ch 24

Edward's POV:

Her taste, her scent, her warmth, her soft body, the wild rhythm of her heart, her moans of pleasure that I caused which I was proud of, it was all driving me insane with need.

As Anna moaned into my mouth I pulled away, dipped my head to attack her delicate neck, kissing and licking her sensitive spot.

From her neck I kissed along her jaw, making my way to her ear. She liked what I was doing to her, showing me her appreciation by arching her back of the bed.

I loved it how I could make her feel. It sparkled an unknown feeling of pride and accomplishment inside me.

But also a feeling of desire and need. My bloodlust always present was being pushed into the background by a far greater lust.

The lust for her body.

And I allowed it to happen. I allowed my need for her, my lust for her body to banish the bloodlust and act on my need.

I was focused on a very sensitive spot on her neck kissing and licking it as Anna lifted her head a little and captured my earlobe with her lips.

I could feel her warm tongue tracing the outline of my ear as suddenly she caught my earlobe with her teeth and slid her teeth down my sensitive flesh.

I hissed in pleasure. A tickling sensation running through my entire being as a violent shiver to run down my spine. I threw my head back and closed my eyes as the waves of pleasure began to die down.

I heard a giggle as I slowly came back to my senses. When I opened my eyes I saw the satisfied grin on her face and the sparkling in her hazel orbs. Biting her bottom lip she asked teasingly.

"Liked it?"

"You have no idea." I breathed out huskily.

In this moment I took the time to really look at her. Her skin was glowing in the moon light that entered our bedroom.

The candle light was reflecting in her eyes. Her big brown eyes that possessed some gold in them, always full of life and love for me.

At the sight of her full swollen lips I had to take a sharp breath to calm myself. Her long brown hair was spread all over the pillow case.

In the dim light it looked dark brown nearly black. It shone in the candle light, framing her face beautifully.

"You are a vision." I whispered as we stared at each other for a long moment. Anna was slowly caressed my arm while smiling softly at me.

After a while I brought my hand up to her cheek, brushing my thumb over her flushed skin.

Slowly I bend my head down, our lips inched closer and closer. After what felt like eternity our lips touched again.

She opened her lips as my tongue begged for entrance to taste her glorious taste again. Her small hands locked around my neck, holding me closer to her. Anna wounded her fingers into my hair caressing my scalp.

I kissed her harder then usual, pouring all my emotions into this kiss. I wanted her to feel my love for her. I wanted her to know what this intimate moment meant to me.

While we tasted each other Anna's hands found their way down from my neck over my back to my hips where she began to tuck on the hem of my shirt.

I knew instantly what she wanted and I was in no condition to deny her anything. Painfully I released her lips and sat back on my heels.

I rid myself in my Vampire speed from the fabrics that separated my love from me. In the mean time Anna sat up as well and slid her warm hands over my bare chest.

Electricity was flowing through me as her fingertips went excruciating slowly from my chest, down my abs to the hem of my pants.

Sliding her hand to my hip she started placing open mouthed kisses on my chest, making me purr at the sensation.

She kissed, licked and caressed my torso sending waves of electricity though my body. In one swift motion I was off the bed and standing before her.

Anna looked startled and then surprised as she found me standing in nothing but my black Armani boxer briefs before her. My pants were carelessly thrown somewhere into the room.

Anna still fully dressed go up on her knees and went to the end of the bed, where I wait for her with my extended arms.

I touched her shoulders, slid my hands down on both sides till I reached her hips where the hem of her shirt was.

"May I?" I asked in a shaky and husky voice as I pulled her shirt up a little.

Anna placed her hands on the hem of her shirt wanting to take it off but I stopped her. She looked at me confused but I wanted to be the one to undress her.

"Please let me do it." I said in a little bit more steady voice.

Anna looked at me instantly. Her eyes glowing with curiosity. She sucked in her lower lip and released it as she lifted her arms without saying a word. Her actions were enough to show me her agreement.

When her shirt was gone it revealed a blue laced bra that formed her perfect curves beautifully.

I attacked her lips with my own as my hands made their way to Anna's pants. I unzipped them and slid them down her creamy thighs to her knees. Anna sat down so I could free her from her pants completely.

I took her hand into mine and pulled her of the bed into standing position. The sight in front of me was a vision. To her blue laced bra she wore matching pants.

She took my breath away completely.

When I finally recovered I saw that she was also looking at me with hungry eyes just as I was at her.

I stepped closer to her touching the fabrics of her bra, wanting, needing it gone.

"Can I take this off?" I asked breathless as I stared into her beautiful pools. Anna swallowed and nodded her head.

I slowly freed her from her bra and was speechless as I took the glorious sight before me in. Her perfect round breasts were completely exposed to me.

Carefully I was caressing her delicious arching, exploring them with intensity. Running my fingers over her sensitive flesh, observing every little reaction her body made to my touch.

Taking my time I led Anna back to the bed and we began to kiss, touch and caress each other lovingly. I ran my nose over her cheek and inhaled deeply.

"I love it that you smell like me," I breathed out drunken by the scent.

"Huh?" Her eyes shot open and confusion was swimming in them.

"Have I never told you?"

"Told me what?" My love asked me as I hovered over her my hand starting to play with her lush, brown hair.

"Your scent it isn't yours alone anymore but now mixed with mine." I explained with deep satisfaction.

"Because we are always together," a smile gracing her swollen lips. They were swollen because of my kisses, so red and full.

"Earth to Edward! Some body there?" My love giggled.

Painfully I tore my gaze from her delicious lips and looked into her eyes which were sparkling with amusement.

"You were saying."

"My scent is on you everywhere. On your clothes, in your hair and on your skin," I paused, dipped my head and inhaled the mix of our scents again. It made me hum.

"You seem to really like that I smell like you." My love noticed.

"You have no idea," I nearly growled my voice huskily and raw, lust coursing through me.

"It's like I marked you. My scent on you and your scent on me you have no idea what that is doing to me."

I wasn't able to hold back any longer, I was planning on teasing her a little but I didn't have the patience for that.

I crushed my lips on hers in a frantic and needing kiss. I felt her writhe under me as a shiver run through her body and I knew that it wasn't caused by the cold of my body.

The more time passed the harder it got for me to ignore the throbbing swell in my shorts. It was beginning to become uncomfortable.

Anna noticed my predicament and slid her hand down and brushed lightly over the throbbing swell.

I jerked away in surprise.

Anna sat up and followed into my new position. She pushed my shoulder down so I was lying on my back. I let her.

"Calm down. Everything is O.K." She whispered before bending her head down and placing a soft kiss on my lips.

"It's not too much, is it?" My love asked me, understanding swimming in her eyes for the case it would be but I found myself under control at least concerning the bloodlust. I only nodded not trusting my voice.

"We can stop immediately when it will be too much for you. O.K.?" She assured me calmly.

I knew I could count on her. I trusted her, with all my heart and everything I am, I did. But I was a little unsure. This was new to me and I was scared of....the unknown territory....scared to disappoint.

I swallowed nervously, burying all my fear deep within me. None had ever touched me there before.....but her touch felt so good. Exhaling I nodded my head again.

My Anna smiled warmly at me taking my left hand into her putting it palm down on the mattress.

"Hold onto the fabrics of the cover and don't let go Edward." She said softly as she stroked the back of my hand.

I did as I was told and I took a huge breath to force myself to calm down. Anna smiled satisfied at me and moved her head back to mine, bending down and kissed me passionately as her hand went down on my body again.

Her warm, small hand slid down my chest over my stomach over the fabrics of my boxer briefs until she reached my cold, throbbing member. The sensation of her touch was unbelievable.

My body bucked against her hand on it's own accord. My breathing sped up. I was fighting for control to prepare my body for the feeling that was building in the pit of my stomach.

I was slightly embarrassed at what we were doing. Not that it felt any where near uncomfortable or wrong. It was just all so new to me and I was scared to do something wrong. Worst off all to hurt her in any way.

Anna must have felt unsure as well judging by the blush I could feel on her cheeks and the unsteady rhythm of her heart.

"You are not alone. I'm nervous too." Anna admitted as she broke our kiss. Looking into her beautiful eyes I could see the she was unsure and nervous but determined to continue.

Seeing the determination in her eyes and the utter and pure love for me and the guard, that mirrored my own, that was always up calmed me down immensely, helping me to find faith in myself.

"Thank you." I breathed out lowly, feeling the smile on her lips as she kissed my cheek before focused her whole attention on my lower part.

Waves of pleasure and electricity were rocking through my body as Anna stroked my length through the fabrics of my shorts, making me throb harder under her touch.

I griped the covers roughly as the pleasure became more intense. The fabrics tore under my strength. I didn't care. I was too far gone to do so.

Anna freed my member from the confines of my boxer briefs and as her delicate hands made contact with my bare length.

I nearly came undone on the spot.

All the muscles in my body tighten as I tried desperately not to lose it. I never knew such feelings were even possible.

She explored my bare member curiously, every touch of hers pleasurable fire on my skin, before she brushed her fingertip over the tip of me. My whole body shook violently at the contact. This was pleasure and torture in one.

It left me wanting more, wanting it more intense and at the same time wanting to bold at the intensity of the feel but the need for more won easily.

Anna waited patiently for me to come down, regain my senses a little, before she continued. She was very attentive to my needs. She didn't push me too far and allowed me to handle the situation on my own pace.

With everything she did, with every decision she made I found myself falling more and more in love with her.

I needed her to exist.

Without her there was no me anymore.

I was calming while memories of our practice flooded my mind, how we were kissing and touching each other, a lot. A wonderful, blissful lot. I still wanted to wait with the sex until we are married but a little practice is allowed.

After all I have to be prepared for my wedding night. I had to be able to touch her in an intimate way without hurting her. I was becoming better and better at it with every time.

Time couldn't go by fast enough for the moment to come when I could finally propose to her, marry her and then officially make her mine in every way possible, over and over.

I couldn't wait for the day I would claim her as mine. Like a man claims his woman.

When I felt in control again Anna gripped me hard and started stoking up and down my length what made my member jerk in her hand.

The feeling in the pit of my stomach grew and I was close to exploding. The sensation of her touch and the smell of her arousal nearly pushed me over the edge. Moans and her name were falling from my lips constantly.

I was fighting for control but it was lost. All I could do in this moment was to clutch the sheets and not to try to reach for her.

The sensation, the pleasure was too strong, too powerful to be contained or controlled. I resign to it only desperately holding on to the covers as I reached the edge.

"Anna…..I….Oh god….." I panted before an unknown sensation rocked violently through every cell of my body.

I was grunting, panting, chanting her name over and over in my head as a primeval roar wrested it's way out of my throat.

The feeling when I came couldn't be described. Never in my life felt I something so enjoyable and powerful before. The feeling was almost too much to bear but also the most amazing feeling ever.

My body felt light and I felt slightly drunk. For the first time since I was turned I felt remotely tired and exhausted. It only lasted for a few seconds but it had been there.

After I managed to come down a little I noticed the cool liquid lying on my stomach. Only seconds before I felt Anna lightly shift on the bed, hearing her grab some tissues and weep the cool liquid of me while I was still slightly trembling from the sensation. As I focused my eyes I saw Anna looking lovingly at me, smiling satisfied.

She placed her hand on my chest for support and bent her head to kiss my lips.

I wasn't able to do anything or to speak. Even when I would have been able to produce a sound. A comprehend sentence would have been impossible.

After some soft, loving kisses I finally found my voice again I breathed huskily.

"That was" Was all I said for lack of better words.

Anna smiled a brilliant smile.

"I'm glad you liked it."

And she kissed me again while we were kissing my love started laughing.

"What is so funny love?" I asked her against her lips.

She pulled away to look at me as she answered, still trying to stifle her giggles.

"Sorry it's just. I'm glad you didn't break the windows. You made them vibrate with your scream."

"Oh." I didn't really know what to think of this.

"I can't belie Alice saw this," my love giggled slightly embarrassed.

"She is used to a lot," I shrugged. It wasn't a comfortable thought but I was living with my family for a really long time now. It was better to not even acknowledge this topic.

"That was really sexy." Anna breathed into my ear as lay down next to me.

We were lying there for a few minutes while I was coming down from my high. We didn't talk. It wasn't needed. We were only looking into each others eyes and enjoying each others company.

Until Anna jumped of the bed wearing a sexy smirk as she faced me. Slowly she ran her hands down her body, making me swallow hard.

"Love what are you doing?" I asked breathlessly, my eyes glued on her perfect curves.

Anna pushed her thumbs under the hem of her panties and carefully lowered then. Without wanting or intending it, a low growl found it's way out of my throat.

"Hmm….I think I need to take a shower."

She said in a sexy voice as she played with the hem of her panties, rolling them down a little and then back up again, teasing me. A cheeky, sexy half smile on her swollen lips.

The sexy vixen fully released now causing the man in me and my teenage hormones to go wild. Enjoying her sexy show I shifted myself to sit on the edge of the bed, beckoning her with my finger. First she ignored me, smiling seductively at me.

"Seeing something you want Edward?" God, she was doing me in.

A low growl passed my lips again.

Biting her bottom lips again she giggled before slowly approaching me. I waited for her to come within my reach and as she did my hands shot out capturing her hips pulling her to between my legs her thighs hitting the edge of the bed.

"Caught you," I purred looking up into her eyes, only to see her biting her bottom lip in that innocent, seducing way while soft giggled escaped her mouth.

"You are killing me Anna," I moaned at the sight in front of me.

She encircled her arms around my head before her hands run through my hair, her finger tangling themselves in my locks, lightly running her nails over my scalp.

"That feels so good," I groaned, burring my face in her stomach. The heavenly scent of her arousal flooded my senses, making me hum pleasurably and my body burn in desire.

I knew what I wanted but first...…

"You smell so good, you are so soft, warm," at this point my tongue darted out, past my lips and dipped into her belly bottom. The muscles of her stomach contracted that the contact of her warm, skin with my wet, cold tongue.

Taking in a sharp breath she sighed shakily as her body began to tremble slightly under my though.

"Edward," she moaned breathlessly, her hands on my shoulders now to find support.

Her whole body was tense with pleasure at what I was currently doing. My tongue was swirling inside her belly bottom and slowly, carefully nibbling her flesh. My teeth hidden behind my lips.

Her moans and pleads were filled with anticipation of what I would do more. My name falling from her lips in a needing whisper ever so often.

My hand, not having left their spot on her hips, now wandered slowly down to her thighs, feeling her ever muscle flex under my touch as my hands run down her smooth skin.

My face still pressed into her stomach I blew my cool breath down her skin, goose bumps arose immediately.

"God...Edward," her voice a strain whisper and her grip on my shoulders tighten while the scent of her arousal became more potent.

I smiled to myself feeling excited and proud, knowing that I was the one doing this to her. I loved to coax those reaction out of her body.

My hands ghosting tenderly over the skin of her thighs I pulled my head back from her belly and looked up at her. Anna's eyes were shut tight and she was biting her lip to stifle her whimpers.

I didn't like that at all.

I let go of her tights and my hands cradled her face.

"Love, please open your eyes," I pled softly, the desperation thick in my voice. I needed to look into those pools of hazel and chocolate.

She complied, slowly granting me the view of those beloved depths again while breathing heavily, her chest falling and rising rhythmically.

"Please, I want...I need to hear you....don't hide from me," I begged her.

Anna looked intensely into my eyes before she nodded. A smile broke out on my face and I pulled her down to me for a soft and tender kiss.

As the kiss broke my hands run down her body from her face down her neck, ghosting her breasts, down her waist to her hips

Pulling her close to me again I rained kisses on her stomach while her fingers tangled themselves into my hair again, running through it, tugging it softly.

My mouth moving to her hip. Slow, long licks were coaxing deep moans and needing sighs out of her.

"Love….," I breathe against her skin.

"Love," again the word left my lips but they couldn't separate from her body.

"Hmm…," as all she was capable of.

With one last wet, loud kiss on her belly I pulled away looking into those generous depths of hers which were filled with love and lust. Giving me courage I needed.

I stood up from the bed and held her in my arm, one arm across her back the other holding her around her waist.

I rained kisses on her forehead, her cheeks and the tip of her nose, savouring the goddess in my arms. Pulling away I gazed at her before I was able to voice my request.

"Anna…..may I ...please taste you?"

I swallowed hard in nervousness, not sure if she would let me and anticipation, if she would… mind not capable of imagining that heaven.

A slight pink graced her already coloured cheeks. Anna didn't blush often but when she did it was delicious.

"Yes," a small whisper leaving her mouth, the corners of her lips twitching into a nervous smile. My love was just as flustered and excited about this new territory was I was.

I laid her down on the mattress capturing her lips into a sensual kiss, her hands running down my back her nails digging into my hard flesh, making me moan into her mouth.

Breaking this intense kiss I rested my forehead between her breasts, collection myself while she gently ran her one hand through my hair while the other stroke my neck slowly.

"Are you alright again?" Anna asked smiling up at me after I lifted myself from her.

"Yes,…..thank you," I couldn't help but be amazed with this creature beneath me. Despite the fact that she was aroused beyond bearable she waited patiently for me.

"Thank you," I uttered again before my lips touched the spot between her breasts. I was placing cool, wet kisses on her skin while making my way south her body.

Arriving at the hem of her now drenched panties I sat beck on my heels, spreading her legs. Anna took a deep breath, looking excited and nervous, trembling harder.

"Are you sure...we don't have to if," I told her not wanting to overwhelm my love.

"No, don't stop!" She commanded firmly.

"I love you," the words fell from my lips before same pressed themselves to the side of her knee.

Slowly, gently, lazily my mouth was exploring the inside of her thighs, savouring the creamy, tender flesh while the scent of her arousal swirled all around me.

Having creased ever little inch of her thigh, I sat back on my heels again gazing at her drenched panties in front of me.

My forefinger reaching to the top of the drenched fabrics, my body exploding with a new sensation as my finger made contact with the wet, hot fabrics.

Anna's body tensed as she whimpered at the contact. I ran my finger lightly over her still covered centre while my love was clutching the sheets and moaning strained.

"Edward," my name passing her lips like a prayer.

I hooked my thumbs under the ruined panties, looking up at her waiting for her permission.

"May I?"

"Yes," she hissed out between her clenched teeth.

With one quick flick I ripped them of her body, revealing utter beauty to me. I stared at the glistering heaven before me.

"Generous," I breathed out fascinated as my finger neared her again.

My bare skin made contact with hers. Anna arched her back of the mattress and made delicious, sexy sounds.

"Sorry," she panted I just shook my head waving it off.

I can't even put into words what this was doing to me. I had to pause yet another time to collect myself. I felt Anna's gaze on me waiting yet again patiently not moving, trying to control her breath. Suppressing her need for my sake.

How I deserved someone so wonderful like her I had no idea.

Being back in control I hovered over her our lips moving with one another while I whispered words of love and appreciation to her.

Feeling, smelling her arousal grow further I felt compelled to put her, to put us out of this misery.

I buried my head between her legs and took in a deep breath, letting my mind swim in this intoxicating fragrance.

My tongue darted out plugging into the delicious nectar, existing only for me and because of me. I wasn't prepared for the sensation in my mouth at all.

I thought human blood was the most delicious thing I had ever tasted but I had been so wrong. It had been only one little drop on the tip on my tongue but I was already addicted.

I grunted in pleasure and need against her centre, making her whimper and arch her back off the bed because of the vibrations.

As I licked along the full length of her wetness her cries died in her throat, her heart was beating violently as her body trembled, vibrated at my touch.

I kissed her heat sucking little drops of her addicting nectar into my mouth savouring her taste on my tongue.

"Fuck," I couldn't help the curs that left my mouth.

I was kissing, licking, nibbling her wetness, her cries of pleasure another reward of my beautiful effort.

My tongue positioned itself in front of her entrance swirling around it, touching her sensitive, soft skin with different levels of pressure.

My finger soon replaced my tongue sliding into her heat slowly exploring her inside. She was so hot and wet. My lips focusing their attention on the small swollen bud.

"God,…..Edward…..I….can't….," her breaths ragged, her voice tearing.

"Cum for me Anna! Cum into my mouth," I purred against her centre and with one final lick I send her over the edge.

Her orgasm rocking through her while she was crying out my name into the space of our hotel bedroom.

I was licking her clean not wanting to waste one single drop of her precious nectar. Anna was shaking, breathing hard and uncontrollable as she was coming down.

Her limbs powerless just overwhelmed with the force of her orgasm. Having licked her clean I looked up at her face. My loves eyes were closed, lips slightly parted to draw air into her lungs.

I rested myself next to her pulling her into my arms and placing her leg over my waist, kissing her forehead lazily while she came down from her high.

"I have been thinking," I started after her heart beat and breath returned to normal.

"About what?" Her voice, still a little weak.

"That we need to practice more."


"For our wedding night. I think we need to practice a lot more." I grinned to myself.

Anna laughed, shaking her head that was placed between my shoulder and my neck.

"So….I take it you liked it." Anna teased.

"You have no idea," I growled huskily placing my finger under her chin and lifting her face to mine, letting my lips demand hers.

We were kissing lazily, no rush just enjoyment until she pushed herself off me and climbed out of bed, much to my dismay.

"What are you doing love?" I wanted her back in my arms.

"Well as I had informed you earlier before I got pleasantly interrupted. I'm going to take a shower and now I desperately need one. Look at me I'm all sticky and sweaty." She purred innocently.

My jaw hit the ground as she stood there naked before me, her body glowing in the moonlight and the lights of the city that entered the room through the glass walls.

My mind was blank.

She turned around and started walking into the bathroom. I watched the hypnotising rhythm of her firm bottom as she made her way to the bathroom. Just before she reached the bathroom door she turned around and asked wearing a flirtatious smirk.

"Wanna join me?"

She didn't have to ask twice. I leaped out of bed with my Vampire speed and scooped her up bridal style. She squealed in my arms.

I put her down on her feet standing in the shower and I was about to turn the water on when Anna stopped putting her hand over mine.

"Wait, Edward." I gave her a confused look and she explained.

"You can't make the water to hot or else the hot steam will make my scent stronger. Let's keep the water temperature medium."

I smiled at her and turned the water on.

She was unbelievable. The things she noticed were unbelievable. She didn't know what it meant to be a Vampire or how it felt for me to have my singer around and how could she. She wasn't a Vampire but she noticed things like she was one and knew how certain things or events were for me.

I truly see her as my equal because she is proving it to me each day. At first as she demanded for me to see and treat her as my equal I thought that this was an impossible mission to accomplish but how wrong I have been.

Anna isn't an erratic, irresponsible teenager not in the least. She thinks things through. She is going through every possibility of a situation before taking a course of action.

I know I can always count on her just as she can on me. My angel is so much more to me then just the love of my eternal existence.

She is my best friend.

The one person who knows me better then even I know myself.

The one person that can keep me in check.

The one person who is able to make me feel things I thought I wouldn't be capable of feeling.

She is my saving grace.

We had trust in each other and respect for each other. I recognize that I became another person because of her.

Someone better.

I even began to think that in some little ways I started to deserve this angle even though I knew I never truly would.

I was looking into her deep hazel eyes as the water hit our bodies and run down our flesh. My love looked beyond beautiful in every aspect. Not, only her appearance but she was beyond beautiful inside out.

I bend my head down and placed a soft, loving kiss on her swollen, red lips. My hands dived down her body reaching her legs and bringing them around my waist.

I pressed her to a wall in the shower and continued to kiss her tenderly. I wasn't in any hast. I didn't want to rush anything. Just having her in my arms and kissing her softly.

Her legs crossed behind my back and her small hands were on my shoulders making their way to lock behind my neck.

We were kissing a while when I sat her down and we started to wash each other. Our hands were running across the body of the other.

I wasn't feeling ashamed or embarrassed anymore. Being naked in front of her was already feeling natural to me. One look in her eyes I knew it was the same for her.

It felt good to run my hands up and down her body dupe her. Her warm hands on my body felt heavenly.

We were taking it slow. Not speaking only touching, exploring each other. We were taking our time to pay attention to every part of our bodies.

While we were washing each other I also looked if I had in any way hurt her and was pleased to find that I haven't.

It wasn't always like this. As we began our making out sessions I did leave bruises on her body. First she didn't tell me that I did so I only found out by coincidence. This is one of the dark moments in my life.

Finding out I had hurt her. As horrific as it was to think about that but to see the evidence was worse. I was crushed after finding out and I refused to touch her again. Not that Anna was having any of this.

My little cute, sexy vixen seduced me. Played my male hormones against me. Made mush out of my brain and got her way with me proving to me that I could touch her without hurting her.

Yes, she always had her way with me. I was putty in her hands and I couldn't care less.

As there wasn't any soap on our bodies any more we dried ourselves. Anna was about to get her shirt and hot pants when I stopped her.

"Wait love. Can we please sleep like this tonight?" I asked her hoping she would agree.

"I think I opened the box of worms." She said as she came up to me giving me a quick peek on my cheek.

I smiled cheeky at her.

"You certainly have my love."

I scooped her up in my arms and lay her down on our bed.

"Ops, seems like the cover didn't survive our passion." My angle said as she held up the shredded covers of the bed.

I nodded being thankful it wasn't her but now I had more practice and I knew how not to hurt her. I would be gladly paying for the covers later.

I threw the heating blanked over the bed, switched it on and snuggled next to the amazing creature lying next to me in the king bed.

Our bodies were touching with nothing in between them. Skin on skin, a heavenly feeling.

I kissed the top of her head and whispered into her ear.

"I will make you scream more often in the future." It was a promise I would keep no matter what.

She giggled at my announcement in anticipation and smiled. Anna fell asleep very quickly. She had an exhausting day.

Having her lying next to me, hearing her melodic heart beat, feeling her warm breath on my cold skin, her warm, soft body perfectly curved into mine, I couldn't believe how lucky I was.

The whole night I stoked her arm softly as I was basking in the afterglow of our intimate moment.

The first of many to come.