Sam's POV:

Dylan was gone for a few days now. None knew where he went and if he would come back. I was worried out of my mind.

I had only found my brother over a week ago and already I was about or had already lost him. I couldn't bear that thought.

But why did he run? Why did he growl at Jake as he told him to leave? I know it must have shocked him to see two of his future pack brothers near a Vampire but couldn't he see that there was no immediate danger?

But then again he lived a different life then we did. He didn't really have anyone to talk to after the first time he phased.

The first time he phased was because one of those blood sucking monsters was about to kill him like they did our father...…..


Twelve days ago:


"She is just a little girl man," Jared laughed, "What are you so afraid of?" He found it hilarious that Paul was scared of the little Slayer.

"Shut it asshole. I'm not scared." Paul growled pissed by now from all the teasing.

"Yeah, sure, sure but why are getting this freaked-deer-caught-in-the-headlights expression on your face every time anyone says her name?" Jared couldn't let it go.

"Ha….as if you would have the balls to piss her off." Paul challenged.

"Of cause I have! Why should I be scared by a little girl? As if anyone should be scared of a little girl. What a joke!" Jared announced full of himself.

I had the feeling he wouldn't smatter that much if she would have shocked him with her stun gun. Sometimes I thing if would be good if she did. At least it would shut him up.

"So I'm a joke? Am I getting this right?" Kim's voice rang through the air and Jared winced immediately. She was not pleased at all from what I could hear in her tone.

I could practically see the blood in Jared's veins freeze as he heard the irritated voice of his imprint. Panic was plain written across his face, he knew he was in trouble.

Paul had a hard time to hide his amusement. Quil who was sitting in the corner and not getting in between the argument of the two of them was now also interested in the scene before him.

He was lucky. He didn't remember much from the time of his first phasing. He couldn't tell where the pain of the first phasing ended and the pain from the stun gun began. Though he wasn't all too keen on encountering the little Slayer again.

Kim had her arms crossed over her chest and was looking pissed at her wolf, tapping her foot impatiently waiting for an answer.

"Ah…..I…..this….I'm…..really…." Jared stammered out nervously, sweating like hell.

Sometimes that boy just opens his mouth way too much and for someone who seems so impossibly shy at first sight, Kim is quite scary once she's pissed.

"Yes, you were saying," she growled.

She was an emancipated young woman and when there was something she couldn't stand then it was when someone thought woman were weaker then man, let alone say it openly out loud.

Not so poor Jared would be in the dog house now for quite some time.

Jared was about to say something to safe his ass as we heard a yawl from outside.

"What was that?" Kim asked surprised by the dangerous sounding noise.

"I think Embry must have phased." I told her.

He was showing the symptoms but I haven't thought it would happen that soon. Normally it took at least two weeks from the heightened temperature to the first phase. Embry's temperature heightened only five days ago. Jared, Paul, Quil and I were getting ready to go to him.

"Sorry babe we talk about this later." Jared quickly said before running out of my and Emily's house.

"You bet we will," Kim huffed but didn't stop him.

We shed our clothes from our bodies, phased and almost immediately were able to hear Embry in our minds.

Shit man that hurt! He complained. Just for the record this I can hear you in my mind shit is weird and I don't think I like it already. But I think that body is cool and the sight and the smell….he was taking in a deep breath…...Goulash! Hmm…someone is making Goulash! I think I'm hungry.

I sighed there was nothing to worry about. He seemed to be O.K. as far as I could tell. His thoughts were also remotely calm. A little disoriented but O.K.

Knowing what was before them did seem to help the ones to phase to cope with everything. When I think back to my first time as I phased into a wolf....

Suddenly the scent of another wolf reached my nose. The others also noticed the foreign wolf on our land.

Quil you stay with Embry! Paul, Jared come with me! I ordered I didn't have time to explain to Embry or Quil why they couldn't come.

The both of them were the youngest of us and the ones with the least experience. They would only be in the way when it came to a fight.

Almost flying through the thick and rich green of the Olympic forest we were getting closer to the intruder. We had to be careful we didn't know if he was a friend or an enemy.

We stopped in a clearing. The other wolf was near. He carefully came up from behind the thick bushes. A giant black wolf with a single white stripe between his eyes.

He looked at the three of us cautious. He didn't growl nor was he crouched in an attacking position. He gauged us a little while longer before he closed his eyes and his form began to shift.

Before my eyes stood a tall and bulky man with a careful smile on his face.

"Hi, I'm Dylan Uley."

To say I was surprised would be an understatement.....

Anna's POV:


I woke up with a start. My body on fire. A delicious burning sensation spreading from my centre over my whole body even into my toes.

"God….Edward," I moaned my hand reaching down my body, tangling into his messy, silky hair.

"Good morning beautiful," he chuckled against me causing me to cry out.

"Kevin?" I asked my body squirming in my sheets, biting my lip to hold the cries of pleasure in.

"He had an early call. He his on his way to Port Angeles right now. Eve went with him." Edward answered again against me.

"Edward," I moaned again while his tongue left my centre and licked along my thigh.

"Do you need a break my love?" He teased me while nibbling my thigh.

"You better finish what you started right about now." I ordered breathlessly.

"My pleasure, love." Edward purred and his mouth was on my wetness again.

His finger entered me this time. First his finger was swirling at my entrance before entering me and sliding slowly in and out.

His tongue was on my sensitive, swollen bud. I was moaning and crying out his name. What this man could make me feel should have been illegal.

My frame was trashing lightly while I tried to keep the writhing to a minimum to make it easier on my beloved.

My Vampire occasionally moaned and grunted as his tongue was lapping in between my swollen folds.

Edward was holding me down with one hand while the other and his mouth were working on me.


"Cum for me Anna," Edward ordered, his voice thick with authority.

I liked this bossy Edward in bed. His need to touch me was increasing day by day ever since our stay in New York.

I was beginning to wonder if he would actually hold on his "not until marriage" thing or screw it and take me.

Oh boy what would I do then?

Who was I kidding? I would stop him knowing how much he would regret it no matter how much he liked it and how right it felt.

I loved my Edward even with all his little ticks.

With one final lick my hips arched off the bed and I screamed his name as my orgasm exploded.

Edward was still on me as I was riding my high out. My Vampire crawled besides me as I was slowly coming down from my release.

"That's a good way to wake up." I told him as I could finally speak again.

"Glad you liked it." Our eyes locked and he smiled at me before kissing my temple.

"And your body is alright?" he asked me, concern shinning in his topaz depths as he ran his hand lightly over my front.

"Yes, I am fine. I will tell you when it is too much." I assured him.

"I love you," he whispered before his lips cashed down my own.

"Do you want me to take care of your current predicament?" I asked against his lips gripping the hardness in his pants.

"Ahhh…..In the shower," he growled and lifted me off my bed.


Edward came to stand behind me as I was fixing my make-up to get ready for school. He pushed my top down my shoulder a little and placed a kiss on my freshly washed skin while his strong arms encircled me.

"I can't get enough of you!" He stated.

"I know honey." I smiled to myself.

"Oh right any news from the Asian Wolf?"

"Nope, still no news. Carlisle called Billy Black yesterday they still couldn't find him."

"Wonder what his problem was? Why isn't he back by now it has been four days already?"

"I have no idea. I wish I would have been able to understand. I did get pieces of the words Vampire and kill but the rest....his accent was just too thick." My Vampire said frustrated.

"You heard what Billy said he was here only about a week. Sam was so glad to finally have any kind of blood related family that he totally forgot to tell him about us. Guess it was a shock to him to see a Vampire with a human." I offered, though my feeling told me there was more behind it.

But whenever I left the house I had my stun gun with me and beside it's not like he would come on our territory.

The treaty forbids it.

Sam's POV:

"You are who?" I asked after I too phased back.

"Dylan Uley," he repeated unsure with a thick Asian accent, "and you are?" The foreign wolf wondered.

"Sam Uley." I answered shortly, narrowing my eyes at him.

Shock washed over his features before a big smile broke out on his face.

"I finally found you. I can't believe you are a wolf too." He laughed.

"Who are you? Where are you from and why were you searching for me?"

"I know that will be a lot but I'm your half brother." He said and bent down to the bundle of clothes that was tied to his right leg.

Jared, Paul and I eyed him carefully and with curiosity, never letting our guard down.

He pulled something little and shinny out of the pocket of his shorts before putting them on and looked up at me again as he threw the object at me.

I caught it with my right hand.

"What is that?"

"Just look at it and you will understand and see that I'm telling the truth." He answered in a confident voice.

I opened my palm and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was the missing piece of my fathers tribe necklace. It was tradition in our blood line that the oldest son and the father wore each one of the pieces.

"How do you have that?" I asked stunned.

Questions were running through my mind. Was my father still alive? Why didn't he ever come back? Why did Dylan have this necklace?

"My mother gave it to me before she died. You see she was pregnant with me around the same time your mother was with you. Our father couldn't decide between the two of them back then but as she told him about her condition he wanted to make it right by both our mothers." He snort, shaking his head, visibly not agreeing with what our father did.

"I really don't know how he wanted to do it but," he stopped, suddenly looking sad and pain was crossing his features.

"My mother told me that a pale monster with blood red eyes attacked our father one day. First she didn't know what that thing was until it bit our father sucking his blood out. The monster wanted to kill her too but her screams got the attention of a few police officers so the blood sucker took off." He took a deep breath to continue.

"Mom went crazy after that she knew about the tribe legends. She tried to convince the police of what happened but of cause none believed her. In the end she was admitted. She never fully recovered from that night." His voice was tight as he lay out his painful past before me.

"I was born in a mental institution and was given to foster parents. Not the best time of my life. When she finally was able to pull herself together enough to convince the judge that she was capable to take care of herself and me, we moved to Asia where she got a job and was as far away from where it happened as she could." A faint smile touched his lips before his face went emotionless.

"She had cancer and on one of her last days she told me everything about my father. That's when she gave me the necklace. First I didn't believe her I wanted to but...…anyway I was working in a bar outside of the town we lived in to be able to pay for her medical care when I suddenly heard a scream from one of my co-workers. I ran outside and there was exactly such a pale, red eyed monster that my mom told me about." He paused and seemed to think of something.

"I don't know really why? Maybe because of the stress, lack of sleep or seeing the thing that killed my father that was now killing a friend of mine. I was suddenly unbelievably angry and then...then I exploded." He seemed to be in thoughts again before he looked up, sadness swimming in his eyes.

"After her funeral I came to search for you."


I was brought out of my memories as the back door of my house suddenly was thrown open and flustered Dylan stood in my kitchen.

"Dylan fuck, where have you been man? We were worried about you." I nearly shouted out of relief and anger over his disappearance as I saw him.

Emily, who was cooking dinner, immediately went to our bedroom to get something for Dylan to cover himself.

"The better question is what the fuck those leeches are doing in Forks and why are two of the wolfs with them?" He shouted angrily back at me.

"Those are the Cullen's. They are different." I tried to calm him down.

I had been caught up with our family stuff and learning more about him that I never mentioned the treaty or the Cullen's actually none thought of that. Not me, no other wolf neither the council.

"Different?!?! What the fuck are you talking about? They are Vampires." He yelled at the top of his lungs.

"But they don't kill humans." I couldn't believe that I was actually defending the leeches.

"Did they fuck up your mind why are you defending them?"

"No, they didn't but they are really different. I'm not saying that I trust them but….."

"But what Sam?" He glared at me, his temper getting the best of him and he started to shake.

In exact this moment my Emily was about to enter the room and froze in the door way.

"Emily out of the kitchen now." I roared at her not wanting to repeat the painful past. A shot of guilt and pain piercing through my chest at the memory. Thankfully she neither, she immediately took off.

"Brother, come down." I pled with him.

Dylan was trying, he took a deep breath and I could see that he tried to push his anger down.

"The girl?" My brother pushed out between clenched teeth.

The girl. He must have met the Slayer. Of cause it would confuse him to see a human girl close with a blood sucking monster.

"Oh you mean Anna."

"Anna!" He nodded satisfied with a huge grin on his face. A bad feeling was crawling up my spine.

"She belongs with them." I said the next words carefully.

"She what?" he shouted and looked at me like I lost my mind.

"She is a Vampire hunter."

"So she was born to destroy Vampires just like I was. Born for the same purpose in life. That means she was with them to kill them." He looked hopefully.

I had to shake my head at his suggestion.

"No, you got it all wrong."

"What do you mean? If she is a Vampire hunter then she must have been with him to destroy him and the others."

"No, Dylan. She is with them because she is a member of their coven."

"What the fuck are you taking about? Didn't you just say she is a Vampire hunter? Then she is meant to kill them just as I am." he roared now.

"She is the mate of one of them." I explained.

Dylan was speechless, his mouth was hanging open. My stomach was turning as I had the bad feeling I knew what he was about to say next but I didn't want it to be true.

"She is my imprint!" Dylan shouted me him.

Horror washed over me as I became still as a statue. This was a disaster. My mouth opened and closed a few times but no sound came out.

What to say to this?

"Oh shit!" I finally choked out, swallowing hard.

This wasn't about to go over well. The treaty that she had signed and then the leeches themselves. I don't think they will give her up without a fight.

"We have to free her!"

"Free who?" I asked confused.

"Who? Are you fucking kidding me? My imprint of cause."

I honestly doubt that they could keep her against her will but Dylan had no means of knowing that.

"Anna isn't held against her will. She is there because she wants to be."

"Why would she be around them on her free will? She is meant to kill those monsters not life with them. They must have threatened her somehow."

"None threatens that girl and lives any extent of time. You can ask Paul and Quil about that." I sighed.

"That girl is bad ass." I was running my hand through my short hair in frustration.

"Listen brother." I put my hands on his shoulders, looking directly into his eyes.

"We will take care of it. I promise you that but we have to be careful about it. We are still outnumbered by them."

"Only by one." He pressed.

"Embry just phased for the first time about two weeks ago. He won't be of help at all."

"His control is better then mine was as I phased for the first time."

"Yes, I know Dylan. The fact that he knew what would happen to him helped a great deal but he doesn't know how to fight."


"We at least need some time to train him. Dylan please I just found you. I don't want to lose my brother."

"Alright." He agreed reluctantly but was far from satisfied with it.

Edward's POV:

"I think I stay." I kissed the tip of her nose.

"No, you won't."

"Yes, I rather stay." I captured the corner of her mouth.

"Nope, out of my house." My love giggled.

"You know you would be much more convincing if you wouldn't giggle."

"You need to hunt and you know it." Anna hit me playfully on my arm.

"I can go a while longer without."

"O.K." she agreed and I was about to occupy her lips but she put her finger on mine stopping me.

"No kissing. No touching until I can look into your brilliant golden pools again." With that she stepped out of my embrace and crossed her arms over her chest.

My mouth was hanging open.

"But love..."

"No golden eyes. No kissing. No touching. Point taken?"

"Yes," I pouted despite knowing it wouldn't help me in this situation.

"But one kiss for charm." I pled.

"Only one." Anna agreed.

I pulled her into my embrace again, my lips chasing hers. Sparkles flying all around us as the air sizzled.

Our lips touched and I pressed her closer to me, my tongue running over her bottom lips begging for entrance.

Lately I found myself unable not to taste her. How much I wanted this woman in my arms. Her lips parted and her breath graced my tongue. I purred at the sensation.

Our tongues slid against each other as my tongue plunged into her mouth. Anna moaned into my mouth, making me growl.

"How cute! Young love." Eve sighed happily.

Anna and I broke apart startled. Looking at Eve who stood in the door way of the kitchen and the dinning room where we had been doing our homework minutes ago.

"Are you staying for dinner Edward?" Eve asked.

"Thank you for your invitation but Esme is expecting me." I declined politely.

"Then I will leave you two live birds to say good bye for today." She said turning around and ready to go back preparing dinner.

"Oh Anna would you mind helping me prepare the lasagne. Kevin says yours is the best. I would love to learn you recipe, if you don't mind?" Eve asked turning around.

"Sure I'll be there in a minute." My love smiled.

Eve nodded and went back into the kitchen.

"The two of them are so cute together, don't you think?"

"Yes, they are a good match." I confirmed.

"I wonder when he is going to ask her. I have never been to a wedding before. I would love to go to one."

"You have never been to a wedding before?"

"Nope, but now get going I need to make a lasagne." Anna placed a kiss on my lips before pushing me towards the door.

"The window is open." My love informed me.

I smiled. I haven't even stepped outside and she already reminded me to come back.

"Don't worry I will wake you up for school."

"Have a nice hunt." She kissed me again before pushing me outside and closing the front door.

"I love you." I heard through the door before she went of into the kitchen helping Eve.

I got into my car speeding to my house were my family was waiting for me to accompany them to the hunt.

"Did you do something dirty with Anna again? That would be the only excuse I accept for your being to late." Emmett boomed as I arrived in our drive way.

"Who knows?" I shrugged.

Emmett laughed, shaking his head.

"I really like this new Edward, bro." He said as he placed his arm over my shoulder.

"Yeah, I like him too." I confessed.

"It's is really a blessing not to have to deal with your brooding, depressed mood swings anymore." Jasper threw in.

"Or with being sexually repressed." Emmett just had to add this.

"O.K. enough boys talk, hunting time." Alice announced.

"Where to?" Rose asked as she exited the house.

"How about the national park? We haven't been there in a while." Carlisle offered.

"Perfect a lot of prey." Alice chirped happily after checking the future.

We all took of running Emmett, Jasper and me chasing each other and behaving like brothers while our parents and their mates, were commenting our silly games.

The hunting trip was a fully success and after we had our dinner, so to say, we spend some quality family time. It was a time without my Anna but still nice.

Being on our way back home we could smell the unpleasant surprise from miles away.

"What the heck are they doing on our land?" Rose shrieked her cheerful mood from a few seconds ago ruined.

"I hate it not being able to see anything when they are around." Alice sighed frustrated.

"What could they want?" Jasper asked out loud going into his military self, being on guard for our safety but mainly Alice's.

"I don't know we will have to wait and see." Carlisle tried to calm the situation.

Arriving at our house we saw three wolfs and Sam in human form, standing in our front yard.

Oh Anna so not gonna like this. Why do I have to be here? She will grill my ass! The wolf named Paul thought panicked.

God Paul get a grip! This is our duty.

Yeah, easy for you to say asshole. You have no idea what that woman is capable of. Paul screeched in his mind.

I'm not really sure if this is the right way but.... Yet another of them chimed in.

We are brothers we stick together. The wolf named Jared said.

Whatever they were here for it had something to do with my Anna. This couldn't be good. I was immediately on my guard.

"May I ask why you are breaking the treat?" Carlisle asked politely but not pleased finding them here, in front of our home.

"A serious situation arose and we needed to speak to you immediately." Sam answered.

"You know there is something called a phone mutt." Rose spat at him. Carlisle gave a stern look.

"We tried but we couldn't reach you."

"You are aware of the fact that you are breaking the treaty by being here on our land?" Jasper asked.

Edward something is going on here. The emotions I'm getting from them are telling me that something is really off. Jasper told me before he went to stand protectively in front of Alice.

Noticing what Jasper just did Carlisle and Emmett mirrored his actions to protect their mates. Their whole paralanguage changed.

"What is this about?" I growled.

Telling the leech is one thing but none can force me to be there when she will be told. NO. WAY. IN. HELL!!! Paul shrieked in his mind.

The mutt was scared witless of my Anna. If the situation wouldn't have been this serious I would have been rolling on the floor by now.

"It's about Dylan."

As soon as the words will be out of my mouth hell is going to break loose. The big one is going to be a problem and the lean blond is somehow giving me the creeps. Sam thought as he paused. They were preparing for a fight.

Edward do they want to fight? Jasper asked as he decoded their emotions. I looked up and down signalling him a "yes" like I always do in public when none has to witness our exchange.

Jasper and I crouched down slightly at the same time soon followed by the members of our family as they noticed our change in paralanguage.

I hope Emily will forgive me if I don't return. No I can't think like this. They have to see reason.

This was frustrating they just weren't thinking about the actual reason why they were here but about everything around it.

All I knew was that it had something to do with my mate. One of the mutts didn't want to have anything to do with it and the other one wasn't entirely sure if what they are doing is right.

Only Sam and Jared were of the opinion of doing the right thing. But what was that right thing?

"What about the Asian wolf?" Carlisle asked confused as everyone else was in my family.

"When he was in the forest behind the drive in on Sunday something happened."

Here it comes. Now or never. He is my brother.

"NO!!!" I roared in blinding furry. My entire body shaking with rage as I read his thoughts.

"She is MY mate!" I roared at him. The desire to snap his neck nearly not controllable.

"Edward what is it?" Carlisle asked concerned as he watched me lose it.

"The mutt imprinted on her." I spat the words like they were toxic.

I heard gasps and growls from my side as the horrible information, the reason they were here, was flooding through the tainted air.

My father was immediately at my side, placing his hands on my arm as my frame was shaking with blazing fury and disgust. I was to outraged to be able to speak.

"No dirty mutt is laying a hand on my little sis!" Emmett growled at the wolfs, ready for a fight.

"He imprinted. She is his." Sam stated firmly.

"How dare you sick fuck imply that she was some kind of possession. A thing. Anna is an individual with an own mind and an own voice, you stupid beast." Rose screeched, her eyes burning with anger.

When it came to strong language Emmett could still learn a few things from his wife. I had always wondered where she learned that vocabulary.

And this was the one and only time, ever since I've known her that Esme didn't chastised one of her children for using such words but instead nodded in agreement.

"When a wolf imprints….."

"Oh spare me this shit mutt. My little sis made her choice and if you as much as touch one hair on her head, you are going to end up as a bedside rug." Emmett roared.

"You can't change what happened. Dylan imprinted on her she will love him and choose him in the end. The only reason we are here is to warn you and tell you that if you try to keep apart what belongs together. You will have to answer to us." Sam said in his alpha voice.

"If you think that MY daughter will chose to be with a beast like yourself you seriously lost it." Esme growled.

Esme was protective of Ann like a lioness of her cup. Anna was the baby of our family. Though strong willed she was still physically the weakest and needed protection.

The every thing she had entirely. Anna was part of our family and if it came down to family those mutts had no idea what we were capable of.

"You will see the bond goes in two directions. She won't be able to live without him."

"Dream on mutt," I scoffed at him finally finding my voice again.

"You are awfully full of yourself. Do you think only because you have money that she won't leave you?" The mutt mocked me.

Everyone in my family growled at him, crouching down further.

"Anna isn't with me because I'm rich but because she loves me."

"And what can you offer her besides money and danger?" Sam spat.

"She will never have a normal human life with you."

"Yeah, as if she could have one with a reeking mutt. And isn't your fiancé the living prove just how dangerous you are?" I shot back.

Sam growled and started shaking. His fiancé was a sensitive topic.

"You have been warned." Sam forced through his clenched teeth before giving the order to leave.

"I can't believe this!" Rose was seething with anger but I had no time to hear her rant.

I took off like a bat out of hell towards Anna's current location. I had to have her in my arms right now to make sure she was alright.

I could hear that Alice and Jasper were hot on my heels. If those mutts did anything to her there would be no mercy.

None endanger a Vampires mate and survives it.

Especially not mine.

Anna's POV:

"So on which base are you and your cute boyfriend currently on?" Eve asked me excited.

"You would like to know? Heee…"

"Come on you don't think I believe you can keep our hands of that piece of tasty meat?" Eve raised an eye brow at me.

"Edward doesn't want to have sex before marriage."

Now she looked at me like I have gone mental. Her jaw was slack and speech currently lost on her.

"You meaning to tell me that walking sex on legs doesn't do sex?" She asked disbelieve thick in her voice.

"Yup." I popped the "p".

"Unbelievable." She was shaking her head.

Suddenly she narrowed her eyes at me and made a thinking sound while I was setting the table. The dinner was ready and Kevin would be back any minute.

"So you are doing nothing at all?" She asked suspicious.

"Haven't said that."

"I knew it." She squealed and sat down at the table.

"Details now!" She ordered, her eyes excited at the prospect of getting something dirty.

I was just about to say something when we heard the back door being kicked in. Eve jumped up and before I was even able to grab the phone to call the police a bear of man who had a big grey sweatshirt on with the hood pulled deep into his face, covering his face nearly completely from sight, stormed into the dinning room from the kitchen.

"Who are you what the hell are you doing here?" Eve yelled before the man stretched his hand out and slapped her across her face. The monster used an enormous amount of force because his blow sent her flying across the room crashing into the opposite wall.

As she hit the wall a disgusting cracking sound filled the air and Eve's now slack body slid down the wall. She instantly wasn't conscious anymore.

My eye darted back to the attacker who brought the hand with which he just hit Eve with to his mouth and licked Eve's blood off before he was coming at me next.

My body was on it's survival instincts. My legs set in motion before I was able to think and I was quickly looking around for a weapon. I cursed the fact that my stun gun was up in my room. I was looking for the next best thing as the chair beside me caught my eye.

I grabbed the massive chair and pushed it to the ground as I did with all the chairs on the table as I tried to escape him, hoping to win a few moments to get something useful into my hands.

The sinister guy was fast and I was throwing everything at him I could get my hands on. I ran into the living room waiting to get to the front door but he was already there. He was fast.

"Anna why don't you be a good girl." He taunted me with a deep and dark voice.

"Who the hell are you?" I screeched desperately looking around for something I could use as a weapon.

This was not good without any weapon I had no change to fight that brick wall in front of me.

"You will know pretty soon," he answered as he began to walk towards me.

My heart was trying to jump out of my chest as fear was nearly paralyzing me but I fought it. Stepping away from him I bumped into a small table suddenly having the remote control in my hands throwing it at him.

"You have fight in you. I like that. It will be so much more fun to break you." He laughed darkly.

I walked further away from him my back hitting the wall near the fire place. The silver candlestand's were standing at the chimneypiece.

I grabbed on and threw it with all my might at him but with a quick movement of his hands he blocked it and I heard a disapproving sighed freed from his mouth.

"That is enough Anna. You should stop this nonsense and be a good little girl." His voice commanding now.

By the sound of his voice I knew he meant business. I had no idea who he was or why he had picked me nor did I have an idea why he knew so much about me but I knew whatever reason he had to come after me, was not a good one.

And I couldn't do anything to help Eve who was lying on the floor in the dinning room worst off all I had the feeling there was no way out of this one.

Without my stun gun my chances of defeating him were somewhere near zero. Despite knowing that I grabbed Kevin's guitar that was to my right and hit it over the head of the intruder but he wasn't frenzied by it in the least.

As I hit the guitar on his head he looked me directly into my eyes. His eyes were black as the night, seeing the twisted expression in it. It was scaring me beyond reason. This person was sick. I just knew it.

I saw his pitch black eyes and the monster behind them but I couldn't see his face clearly. The hood was casting shadows on his face and it was not recognizable.

I turned around trying to run even though I knew it would be in vain but hoping nonetheless. He soon caught up with me chuckling in amusement at my attempts to escape him and grabbed me with one hand around my throat from behind.

He pulled me into his body, my back against his massive chest. My hands flew behind me trying to scratch him but my right hand got caught in something.

"You could have had it the easy way if you just would have given in but now…." His voice trailed off as I desperately trashed against his hold on me while he was choking me.

My right hand ripped the thing that caught itself in my hand and I tore it off his neck then I rammed my elbow into his torso, what hurt, mw but obviously not him. In another attempt to get free from his grip I stomped my foot onto his toes but no reaction from his aside a dark chuckle.

"Shhhh…my little wild kitten. It'll be over soon," he whispered into my ear, making me shiver in disgust, before I suddenly felt a sharp pain in the right side of my neck.

An injection.

I could feel something entering my body. It was a slight burning as the drug, I assumed, spread in my veins while he was holding me pressed against the front of his body.

Whatever that monster gave me it was working fast. I almost immediately lost my consciousness.

The last thing I thought about, was Eve lying on the ground and her blood pouring out of her head wound at rapid speed, hoping that someone would find her in time.