ch 25

Edward's POV:

"Seems like my little virgin brother finally became a man, it was about damn time brother." Emmett boomed excited as he slapped my shoulder.

"Yes, the acoustic here in New York is really impressive. Don't you think Em? Jasper mused with a stupid, knowing smirk on his face.

"That was rather impressive for a newbie, Edward." Emmett said in a serious voice and a proud expression.

"Thank god. I finally don't have to deal with your pent up sexual frustration anymore." Jasper threw in.

I could only agree with him.

"Me too Jasper. Me too."

Emmett looked with narrowed eyes at me before confusion washed over his face.

"Wow you are not trying to kill us for teasing you? No bouncing on us or threatening us?"

I just shook my head with wide grin plastered in my face.

Emmett's face became concerned and he faked panic. Emmett jumped back from me held his hands up, his eyes went big.

"Who are you and what have you done to my little brother?"

Jasper and I were laughing, shaking our heads at him. Even though I knew where Emmett was coming from. Normally I would try to run or attack my brothers when ever they brought the topic of intimacy up.

All the three of us were chatting and joking in the foyer while waiting for our mates and our parents.

Today was the last day in New York and we all had separated plans how to spend the last hours in New York.

Carlisle and Esme were going to see a show on the Broadway and to stroll through the Central Park.

Jasper and Alice kept their plans a secret and as to Emmett and Rosalie they wanted to look for a part for her BMW. And just for the record I'm sorry to have ever gotten to know the rest of their plans for the day. I wish I could bleach my mind.

As for Anna and myself, I was going to show her around New York. She told me that she was always fascinated by this city and I was more then happy to make it possible for her to experience the big apple.

The girls and my parents finally arrived. Anna looked absolutely sexy in the simple blue jeans, red sweater that clung to her like a second skin and the white jacket.

I pulled her to my body, slid my hands over her hips to the small of her back and whispered into her ear.

"You look generous in that sweater, love."

Anna giggled pulled away from me so she could look into my eyes.

"Thank you but the thanks go to my personal stylist."

Anna laughed as she gestured towards Alice.

"Thank you very much. That's simply a gift." Alice laughed.

"I think what you wanted to say was that this is your curse that you are forcing on all of us, my dear sister." Emmett challenged.

He was still ticked off about the fact that she threw his favourite sweater away just because it was from the last season.

True to her nature Alice stick out her tongue at Emmett and snuggled into her husbands embrace. Emmett only rolled his eyes. He knew as well as we all did that when it came to fashion none could win against Alice.

"Let's see it's eight o'clock now and we have to be at the air port at six and our luggage is already being send to the air port. I would say we meet at five at the Downtown Manhattan Heliport on Pier 6 at East River. Then go and have fun." Carlisle informed us and sent me a message through his thoughts.

I'm happy for you son. I nodded in acknowledgment.

"And don't forget to behave." Esme quickly added and we all nodded at her.

Esme was positively beaming with happiness. Seeing me happy with my mate made her world finally complete and right.

"New York here we come." Emmett boomed. Rosalie gave him a look as if he should be locked up in a mental institute.

"What I always wanted to say that." Emmett shrugged innocently. Rosalie just sighed and pushed him out of the hotel.

Anna and I entered the limousine that was waiting for us to take us around the city.

"You alright? I hope they weren't too much just now." I asked her concerned. She only shrugged.

"It is weird that they heard us but….. oh well I gotta get used to it."

I wrapped my arm around her waist, kissed her forehead and chuckled.

"I think you might have a lot of chances to do so in the future."

"I hope so." Her eyes sparkled with mischief.

The first point on our tour was Down Town.

We visited the Times Squar, Madison Square Garden, the Empire State Building and the Rockefeller Center.

As we drove through Brooklyn we had an impressive views of "The Great Bridge".

In Harlem we made a stop at the Central Park and Anna ate lunch in one of the cafes there before we took a walk in the park. After the walk we still had enough time to visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

I loved it to watch as Anna took the sight before her in. She was so excited and happy about it all. We laughed and joked together. I was relaxed and just enjoyed being.

As it was time for us to go to the Heliport I was a little disappointed that I couldn't show her all of New York but that would take a few days. I decided to fetch up on it during our summer vacation.

Alice and I had already specific plans how this summer vacations should look like.


A week after we arrived it was Anna's seven teen birthday. We were all very excited about it. The last birthday we celebrated was Emmett's and that was decades ago.

We actually celebrated her birthday twice. It began Saturday at noon just a little, cosy family celebration with all members of our family and Kevin.

In the afternoon the real party started. Alice made a sweet seven teen for Anna. Since there wasn't any building big enough in Forks for our needs Alice rented a big tent.

The party took place on a field that boarded to the forest and was a little outside of the town. This way we could turn the music on and didn't bother anyone.

There was a stage for the band and a big dance floor, everything in a fancy décor. My love couldn't believe any of this at first but after her first shock wore off she enjoyed herself as we all did.


People say that if you have fun time passes by fast and they are right. Every single day with my mate was wonderful and a discovery. I finally was complete and happy.

The end of the school year was near and the last event of the school year was to take place. The prom of Forks High was held in gym. Balloon arches and twisted garlands of pastel crepe paper were festooning the walls. The décor was simple but it did it's duty.

Before we made our way to the dance Esme had us pose for a complete album of pictures. Emmett, Rosalie and Jasper graduated again and Alice, Anna and I would be senior at Forks High next semester.

Summer vacation was finally there and Alice and I presented our travelling plans to our family.

We were going to travel Japan and China. Anna told me that she would love to visit countries like Japan, China, India, Russia Brazil and Australia. I was determined to turn this into reality.

Our whole family was excited about the trip. Alice and I worked an exact time table out for the travel. If there is one thing that is absolutely predictable then it is the weather.

We knew exactly when the weather would allow us to move in public. Lucky for us Kevin had to work nearly the whole summer. He had planned to take a week off about two weeks before the new semester started and spend it with Anna.

As for the rest of the summer vacation he gave Anna in the trust worthy hands of Carlisle and Esme. Carlisle and Esme came to be good friends with Kevin.

My love and I were currently at her place waiting for Kevin to arrive. It was the day before we would go to New York our first destination for the summer vacation.

Kevin had told her that he had to tell her something important before she would go to New York. Of cause thanks to Alice's gift we already knew what it was. He was about to introduce his girlfriend.

Her name is Eve Walsh and she and Kevin were High School sweethearts. She became Kevin's assistant and the old love inflamed again.

We where on the couch in the leaving room snuggled together, watching the news. They reported about the decision regarding the highway.

"So they are building the highway!" Anna stated.

"Unfortunately." I sighed.

"A pharmaceutical company decided to build a factory here in Forks because the suppliers are close by and they can save a lot of portage but only if that road is build. With the prospect of new job's for the people here in the area the permission to build the road was given. There was nothing we could do."

"But it runs along the boarder line of our and the Werewolf territory." Anna noted concerned.

"It's not that bad the territories are big. We will just have to stay away about three miles from the road. Not that our prey would even get that close to the road for most part."

"But what about…" She stared to ask but got interrupted by the ringing of the house phone. Anna looked at her watch.

"Do you think Kevin is calling to tell us that he and his girlfriend are bailing on us?" Anna smiled at me as she stood up to get the call.

"Hello this is..," but she got interrupted by the voice on the other end, which I recognised to belong to Seth Clearwater.

Seth and Anna became close friends ever since the incident in La Push. None in La Push knew about it and I knew better then to try to talk her out of it.

Knowing who it was I tuned the conversation out trying to give her as much privacy as I could. She would tell me if she wanted to but it didn't help that I still caught some of what was spoken.

Quite stunned she shuddered, "h-hey.. Seth. What happened? You won in the lottery?" Anna laughed.

"Of cause I know who Sara is." My love rolled her eyes.

"No way. Oh my god Seth. Finally the girl came to her senses."

Beautiful laughter filled the space and a generous smile broke across her face. I did want to give her privacy but I just couldn't keep my eyes off of her. Especially not when she had this beautiful smile on her face.

"What have you planned for your first date?"

A long pause followed.

"A good night kiss,'s your first date ...I would say it really comes down to the atmosphere. When it is right then you will feel it and if you are to nervous to feel if it's right then ask her if you can give her a hug or kiss."

Another long pause.

"Don't be so nervous you are going to rock it. Call me tomorrow and tell me everything…..I want the juicy details."

"O.K. Seth bye then till tomorrow." My love hung up looking extremely happy.

"She said yes," Anna was chirping as she made her way back into my embrace.

"Sara, hmm…so how many weeks exactly was he after her?" she gave me a playful glare.

"Not everyone can be as charming as you are Mr. Vampire." She stuck her tongue out at me.

"Very mature." I laughed.

"Come on it's not healthy to be serious all the time." My Anna laughed.

I loved the sound her laugh. I could hear it all eternity and I would never get tired of it.

"Yes, but you did sign the treaty. With my name, I may ad." Anna Cullen, as soon as we graduated it would be her name.

"Yeah I did but I read it and…."

"I still can't believe you pulled that one off. Vampires on the one side and Werewolves on the other and you in the middle, reading that thing without a care in the world." I shook my head chuckling.

"I'm not stupid enough to sign something I haven't read before and as I was about to say before I got rudely interrupted," she glared playfully at me again but her smirk was ruining it, "there was no term of not talking to each other either over the phone nor web cams nor e-mail."

"Love you.....I'm speechless." I shook my head again.

"Wow who would have thought that I would be able to stun the great Edward Cullen someday." Anna mocked me, I raised an eye brow at her.

"Someday?" I looked at her disbelieving.

I quickly pulled her body on my lap and pressed her into my chest as I gazed into her amazing hazel depths.

My hand went to the face to tug a strain of her hair behind her ear, her eyes closed briefly as my skin touched hers and she bit her bottom lip lightly.

"Love I'm stun every day that I have you in my life." I placed a kiss on her forehead.

"I'm stunned into silence that you love me back," my lips touched the tip of her nose softly.

"I'm stunned beyond believe that I can hold you in my arms and do things with you I never dreamed of doing,"

My mouth found hers, my tongue running over her bottom lip but instead of opening her lips to me she caught my bottom lip between her soft pillows and sucked lightly on it. My breathing sped up and my body was set on fire.

As she released my lip my tongue immediately plugged into her mouth as I tighten my grip on her. Anna's taste overpowering my senses. We both moaned into each others mouth as the kiss became more frantic.

With one swift motion she was lying under me, my body pressed into hers as much as I dared without hurting her. I loved it to feel how she squirmed beneath me.

My hand went along her thigh, grabbing the hallow of the back of her knee and hitching her leg over my waist.

"Edward, what are you doing?" Anna asked as she broke our kiss to catch some air.

"Worshipping you," I murmured against the skin of her neck where my lips currently were. My love whimpered as we heard a car park in the drive way.

I groaned at the interruption, not wanting to let go of her just yet.

"That's rotten timing," Anna breathed huskily before pushing me off her and combing her hair back in place with her fingers.

"Straighten your clothes out before it will get awkward," she hissed at me. I pouted a little.

My love rolled her eyes, stepped in front of me and put her hands on my chest.

"If you behave you are going to get a reward tonight." The little vixen bribed me and I gladly gave in. We stood up and I straighten my clothes before we went to the door to let Kevin and Eve in and greet them.

"Hi, kids may I introduce this is Eve Walsh and this is my niece Anna and her boyfriend Edward." Kevin mentioned between us.

"It's nice to meet you Eve." My love said politely.

Eve was a little speechless after seeing me. Her thoughts were only one word "WOW". Anna knew what was happening and waited patiently for Eve to recover.

"Ah….Yes, it's very nice to finally meet you too." Eve said as she was able to speak again.

Oh boy, I'm making an idiot out of myself. Kevin warned me that Anna's boyfriend was handsome but I wasn't quite expecting this. Poor girl with a generous boy like him she always will have to worry.

Eve's thoughts surprised me but I had to admit I appreciated it that she cared for Anna already. How could she know that Anna has absolutely nothing to worry about, my heart is hers for eternity.

Actually my heart, my thoughts, my body…I was entirely hers.

"Hello." I said politely flashing a careful smile at her.

"Hello." She nodded back cautious, her natural instincts telling her that I'm dangerous.

During dinner Eve and Anna got to know each other better and were becoming friends. Eve would move in with Anna and Kevin after the summer vacation and before that happened they wanted to acclimate to each other. They would keep in contact though e-mail and the phone.

On the next day my angel and I went to our first destination. We had five exciting days in New York ahead of us.

We stayed in the New York Place again and visited all the places we didn't have enough time the first time around.

Places like SoHo, Chinatown, Little Italy, Financial District, Battery Park, Lower East Side, United Nations, Carnegie Hall, Broadway Theatre District, Fifth Avenue, Museum Mile, The Dakota, Time Warner Center, , The Guggenheim, Frick Collection, Apollo Theater, Museum of Natural History, Museum of Modern Art, and Harlem Market just to name a few.

It was a wonderful time in New York just the two of us in our own little world but we were also glad when we finally went to Japan, Tokyo to be exact, where we would meet up with our family.

"Hi Edward." Alice greeted me as she threw herself at me before turning her attention to my love.

"Hi Anna. You won't believe it but I have seen the perfect dress for you. We so have to buy that it's in a boutique here in Tokyo...….." Alice happily chirped as we arrived in our hotel in Tokyo, kidnapping my mate to make plans for their next shopping trip. Only being briefly stopped as Esme pulled Anna into a hug to greet her.

"Edward. I'm glad you two are back." Esme said as she crushed me into a motherly hug next. She didn't like it to be separated from here children.

She is counting it as a good thing that we don't age anymore, as Vampires. This way we will never be old enough to leave our home. In a way of cause.

"Had fun in New York? Did you manage to break a window this time?" Emmett asked as he approached me to pull me into a brotherly hug. My luck he can't crush my bones.

"Yes, we had fun and as for the windows we are working on it." I answered.

"Yeah a lot from what I feel." Jasper added smug.

"Welcome back son." Carlisle said coming out of the room the girls where in after greeting Anna.

"Edward how about we go for a hunt the forest outside of Tokyo has some nice offers." Carlisle proposed hopefully.

Yeah, we got to get out of here. If anyone asks me again which shade of pink is nicer I'm going to lose it. Emmett added desperately in his thoughts.

"That's a good idea Carlisle I'm a little bit thirsty actually." I said having mercy on my brothers and father.

Alice was in full shopping mode and the real vacation wouldn't start until she had her fill of shopping.

We let the weekend be a lazy one to give my love the chance to life down the jet lag.

We started our sight-seeing tour through Tokyo, after Alice had her shopping fill, with the Tokyo Tower, Foot Town and Tokyo Dome City, which was a huge complex with a sports stadium, own amusement park, spa and a hotel.


"Why is it that humans do that to oneself?" Jasper asked as we all watched a Japanese show name "Takashi's castle".

"Because it's fun." My love offered.

"To humiliate oneself on national TV?" Rose raised an eye brow.

"Ah….make that international. I think they are selling the show abroad." Anna informed.

"How do you know that?" Emmett asked.

"My brother loved to watch that show. Well at least in my former world they were selling it abroad."

"It is fascinating how alike our worlds are." Jasper stated thoughtful. Anna just shrugged.

After a few moments she turned around to look at Carlisle. He caught her gaze and smiled warmly at her.

"Uhm…Carlisle I've been meaning to ask you something," she began.

"Yes," our father encouraged.

"I was wondering would it be possible to invention a blood substitute that would keep you as well fed as human blood. I mean with today's technology it should be possible. The humans did already have breakthroughs in that department like the Hemoglobin based oxygen carrier. That is a blood substitute. I know it's far from perfect but... What I want to know is it even possible for a Vampire to drink blood that doesn't have it's origin in a living being?"

I have to admit that never actually crossed my mind. Carlisle commented in his thoughts.

"Well you seem to have made some research on that topic," my love nodded, "then you should know that even the substitute blood is partly won out of a living beings blood. Though with today's progression it can also be won out of biotechnological manufacture. But if we can drink it…..honestly I have never tried." He answered thoughtfully.

Ideas and theories if that would be possible now racing through his mind. Anna just gave him an interesting challenge.

"Theoretically it should be possible but the problem would be to find the right recipe so it would sate us and cover all our needs." I threw in.

"I prefer to chase down my food." Emmett was making his opinion known. He just loved to play with his food too much.


From Tokyo we travelled to Kyoto the former capital of Japan, and the city where the old Japan is still present. Kyoto is the centre of the old Japanese culture and history.

While we where there we often saw women dressed in authentic geisha costumes, samurai warrior costumes, traditional Japanese theater and many more relics of Japan's rich culture.

We also went to Hiroshima and we visited the Itsukushima Shrine which is located on the island of Miyashima.


"We're back." Alice announced as the girls were back from a wellness centre.

"This was awesome. The jasmine pedal bath was unbelievable."

"I can tell," Jasper inhaled her scent deeply, his thought going in a certain direction, scoping her up, off they were.

I chuckled and waited for Rose and Esme to come in so my Anna could finally enter the room. As she stepped inside I immediately knew something was wrong. Her expression told me everything.

"Love what happened?" I rushed to her side, alarmed.

She looked up at me, searching my eyes before shaking her head and smiling at me.

"It's nothing really. I must have seen it wrong…"

"Anna," my voice stern. My love sighed.

"There was just a guy, looking like a bear and I don't think he had seen a bathroom for inside for a really long time. He was huge. I had the feeling he was stalking me for some reason but he lost me in the crowed marked. Maybe he thought I would be an easy victim." She shrugged her shoulders.

"Does that mean none was….." the fierce glare, her arms crossed over her chest and the arched eye brow told me not to end that sentence if I valued my life.

Someone is half way in the dog house. Emmett mental voice boomed with amusement at my current predicament.

"The crime rate here in Tokyo is much higher then in Forks which is why for the safety of all the female members of this family it would be appreciated to go out at least with one to accompany the other." I quickly rushed out.

"Nice safe, bro." Emmett laughed the others snickered.

"That's better," Anna laughed and reached up to give me a kiss.


Having travelled Japan we went to China. One of the must have seen things there was China's Great Wall which stretches east-west for more than 5000 kilometers.

Further more we visited the Lama Temple (or Palace of Peace and Harmony), Stanley the home to Stanley Market, where variety of goods such as Chinese souvenirs, rattan products, handicrafts and fake designer labels and so on could be found, The Forbidden City, also known as the "Former Palace", the Nan Jing Road a big commercial shopping street and the Shanghai Museum just to name a few.

It was unbelievably exciting to watch Anna during this time. Her curious eyes took everything in with awe.

I travelled the world before guess if you are over one hundred years old that happens but it wasn't that, how should I call it...satisfying, exciting, vivid.

I've seen the seven world wonders. I'm witness to many historical happenings but now travelling with Anna seeing the world through her eyes it is as if for the first time I'm able to see.

Ever since she came into my life nothing is as it was anymore. I'm actually, dare I to say it, enjoy my existence.

For the first time ever it is... it feels right. It just feels right to life, to be here, to breath, to exist, to be with my love.

Being with Anna learning how she sees the world I understood that I had to let go of my past, something I thought was impossible for me.

I had killed humans, I had committed many sins and crimes but what I did, made me the person I am today. Even when I won't be able to forget what happened back then in my dark days of existence I will not let it influence my presents and future anymore.

I can't undo what I have done but I can try to form a better future and live the present more aware. I did acknowledge that my self-loathing and self-hatred were actually a cowardly way of escaping from what I had done.

Instead of facing my sins I was hiding behind the self-loathing and self-hatred. Working through my past wasn't an easy thing to do and it was extremely painful but with this amazing woman at my side I think I'm able to get through anything.

I don't know if I would be forgiven by god or whatever or whoever there is but Anna made me see that I had been forgiven by the people that matter. My family.

I always had so much but never saw it. A family that was always by my side. I always had a home and people to turn to but only with Anna's presence in my life I have noticed this and recognize it's worth.

What a difference she made in my life not only in mine but in all of our lives. Our family is closer now then it has ever been before.

Anna brought me to life. I laughed with Anna, I teased her, I had fun with her, I relaxed within her company. For the first time since I can remember I was able just to be.

I read about the need of my parents and my siblings for each other in their minds but I could never grasp that feeling. Now I know it as well. It's physical and emotional. A need, a primeval want to have this person in my life. To have Anna with me.

Realization hit me like a ton of bricks. I wasn't able to let her go. I did always know that but it was never so clear to me just how much I wasn't able to survive without her.

And with that realization arose a new problem.

The time with my personal angle is very precious, though that didn't even begin to cover it, to me but there was the one thing that I fear. Time.

Time doesn't mean anything to me I have all the time in the world but my love doesn't. She is a mortal creature and I'm not.

My love is going to grow old and die some day. Not only some day but in about sixty or seventy years. Sixty or seventy years that is nothing to me only something more then a blink of an eye.

That is to short. I want to have more time with her, I need to have more time with her. I couldn't believe where my thoughts were leading me.

This existence that I, only moths ago, called the greatest punishment imaginable is now something I considered for the love of my life. I couldn't believe it but it was true.

I was stuck in a cruel predicament. On the one hand I wanted Anna to have a normal, human life. As far as that was possible given her circumstances and I don't even mean the involvement of myself and my family in her life.

A normal human life with normal, human experiences, for her to grow old, to have children, to experience all the changes a human makes through his life.

I wanted that for her but I knew at the same time that with me in her life many of those things were impossible to begin with.

We have to move every five or six years before the humans notice that we are not aging. She would age while I would forever stay the same.

Yes, it doesn't matter to me how old she would get. I will always love her no matter what but what about Anna how would she feel if I stay young and she gets old. When people on the street will think of us as mother and son or grandmother and grandson?

It all led me to the desire to have her forever by my side as a Vampire, frozen in time just like me. My selfish side wanted to make her mine forever the faster the better.

I was surprised to find out that I wasn't as appealed as I thought I would be at that thought. I was really torn apart.

By making peace with what I am and how I live, the prospect of my Anna becoming exactly what I am became less.....monstrous.....less bad?

Worst of all I had no idea what Anna thought about it. She never said a word about wanting to become a Vampire and I was too afraid to ask.

I wasn't even sure what I feared more that she wanted to stay human or that she wanted to become a Vampire.


"Em cut it out!" Jasper and I both yelled.

"Sorry guy. I just can't wait to get my hands on my wife." Emmett said proudly not in the least sorry.

"Yeah, we've noticed." I replied wishing to bleach my mind yet again.

We were coming back from hunting and wanted to get to our mates as quickly as possible, some of us really couldn't wait.

"Do you hear that?!" Jasper asked as we were near our house.

I knew that melody it was from a mobile ring tone but apparently it was also a song. It came from Alice's and Jasper's bedroom.

We rushed to the bedroom door and saw our mates dancing to Caramelladanse. A stupid song with a really catchy rhythm.

I never really understood the whole pop culture thing nor pop music but if it is able to get that beautiful smile that my angel's face while she danced to this song it had it's existence justified.

I watched as my love danced around with my sisters, while her eyes sparkle in happiness. My sisters were dancing wild across the room and let themselves fall onto the big king bed as the song ended.

They were laughing and Anna was catching her breath. During the time that my love was here she was able to not only steal my heart but also the hearts of our whole family.

She even managed it to be liked by Rosalie and that's not an easy thing to accomplish. Rose even regarded my love as part of our family and was seeing and treating her as her sister.

Emmett rushed to Rosalie's side and scooped her up in his arms bridal style.

"The next dance is mine." He growled playfully and they disappeared into their bedroom.

"Welcome back." My love greeted me as I copied Emmett's action.

I smiled softly at her and moved us to my room. I put her on my bed and placed myself next to her, stealing a kiss from her lips.

"Guess you had a successful hunt." She said as I moved my mouth to her collarbone.

"Hmm…." I answered against her skin. She giggled.

"Caught a tasty mountain lion?"

"No, only an elk and a few deer." I answered as I run my nose along her neck placing little kisses on her soft skin.

"So what are we going to do with the rest of the day?" I asked knowing what I wanted to do.

But my Anna had other plans.

"Don't know about the rest of the day but right now we are going to watch the next episode of True Blood."

My love grabbed the remote, switched the TV on and smiled sweetly at me waiting for me to get into the right position.

I placed myself against the pillows on the bed and waited for Anna to sit between my legs. She quickly took her place, rested her back on my chest and her head on my shoulder.

"It didn't escape my notice that you seem to like Vampires." I teased her a little. She liked this TV show and wouldn't miss an episode.

She turned her face to me and appeared to be thinking.

"Maybe just a little tiny bit." She teased back.

"Just a little tiny bit." I said as I locked my arms around her belly and nuzzled my face in her neck, placing open mouthed kisses along of her warm flesh.

"I really love your scent it smells delicate of Lavender, you and me. It's perfect." I muttered as I inhaled her intoxicating, addicting scent.

My love turned her face to me again, placed her warm hand on my cool cheek and captured my lips with hers.

As we both had our fill we broke the kiss and turned our attention on the TV.

In the week before senior year spend our time either along together or with my family. We were enjoying the carefree time we had before school would start again.

It was Saturday and my love and I were relaxing after our hot and heavy making out session in the shower. She was lying in my arms flush to my side, only in her panties and a top, while I stroked her silky hair.

I just couldn't get enough of her, to touch her soft, warm skin, to kiss her luscious lips and be filled with her love.

I was wearing only my pyjama bottoms making it possible for my love to slide her fingertips along my T-shirtless chest. My angle smiled happily to herself and I wondered if I would ever get used to it that I couldn't read her mind.

"What are you smiling about?" I asked as I kissed the top of her head, inhaling the scent from her hair.

"I was just thinking how lucky I am to be able to lay in your arms." My personal angle said without looking at me.

She had no idea how often I couldn't believe my luck and I would never get tired of reminding her.

"Love." I said as I put my finger under her chin so she would look at me.

"From the moment I met you I knew there was something different about you and I not only mean the fact that you knew way too much and smelled way too delicious for you own good. I am an idiot for having taken so long to figure it out."

"What makes you different is not only the fact that you are an amazing strong person, honest, passionate and posses a pure and big heart but what makes you different is you are the only woman I have ever given my heart to, and ever desired."

"You made me a better person. You made me believe that I am more then just a monster. You made me see the man I am that I can be. You made me feel things I never though would be granted for me. Since you showed up in my life for the first time ever everything is just right."

"Thank you for being born. Thank you for living. Thank you for being here and thank you for returning my feelings. I love you Anna."

My voice cracked at the end as the emotions overtook me. I heard my loves heart hammer fast in her chest at my words and her breathing becoming husky and uneven before she brought her face to mine and placed her lips on mine.

I opened my lips and licked along her bottom lip begging for entrance, my love permitted it immediately.

Hungrily I tasted her and pushed my tongue into her mouth. My hands were running up and down her back and her warm, soft body was pressed to mine cool one, letting me feel everyone of her delicious curves.

After a while of lazily kissing my love grew serious and I had the feeling I wouldn't really like what she was about to tell me.

"What?" I asked with a sigh.

"How do you know I want something?" Anna asked her eyes shinning with fake innocence.

"Because I know you my love."

"Really?" She tried to hide her smile.

"Hmm….every time you bite you bottom lip and your eyes are unfocused, you are trying to figure out how to tell me something, I won't like, the best way." I was lying on my elbow piercing her with my eyes.

"O.K. I admit I have something to tell you and yes you probably won't like it at all."

"What is it?" I sighed. I could see it in her eyes. She had her mind made up on this.

"It's about Harry Clearwater he will have a heart attack next spring. I don't know if it will help at all but I would like to tell his wife. If anything they can at least use the time they have left together. And no, you don't tell someone something like that over the phone." Anna declared.

"You want to meet up with the wolfs?" I didn't like this.

Yes, she was capable of taking care of herself if she needed to but that didn't mean she needed to seek out the danger.

"Listen." Anna commanded. I nodded not saying anything.

"I already called Seth and arranged a meeting with him and his mom. Only him and his mom. We will meet at the drive in I had worked. It's in between La Push and Forks. You can come as well Seth knows you will be there eventually." Anna offered with a smile.

"Are you sure he can be trusted?" I asked sceptical.

"If any of the wolfs can be trusted then it is Seth. You know he still calls me sometimes to get an advice how to impress his crush Sara."

"Yeah, I know." It is true he was the only of them who had anything to do with my Anna anymore. The others avoided her since she signed the treaty which I must admit did give a peace of mind.

"Beside Seth and Sue are human and the others won't know."

"Good but I'll be with you the whole time," my voice showing how serious I was in that point. "And you are taking your weapons."

"Yes, sir and this will be a great chance for you to get to know Seth a little because you will have to entertain him while I will talk to his mom alone. I think it will be better that way."

"It might be," I had to agree. Anna beamed at me.


Arriving at the drive in, the next nearly moon, I could already hear the mental voices of the two wolf cups and the human woman wondering why Anna wanted to talk to her.

"They aren't alone. There is another one with them."

"Really? Do you know who it is?" My love wondered. I checked their thoughts again.

"Jacob Black." I answered curtly.

I didn't like this at all. Rationally looking there was no danger for my love. They were only human at least still, and we were in a public place they wouldn't be able to do anything.

But I couldn't help my instincts. All my senses were screaming at me to grab my mate and make a run for it. I parked the car, gripping the steering wheel, my eyes closed tightly. The steering wheel nearly cracked under the pressure of my grip.

Suddenly I felt a warm, soft hand on my cold, hard one. A wave of electricity jolted through my body at the contact. I opened my eyes and looked into the calming pools of my love.

"It's going to be O.K." she smiled at me. "They are still human, no danger here."

I took a deep breath, stole a kiss from her lips and nodded before exciting my Volvo and walking to open Anna's door.

Walking into the drive in, we immediately got greeted by a really enthusiastic and excited young teenage boy.

"Hi Anna. Hi you must be Edward. I'm Seth Clearwater. It's nice to finally meet you." The boy was holding his hand out to me while a big, goofy grin was plastered on his face.

In his thoughts I could read that he was indeed really happy to be able to meet me. He wasn't hostile towards Vampires like he should be given what he is or will become.

He was ready to explode with joy. One could mistake him for the male version of Alice.

"It's nice to meet you too." I shook his hand while he gasped at the cold and the hardness of my skin. His thoughts only showing amazement at our meeting.

"Jacob Black." The other one introduced himself shortly but was not comfortable being near me.

"Hi, Anna. How are you?" Jacob asked her. A smile appearing on his face when he saw her. He liked my Anna. He was impressed by her. The way she handled Quil and what he heard about Paul's encounter with her made him respect her.

"I'm fine but what are you doing here Jake?"

"Well I'm the alpha by blood. I'm responsible for my people." The kid tried to sound mature but his thoughts were betraying him.

If I spend some time with the leech then maybe the Werewolf gene will finally activate and I will phase. If I don't look like a fifteen year old, Bella might actually take me seriously and does not regard me as a little brother anymore.

I had to bite my lip to keep myself from laughing out loud. Behind the two boys stood a native woman looking a little dazzled at me.

"Ma`am." I greeted her politely. She snapped out of it and blushed.

"H-Hello. I'm Sue Clearwater." She introduced herself shyly before turning her attention to my Anna.

My mate stepped out of my embrace and greeted Seth's mother before turning to s males.

"Listen boys why don't you go outside while the ladies have a talk." Anna said and it wasn't meant as an option.

"But…" Jacob wanted to protest but Seth cut him off.

"Come on man you have two sisters. You should know when women want to talk among themselves." He put his arm around Jacob's shoulder and started to drag him outside.

I made a quick scan of the area to be sure that there was nothing that could be a threat to the life of my love before I followed them outside.

Seth dragged Jacob into the woods behind the drive in I followed them with a short distance still being able to see Anna through the thoughts of the few customers in the drive in.

"Why are we out here?" I asked the two in front of me.

"Don't ask me leech." The Black kid hissed.

"Jake," Seth glared at him before turning to me. "I'm sorry for that but back to your question. Well I was kind of hoping you could show us what you can do. You know…." He stopped himself and looked around to make sure none was around.

"The Vampire stuff." He looked like a kid on Christmas.

"You are fascinated with what I am, aren't you."

"Yeah, kind of." He admitted, looking excited at me while the Jacob sighed annoyed.

"Aren't you supposed to hate me?"

"I won't hate you just because of what you are. I will judge you by what you do." I was impressed by the wisdom the young teen in front of me.

"You are a good kid Seth." I told him earnestly. "What do you want to see? None is around for now."

"Really how do you know?"

"Vampire senses," I answered. He blushed a little and ducked his head.

"Of cause…..ahhh….could you run," before he ended his question I was behind them.

"Edward where…"

"Behind you." Seth and Jacob spun around at the sound of my voice.

"Woah cool man," Seth was fascinated, even Jacob was impressed but tried not to show it.

Seth bombarded me with questions. He was very open minded towards Vampires or at least me and the members of my family. I was also able to get some answers that were burning on Carlisle mind ever since our encounter with them in the forest.

"You have any idea what Anna wants to tell my mom?" Seth asked all of the sudden.

"Yes, but it is going to be your mothers choice to tell."

Seth nodded in understanding, not pushing further.

"Time to go back, the ladies are done talking."

"How do you....right the Vampire senses." Seth cut himself off, following me back to the drive in.

As he saw his mother red, puffy eyes Seth immediately ran to her side.

"Mom are you alright? What happened?" He was panicked while Jacob didn't know what to make out of it.

Anna came to my side and I pulled her into my embrace, feeling much better now that she was in my arms.

"It will be eventually, honey." She told him while hugging him close before looking at my love.

"Thank you for sharing Anna. It was the right thing to do." She told her pulling herself together, knowing she needed to be strong now.

"I really hope it is going to be," my love smiled sadly but also hopeful at her while the kids looked confused, worried and lost, when suddenly my senses overtook and I couldn't help the warning growl that escaped my throat.

"Edward what's the matter?" Anna asked slightly panicked at my sudden change of mood.

"Wolf," was all I barked as I pulled Anna behind my back.

There in the woods was a Werewolf observing us. He was shouting at me in his mind. I recognised the language, it was mandarin but with an accent I didn't learn which is why I didn't really understand what he was shouting.

"How does he look like?" Asked Jacob.

"Black with a single white strip between his eyes."

"That must be Dylan," Sue breathed, in her mind I could read that he was Sam's half brother. He arrived her about two weeks ago from Asia.

"Dylan man, what the fuck are you doing here? Go home." Jacob ordered earning him a growl from the Asian wolf.

Edward we are nearly there, hold on. I heard Alice as she and my other siblings were on their way to us.

The wolf went from imagining how he would tear me apart to thinking in mandarin again. I couldn't understand what he wanted or why there was this immense fury in his thoughts.

He was taking a step closer to us, getting ready to strike. He didn't care that we were in a public place or that human's and his own future pack members were standing next to me, he wanted to bounce on me this instant. He woulod have attacked if my siblings would have arrived just a second later. Seeing that he was outnumbered he cursed that I could understand and retreated, angrily but quickly.

"What was that?" Rose asked annoyed about the stench in the air.

"I'm going to have a serious word with my husband and the other members of the council. I'm sorry for the incontinence." Sue Clearwater apologized before she and the soon-to-be-wolfs took off.

"You suddenly disappeared. I was so worried about you guys." Alice said as she pulled Anna into a tight embrace.

"What did that mutt want?" Jasper asked.

"I've got no idea. He's new. Sam's half brother and for some reason seriously angry."

"For some reason? Didn't you hear why?" Emmett wondered.

"He was thinking in a dialect of mandarin I haven't learnt."

"Do you think he is going to be a problem?" Jasper was immediately concerned.

"Let's tell Carlisle and then he can call Billy Black."

"But if we get to kick some Werewolf ass. I'm the one to do it." Emmett announced edger for a good fight.

"Idiot," Rose shook her head at her husband and the rest of us chuckled.