ch 23

Anna's POV:

No, Alice Cullen certainly didn't understand the concept of an overkill.

It was Friday tow weeks before prom now. School was out for the day and Alice had already announced that we would start our shopping spree today but never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined what a real shopping spree would look like in her opinion.

I should have known the little pixie was up to something when she said a real shopping spree. She was just too excited and happy the whole time. Didn't I know her better by now?

Well, now we are all on our way to the air port. Apparently one can have a real shopping spree only in New York. We would stay there over the weekend.

Prom dress shopping Alice Cullen style but I had to admit I was more then edger to go to New York. It is one of my favourite cities even though I had never been there before but always wanted to.

As we arrived at the big and busy air port in Seattle, memories of how everything started flooded my mind.

Was it really just months ago that I arrived here? It felt like an eternity to me. How much everything changed since I walked through this place. Saw the huge glass walls and heard the sounds that made me nearly lose my mind back then.

Not knowing where I was. Not knowing what to expect. Being utterly and completely alone in a foreign place with no idea or recollection how I stranded there.

I remembered clearly how confused and scared I was as I exited the plane not knowing what would await me once I left the terminal. When I met Kevin for the first time I was beyond freaked.

How could I have known that I would find the love of my life and a wonderful family here? Kill, well almost kill the bad guy and kick some Werewolf backsides. I had to giggle at the memory of Paul's terrified expression whenever his gaze met mine.

"What are you thinking about love?" My Vampire asked amused as he held my hand.

"Just some memories."

"Care to share with the class?"

"Here is where everything began, well kind of." Edward knew immediately what I meant.

"Is it hard for you to be here?" Concern and worry heavy in his voice.

"No, it was all wroth while for me." I said as I squeezed his hand before I brought our intertwined hands to my lips and kissed the back of his.

"I love you." Edward whispered with a smile, unleashing the force of his brilliant liquid gold on me, turning my knees onto jelly.

"Guys please before I'm going to jump my wife right on the spot." Jasper was pleading desperately.

"Sorry Jasper." I apologized while Edward didn't look sorry at all with that smug smile on his face.

"Actually you are lucky you weren't here the first time I walked through these halls." It suddenly came to my mind.

"Me too. I don't even want to imagine in what a state you must have been." Jasper agreed.

"Would have most likely brought you to your knees." I giggled.

"Since you are already going down the memory lane. Did you know where you have been when you arrived here in Seattle?" Emmett asked curious.

"No, I was too freaked out about the whole why-was-I-in-a-plane-thing to thing about it. The realization came later."

"I wonder how that must feel?" Emmett mused. I did remember how it felt. Not really good when you believe you lost it.

"What the hell?" Emmett was suddenly breathing heavily in gasps.

"You wanted to know how it felt." Jasper chuckled. He must have projected what I felt while I remembered that day on Emmett. Since Jasper was right next to Emmett it was no problem, to make him feel it, without affecting the others around.

Emmett glared at Jasper while the others chuckled and he muttered something under his breath.

"Emmett Dale McCarty Cullen. Language." Esme hissed at him with a stern look.

"Sorry mom." He ducked his head while giving Jasper a side glare.

We went thought the gigantic air port to the counter where an employee was waiting for us.

"The Cullen family?" The middle aged man asked politely and businesslike.

Carlisle nodded and the man brought us to shuttle bus. As we entered the shuttle bus I noticed the amount of luggage we had in tow.

"Ah…Alice we are only away for the weekend and not for an entire year." I stammered out being sidetracked by all the suitcases.

"They are empty silly. We need something to transport the clothes we will by in New York, don't we. And since Carlisle," she glared at him crossing her arms over her chest, "won't let me by any more suitcases, I needed to take the ones we had at home with me. I still don't understand why I can't simply by new ones?" Alice pouted at the end.

"I already explained it to you Alice we don't have enough space for any more suitcases." Carlisle said patiently with a warm smile while Alice pouted even more adorably at him.

"Just because you can buy it doesn't mean you have to buy it." Rose threw in looking out of the window into a hangar where a plane was being repaired. I was barely able to see it but with Vampire sight...

"How did that saying go again with the glass house and the..." Alice stuck her tongue out at her sister. Rose rolled her eyes, shaking her head.

The driver announced our arrival and the shuttle bus stopped in front of a private jet. I was in utter shock.

"A private jet?" I said while being completely stunned.

"Of cause it's a family weekend. This one isn't entirely about shopping." And this coming from Alice, we could expect the end of the world any minute, "but also about having a good time in New York. Letting yourself be spoilt, enjoying your time with your loved ones. You're a Cullen now and we are dirty rich get used to it."

"I already got used to it Alice," I laughed.

I did have a job as a waitress at a drive in for a few weeks to earn my own money before Alice, and I think the main force behind it was Edward, came up with a proposal. With Alice giving stock market tips, money was the furthest issue from anyone's mind in the family and from then on also from mine.

Alice asked me to invest all the money I had earned with my job at the drive in and through baby sitting in the stock market. With her spot on tips there were no risks.

I agreed with one condition that she would charge me like any other stockbroker also would. Edward set an account up for me and seeing how my nearly four hundred dollars hit the thousands, then ten thousands and continue climbing I understood why they never had any money worries.

"Then what is it?" She asked confused.

"You can't be serious," I shook my head in disbelieve.

"What?" She truly didn't understand.

"I'm impressed Alice. I mean a private jet! It is standard for you but all new to me."

"Oh," her mouth formed a perfect "O".

"It's not that big of a deal," Edward shrugged.

"I know it's not for you," I confirmed.

"Are you putting up a fight again?" My Vampire asked.

"Oh come on. Is it about the car again?"

I knew that he had a huge thing for cars but why he insisted that my Audi wasn't good enough anymore was beyond me. And to make matters worse he wanted to buy me one of those huge metal coffins. It's a pain to find a parking space for them.

"I just don't understand why you won't let me buy you a new one." He stated half serious half pouting.

"Because first I already have a car, which I really like and it drives without problems, and second how the heck am I going to explain that."

"I don't know what you mean. What would you need to explain?" He really didn't understand. My mouth was hanging open and I sighed. He tended to forget that I still had to keep up the appearance as Kevin's niece.

"Then tell me how am I going to explain to Kevin that you bought me a car that costs much more then the house he lives in?" I stood in front of him, my arms crossed over my chest and waited for an answer.

He opened and closed his mouth but no sound escaped his lips.

"She got you there bro." Emmett laughed.

"Indeed that would not go over well." Jasper agreed with me.

"He doesn't have to know," Edward suggested.

"You know he speaks car and driver," I shot him down immediately. Edward narrowed his eyes at me, trying to find a way to get his way.

"And just so you know the main reason why I don't want you to buy me one of those cars is because I don't want to drive it."

"And why is that?" He asked dumbfounded.

"Edward I'm only driving for a few months. I don't feel safe enough behind a wheel to drive such an expensive car. If I get a bump or a scratch in my Audi it's not a big deal but if I think about driving such a high priced piece of's terrifying."

God, I still remember the one time I was shopping with Alice and she asked me to get the car in front of the boutique. Our ride was Carlisle's Mercedes. I was beyond freaked that I would damage the car. I nearly fainted behind the wheel.

"But you are good at driving," he assured me as he kissed my temple.

"I'm getting there. I'm not saying you can't ever buy me one but not now." I smiled at him.

"How does graduation sound?" He asked hopeful.

"If I get a say in it? I mean I will have to drive it."

"Good, I take it. At least you are not that difficult with my other gifts." Edward murmured in my ear as he placed his hand on the small of my back and gently pushed me in the direction of the jet.

"Can't really help it I love gifts." I really do and since I was now able to buy him and the others gifts as well I enjoyed it even more.

"I know." He beamed happily.

"You know if you continue this I'm going to be spoiled." I warned him.

"I'm fully intending to spoil you," he wasn't helping matters at all.

A few days ago Edward showed me four of his bank accounts. My boyfriend had billions on these accounts and in total he had twenty eight bank accounts all over the world.

He alone had twenty eight taking in consideration how many accounts the whole family must have and the amount of money on those accounts…..that thought made my head spin.

Expensive clothes, private jets, houses all over the world, expensive cars, an Island for an anniversary, the list knows no end. By now I learned to just accept it though I was still stunned by all the luxury.

We entered the luxury jet. It was unbelievable. Everything looked expensive and of best quality. Of cause luxury was standard for my new family.

The big comfy looking armchairs and the big couch were out of real leather. The tables and closets were out of expensive wood. Even the carpet I was standing on looked like something that should be hanging on the wall as a piece of art rather then be walked on it.

Everything was kept in a warm brown colour with gold decorated, and it was real gold, and of cause the jet had any kind of technological new invention to play with. Plasmas, X-box, Wii and so on.

I sat at the window on the couch and Edward taking his place right next to me wrapping his arm around me. I leaned my head on his shoulder and inhaled his scent.

As the jet took off and we were in the skies, I was looking out of the window at the horizon that was displaying itself in beautiful red, orange and yellow colours before me, here up in the skies with the clods making the sight before me, looking like an expensive painting from an long dead artist.

"Do you like it?" Edward whispered into my ear as he leaned into me and slowly kissed along my yaw.

"Yes, the sighed is wonderful." I answered still in awe of the beautiful sight and Edward's kisses.

It was illegal how good at kissing he became. Every time his lips touched me it became hard to concentrate on anything.

Who would have thought I would turn in a love sick teen someday. Well, at least in some regards.

Edward and I sat on the couch snuggled together and listened to music on my iPod. It was a collection of my favourite songs.

Even though Edward was over one hundred years old and loved his jazz music and the classics, he ought to give the new music genre a chance. I was making sure of that.

We were currently listening to Nickelback while Edward held me in his arms and seemed to be pleased with what he listened to when suddenly Alice fell into hysterics bringing us out of our happy bubble.

"Way to go." The pixie giggled as she peeled herself away from Jasper and looked deviously at me. The others looked confused between Alice and me.

"What did she see?" I asked Edward who had a confused look on his face.

"Shaking windows?!" Edward answered even more confused while Alice pressed her lips into a thin line, to stifle her giggles, before bringing her attention back to Jasper.

As we arrived at the air port in New York a limousine was waiting for us. We drove from the air port to the hotel on the way there I couldn't get enough of the city.

I always wanted to visit this famous city and now I was here I was unbelievably exited. The bridges, the houses, the sky scrapers, the people, the cultures, the smells, the sounds….. everything was exciting and new.

When the car stopped in front of the hotel we would stay in my jaw dropped. We would be staying in The New York Place one of the most expansive and luxury hotels in New York.

The entering hall was made out of expensive wood and marble. Everything in this hotel looked like out of a Hollywood movie.

Each of us couples would stay in a suite that was as far away from the suite of another couple as possible. The Vampire hearing could some times be quite a handicap.

Edward and I we had the royal suite.

The Royal Suite was created by French interior designer Pierre Court. It's range was more than 3,000 square feet of the 45th floor. The Royal Suite resembled the private quarters of an exquisite chateau. The suite boasted with an amazing view of the New York skyline.

It was simply elegant. It included a formal dining room, fully equipped kitchen, two guest bedrooms, I wasn't really sure why we needed them, and a spacious master bedroom.

The opulent master bedroom came complete with its own private parlor, an enormous, comfy looking king bed, a dressing room and two bathrooms.

One of the bathrooms has an oversized marble bath with a bidet, an oversized tub and a Jacuzzi.

The best thing about the Jacuzzi was the location that provided a breathtaking view of the skyline of New York while you could relax in it.

The whole suite was formal in design, rich in colours and intricate woodwork giving the suite an air of opulence and authenticity.

After I have seen the entire suite Edward came up behind me, wrapping his arms around me.

"Is the room to your liking, my love?"

"Hmm…well there is only one word to describe this room. WOW! Honestly Edward, wow. Especially the view from here." I said as I looked out of the window watching the New Yorker skyline starting to enlighten in it's wonderful colours.

I was hyper excited and felt like jumping up and down all the time. The huge grin wouldn't leave my face at all. It was official I loved New York.

It was getting dark and the city that never sleeps was starting to show it's beauty in the night. Edward and I were standing in front of the window some more and enjoying the view in front of us.

"Love, how about if we get you something to eat now. It's time for dinner and you will need the energy for the shopping trip with Alice tomorrow."

"Yeah the shopping trip from hell. What was I thinking agreeing to this?" I asked myself while shaking my head.

With Alice there were two kinds of shopping.

Possibility number one. Also the kind of shopping I preferred, was when we would go and stroll through the mall. Look at clothes, try them on and have fun. This is the good shopping.

Possibility number two. The power shopping is when Alice has a specific mission while shopping, like finding the perfect prom dresses for example. She has a plan all figured out and everyone has to follow that plan. Trust me you don't want to know what will happen if you don't.

I was facing a day of being rushed from one shop to another and one dress to another. Lucky me.

At least I would get to see some more of New York. I tried to see the bright side of it. To Alice shopping was very important. The whole two weeks she was unbelievably happy and excited, planning everything.

How could I deny her that fun? I just had to suck the shopping from hell up from time to time.

"Alice left an outfit for you in our bedroom." Edward informed me.

"Are we going somewhere special for dinner?" I asked wondering why I needed to change my clothes. Edward only smiled and gave me a kiss.

I shrugged and went into our bedroom to change into a black skirt that ended shortly before my knee. A white button up blouse and a broad black belt, matching black high heels and a silver watch completed my outfit.

I checked my make-up but it was mostly intact. I just needed to refresh it a little.

"You look beautiful love." Edward said as I stepped out of the bedroom. He came to me locked his arm around my waist and gave me a soft kiss on my lips.


"Yes, I'm ready to get to know where you are kidnapping me to." I answered laughing, curious where we were about to go.

We didn't leave the hotel. Edward booked a table at one of the hotel own restaurants. This one was called "The Madison Room". It was just as impressive as the rest of the hotel. It had graceful decor and picturesque views of St. Patrick's Cathedral and The Palace Courtyard.

Edward was as usual the perfect gentleman. We had a wonderful dinner. I greatly appreciated it that my boyfriend is such a romantic.

Once back in our suite, lying in the comfy king bed he received a little thank you for all of his efforts. One some days life was just perfect. With Edward it always was.


"Good morning, love." Edward greeted me with a kiss on my forehead as I was waking up.

"Good morning, handsome. How late is it?" I asked him in a whisper. Edward laughed.

"We still have some time before Alice is going to kidnap you." He said while nuzzling into my neck.

"I like that answer." I said as I snuggled into his chest.

Edward locked his arms around my body and his chest shook with the vibration of his silent laughter. I loved moments like this only Edward and me, and me in his arms.

Our peaceful moment was rudely interrupted as we heard a knock on our door and Alice was suddenly standing in our bedroom with a bright smile on her lips.

"Good morning, Alice. How did you get in here?" I was really curious.

She pulled a black plastic key card from behind her back. Just like the one we had for our room. "Just to be sure you won't oversleep." She was bouncing up and down while beaming at me.

"Guess you are ready to go shopping." I smiled at her. She was barely able to contain her excitement.

"You bet and now it's time for your breakfast, then I'm going to dress you and then we can finally start our shopping trip." Alice chirped happily.

"Time to stand up." I said getting out of bed after Alice left our room and I had my good morning kiss from Edward.

After I had my breakfast Alice dressed and styled me. Alice, Rosalie, Esme and I we were ready to go shopping. The limousine was waiting for us at the entrance of the hotel to bring us to all of the boutiques.

While we were driving to the Fifth Avenue I was glued to the window watching the streets of New York.

Esme told me in which district we were and also told me about the history of the buildings and what had changed since the last time they lived in New York. I absorbed every detail with fascination.

As for the shopping part we started out at the Fifth Avenue, first visiting Macy's at the Herald Square followed by Bloomingdale's on the East Side, Lord & Taylor near the Empire State Buildings and Saks Fifth Avenue.

In the Madison Avenue we went to Nicole Miller and Burberry and not to forget Shanghai Tang. This boutique was really colourful and cheerful I liked it.

Tiffany, Cartier, Gucci, Diesel, Dolce & Gabbana, Christian Dior, Prada, Coach, Fendi, Chloe, Marc Jacobs, Balenciaga, Jimmy Choo, Tods, Celine, Dior and Yves Saint Laurent I think that were all of them but I'm not sure about it.

The limousine was exploding with all the things we bought. Alice had a satisfied grin on her face, while I was beat as we drove back to our hotel or at least I thought we would drive back to our hotel.

I was wrong in that regard the car stopped in front of another shop. When we got out of the car I saw that it wasn't a shop but a spa. Elizabeth Arden Red Door Salon & Spa.

I got a Reflexology a massage for my feet also my neck got massaged. I had a manicure, a pedicure and my hair and make-up was refreshed.

Alice, Rosalie and Esme also had manicures, pedicures, hair and make-up done. That stop at the beauty salon was a good idea I felt refreshed and relaxed.

As we arrived back at the New York Place the bellman helped us to bring our purchases in our rooms.

Edward was already waiting for me in the hallway of our suite and greeted me with a passionate kiss. He gave the bellman a tip to get rid of him before pulling me into his arms with a longing look in his eyes.

"I missed you love." He breathed as cupped my face in his hands before his lips attacked mine.

He kissed me with more force then he usually did. I wasn't about to complain. His hands found their way to my hips from where he pushed them up my back pressing me closer to him in the process.

His lips moved with mine and I soon found myself being pressed with my back against a wall.

Edward broke our kiss but didn't let go of me instead he held me firmly in place while pushed himself away a little only to lean into me until our foreheads touched.

We both breathed hard and uneven. I could see the huge grin on Edward's face while hearing his breathless voice.

"I think I'm addicted to your kiss."

"I think you are." I answered cheeky before attacking his mouth.

I was just getting started when a knock on the door interrupted my heavenly moment. Edward pushed himself away from me to open the door. Before he opened the door he softly commanded.

"Please close your eyes." I complied. Edward had something planed again. He really loved it to surprise me and I loved all of his little surprises.

I heard a trolly being rolled in and out and I smelled food, guess my dinner.

"Keep your eyes closed please." Edward whispered into my ear as he came to stand next to me and started to lead me to what I assumed was the living room.

"You can open your eyes now, love." Edward said as we came to a stop.

I opened my eyes and was speechless.

A beautifully set dinning table was standing near the full length window. The living room was decorated with candles and white rose petals everywhere. Together with the magnificent view of New York's enlightened skyline in the background the room looked unbelievable.

"Edward this is….." I couldn't finish. I just couldn't find word to describe this.

"Just a little something for the love of my life." Edward said as he stood behind me his head resting on my shoulder while his arms where looped around me.

I turned around looked into his shining golden orbs, touched his cheek with the tips of my fingers.

"Thank you." I breathed touched before giving him a sweet and loving kiss. As we broke the kiss I placed my head on his shoulder and looked at the sight in front of me.

"Shall we?" Edward asked after a few moments and I nodded.

We had a beautiful, romantic, intimate dinner. As I was finished eating Edward lead me to the big couch.

He sat down first and mentioned for me to sit down in between his legs. I sat down with my back to his broad and muscular chest.

He let himself all back a little so we were half sitting and half lying on the couch in front of the fire place, enjoying the company of one another, while the fire burned and crackled.

Edward had his arms noosed around me and stroked my belly with his thumb.

"Love can I ask you something?" Edward asked carefully after a while.

"Hmm." I answered.

"I have been thinking about your situation and I came to the conclusion that it must be really hard on you. I mean not only that you lost your whole family and everything else but also the knowledge you have."

He made a pause before he continued.

"I mean the thing with Bella Swan being my girlfriend. It must have been really hard on you with that in mind."

I sighed and turned in his arms so I could face him. I wanted to look him in the eye when I told him this.

"Yes, Edward it was. When I fell in love with you, I was trying my hardest to deny my feeling for you because I told myself that you and Bella belong together."

Edward was about to say something but I held my hand up to silence him.

"Your story was a burden for me and when you told me that you loved me I was scared. Not only because I believed that you were throwing away your only chance at happiness but also because I was scared that when I would allow myself to love you I would get hurt in the end.

I was scared that you would realize after a while that it is Bella that you love not me."

Anguish was swimming in his liquid gold at my revelation. I smiled softly at him to show him that I was all right.

"But you still didn't reject me." Edward stated before leaning in to me and capturing my lips for a soft and sweet kiss.

"No, I didn't. I love you and I couldn't and wouldn't let my insecurities and doubts stand in the way. I knew how much I could get hurt if you really chose Bella in the end but I didn't really had a choice. I just had to take the risk."

"And now are you still insecure about my love for you? Do you still have doubts?" Edward asked with a serious expression on his face, masking his feelings as he voiced his need to know.

I though about that for a minute and was pleased at what I discovered.

"Not anymore." I answered honestly with a smile on my face. Edward smiled back and his eyes were glowing.

He turned us around with Vampire speed and I was lying on my back now. Edward hovered above me and lowered his head painfully slow.

Softly and shortly his lips touched mine again and again before a full kiss arose from his teasing.

We were lying on the couch kissing and touching each other. As Edward finished kissing my collarbone he lifted his head up so he could look at me.

"You are so beautiful. Precious." He whispered in a husky voice.

I heard those words before, from my mother and granny but I never believed them, never believed in those words as they were directed at me.

Not until Edward. He made me feel beautiful, desirable and sexy. Hearing him say those words and looking into his eyes, seeing this hunger and desire that was always present when ever he gazed at set my body on fire. I knew I was the most beautiful girl in his world and that was the greatest compliment for me ever.

"How about we continue somewhere more comfortable?" Edward asked looking into the direction of the bedroom. I laughed.

"Sounds great."

We stood up and made our way to our bedroom. Edward opened the door and for the second time of the day I was speechless.

The bedroom was also decorated with candles and rose petals. Only that the colour of the candles wasn't white this time but red.

"Edward, this is magical. How did I get so lucky to deserve such a wonderful mate?" I asked him having no idea how I got this lucky.

Edward's PVO:

I watched as Anna saw the surprise I had prepared in the bedroom of our suite. I loved it to surprise her and to see how her eyes would start to glow and that wonderful smile would appear on her beautiful face when she saw what I had in store for her.

I love to give gifts and surprise someone. Over the years I always wished I had someone I could spoil, like my father and my brothers did with their mates. And now I have my Anna. Thank god she appreciate my efforts and feelings.

As she looked around the room, she stopped breathing and the beautiful smile I was wait for appeared on her face as she started breathing again.

"Edward, this is magical. How did I get so lucky to deserve such a wonderful mate?" She asked me in an emotional voice.

I was completely bewildered by her question.

How did she get so lucky?

Was my love out of her mind?

Couldn't she see that I was the lucky one here?

I had to set that right. I went to stand in front of her looking her directly into her smouldering hazel pools.

I caressed her delicate face getting lost in the beauty of her deep shining eyes and her kissable, full lips. After brushing my thumb lightly over her lips, I locked my arm around her waist.

"Anna if anyone is lucky here it's me." She instantly sighed and rolled her eyes.

"It's true, don't you see what you did for me. I was a depressed, negative and lonely shell that vegetated away. I believed that this existence was my curse and I'm nothing more then a monster but you changed all that. I told you this once before you make me human.

I could never understand when Carlisle told me that we are more then just bloodthirsty predators that we could be more then what our instincts demanded."

"You are the one who showed me what is possible. How strong I can be. Ever since I became a Vampire I was dead in more then one aspect but you brought life back to me. You are the reason for me that proves I deserve my existence."

She smiled lovingly at me. "How about a compromise. We both are extremely lucky to have found one another."

"Guess I can life with that." Her cheeks were getting slightly pink. My beautiful angel bit her lower lips as she looked from under her thick eyelashes at my lips.

"I love you. I need you. I want you." The words were out of my mouth before I even had time to think what I was saying.

And I wanted her so much, suddenly my cool, needing lips were on her soft and needed ones. I was moving my lips with hers but this time it wasn't enough.

I wanted more.

I needed more.

I desired to taste her.

My desire, my urge became a burning pain. I was well aware of the risk that my teeth possessed for her fragile flesh but my need won over.

My lips did what I wouldn't let happen before. They carefully parted and my tongue was licking along her soft, warm bottom lip. The sensation of her taste was mind blowing. I did get a few tastes of her before when I licked her wet lips but it couldn't compare to this.

My body was filled with need as her delicious flavour tickled my taste buds. My tongue licking her bottom lips more urgently, I was silently asking her for permission.

Anna caught on quickly, a smile appearing on her lips before she slowly and carefully opened her mouth. Her warm, wet tongue traced my bottom lip as we slowly and carefully approached the new territory.

Anna didn't slide her tongue into my mouth, just as I new she wouldn't. She always knew how far she could push me. She knew when she could control a situation and when I needed to lead.

She was careful and guarded as I was, keeping control off the situation. It doesn't sound very romantic but in our Vampire human relationship we needed to be on our guard and approach things with care and respect of the situation.

I was unbelievably glad that she saw the risks in being with me and not only told me over and over that I could do it.

That my control was good enough.

That I would never hurt her.

I don't know how this amazing creature did it but she always knew how to handle me this time was no difference. And when she didn't know or was unsure about something she asked.

Knowing Anna gave me the lead in this kiss I opened my lips a little more and slid my tongue into her mouth.

I wasn't prepared what happened next. Her taste was overwhelming. It was sweet, intoxicating and above all her. Her taste on my tongue and her breath in my mouth. The sensation overpowered my senses.

My head was spinning and if I would still have a beating heart it would be hammering violently against my ribcage. I was losing myself in this heaven.

Her scent was addicting to me but her taste... I was drowning in it as time seemed to stand still.

Anna was everything. All I smelled, all I tasted, all I felt. There were only her and me in this world and nothing else mattered in this perfect moment.

Our tongues met, made contact with each other as they danced in a slow and steady rhythm, exploring one another.

Anna slid her hands from my chest to my neck and into my hair. Her warm hand left a trace of heat on my body making me shiver in pleasure.

My hand were on her hips making their way up to the small of her back, touching each pearl of her spine as my hands were travelling up her body. She breathed harder in response and her heart went wild.

Anna's and mine breathing were uneven and hard. As she moaned into my mouth I couldn't suppress my grunt of pleasure any more.

Holding on to each other tightly we broke our lazy, needing kiss, opening our eyes at the same time I saw her licking her lips, just as I did with mine and she took a deep breath before her beautiful hazel depths found mine golden ones.

"You taste yummy." She admitted with a glint in her hazel depths.

"You taste better."

"I love you." Her words were filled with need what send a shudder down my frame.

"I want you." My respond was breathless and filled with lust and need. My lips crashed on hers again.

My hands slid down her back to her thighs and I brought her leg up around my hip. She crossed her legs behind my back pressing herself closer into me.

Smelling her, tasting her, having her so close to me made my body ache with need and want for her even more.

Before I had the chance to comprehend what I was doing Anna was lying on our bed on her back and I was hovering over her. It was one motion in which we never broke our kiss.

It was painful to pull away from her and I instantly missed her lips on mine but I wanted to look into her deep eyes.

My gaze was frozen for a moment on her swollen, seductive lips before I could force my eyes away and look into her brown orbs seeing the same love and desire burning in them that I felt.

"I love you." I whispered knowing it wasn't even beginning to explain how I felt about her. There weren't words to describe what she meant to me.

A sexy smile arose on her face as she breathlessly whispered back.

"I love you, too."

It was all she managed to say before I sealed her lips with mine again.