towards Carlisle.

He responded with a short smile and nodded.

"Good I think it is best if you and Harry meet in the middle of the field." Billy proposed.

I looked at Carlisle and he nodded again. Edward was also O.K. with that. I was about to step away from him when he suddenly pulled me back.

"Sign with Cullen." He whispered in my ear before kissing the sensitive spot below it shortly.

I turned my head to look at him and smiled. Reaching Harry in the middle of the field I took the treaty and started reading it.

"What's taking you so long?" Sam asked annoyed. I looked up at him with a raised eye brow.

"You don't really expect me to sign something I haven't read before, do you?"

Sam clenched his yaw and turned his head away from me more annoyed then before. He didn't like it being here were he was outnumbered by his natural enemies.

I quickly read the treaty and found no point I had a problem with before I did as Edward asked me and signed the treaty with Anna Cullen.

I must admit I liked the sound of it.

"Does that mean I'm not allowed in la Push anymore?" I asked them as I was safely back in Edward's arms.

"No, you are allowed to come. This is just a protection against the Cullen's. Just in case they would be able to manipulate you into hunting us down without consequences for them." Sam barked out without missing a beat. He just couldn't let it go, could he?

All my Vampires growled at him and Carlisle's face fell into a scowl. The wolfs growled back and crouched just as my Vampires had.

Edward pulled me behind him shielding me with his body.

"Stupid mutts." Rose muttered under her breath but loud enough even for me to hear.

"I hope you know that was completely unnecessary Sam." I glared at him in annoyance.

"Just because we respect your choice doesn't mean we are becoming careless." He answered in what I assume to be his alpha voice.

Before the situation could get out of hand the atmosphere relaxed a little. Poor Jaspers had to work over time here.

"We will be going then." Billy informed us as Sam picked him up. The two four legged guards disappeared as the human inhabitants of La Push were away in a safe distance.

"Well that went well." I sighed as the wolfs were out of sight.

"Stupid reeking beasts." Rose growled looking murderously.

"They could use some manners." Alice chimed in.

"I just hope that with time they will gain some perspective." Carlisle said in a thoughtful voice.

Edward snort and rolled his eyes.

"Whatever but we have to go back home before my cute marchmellow here is going to be a popsicle." He smiled warmly at me.

"Someone gonna be sorry." I sang happily.

The others chuckled as my Vampire raised an eye brow in challenge before scooping me up in his arms and taking off home.

"Say what were you chuckling about back there?" I asked him as we lay in our bed.

"The wolf on the left, I think Paul is his name was scared of you." He laughed softly.

"I mean seven Vampires were standing in front of him, one of them being Emmett and one person he was afraid of was you. Sorry but that's just hilarious." He laughed more and shook his head.

"At least he knows not to mess with me." I stated cockily.

My beloved made a thinking sound as he suddenly hovered over me.

"And what do you think you are..." But I didn't get to finish my thought as two perfect cool lips sealed my own.


The weeks went by and with each passing day my life in Twilight became more normal. I don't know when it happened but one day I noticed that I stopped seeing this world, the people in it as fictional.

At the beginning no matter how real everything felt to me, there still was this little voice in my head telling me that this all was just a story, not real, fictional but now this voice died out.

In the weeks until prom I spent more time with the family, feeling and being a real member of the Cullen's.

Edward took me out on many dates. I tried to stop him because he was spending way too much money on me but after he told me that he always wanted to visit all the various concerts, theatre plays, art exhibitions and other events, but since he didn't have anyone to take to he never went, I stopped complaining and just enjoyed going out with him.

Thanks to the help of Edward and the others I was able to pass the school year. Not an easy thing to do if you just skip a year.

Kevin and I also got along just fine. He was really accepting of Edward's and mine relationship and he likes and trusts Edward. As for family in this world aside from Kevin there wasn't any biological family but that did not mean that there wasn't family.

As I discovered my Twilight parents had a large circle of friends who they considered family in New York and of cause everyone of them wanted to keep in touch with me.

At first I thought I would lose it and that it would come out that I had no idea who those people are but by now I did get a hang on the whole thing. We are calling each other and writing e-mails. I do not hang out with the humans here in Forks but the people in New York seem to be fun.

While being surrounded with all this happiness I couldn't stop this guilty stab from making itself known. Every lunch break Bella was looking with longing eyes at Edward. I didn't need Jaspers or Edward's gift to know that she was in love with Edward.

I felt guilty because of it but there was nothing I could do about it. In the end it was Edward's choice and I did give him that choice without influencing him in any direction, well aside from hers. It did help having that in mind every time I saw her.


It was Saturday tow weeks before prom, I was at the Cullen's like usual. Edward and I we were laying in his bed and listening to some CD's when someone knocked on the door.

Edward sighed.

"Come in Alice."

Alice danced into the room looking like an innocent angle, something was up.

"Spill it miss innocence." I said to her while she looked at me with her big puppy-dog eyes. She made a pouting face and asked.

"You know that prom will take place in tow weeks, right."

Yes, I knew that and I couldn't wait to go with my Vampire.

"Yes, I know Alice I also know that we are going prom dress shopping. I don't need to have your ability to see that one coming."

"So you are O.K. with going to a real shopping spree for prom dress shopping." She asked with sparkles in her eyes, jumping up and down.

"Yes, Alice. I wouldn't want to spoil your fun." I answered her with a giggle while Edward sat beside me and chuckled.

Alice squealed, threw herself at me and pulled me into a bone crushing hug.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you. This is going to be so much fun. Oh I have so much planning to do." Alice sang in her bell like voice as she danced excited out of the room.

"O.K. should I be scared now?" I asked Edward as I looked wary at him. He laughed leaning in to me and placing his lips on mine being horribly distracting.

Oh, well how bad can it get?