ch 35

Edward's POV:

My love rested in my arms, the warmth of her soft, delicate body was soaking into my skin while she was snuggled into my chest, peacefully sleeping as the steady beating of her heart was ever so slightly trembling her entire frame with life. It felt wonderful to have back. Our old routine was taken up as if never being interrupted.

I hummed out of pleasure while I listened to her melodic heart beat and her calm breathing. As the days light crept up from behind the mountains, sneaked over the peaks of the rich green that surrounded our house and urged itself further into our bedroom I noticed her breathing becoming uneven and she began to stir in my arms.

I placed a soft kiss on her shoulder before raining light, small kiss on her skin to her neck. In respond my love breathed out a content sigh and rolled on her back, arching her back a little off the mattress.

A smile graced my lips seeing her react to my touch. It filled me with pride and satisfaction to have this effect on her. I stared to kiss from her cleavage to her neck along her jaw till my lips finally found hers.

"Hmm..." She moaned against my mouth.

I broke our kiss and let my eyes wander over her beautiful but still a little bit sleepy face. Carefully savouring ever single moment I brushed the hair that had fallen into her face from her forehead just before she opened her beautiful hazel pools.

"Morning handsome." She moved those pouty lips.

"Morning my love."

We smiled goofy at each other before just enjoying the moment of silent perfection. I watched her, memorizing every of her features once again as she lifted herself a little for the purpose of chase my lips with her own.

"Someone can't get enough!" I stated amused against her lips.

"Um-hum…" She made an affirmative sound.

I run my tongue along her bottom lip begging for entrance which she quickly granted. Our tongues touched one another and got lost in an intimate dance of passion. Her taste on my tongue was magnificent.

Both of us were lost in our kisses and touches, joined together in our little bubble, cut off from the rest of the world, just feeling one another making up for the time we had been apart.

Edward I'm sorry to interrupt you but I have brought breakfast for Anna. I heard Esme think while she was climbing up the stairs.

Carlisle insisted that she drank the protein shakes regularly since she still wasn't able to consume solid food.

I sighed not pleased about the interruption but the need to take care of her was greater in this moment then selfish need to satisfy my desire for her. I stole one last kiss from her lightly swollen lips and pulled away. My love was a little breathless and dazzled. I loved to see what I could do to her.

"Who's coming?"

"How do you know that someone is coming?" I asked confused. How did she know?

My love giggled at my confused expression.

"Easy. Every time you sigh before breaking a kiss, is because someone wants your attention for something but mainly because someone is interrupting us before coming in."

"Your perspective." I kissed the tip of her nose.

She jumped out of bed leaving me surprised and confused.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to brush my hair. I look like I barely survived a tornado, thanks to a certain someone."

A proud grin spread across my face. I would never get tired of running my fingers through her chocolate tresses. My Anna shook her head at me.

"You look illegally sexy with the messy hair style but not everyone is so lucky."

"Hey! I for one I like that lovely haystack on your head." I stated amused. She really looked funny but cute.

My love rolled her eyes at me.

"Aren't we being funny?" She scoffed and disappeared in the bathroom.

Esme opened the door and brought a tray with food in, glowing with happiness.

It's so good too see you happy again Edward. She told me through her thoughts.

"Thank you."

I'm just glad that Anna is back. And happy to have all my children back together, healthy and happy.

"Healthy?" I questioned. For my love it made sense but for the rest of us? We were dead that doesn't really go for healthy.

So they say, don't they?

We both laughed at that as my love graced us with her presence again.

"Good morning Esme." My angle said while she went to Esme and hugged her.

"Good morning my dear. How was your night?"

"It was great thanks for asking." My loved answered, stealing a glance at me.

"I brought you breakfast. I hope you like it."

"I'm sure I will love it." She put as much fake enthusiasm into the words as possible.

Esme gave her an understanding smile before hugging Anna one last time and went to the door to exit our room but paused and turned around.

"I don't mean to interrupt anything but you should find a few moments to spare for your siblings. I'm afraid I won't be able to keep Alice and Emmett from storming in here and stealing you out of Edward's arms." She smiled apologetically at me.

Sorry Edward but they also want some time with her.

"I'll be sure to keep that in mind. Thank you Esme."

With that Esme went out of my room and closed the door behind her.


I growled as I launched myself at My Anna scooping her up in my arms while she squealed out of surprise when I carried her back to bed at my Vampire speed. She giggled happily at my action. I liked it to be goofy and just myself with her.

"Yours." My love confirmed before she put her warm hand on my cheek and placed a kiss on my lips.

"But if we don't make some time for the others it might end bad." She said breaking the kiss.

"How so?"

"Alice could kidnap me shopping and fly me out of the country for that."

"Love, don't give her any ideas. As if she didn't know on her own how to be devilish."

My angle giggled amused.

"Guess will find a minute or two to spare." I grumped not liking the idea of sharing her right now or in the near future for that matter.

My love gave me a kiss on my cheek before turning her attention on the bottle with protein shake in it. Her enthusiasm was keeping itself in limits but she didn't complain about having to consume the content.

While Anna still couldn't eat like she did before it didn't stop Esme and Alice go out at night to buy all necessary things, like supplies for the kitchen, food thought that wouldn't be needed for at least one more week, and some clothes for my love.

After my angle had drank her breakfast I grabbed the tray and brought it down into the kitchen before my love could attempt to try. I was back before she could register that I was gone.

"Where is the tray?" My love asked blinking a few times.

"Edward?" she asked with a raised eye brow.

"Yes, my love?"

"Could you at least warn me!"

I chucked, locked my arms around her and kissed her sultry lips. She still had her eyes narrowed at me while I released her mouth from mine.

"Silly Vampire," she pouted before rolling her eyes and deciding that I was forgiven, "So any plans for today?"

I bend my head to kiss her shoulder.

"How do you feel?"

I was tense and nervous, waiting for the answer. I really wished I could read her mind to know how to be there for her in the best way, in the way she needed me to.

"I'm full. The breakfast was amazing."

I let my forehead fall on her shoulder and groaned half frustrated and half amused about her sarcastic comment but my tension was definitely gone. Sometimes I swear she could read my mind.

"That's not what I mean love."

"I know." She looked up at me with a small smile gracing her perfect lips. She sighed and thought about it.

"I'm happy to be back with you and the others that's for sure." Her smiled was genuine and honesty was shining in her eyes.

"But as for the rest. I made a decision. I feel guilty for putting them through my death and funeral, especially my mom. I miss them I always will but here in your arms is where I belong. I know that now."

"Does that mean you didn't know that before?" I asked somewhat hurt at the idea that she could have doubted our love before though I tried to keep my voice even.

My love sighed frustrated taking a minute to collect herself.

"That's really hard to explain." She sighed again I tighten my hold on her, pulling her more into my chest.

My love looked up at me before starring into nothing and continuing.

"Before I disappeared from here everything was possible. I felt like I was always in between. Nothing was decided. I had the possibility of going back or staying. I felt like I was in between everything."

Anna cradled my cheek with her small, warm hand while her head rested on my shoulder looking intensely into my eyes.

"I loved you." She breathed. "I love you." She repeated sternly. "Never doubt that. It was just….I wanted to stand on the same solid ground as you. To stand firmly by your side but I just couldn't back then. Everything was out in the open...…..there were two places that were drawing me in opposite directions. I was stuck." Anna took a deep breath.

"But once given the choice there was non. I knew where I wanted to be and where I belonged. Now my life there ended and I'm sad and happy about it. Sad because I will never see anyone of my biological family again and because they are in pain and grief because of me.

And happy because the whole thing brings closure not only for my family but also for me. If I would have only disappeared my parents would have always asked themselves where I was and they would have to life with uncertainty. I think this is the best solution for everyone." Anna murmured but somehow I had the feeling that she said that more for her benefit then it was meant to be an explanation for me. Time would tell if that feeling would prove itself to be true.

I scooped her in my lap and kissed the top of her head.

"I'm here for you no matter what. I swear you will never regret haven chosen me."

My love looked up at me some of the sadness gone from her beautiful eyes. She smiled a little cheerful smile.

"I know. I love you."

She placed a sweet and loving kiss on my lips that quickly turned into hot and passionate. I laid us down on the mattress our hands running over our bodies before we broke our kiss.

We laced our fingers with each other and looked at our intertwined hands.

"How have you been?" My love asked me her eyes glued on our intertwine hands.

How do I explain something I have no words for?

There aren't words in any language to describe how meaningless, empty, painful, cruel, dark and lonely the world without her was.

"I tried my best to survive from one second to the other." I smiled weakly.

She snuggled into me then and I locked my arms around her, pulling her as close to me as I could, needing the close contact to ground and calm me. To prove to me that she really was back.

We both needed to hold each other. We needed to feel each other. We both needed the comfort from one another.

The world was back in balance when we held each other and soon the pain of the past would only be a faint memory, just a foot note in our eternal story.




It's been two weeks since my love came back to me. It has been decided that my love and I would attend school with my sibling when the new semester started. Currently we were still in the middle of summer vacation and I appreciated the time we had to ourselves.

As the official story went Anna was Carlisle's niece. Carlisle and his brother never got along well and didn't have any contact in years.

That is the reason why he didn't get to know that his brother died four weeks ago. Anna was his only child out of his first marriage.

His first wife died giving birth to Anna and he remarried as Anna was twelve. Anna and her step-mother never got along well and after her fathers death it only got worse.

After yet another fight Anna finally had enough and run away as she was. Carlisle and Esme took over her guardianship.

That cover satisfied the curiosity of the gossip Queen who personally turned up to get the story first.


"Oh man I can't believe that the New York Jets lost against the Indianapolis Colts. That bits." Emmett whined after the game.

I came down about ten minutes ago to see the end of the game, leaving Anna alone in our room to have a little space that I knew she needed.

I was not into sports like Emmett or Jasper but it was a good way to kill time every now and then.

"The fact that they lost the game or that you lost your bet?" Jasper chuckled.

"Shut up." Emmett glared at him.

"I would say pay up," I told him with a satisfied grin turning my body around to face the other one on the receiving end of our little bet, "You too Carlisle."

He smiled and shrugged.

"One day you win the other you lose that's gambling." Our father said with humour while paying Jasper and me out.

"Shit you two must have cheated. The little pixie helped you out." Emmett suddenly jumped on his feet accusing Jasper and me. He always been a sore loser and I don't think that would ever change.

"Emmett Esme will not know that you are letting your mouth run wild while she isn't there but she will notice when the living room lies in pieces." Carlisle warned him to start a fight inside the house.

"Doesn't change the fact that you two still cheated." Our brother huffed angered.

"Reading the news paper doesn't count as cheating." Jasper informed him.

"What?!" He barked confused.

"If you would have read the newspaper you would know that Eric Ainge and Kellen Clemens the two Quarterback's currently have troubles with their girlfriends and Brett Favre and Brett Ratliff are both injured and not in the best condition." I told him smugly.

He glared at me murderously and growled as he fished for his wallet in his pan pocket and paid Jasper and me up.

"Newspaper or gossip magazine?" He raised an eye brow at Jasper and me.

"Who cares we won." Jasper chuckled while Emmett handed him the money, gritting his teeth.

"Since when are you two such girls?" Emmett asked, trying to annoy us.

"Emmett you had the same chance of reading the article. It was in the magazine that Alice had been shoving into our faces about two days ago." I remained him.

"Wasn't that about the actor Robert Pattison who in Anna's world plays you and here his career started playing Stephan in the "Vampire Diaries"?" Emmett mumbled.

Who would have thought that the guy also existed in our world and that he was also an actor here and what were the chances for him to have his career break through with a Vampire movie? Apparently quite big.

"Your wife is making me feel like such a girl for forcing this kind of knowledge on me." He told Jasper in an emotionless voice giving him a look.

"She is your sister." Jasper retorted with a shrug.

Emmett huffed annoyed, rolling his eyes.

"Next game you are going down!" Emmett announced in the next moment and fled out of the house.

"By any chance is he going to buy..." Jasper asked suspicious, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, he is." I confirmed his suspicion.

Jasper, Carlisle and I laughed at that while Emmett sped up the driveway in his Jeep.

"Alright boys I have to go my shift will start soon." Carlisle informed us getting ready to leave.

"Alice told that she and Esme should be back when your shift is over. Esme found an old house that she wants to remodel that will take a while until they have all of the formalities ready." Jasper drawled.

"Good see you later and I want to come back to a house in one piece." He mocked us.

"We will try our best to follow your request." Jasper laughed.

Carlisle stopped in his tracks, his hand frozen on the doorknob and he turned around to face us.

"You are aware of the face that you don't have to answer to me then but to your mother." He raised an eye brow and grinned deviously before taking off.

"He really knows how to scare the shit of someone." Jasper shook his head. "Well then I'm off as well." And with that he was gone, leaving me and Anna alone in the house.

I went up to our room and found her standing at the southern glass wall gazing at the green scenery in front of her with pain and sadness in her eyes. Ever since she came back to me she had been putting up a strong front, never letting herself fall, never giving in into the grief.

I had thought that at some point she would crack and cry about the loss she has to endure, like she did the first time she came into this world. Because of Alice and her visions I know that Anna had been crying herself into sleep for weeks after she arrived in Forks but now nothing.

Instead of crying and grieving the loss of her family and her other life, every time someone approached her or she thought she wasn't alone she put that fake smile on her face and lied something about being fine.

I hated that fake smile that she was giving me whenever I expressed my worry for her. My girl was a stubborn one and I had the feeling I knew why she wasn't about to let her feelings out but bottled them up.

I went to stand behind her, locking my arms around her waist and pulling her into my body. Her back was pressed into my chest while I bend my head down to breath in her wonderful scent.

Even though she wasn't my singer anymore her scent didn't fail to have an intoxicating effect on me. Quite the opposite of not interested anymore. Her scent now was fuelling the already enormous and nearly uncontrollable lust I had for her. Our intimate activities picked up quite a lot ever since she came back and honestly if I wouldn't be allowed to touch her I would go mad.

She turned around in my arms and gave me this fake smile again that I hated so much.

"Stop that." I ordered.

"Stop what?" She asked confused, her brows pulling together.

"Giving me this fake smile, lying to me that you are fine because you aren't Anna." I told her sternly.

She grit her teeth together, broke away from my gaze and looked at that ground. Anna knew better and to try to get out of my embrace so she didn't even try.

"I am fine. I'm here with you what more could I want?" She mumbled when she looked up at me again, starring straight into my eyes. A flame of determination burning in her hazel pools.

"Your mom. You family…." I started to offer but she cut me off.

"Edward you are my family….."

I lifted my right hand off her hip while she turned a little in my arms and brought it to her face cradling her cheek, looking intensely into her shinning hazel pools.

"I know but that doesn't mean you are not allowed to grief for the family you lost, for the life you lost for everything you left behind in your word for me, for us."

"Edward I don't nor will I ever regret making that decision. It was the only right one."

"I know but it still hurts and you are not second guessing your decision or betraying me by letting the pain out that you feel and grief for what you have lost."

At my words her bottom lip started to tremble and her eyes began to fill with the salty liquid as her breath hitched and she cast her gaze down, still trying to hold it in. Her arms were locked around her waist to hold herself together and her jaw was clenched shut.

I placed my finger under her chin and forced her to look at me.

"It's O.K. I'm here and I forever will be." I whispered to her. She looked into my eyes for a long moment and finally gave in.

Tears started to roll down her cheeks and she buried her face in my chest. I held her tightly, rubbing small circles into the muscles of her back while heavy sobs shook her body.

If I could have I would have given up everything to be with her in her world so she could have kept her family and didn't need to make this terrible decision to give up everything for me but that was never an option. She had been the one who had to do the hard part in our relationship.

I would love to have a meeting with whoever is responsible for it and ask why I wasn't give the burden but her, though deep down I knew why.

I would have screwed up big time.

At some point I moved us over to the love seat near the glass wall and cuddled her into my body throwing a blanket over us. I was not happy about the fact that all I could do for her was this little. That I couldn't take the pain away but since I couldn't I was determinate to do whatever it took to help her through it.

She cried herself into sleep, resting securely in my arms while I rubbed calming circles on her back and brushed my lips every now and then over the top of her head. At some point I moved us over to our bed to make sure she was comfortable never letting go of my hold on her.

I wanted her to know that I was there, that I was right next to her and that she wasn't alone. She had to be for way too long in the time we were forcefully separated.

While holding her in my arms I listened to the symphony of her steady heart beat and her even breathing, my favourite past times when she was asleep. Watching her sleep was something sensual on a level I couldn't quite explain to myself.

Seeing her lying in my arms completely relaxed, quiet and vulnerable, unselfconscious but at the same time always aware of my presence beside her it was a pleasant, warm and soft kind of intimacy. In a way she exposed herself entirely to me letting me see her wholly with no editing on her part.

I couldn't read her mind but when she slept her emotions, what went down the day before and how she felt about it was displayed on her features. In a way this was the way I was reading her. It was her way to let me in where I otherwise wasn't granted an access.

Her body was wrapped around me while I tried to provide as much comfort as I could to her especially now that she needed it this badly. I hummed soft melodies that I knew she liked to her, hoping it would prevent nightmares to bother her rest.

As far it worked.

It was in the middle of the night when she began to stir in my embrace, shifting in the bath of moonlight that entered our room through the glass wall that she was standing next to when I entered the room earlier.

One deep intake of air later her sleep driven but still generous eyes opened. They were a little puffy and red from her crying and I could hear the difficulty that she had by trying to swallow.

I reached for a bottle of water on our nightstand that was always standing there in case she was thirsty next to my bottle with substitute blood. I handed it to her with a small smile on my lips. She took it, giving me a grateful look before sitting up, removing the lit and taking a sip.

"How late is it?" She asked gazing out of the window, taking another sip.

"About three in the morning." I was eying her, she sighed heavily.

"Please Anna, I need you to talk to me. I can't have you shutting me out."

She turned around and her face was pained. It broke my heart to see her like this.

"I'm not trying to," she shook her head, "I just need time to.....figure it out on my own before I can talk. I really never intended to shut you out." Her eyes were pleading for me to understand.

I nodded.

"It's always been like this. First I have to deal with it on my own before I can talk about it." She murmured before turning away from me again.

Anna put the lit back on the bottle and I took it from her placing it back on the nightstand. We sat there then in silence. Her hand found mine while she still gazed out of the window and our fingers twined together. I knew she tried.

No word was spoken between us. I was giving her the time she needed even though it was again nearly driving me insane that I couldn't hear what was going on in that mysterious mind of hers. Not even now when it would be so important to me to know exactly how she felt and not only to assume and imagine it.

I knew very well that situations like this were hard for her. She hated it to be weak and to appear vulnerable. She had no problems to share her feelings otherwise but when she had to let herself fall completely it was not easy on her.

I loved her even more knowing that even though she was used to deal with stuff like this on her own like she once told me, she didn't push me away but was opening to me and trying to let me in. Knowing it would cause me pain but also knowing that I craved to understand, needed to know.

"I miss my mom." Her voice was still hoarse from crying earlier.

I gripped her hand tighter.

"I miss them all. I'm sorry for the pain I am causing them. I feel guilty from what I am putting them through. It destroys me knowing how much pain I am putting my mom through. How much she will suffer over the loss of her child." I could smell the tears that built themselves in her eyes and were threatening to spill over.

"Love," my own voice was filled with pain. I obviously failed to hide what seeing her like this did to me.

I sat up as well, embracing her, easing my head on her shoulder and pulling her as close to me as I could, letting her feel how much I loved her.

"But," she choked out, taking a deep breath before turning her head to face me.

"Even if I could go back I wouldn't chance my decision," her voice was tight and her tears were now running down her cheeks.

"I do have many regrets over the decision I made, the pain I have caused but never will I regret choosing you, choosing us."

I couldn't hold back then I crushed my lips to hers needing to let her feel everything that was raging inside me like a force of nature, raw and wild.

"I wish there was anything I could do to take that pain away." I whispered into her neck after we broke the kiss.

"I will get better with time." She whispered. We were both sitting in this position for a while before I laid us both down again, emotionally exhausted from the exchange.

The next few days she grieved openly over her loss not holding back or hiding her pain from me anymore. I was with her all the time, trying my best to comfort her and be there for her.

The old Edward full of self-loathing and self-hate was trying to resurface and take over but I wouldn't let him. If I blamed myself I would only make it harder for her. We both knew that she was forced to make an inhuman choice for the sake of being with me and for the life of me I couldn't find it in my to regret having met her.

The pain and regret that was a result of our reunion was part of our story. Something we were currently going through and would survive. I believed with all I was that we would.

However undeserving I felt of her love and devotion to me I would never prove in my actions that I indeed was not worthy. I wouldn't waste her sacrifice by beating myself up but try to strengthen our bond further.

I would never give her reason to regret the choice she made!


Days passed and I could see that my Anna was coming back to me. She was making her peace with the situation as hard as it was for her she moved on. I had always admired her for her strength.

"Love are you…" I cut myself off. I had asked that question a million times since we talked about everything.

"I'm getting there." She smiled at me while preparing herself a fruit salad.

I gave her a not too convinced look. She sighed and seemed to be fighting for words as she gazed down at the apple she was chopping.

Her head lifted up and she gazed into my eyes, biting down on her bottom lip then releasing it before speaking.

"I know what I have done and it is something I will have to live with. I caused them so much pain but if I will not be happy now then I put them through hell for nothing. And that I can't do." She told me in a serious voice.

I pulled her into my embrace then and held her tightly to my chest.

"I wrote her a letter." She suddenly whispered.

"What?!" I asked as she pulled back to look at me.

"To my mom the day after I made the decision at my uncle's place. I wrote down everything. About how I landed her, how I met you that the "Entering Twilight" books are about my life."

"Will she believe that or think that you just….." It was hard for me to comprehend that some would believe in supernatural that easy.

"The books are telling a lot of things about my life and things that happened in my family. I don't know how Stephenie Meyer did it but she even wrote about things that I only thought about while being here instead of only the things I told you about. About my mom and my grandma being able to dream about future event some times, how I got the scars on my knees, elbows and my chin, my uncle's accident and how it changed his personality, my cousin's health issues and many other things as well. So many little details my whole family story is written down in those books. My mom won't be able to deny the facts." She paused before continuing.

"I don't know if she will forgive me or any of them but at least this way they will know that I'm fine. Life isn't a fairy tale Edward but we got to make the best out of it."

She would hurt like we all. Have regrets like we all but she refused to let them swallow her and eat her alive. Let it be strength or ignorance my Anna was a survivor.


Before school would start for us I took my mate to our family vacation house in the area. The house was not too far away from the one we lived in. It is located at our private pond in our private area.

The house has a spectacular 180 degree views and complete privacy. It's set in an incredible natural landscaping. The strolling paths all around allow a walk through the plantings that are showing off there unique beauty most notably in fall.

There is a pump system to keep the peaceful vernal pond full, clean and insect free.

The house has a first floor master bedroom and from it's patio you go directly into the lake. The whole house has hard wood floors, 4 fireplaces, a gourmet kitchen, another bedroom suite with it's own screened porch to watch the sunrise, two guest bedrooms with private balcony. Every bedroom has it's own bathroom.

The living room has a fireplace and two glass walls allowing a view at the sea or at the mountains. Further more the house has an in ground pool, it's own dock and a boat for the house guests to use.

"Wow! That house is just wow." My love said in awe after I gave her a tour through the entire building.

"Esme will be happy that you like it, love."

"She is incredible at this kind of thing, isn't she?"

"Hmm….." I purred as I stood behind her my arms locked around her waist and my lips raining kisses on her neck.

"Shouldn't we unpack first?" She laughed as I started sucking on her skin.

"Right now we have something more important to do."

With that I scoped her up in my arms and run with her into the master bedroom, placing her on the huge bed.

"Aren't we here to enjoy the spectacular view?" My love was gazing out of the glass wall teasing me.

"Yes, I am but my spectacular view is right in front of me."

She giggled before I captured her sultry lips with my own.


There was a reason why I brought her here. It's not only that I wanted some alone time with my mate but also because I was finally going to ask her to be my wife. I had wanted it for a long time, way before the thing with the wolfs, I spat the word with venom in my mind, happened.

Back then I thought we would have time. That I would wait until we graduated to propose to her. I wouldn't make the same mistake twice. I knew now how fast everything could change and I wanted, I needed her to be mine in every way possible.

"Love how about we take a walk. The summer vacation are ending and fall is slowly setting in. The forest looks beautiful in this time of the year." I murmured to her as we both sat in a love seat at the patio and enjoyed the clean, aromatic air that was breezing around us from the pond before us.

Anna was lying one the top of me, her back pressed against my chest. My arms were locked around her waist and her head rested on my left shoulder. She held the book in her hands while I read it to her.

"Sounds good to me," she looked up at me and smiled.

We got up and ready for our walk.

"Don't forget to take a jacket. It can be cool outside under the shadows of the trees." I remained her.

"You are such a mother hen." She rolled her eyes at me but grabbed her jacket.

"What?! I was planning on taking it anyway." Anna glared playfully at me.

I gave her a crooked half smile and shook my head.

The forest around us was still mainly green but some of the trees already began to change their colour and were either a bright sun yellow or a deep wine red. We strolled along a trail that would lead us to a little waterfall in the middle of the forest.

There wasn't a river flowing through the woods but little streams fought their way through the wildness over the decades contributing to the unique landscape of this area. The wildness here was still mostly untouched by human hands and could expand without interruption for the most part.

The clear air that smelled of wood, earth and mountain water as well as the sounds of the plenty of wildlife that was surrounding us, of cause keeping a safe distance away from me, was creating a calm and relaxing atmosphere.

Anna was taking the scenery in with edger and curious eyes which would ever so often lit up at the beauty of nature before us. I decided then that I would take her here again once autumn fully set in. Then the forest would be covered in all colours of the fall looking like scene out of a master piece.

While we were away Alice and Esme would decorate the house. I was planning on hiring people to do it but the both of them insisted on doing it themselves.

I could only imagine how big the wedding was going to be.

My Anna and I would be back at the house at the lake a little while before twilight was about to set in what would create the perfect atmosphere for my big question.

"It's magical here Edward." My love mused as we made our way back to the house.

"Yes, it is because you are here."

"Hmm….you are so cute." She giggled I narrowed my eyes at her.

I didn't like it being called cute what meant that her actions had to be punished. I gave her a pointed look and she knew what was coming.

Squealing she jumped away from me and started running while her melodic laughter was filling the quiet green around us.

"Don't! Don't! Edward don't!" She warned as I was sneaking closer to her.

Her hands where up and she was trying to keep me away from her.

"You know what's going to happen when you call me cute." I raised an eye brow at her.

"But you are cute." She teased me further.

"Wrong answer." And before she knew what was happening I had my hands on her hips and tickled her mercilessly.

"O.K.," giggle, "you are," giggle, "not," giggle, "cute." She managed to get out as she shook with laughter against my body. She never put up much of a fight when I tickled her, she was just too ticklish.

"Better." I whispered into her ear sending a shiver down her spine.

I loved it how her body reacted to my every word, my touch, my kiss. The last of her giggles were dying down. She was catching her breath and trying to get some space between us, not taking her eyes of my hands, afraid I would tickle her again.

"You are so mean, you tickle monster." She pouted adorably at me.

In the past it would have stung me if anyone would have called me any kind of monster but since Anna stepped into my life things changed.

I don't see myself as a monster anymore if an angle like her was capable of loving me there's got to be good in me.

Something that deserves her love, something that deserves her trust, there's got to be something good or else she wouldn't be here in my arms right now.

My lips were on hers in an instant kissing them softly and gently. My hands were on the small of her back pressing her more into me.

"But you still love me?" I asked as I placed kisses along her jaw line.

"Hmm…." She made a thinking sound.

I broke away from my current activity and looked at her challenging. My love was able to keep her thinking face for a few seconds before it broke into a brilliant smile.

"Guess I do."

"Only guess?"

"I do. I do love you Edward." With that her lips chased my own into a passionate kiss.

Her hands where locket behind my neck and she was lifting herself up my body. Our lips parted and we tasted each other.

Every time I had her taste on my tongue it was heaven. My hands slowly slid down her back over her apple shaped backside, which I squeezed lightly, down her tights and brought them up around my waist.

With her being slightly above me now she was able to put more force into our kiss and deepened it further. We shared our needing kiss until we had to break it for much needed air on her part.

My love was slightly dizzy from our kiss and I breathed heavily. Her knees were weak after that mind-blowing kiss. She had problems standing straight.

"Need a ride my love?"

My angle nodded at that. I crouched in front of her and she climbed on my back. My love rested her head on my shoulder and hugged me close to her.

We travelled the rest of the way home in comfortable silence, enjoying the feel of one another. We arrived at the house according to my schedule.

I let her slid down my back in front of the front door.

"Love would you please close your eyes?" I asked her when I turned to look at her.

"Why?" She asked curious.

"Please!" I flashed her a toothy grin.

Anna sighed with a half grin on her beautiful face before closing her eyes. I opened the door and led her into the bedroom where Alice was waiting for her.

"Hi Anna it's good to finally see you again." Alice chirped as she saw my love.

Anna immediately opened her eyes when she heard Alice's voice.

"Alice hi! What are you doing here?" Alice only grinned and hugged her before dragging her into the bathroom for the make over.

Alice and Esme had already set everything up. The only thing left for me to do was to pick the perfect music for this event, I still couldn't decide between two options, and change into my suit. With both tasks finally accomplished everything was ready for the evening to begin.

Waiting in the living room I was shaking with anticipation and nervousness until Alice would be done with playing Anna Barbie.

"We are done she will be down in a minute and ONE THING IS CLEAR I'M PLANNING THE WEDDING!!! Have fun and see you Sunday." Alice told me in her mind before she jumped out the window and went home.

I took deep breaths to calm my strained nerves just before I heard every step my love took as she made her way down to the living room.

If my heart would be still beating it would be jumping out of my chest. I was glad I wasn't able to sweat because I think I would be drenched by now.

My love had reached the top of the stairs and I felt almost dizzy with all the emotions that were surged through me.

Anna's POV:

"Alright Alice spill what is going on!" I ordered her while having my eyes narrowed at her.

"What do you mean?" She gave me her most innocent, puppy dog eyes look. A dead give away that something was off.

"What I mean is that stupid grin that you have on you face." I pointed out.

"I really don't know what you mean." She sang happily while finishing with my make-over.

"A little too much fuss over a romantic dinner?!" I tried again to get something out of her but she only shrugged her shoulders and smiled gleefully at me.

There was no helping it she wouldn't spill a soul. Edward had something planned and Miss pixie was helping him. I wondered what it would be this time around. In the last few days Edward would take me to the best restaurants in the area, to show and concerts.

One of those restaurants was located at the top of a mountain and only accessible with a helicopter. A German star cook owns it and I have to admit the food was not from this world. I had never tasted something so delicious.

Not to forget to mention that Ben Affleck and Matt Damon also were guests at the place while we were there.

Honestly in that moment I felt, once again, like I wasn't stuck in "Twilight" but somehow landed in "Gossip Girl". Rose told me that in the upper-class circles it was normal to meet personalities out of show biz, economics and politics but that didn't really registered with me at first. While shopping in places like New York or Miami Alice, Rose and I would often run into stars like Jessica Alba, Kim Cattrall or Julia Roberts. Guess that's normal when you shop at Gucci or Fendi.

In the book and also in Forks my Vampire family was living such a normal, well relatively normal life, that I kind of forgot just how rich they are. They could life as kind of commoners, like they did in Forks or live their standard and be invited to the most popular parties and events of the rich and important. By going into the finest and most expensive places things like this were bound to happen ever now and then.

There were still a lot of things I had to learn about living like a Cullen. At least I knew I wasn't alone Edward was with me all the time. He wouldn't let me out of his sight not that I complained. I missed him terribly during the time we were apart.

Here with Edward and the rest our family I felt home. Guilt was bubbling inside of me for feeling like that because of what I had done to my biological family. I really hoped that they would believe what they read as hard as it would be to comprehend. I love my mom, my entire family in the other world but where Edward was, was my home.

"Done! What do you think?" Alice asked me after she finished my make-up.

I looked into the long mirror in the bathroom and gasped. Alice could do miracles. My hair was falling in soft big curls down my shoulder.

The make-up was soft and accented my features. She pronounced my eyes making them appear slightly bigger and sparkly.

I was wearing a black long dress that was underlining my cleavage and hugging my figure at all the right places. Black high heels and silver earrings completed the outfit.

"You are brilliant but you know that. Thank you Alice."

She beamed at me and hugged me.

"I know I'm a genius. Have fun tonight." She glowed as she said that.

"Won't you give me at least a little hint?" I pleaded.

But it was no use she only shook her head smiling excited at me and jumped up and down in the usual Alice fashion.

I pouted at her but quickly smiled again I was just too excited about what Edward had planned tonight.

"Good night and I will see you Sunday." Alice sang before she jumped out of the window.

I quickly shouted a goodbye after her and took a deep breath before I walked out of the bathroom into the bedroom Edward and I had occupied during our stay here.

I could here the soft music play as I step out of the master bedroom. Once I reached the stair case I saw red rose petals lying on the ground forming a small path down the stairs. Little candles were outlining the path of red rose petals. The stairs were lit by the light the candles provided and the little orange, red light that was falling in from outside. Twilight was setting in.

I left out a soft, nervous and excited giggle and made my way down, jumpy about what would await me there. The fire of the candles glinted a little when I passed them and it seemed that there were little crystals in the air that would sparkle when the soft light of the candles moved.

The myriad of candles with their delicate light was creating a relaxing, mysterious and romantic atmosphere. Edward really knew how to do this or at least who to ask for help.

I reached the entrance to the living room and was blown away. I almost didn't recognize it. The furniture was removed and in it's place there candles freely arranged or held by beautiful silver candlesticks.

Red rose petals where everywhere and the whole room was decorated in red and silver. It looked like out of a dream.

Having taken in the room, I looked straight ahead and saw my Vampire with his back to me standing in front of the fireplace where a slow fire crackled.

I saw the muscles in his back expand even through his clothes. He took a deep breath before he turned around and gave me one of his crocked smiles that made my heart jump in my chest.

Edward looked absolutely generous in his black suit with the white bottom down shirt. His hair was a sexy mess as always and his eyes were smouldering.

He just stood there for a few moments not moving taking me in. Edward wasn't breathing his eyes were trained on me.

Slowly he crossed the room to where I stood and reached for my hand, taking it in his and placing a kiss on the back of my hand.

"You look beautiful beyond description, my love."

Edward told me as he put his arms around me and locked my body in his embrace looking down into my eyes.

"Thanks, I can give the compliment right back." I grinned at him.

He bend down to place a soft kiss on my lips before he pulled away and let go of me only to take my hand in his.

My Vampire led me to the patio. I didn't notice before but the patio was also decorated in red and silver and lit with hundred of little candles. An ocean of white and yellow gerbera and red roses was swimming on the surface of the pond around the house.

"This is unbelievable Edward." I whispered while he led me to the table that was standing in the middle on the patio.

"Let me help you love." Edward said as he pulled the chair out for me.

I ate my dinner, enjoying the soft music that was playing in the background. Edward and I had a light conversation as the moon and the stars were mirroring in the surface of the pond.

The evening was perfect. After I finished my meal Edward stood up form his chair and went over to me.

"May I ask you for this dance please?" Edward asked, holding out his hand to me.

"You may." I answered, placing my hand in his.

We walked back into the living room and started dancing slowly sawing to the music, holding each other while a light breeze entered the living room, softly hugging us both.

I rested my head on his shoulder as he held me close to his body his cheek on my temple. Having danced to three pieces Edward suddenly pulled away a little.

I lifted my head to look at him puzzled.

"I just can't believe how lucky I am to have you in my arms." He said before he bent his head down and nuzzled his face in my neck placing a soft kiss against my skin.

"For over hundred years I have been alone thinking that solitude was what was meant for me. I thought that I was complete, I lived in denial. In denial because deep down I thought I didn't deserve such a great gift as Carlisle and Esme and the others have but it all changed when you entered my life."

He lifted his head backup and looked directly at me.

"From the beginning you knew everything about me and you didn't run away. You were there for me, you intrude me, you challenge me, you complete me, you changed me."

With that he stopped dancing and pressed me closer to him as if I would disappear if he let go. His arms where around my back and he had his face in my hair breathing in my scent.

Slowly My Vampire let go of me and took a step back pulling something out of his pocket while he went down on one knee.

My breath caught in my throat. My heart was violently beating in my chest. I couldn't believe what was happening before my eyes.

I was instantly nervous and overjoyed at once. I was barely able to breath as he finally looked up at me a brilliant smile gracing his perfect lips and a small, blue, velvet jewellery box in his hand.

"Breath Anna." I didn't notice that I was holding my breath.

I was trying to pull myself together while my emotions were running wild inside of me. Edward opened the little box and revealed a platinum wedding band with a big diamond in the middle and diamonds incorporated in the wedding band.

I loved that ring in an instant. Edward mosaic, butterscotch pools were shinning as he gazed at me. The nervousness was clearly written all over his face while he spoke.

"Anna, I love you more than I ever thought possible I was capable of feeling. I will always love you. I want to spend eternity with you in my arms. To be by your side, to share all the joy, the happiness and everyday life with you. I want to be your husband, your lover, best friend, your confident and everything else you need me to be. My love, Anna, would you do me the honour and marry me?"

I'm not someone who cries easily but in this moment tears where streaming down my cheeks. I was so happy it was hard to breath. I had never thought that I would turn into a cry baby when this would happen but I was so wrong on that account.

I had my hands over my mouth and tried hard to find my voice to answer him. Being finally able to compose myself a little I threw myself in his embrace.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! A million times YES! I want to marry you, Edward!"

I hugged him as tight to me as I could, pulling away I gave him a few little, fast kiss before kissing him hard and passionate.

Breaking the kiss we both were breathing hard. Stupid happy grins were on both of our faces while mine was also wet from all the happy tears that were leaking out of my eyes.

We were sitting on the ground surrounded by the myriad of candles and red rose petals. Music was softly playing in the background and the fire in the fire place was crackling gently.

Edward had me pressed into his chest as he took the ring out of the small box.

"May I?" He asked for my hand.

I held my left hand out for him as he put the ring on my ring finger.

"Do you like the ring?"

"Edward I love it. It's perfect. Everything is perfect. Thank you." I assured him before kissing him again.

Breaking the kiss he stoked my cheek with his fingers.

"You may be wondering why I didn't give you the ring of my mother." Edward suddenly asked as I was admiring my engagement ring.

I only gave him a puzzled look.

"You told me that that was the ring I proposed to Bella Sawn with and I didn't want to ask you with a ring I already asked someone else with. But…." He trailed off and reached into another pocket fishing another velvet box out.

"I took my mother ring and let it turn into earrings," he mumbled while opening the box and revealing a pair of beautiful diamond earrings.

"Edward they are beautiful," I breathed while gazing at them before looking up at him with worry and concern, "but that was your mothers ring."

"Yes, but you prefer white gold over yellow gold and the design was also not fitting for you. The jeweller mixed the gold of yellow gold band with platinum creating the white gold and the sparkly diamonds will look lovely on you." He was right I wasn't the type to wear yellow gold I preferred silver or white gold or platinum.

Yeah when it came to jewellery I had an expensive taste but that had a reason. If I wore jewellery that was not made out of noble metal I almost instantly had an allergic reaction to the not noble metal.

I don't like thinking back to the time when my ears were swollen so much because I wore earring out of not noble metal that I could easily rival Dumbo. Not to forget the bright red my ears possessed then and how much it hurt.

"I love the earrings, they are perfect." I smiled at him.

"And the ring? It's from Tiffany's."

"I love this ring Edward it's perfect. I love you."

"I love you too and I hope you will still love me when I tell you that Alice is planning our wedding." He looked a little scared telling me this.

Oh boy that was going to be something. I giggled at the thought in what I was getting myself into.

"Seems like I'm not only marring you but the entire family as well and I wouldn't have it any other way."

"I love you" He whispered before his lips claimed my own.