ch 36

Anna's POV:

"I hope are prepared for the Spanish inquisition that is awaiting us at home, love." My fiancé murmured as we were on our way back to Kingsten.

"Shall I be afraid?!" I said in mocked fear and horror, tightening my grip on his hand for show.

"You shall fear for your life my love." He chuckled before he sighed and his expression turned a little grave.


Edward brought our twined hand to his lips and kissed the back of mine.

"I just gave our pixie sister the perfect reason to steal you constantly from my side." He pouted.

"Wedding preparations!" I grinned.

"You like the idea of getting married." He observed satisfied.

"Yeah, I always wanted a big white wedding."

When it came to weddings I was such a girly girl though I had to make sure no pink would be used on Edward's and mine wedding. I was always thinking more along the lines of white with silver or blue or violet.... for the colour scheme.

"Rest assure my love, big and white, it'll be whenever you want it or not with Alice as our wedding planner."

My grin got wider. I really liked the idea of becoming Edward's wife.

Anna Cullen. I let the name echo through my mind while the rich green scenery with the majestic mountain panorama in the background and the as usual overcast sky seemed to fly past the fast moving vehicle we was sitting in. I couldn't help but to wonder if I would be also marrying at such a young age if the circumstances were different.

Somehow I had the feeling that my mom would have made me have a long engagement. A really, really long engagement until I would have finished college preferably. It made me sad that I couldn't share my happiness with my mom. I hoped that she would get a peek into what was going on here when she read the "Entering Twilight" series.

Once we arrived at home I didn't even managed to get out of the car before I was attacked by a squealing and gushing Esme, a vibrating pixie and an excited Rose.

Edward and I were hugged and congratulated. Of cause I had to spill every little detail about the proposal before I had the chance to enter the house. If it would have been possible Esme would have exploded out of joy and happiness at the prospect of her oldest son finally getting married.

Alice was in full wedding preparation mode. Thankfully I was prepared and could name a date. Edward and I decided that we would get married after we graduated from High School. I wanted to enjoy being his fiancé for a little while.

"Do you have any idea what I have to do? The wedding dress, the location, the decoration...." Alice chirped excited while she jumped up and down.

"Alice I have absolute veto right on the wedding dress." I stated firmly.

"Everything else we can discuss." I shrugged. I liked Alice's style though I would have to make sure that she would not go overboard...….yeah I was delusional...…

"O.K. but I already have some options for the wedding dress….." Alice started excited.

"Now hold it there pixie. We have months to the wedding. Let us see the new rooms first." Edward threw in, laughing, efficiently stopping her.

"Alright you buzz kill but first let me get the important things across." She glared at him before directing her gaze back at me.

"I already made appointments with a few florists. They have to be booked at least a year in advance. I scheduled the interviews for next week."

"O.K!" I nodded. I wanted the perfect, big, white wedding so I would have to go through hell-Alice to get it.

"I'll show you your rooms." Esme beamed at us and led us to our little apartment.

This house here in New Hampshire was bigger and more luxury then the one in Forks and every couple had two rooms including bathroom at their disposal.

Esme decided that the rooms Edward and I shared had to be redecorated and honestly they didn't only need to be redecorated but also furnished.

The only things in Edward's room were a bed on which I was lying in my comatose state and his black leather couch. Aside from that the bedroom was empty and the room with the fireplace didn't seem to have been touched at all.

From inside the house was already a knock out, of cause also thanks to Esme's talent to decorate but it's true beauty revealed itself from the outside.

When I saw the house from the outside the first time my jaw hit the ground. It looks like Frank Lloyd Wrightwas's Fallingwater. He was one of the most famed American architect, interior designer, writer and educator and is best known for designing that house.

Of cause it doesn't look exactly like it but it gets close. The interior fittings in our house were modern and in the usual warm, pastel color scheme that Esme loved. Our house, just like the original, was build over the edge of the little water fall.

Actually the pool in the basement was filled with the clear mountain water only that it was being warmed up for the use. But what I like the best about that pool was that there is an exterior part of the pool that is providing a breathtaking sight of the landscape while you can relax in the warm water.

The piece of architecture brilliance was embedded in the rich green of the nature, surrounded with the soft and relaxing sounds of the forest and thanks to the Vampire aspect no insects nor other animals in or anywhere near the house. A dream come true.

Though I had to admit that I missed the sounds of the city at night. That just like everything else was a bitter sweet experience to see the things I gained but also being face with all I had lost.

"You are going to love it." Alice sang happily before opening the door to our rooms.

The bedroom door opened and my breath caught in my throat. The room was perfect. A large king size bed, two night stands, a dresser, a dresser mirror, a drawer chest, a plasma and some other things were perfectly placed and in warm colours.

The bedroom had a dark orange and white colour combination. It looked amazing. The bathroom was in warm caramel colours including a shower and jacuzzi. Our living room was also bright in white and beige colour scheme.

"Ehmm....Esme if I may ask. Where are my CD's?" Edward voiced after not having seen them by the end of the tour.

"They are here silly." Alice chirped as she went to the big white wall.

"Your CD's just don't look good in this room or in the bedroom so we had to be a bit creative. See that are slide doors." She told us as she pushed one of the doors and revealed Edward's music collection behind them.

"You just have to push them open to have access." She grinned. "So how do you like it?"

Alice and Esme both beamed looking at us with curious expressions waiting for our verdict.

"It's brilliant! Thank you two so much and of cause a big thank you to everyone who helped."

I told them as I hugged them both. From down stairs I could hear a "sure no problem".

Edward also thanked them and we were left alone to explore our rooms a bit more.

"You sure you don't regret sharing your rooms with me?"

"Why would I?" My fiancé asked a little hurt.

"Well your room was always in dark colours and now it's nothing like it."

A glorious smile broke out on his face and had me in his arms without me being able to see him move in front of me. I gasped when he materialised himself before me.

"That's because my world always been dark and without colours until you came into my world. I like how it looks like now. I still can't believe we live together." Edward smiled happily as he kissed the tip of my nose.

"But I have been sleeping very often in your room in Forks and we share a room ever since I'm back..."

"I know but this is official now and so much better." He nuzzled his face into my neck.

"You are so old-fashioned." I giggled.

"I am and you know you like it." He chuckled.

"Yes, I truly do. Maybe that is why I never found any guy before interesting." I mused.

My fiancé pulled back and looked at me with a confused look on his face.

"I like the gentleman ways that you know how to treat a woman with respect. And that I can actually have a civil conversation with you. And most important that you aren't all about sports." I pointed out.

"In that case I'm glad I match the expectations my beautiful fiancé has." He murmured while I could see the hungry glint in his eyes.

Before I knew what was happening I was lying on our bed with Edward hovering over me.

"Who said that were all of them." I laughed while he was leaning into me.

"There are more?" He raised an eye brow at me but wasn't bothered in his pursuit.

"Yeah," I giggled when his cool lips touched my throat.

"An important one is to be able to probably explore this bed." Edward mumbled against my skin and rained kisses on my neck.

"If you'll say so? Hmm…"

"Yes." He confirmed before he sealed my lips with his own.


Today was Edward's and mine first day at the Hawthorne Valley Waldorf School. Of cause it was no problem to get Edward and me into this private academy that usually one had to register their kid before it was even born to even have a chance on having their child attending this school.

As for why Edward wasn't attending school last year with his siblings Esme told the gossip queen that he was visiting a boarding school in England but missed his family so came back.

"Are you nervous, love?" Edward asked me as we drove to school.

"A little bit. It's my first time in a posh school."

"Rose's taste." Edward shrugged with a sheepish grin.

We parked the car in the big lot. If I hadn't know better I would have thought that lot belonged to a luxury hotel. When I got out of the car and caught my first glimpse of the school building my jaw hit the ground.

That didn't look like a school at all but like a luxury hotel. The building was enormous and kind of reminded me of a little chateau with white and blue colours. The gardens before the building looked majestic. It reminded me of the gardens of a castle in France of which I have seen a picture. I think the castle was called "Villandry" and was located near the river "Loire". The beautiful colour scheming sympathized with the Renaissance-Style.

"Wow!" Was all I was able to choke out. Edward chuckled at my side.

"Let's go to the office and get us enrolled." He said while he pulled and tugged at my arm to urge me to follow him to the office.

"We see you in class then love birds." Emmett boomed as he and the others made their way into the main building.

Edward and I where going around the impressive campus to the office and of cause all the girls were looking at him with hungry eyes while glaring at me.

The inside of the building was even more breathtaking as the outside. The entire interior fittings were made out of heavy, dark brown wood which was adorned with nostalgic ornaments. The atmosphere in there was kind of old and noble. I had a feeling that I somehow landed in a boarding school in England and Prince Harry and William would stroll right around the corner at any moment.

We enrolled, got our timetables and other papers. Edward made sure of it that we had all classes together. It was hard for him to stay away from me even for the briefest of moments.

Worrying was still one of his hobbies. I had always been able to move on fast from unpleasant things, mainly because I didn't like to dwell on them in the first place.

I wasn't pushing him he needed to find his own pace to deal with it. No amount of words was going to make it right and take his fear away but time would eventually. Time and support was what would help and that was what I was giving him.

Arriving in our first class that we didn't share with any of our siblings we sat down at a free table.

"You know. You are more relaxed then I have ever seen you in a place with humans before." I whispered to him.

"That's because of the "true blood"," I snickered at that one. Edward grinned at the use of the reference of my favourite series. "If I consume it regularly it makes the burn go away completely. The scents are losing their appeal." He explained quietly.

"That's great." I smiled Edward nodded in agreement.

"And what do you think of this school so far." Edward asked amused.

"Definitely something new but more important what was the office lady thinking about?" I smiled evilly at him.

Edward sighed frustrated and groaned.

"Sometimes I just wish to bleach my mind."

I looked sympathetic at him giving him a warm smile while I took his hand in mine. Suddenly an idea struck me. I leaned into him and whispered.

"Why don't you just give all of those fantasies contra?"

"And how so?" His eye brows were pulled together in puzzlement.

"I don't know…..maybe thinking about what we did last night" I offered innocently.

He groaned a few seconds later and let his head fall on my shoulder.

"It helps but now I have an entirely different problem." He lifted his head and pouted at me.

I shrugged my shoulders and couldn't prevent my lips from twitching up.

"At home you are going to pay for this my love." He leaned in into me and whispered in my ear.

"Are you going to torture me?" I bit my bottom lips it made him groan again.

Edward lifted his hand to my face and freed my bottom lips from between my teeth with his thumb.

"Don't do that love or I will not be able to be held responsible for my actions." He warned half serious half playful.

"Now you are just any other guy with only one thing running through your head constantly." I stated with a teasing smile on my lips.

"What makes you thing that I'm like this only as of recently?" He murmured in my ear, sending his cool breath across my skin which caused a pleasurable shiver to run down my spine.

"Does that mean you have that problem ever since you met me?" I asked cheekily.

"You have no idea!" He exclaimed quietly, letting his head fall on my shoulder again.

The teacher still haven't arrived and the students where mainly focusing on Edward and whispering about him.

Edward and I were in a conversation not paying attention to the other students around us. Alice told me that the first week was always the hardest for Edward.

The girls would fuss over him and were having sensual fantasies which made him really uncomfortable that's why I tried to distract him the best I could.

While we were talking about what we would do after school, mainly about his not so little predicament that I caused I noticed that a girl made her way over to us. She had blue eyes and black hair. Her skin had a healthy tan and she was average in high.

She was pretty but judging from the look in her eyes and how much make-up she plastered across her face I could tell she was the Lauren Mallory of this school though I had a feeling that this school had more then one.

Actually one thing that sadden me was to find out that the characters like Lauren, Jessica, Mike and so on were pretty much how they been described in the book.

I was kind of hoping to discover that Jessica wasn't a gossip Queen like her mother or that she had some more depth or that Lauren wasn't as nasty as described but I got disappointed there.

I'm not one to judge people but I'm careful. I'm not a fool. I've always been a realist. I do believe in the best in a person but sometimes you can just see that that hope is in vain.

That girl that was approaching us was such a case. Oh joy.

"Hi I'm Natasha Dweller. I'm the mayor's daughter. You must be the new students." She chirped happily.

"And you must be Edward Cullen." Her voice turned husky and she looked alluring at him, smiling, pushing her chest out, trying to look sexy. Her aim was clear she wanted my fiancé.

No such luck missy!

"And this is your sister." She continued only gracing me with one brief glance that told me to back off and not to get into her way before she ogled my Edward again.

"No, this generous creature next to me is not my sister. She is my beautiful fiancé." He stated looking at me with love shinning in his eyes. Edward bent his head down to place a kiss on my lips.

I smiled at his words when we broke the kiss. Tearing my eyes off him I saw Natasha looking murderous at me.

"Hi my name is Anna Masen. It's nice to meet you." I smiled warmly at her.

She gave me a strained smile for appearance while her eyes were burning with fury before she turned around and went back to her place. Edward looked grim and his jaw was clenched shut. He was probably trying not to leap out of his seat and kill her.

His face became more and more murderous by the second. I could only imagine what she was thinking about me that set my Vampire off.

"Let me guess she thinks that next to her I'm an ugly duckling, that I have to be put in my place and that she will easily break us off and you are going to be her boyfriend by the end.....of the month. Am I right?"

Edward didn't look happy at all.

"Those ignorant little kids. You are the most beautiful creature to ever have graced this planet….."

I put my finger on his lips to stop him.

"Edward I don't care what she or anyone else here thinks. I love you and you love me and we have a wonderful family that is all that matters to me."

Edward smiled warmly at me, pulling me into his embrace and placed his lips over my ear.

"Have I ever told you that you are beautiful beyond description?" He kissed me below my ear what made goose flesh arise all over my body and then added." In side out."

I trembled lightly from the combination of his words and his cool breath on my warm skin. I knew what his aim was. This was pay back for earlier. He was so going to pay for this!

As if on cue and to my fiancés rescue, for now, the teacher walked in and started the lesson. All the students in the room heard Edward say that I was his fiancé but it didn't stop the girls from looking at him with hungry eyes.

It wasn't like that in Forks but then again I arrived there after Edward lived there for about two years already, so everyone was used to him and his rejection to each and every offer. A lesson the females here still had to learn.

My mom once told me about the boyfriend she had when she was fresh in college. He was a lawyer and insanely handsome according to my mom. Back then one of my mom's aunts told her when she was dating the very handsome man that she pitied her because she could never have a peaceful moment with someone as good looking as him around. My mom's aunt warned her that other women just wouldn't leave him alone.

Back then I thought that she was exaggerating but I had the feeling that I was wrong on that account. I just had to remind myself that Edward loved me and only me. Besides I had to help him to get over the first wave of teenage girls hormones.

"Hi, I'm Cindy Rise." A pretty blond girl in a cheerleader costume nearly purred at my Edward when I was coming out of the ladies room.

My poor fiancé cringed at whatever she was thinking and I had a pretty good guess where her thoughts were going with my Edward in front of her while he looked visibly uncomfortable.

"You are new here. I would love to show you around," she continued to hit on him.

I couldn't believe her never! She was in Edward's and mine first period. She heard what he told the mayor's daughter and there she was, hitting on a taken man!

And she even brought her own cheering club along. The other cheerleaders were standing behind her though they looked like they wanted to push her out of the way and take her place but were too scared. Guess she was at the top of the picking order.

"So how about it? We can go directly after school." She smiled and reached for his arm.

That was it. I greet my teeth together and stormed off to tell her where her place was. I admit I was upset but none touched my man!

"I'm sorry but…." Edward started to say in a sharp and unfriendly voice, yanking his arm out of the way before she could touch him but another girl beat him and me to setting the cheerleader straight.

"Good lord plastic! Are too dense to be able to notice that he is clearly disgusted with you?" She put her hands on her hips, standing tall and threw the words in the face of the now angry fiancé stealing air head.

"What do you want Goth?" The cheerleader sneered at her.

"Just taking the opportunity to prove to the world, once again if I might ad, just how stupid you are." The girl with black hair and the light gothic make-up answered cheekily, a satisfied smile playing on her lips.

"What do you know? Clearly he is interested in me." The blonde one shot back.

"You are, aren't you Ed….." she cut herself off as she looked where my fiancé stood just moments ago but now only an empty spot presented itself to her.

"I thought I made myself clear this morning but apparently not," My Vampire said as he walked up behind me and locked his arms around my waist, kissing the top of my head.

"The only woman I'm interested in is this beautiful creature in my arms." He glared at her and then looked down at me, giving me one of his heartbreaking half smiles.

"Keep you dirty paws off my man or that pretty blond hair of yours won't be much longer on your air filled head." I hissed at her in warning.

Wow where was this coming from? I had never left this territorial before. Sure I let the other girls know that he was taken...… but threatening them? And the there was this strange possessive feeling that washed over me when it came to my Edward all of the sudden.

Since when was I the jealous type?

"Ohhhh, look what we have here!" I heard Rose's voice which was full of amusement and threat.

All the cheerleaders froze on the spot and looked absolutely terrified. I though some of them might actually faint.

"Seems like you are begging for a reminder." Rose was glaring at the blond cheerleader.

The girl obviously had tried to hit on Emmett at one point in time. Bad move to try to steal something from Rose, especially her husband. That girl seemed to have suicidal tendencies.

Rose walked closer to the blond cheerleader while the girl in the crossfire blanched taking a few steps back.

But what she couldn't see was that behind her, the girl who she had called a Goth stretched her leg out and the blond one tripped over it, landing flat on the ground.

"Wow! Seems like you do know your place." The girl with the black hair taunted her.

"You are going to pay for that!" The blond one seethed, looking deadly into the black haired girl's eyes.

"Hmm...are you really giving me a reason to show mom and dad the video from summer camp? Sis?"

The blond girl blanched even more before standing up abruptly, storming off angrily and muttering things under her breath.

"Sorry about that but to her defence she is just an air headed Barbie doll." The girl who just now threatened her sister said and walked over to where Edward and I were standing.

"By the way I'm Tia Rise." She held her hand out to me. I shook it.

"Anna Masen and the one behind me is my fiancé Edward Cullen." I introduced us.

She looked at me with a careful smile, like she was trying but smiling wasn't usually on her I-do-it list at all before her eyes wandered to Edward. She looked at him intensely and titled her head to one side.

"Somehow you are giving me the creeps, pretty face. One sees the relations to the ice queen immediately." She stated rather soberly.

"And if you want to teach her another lesson," Tia turned to face Rose, "I want in on the fun."

Rose raised an eye brow and the both of them stared at each other. I turned my head to look at my fiancé and saw him sighed and shake his head. I would have to ask him later what that was about.

The both of them nodded. Emmett walked to Rose's side and greeted her with a kiss.

"Shoot, I missed the action!" He boomed in his usual loud and amused voice, occupying Rose's attention while Tia returned her attention back to us.

"You don't seem to like your sister very much." I murmured.

"Nope, I do not appreciate it when someone tries to steal what's mine." Tia declared as a dark haired, tall, handsome boy came up behind her, pulled her into his arms and kissed her neck.

"No, she really doesn't. Hi, I'm Fin Somerville. Tia's boyfriend." He introduced himself but his voice was somehow off, laced with nervousness?!

He had sky blue eyes and strong masculine features. His dark brown hair was falling into his face and he had a well built body as far as I could see. I couldn't help the feeling that told me that this boy look too handsome to be human.

Just as I wanted to shake my head and tell myself how silly that sounded my feeling was to be proven right as my fiancé suddenly tensed beside me. I lifted my head and looked up at him in question. He starred at Fin through narrowed eyes, looking back at Fin I saw him do the same.

"I think we should talk." Edward commanded while Rose and Emmett came to stand at either of our sides.

Fin didn't look too thrilled about it but since he was outnumbered he answered Edward's request reluctantly with a nod.

Tia and Fin followed Edward, Rose, Emmett and me. My feeling about Fin not being so much human must have been right. All three Vampires were tense and on high alert. When I turned my head and looked at Tia I cold detect a light of recognition in her eyes while she starred at Emmett.

Did she know what he was?

Rose led us into a class room where Alice and Jasper were already waiting for us. Fin clenched his jaw when he saw them and pulled Tia behind him, not that she appeared to like that but the look Fin gave her said clearly that there was no room for argumentation.

Edward let go of my hand and pulled me behind his body like Fin just did with Tia and narrowed his eyes at the door we just stepped through, the other Vampire followed suit.

Soon I saw the reason for my family's behaviour. A boy and a girl that had a striking resemblance with Fin entered the room.

The girl had glossy, wine red hair, obviously dyed, that was tied back in a tight pony tail. It looked like it would fall slightly down her shoulder once worn open. Some of her bangs were falling into her delicate face and wore sexy secretary glasses. She had an expression on her face that said that she was bored out of her mind and above us all.

The boy that entered the room with her looked slightly older and more well built then Fin. He just like the girl had light green eyes. He possessed strong masculine features just like Fin and an atmosphere of authority was rolling off him while he was observing my family and I.

All in all they could only be described with one word. Beautiful. Not the kind of painful beauty that a Vampire possessed but still too generous to be human.

After a while of pure silence Edward cleared his throat to get their attention.

"I'm Edward Cullen and these are my siblings," he pointed at our siblings and introduced them, "and this is my fiancé Anna."

The atmosphere in the room was tense and the supernatural creatures in the room, minus me, were ready to attack each other at any second if the opponent made a wrong move though it was clear that the non Vampires had an interested in keeping the whole thing peaceful as they were outnumbered.

The guy with the green eyes and dark brown hair nodded, grimly.

"I'm Julian Somerville and these are my siblings Aya and you already know Fin and his girlfriend Tia."

"What are you?" Edward asked bluntly.

Julian straightened his body while his eyes remained narrowed. He was hesitating a little but I quickly saw defeat swimming in his eyes considering the number of his opponents.

"The three of us are Lycans." He pointed at his siblings.

"Then why don't you reek like a wet dogs?" Emmett blurted out.

They didn't smell offending to my Vampire?! That was weird!

The Lycans and Tia gave him strange looks in respond.

"Wet dogs?" Fin asked puzzled.

"We have met Werewolves before and they are not pleasant for our sense of smell." Edward explained.

"There are others like us?" Aya spoke for the first time.

"No, you don't look like them at all." Edward stated and he was right. Their skin was pale, not as pale as the skin of a Vampire but paler as a human skin tone could ever be. And even though Fin and Julian had muscles it was nowhere near as much as the protectors in La Push had.

"When you phase do you turn in Wolfs, four legged, hairy, fur…..?" I asked curious.

The question earned me a couple of strange looks for them. The answer was obviously "no".

"Then you are not like them at all." Edward confirmed.

Now I was really curious I had met the wolfs in La Push and read about the children of the moon. Of cause I asked Carlisle about it and he told me Caius's story. How he had a fight of live and death against a child of the moon a few thousand years ago in Russia.

Two different kinds of Werewolves were already known. Could it be that the Somerville's were a new kind? Because I was pretty sure that they weren't children of the moon or else Edward would have thrown me over his shoulder and fled the school grounds for dear life.

This always had been something I asked myself after I read Breaking Dawn where the children of the moon were mentioned. The pack in La Push had no idea of any other Werewolves beside themselves. They didn't even know of the children of the moon.

So what if there is really more out there? Vampires can't change because they are frozen in time but that doesn't apply for Werewolves. Their kind can change! Evolution applies to them!

If the Wolfs are nearly as old as Vampires what I'm assuming since Caius fight with one of the children of the moon was thousands of years ago then it would seem normal for their kind to develop further and evolution to make them in different places. Let them fit in better into their environment depending on where they lived.

The Werewolves in La Push are the evidence for that theory, sort of. According to the books and also Edward and the others the current generation of Wolfs is bigger and more muscular then the others were in 1936.

"Aren't your eyes supposed to be red?" Julian asked suspicious.

"Our family is different. We consume substitute blood. Before our father invented it we survived on animal blood." Edward answered and the bell rand signalising that the next lesson was about to begin.

"We should properly go and continue this after school." Julian offered.

Edward narrowed his eyes at him again but in the end accepted.

"What do we do now?" Emmett asked after the Lycans left the room.

"Keep a low profile." Edward answered and tapped his temple, telling us silently that he would read their thoughts so the Somerville's wouldn't get to know about his ability if they were listening in.

Edward and I had the next class till lunch together with Tia and Fin. Edward and Fin eyed each other in a stared down. The stare down was a little ridiculous to watch but if it helped. The more nervous he made Fin the more likely it was that his stream of thoughts picked up.

"Everything alright?" I asked him after class was dismissed.

"So far." He nodded and looked thoughtful. "But now let's get you something to eat." He smiled down at me.

Edward led me through the big corridor which walls were made of dark cherry wood to the lunch room. Once we stepped through the rich, ebony coloured, wooden doors my eyes nearly popped out.

This cafeteria was nothing like the one in Forks or at my old school. It looked like in one of those high class restaurants that Edward was always taking me to. The tables were made out of mahogany and were beautifully set with white and red coloured tablecloths. The tableware also looked expensive and every table had beautiful sets of flours giving the setting the final touch.

"Come on." Edward nudged me lightly what brought me back to reality. He placed his hand on the small of my back and led me to the buffed that had all kinds of yummy looking food.

I chose rice with a piece of turkey in a curry sauce and a green salad. I looked around for the others but couldn't see them.

"Are we the first to arrive?" I asked my fiancé.

"No," he shook his head, took my tray and showed me the way to the platform. Climbing up the wooden stairs I soon saw everyone sitting at a large, beautiful set table.

"And?" Jasper raised an eyebrow at Edward. He only nodded in respond, signalling that everything was alright so far and that he would let us in later. I was hungry by then and dug in into my lunch. The food melted away on my tongue.

"Let me guess the cook here has at least one Michelin-Star?" I asked half serious and half joking.

"Yeah, he got his star last year. There has been a media circus for about three days back then. Apparently it was big news that a cook of a school cafeteria managed to get the highly coveted star." Alice shrugged while sipping at her bottle of substitute blood. It was nice not to be the only one anymore who ate.

I looked around the big cafeteria while the others were deep in conversation about either fashion or the combat Edward, Emmett and Jasper had going in the "World of Warcraft".

At some point a boy with brown hair and deep brown eyes caught my eye and so did the two pretty girls that were sitting next to him. They were twins and had the same rich brown hair that he had only that theirs was falling down their backs in big locks. I didn't know why but for some reason I couldn't help but stare at the three of them.

"Love, are you alright?" Edward voice startled me a little.

"Ahh...yeah," I shook my head as I turned around and looked in his slightly concerned face.

"I'm fine just impressed by all of that." I smiled at him. He didn't look too convinced but let it slid.

When the last class of the school day was dismissed we went to the parking lot and on the way Edward received a sms from Alice. It read that Carlisle met a Dr. Somerville. I was sure the sms was for my sake.

"Maybe we should talk to Carlisle first." I shrugged. Edward nodded.

The Vampire fraction met up with the Lycans next to Edward's black Bugatti Veyron, Alice's yellow Lamborghini Murcielago and Rose's red BMW. Not that those car would have been anything special among the high class luxury cars that were also parked in the lot.

"Before we continue our conversation we would like to inform our parents about the situation." Julian said as they approached us.

Edward assessed him for a second before nodding.

"Very well."

We parted and went into our cars.

"Are they a danger to us?" I asked him once we were on the rode and out of hearing distance of any wolfs or Lycans.

"Not from what I could gather. They are not out for a fight if they don't have to."

"Do you know how they look once…." Edward clenched his jaw and nodded.

"Their torso expands with muscles. Their head changes into a wolf head. It's like up from their waist they become wolfs. Their legs and arms appear to be out of pure muscles and they have no fur instead a leather like skin that is dark grey, silver. From what I understood it's nearly as durable as our skin. Normal bullets are no use against them."

"Oh." I said mulling everything over.

They were obviously a new kind of Werewolf…..ahhhh…Lycan.

Arriving at home Carlisle was already waiting for us.

"I take it you met their leader." Edward stated, stepping into the living room.

"Yes, his name is Batiste Somerville. He started at the local hospital today."

"Do we have to be worried?" Jasper asked.

"Nope, they won't to anything as long they are not attack." Alice chirped happily.

"How do you know that?" Rose raised an eyebrow at her in question.

"I saw it." Alice stated simply.

"You can see them!" Edward wondered stunned.

"Yeah, look for yourself." Alice offered and her eyes became glassy while Jasper drew her into his embrace.

"Hmm…" My fiancé narrowed his eyes and looked thoughtful and calculating.

"What?!" Emmett barked impatiently. He hated it to be left out of the loop in situations like this.

"They don't want to attack us. This Batiste is rather curious about you Carlisle." Edward informed us.

Carlisle was surprised by that information so were we others while Edward was still watching the future playing out in Alice's mind.

"Well that's interesting." My fiancé suddenly stated.

We all looked at him urging him to let us in.

"He knows another Vampire who consumes animal blood instead of human blood and who works as a physician. That's why they are giving us the benefit of a doubt."

"They made their decision. He is going to call you in about twenty minutes." Alice informed us resurfacing out of her vision.

"You could already see that?" I asked confused. Since when could she see decisions before they were made?

"Seems like Dr. Somerville had made the decision all along and is now only getting his family on board." She shrugged.

"And what would that infamous decision be?" Rose looked at Edward.

"He wants us to stay away from his children until he got to know Carlisle better."

"So we have to ignore each to her at school for the time being."

"Fine by me. The less we have to do with them the better." Rose muttered under her breath and rushed upstairs to her room.

"And I was hoping for some action." Emmett sighed disappointed and went after his wife.

"Now that that's done it's time for the wedding reparations. We have to start thinking about the decorations." Alice announced and was in the middle of kidnapped me into her room.

"You're not worried at all, are you?" Edward called after her.

"You read my thoughts don't be such a worrywart!" Alice huffed at him.


As far as the wedding preparations went I was about to have a break down. Who would have thought that there are so many shades of blue and each one of them has another meaning? Light blue, Medium blue, Pigment blue and Dark blue to be the baise colour scheme and then all the shades that belong to those catigories....and don't even get me started on violet!!!

I was really happy that Alice and Esme were this entusiastic with the plans for the wedding but there were just too many options they were presenting to me. I knew that planning a wedding was a lot of work but I haven't quite thought it would be this much of a hassle.

And I don't mean all the meeting with the florist or the trips to the shops and designers to find the perfect wedding dress. No what I had the most hassle with was to decide between all the options.

After that wedding was done I don't think I would marry Edward any time soon again. Or maybe....who knows eternity is a damn long time.

As for the female admirer problem at school, after the incidence with Cindy no other girl approached my Edward but that didn't stop a myriad of girls to hit on him regardless, only in a not so open way.

For a month he would find letters and notices in his locker. All of them landed immediately in the trash can until it seemed to be understood that he wasn't about to get swayed.

The dark haired boy and his sisters out of the cafeteria, Adam, Teresa and Anna Kovac, were in a few of Edward's and mine classes. I did get to know that their parents were from Europe and that their father was a lawyer. They were nice as far as I could see.

About a month passed in which Carlisle was carefully building a friendship with Batiste Somerville. As for us "kids" we acknowledged each other in school but keep our distance from one another like it was requested from us.

Though I would catch Tia looking interested every now and then in our direction. She seemed to be an interesting girl. I have to admit I was curious about them myself.

Aside from the Lycan topic being still in the open life in Kingston was peaceful. We found a comfortable routine. I spent a lot of time with my family. A must on my schedule, according to my pixie sister was, shopping with her and Rosalie and of cause the wedding preparations. And there was cooking with Esme and doing some mother daughter stuff.

It was surprising but after a while Alice and Rose also joined in into the whole mother and daughter stuff. Since then Wednesday night was only for us girls no guys allowed.

As for Jasper and Emmett we always found something to do mostly goofy stuff that big brothers do with their little sister.

Carlisle was home more often then he was in Forks. He had cut his shifts back and spent more time with Esme and us kids.

One time Carlisle and I went to an almshouse again. Edward adorably pouted that time since he wasn't allowed to come. It was only father daughter time. Carlisle, Alice and me because Rose was not really thrilled by that idea.

Yes, the past four months were great. Not only with my new family but also at school. The students there for most part were...well, my mom used to say if I can't say anything nice about someone then I should keep my mouth shut.

Edward, I and the others we did not associate with humans a lot but just so much to fit in. The most surprising thing was that I didn't have any problems with the classes.

My greatest worry was that I wouldn't be able to keep up with the lectures but somehow I was only getting straight A's.

Even in math. I mean math, like I totally suck at math, math. The only reason why I never failed the subject was because of my creativity in how to solve a math problem and that my dad understands math and tutored me.

Yeah, he really does. He sees a math problem and he also sees the way to solve it. I never understood how math could make any kind of sense to him or anybody for that matter but now it does to me also.

Homework was no problem for me anymore. Edward didn't even need to help me. That was down right strange but then again my fiancé was a Vampire so I let it slide.


We were currently all in the living room. Edward and Rose sat at the table and discussed what new cars they should by. According to Rose it was about time for new ones.

Emmett and Jasper were playing a game of chess. Carlisle was sitting in his chair and reading a thick book and Alice, Esme and I we were watching Desperate Housewives.

It was really hot in the living room I knew that Edward and the others where heating every space in the house for my sake but they definitely overdid it with the temperature, today.

I noticed that Alice went tense and resurfaced quickly turning her puppy dog eyes at me.

"How much do you love me?" She pouted.

I sighed she looked sad in respond.

"What do you want Alice?"

"Tia will invite you to go shopping with her on Friday." Alice answered and her face was turning into the cutest a puppy dog pout I have ever seen.

"What?!" Edward was immediately on his feet.

"She is human." Alice barked at him in warning before turning back to me.

"You want in!" I stated.

"You love me right!?" Alice asked in that super cute voice of hers.

"Of cause you can come, Alice." I rolled my eyes and smiled at her.

"Thanks," she squeaked and threw herself at me.

"Aren't we supposed to stay away from each other?" Rose asked annoyed.

"I think it is a good idea for you girls to meet." Carlisle threw in.

"What?!" Rose, Jasper and Edward exclaimed.

"Batiste and his family are also pacifist. He is still a little bit cautious of us because of the size of our family." Carlisle interjected.

"I don't….." Edward grumped.

"We are going to be in a shopping mall. Come on what can they do there? It's the perfect ground to meet. Many humans too many witnesses." I pointed out.

"Why not? Maybe then we would learn something about them instead of Carlisle only talking to him about work." Emmett shrugged.

"Since when are you interested in getting to know them?" Jasper wondered, throwing Emmett a calculating look.

"Julian does look like a good sparring partner." Emmett was flexing his muscles.

"Eddie boy," Edward growled at him. "is cheating and you aren't any better Mr. feel good." He accused Jasper.

Edward pinched the bride of his nose and shook his head at his bulky brother. I giggled while Rose huffed, glaring at her husband.

"Great! Just great! Stupid dogs! Why can't they just leave us alone?" Edward growled.

I turned to look at him

"Something wrong?!"

"I'm just not thrilled with the idea of you being around them." He admitted.

"I understand that Edward." What happened in La Push still nagged at him.

"But that's no reason to call them stupid dogs." I chastised him.

"What?!" He looked puzzled at me.

"If we want to have a peaceful relationship with them it's better not to call them stupid dog's that's all I'm saying." I shrugged.

"And why are you telling me this?" He asked confused.

"Because you just asked why the stupid dog's aren't able to leave us alone." I spilled it carefully out for him.

Edward was now looking baffled at me and out of the corner of my eye I noticed the concerned look on Rose's face.

"Anna he didn't say anything."

"What do you mean? I heard him."

Now all of them looked concerned and I was getting hotter by the second. It was as if I was melting away.

"Not possible!" Edward exhaled bewildered.

"Edward?" Carlisle asked throwing Edward a questioned look.

"I didn't say it but...." He couldn't find words or he couldn't say them I wasn't sure.

"But what?" Emmett asked impatient.

"I thought it." That answer hung in the air.

"You thought it...… I heard your thoughts?" I asked and with a start I was on my feet, which apparently wasn't a good idea.

Everything was getting dizzy, my legs didn't support me anymore and on the top of that I felt like I was burning up.

Before everything turned black I remembered the day in the park with my parents when, that car almost run me over.

I was in a cool embrace but I couldn't hear the voices I knew were there calling out for me.

Edward's POV:

First the dogs in La Push and now this! Pacifists or not can't they just stay away from us? Why making any kind of treaties with their kind if they don't stick to them?

Great! Just great! Stupid dogs! Why can't they just leave us alone? I growled in my mind.

I had my overprotective tendencies mostly under control but when it came to those or any kind of dogs the fear, the anguish that was threatening to choke me seven years ago comes freshly slamming into me, taunting me with horrifying possibilities.

I felt my fiancées gaze on me before I heard her beautiful voice.

"Something wrong?!"

"I'm just not thrilled with the idea of you being around them." I admitted.

"I understand that Edward." She smiled sympathetically at me, understanding my struggles.

"But that's no reason to call them stupid dogs." Anna chastised me lightly.

"What?!" I looked puzzled at her.

"If we want to have a peaceful relationship with them it's better not to call them stupid dog's that's all I'm saying." She shrugged. Now I was confused. Why would she say something like that?

"And why are you telling me this?" I asked puzzled.

"Because you just asked why the stupid dog's aren't able to leave us alone." She accentuated each word like I was having a hard time understanding.

I replayed the sentence in my mind but couldn't make sense out of it. Because I have never said that. I never...… When an explanation struck me my mind froze.

Edward what is going on here? Esme asked concerned. I heard her and the others but it was like I was under water and all sounds were muffled.

Bro what's wrong with her? Emmett sounded worried.

"Anna he didn't say anything." Rose was the one to speak up.

"What do you mean? I heard him."

Worry was clouding all of the thoughts that pushed their way into my mind. I didn't say that out loud I only thoug...

"Not possible!" The words left my mouth before I could stop them. I was stunned into silence again. This couldn't be possible. She was still human. She couldn't.

Edward what is going on? Edward do you hear me? Carlisle asked me over and over but I wasn't able to respond.

"Edward?" He finally asked out loud.

"I didn't say it but...." The words stuck in my throat.

"But what?" Emmett asked impatiently.

"I thought it." That answer was quite a blow.

Everyone starred blankly at me for a while as I was getting over my shock.

"You thought it like I heard your thoughts?" My love asked and with a start she stood up but wasn't able to keep her balance and her legs gave out under her.

I watched in horror while she was falling to the ground. Before my mind was able to register it my body was moving and I caught her securely in my arms. My mind was empty with shock and worry but in the moment my frame touched hers I couldn't help but to notice just how hot her skin felt.

She was burning up.

I didn't notice our family surrounding us while I called out to her. The voices of the others were temporarily lost on me. All my mind was able to register was that the beautiful girl in my arms wasn't responding to my calls.

Horror washed instantly over me as the memory from seven years ago came slamming right into me like a freight train. This couldn't be happening. Anna couldn't leave me again.

I almost started hyperventilating when I got distracted by a fast and painful sounding hammering. It took a few long, painful moments to determine that this hammering was her heart beat. Her heart was racing and just then I noticed her heavy breathing.

"Carlisle!?" My voice broke as I called for him.

Looking up I saw that he was already at her side.

Anna's high temperature scared me. It was too high. Humans didn't get this hot even with the highest of fevers.

Something was wrong something was very wrong with my love. Fear and panic surged through my body while I held her in my trembling hands.

I held on to her not letting her out of my embrace. I couldn't let go of her. I felt that Esme and Alice tried to comfort me but it was lost on me.

I couldn't lose her. I couldn't. I was all that went through my mind.

The fear and the panic were so enormous that I wasn't able to hear the thoughts of my family members.

I was just starring into her beautiful face that was now covered with a sweet, rosy blush. Time seemed to stand still as I was falling more and more into darkness.

Suddenly Carlisle's disbelieving and stunned thoughts hit me with full force.

"Do you smell this?" He asked me while he looked baffled at me.

I didn't understand but took a deep breath, letting her scent fill my lungs, another evidence that it wasn't like seven years ago. It helped to calm me a little. When I let her fragrance occupy my senses I was not able to believe what my brain registered.

"But how?" Was all I managed to choke out in my utter confusion.

The others were as clueless as I was at what we smelled.

"I really have no idea, son. It doesn't make sense." Carlisle shook his head looking for an explanation but not finding one.

"Edward we have to cool her down. Her temperature is way too high." Carlisle said in a serious voice the physician in him was taking over.

I nodded and rushed with my love in my arms into our room. I laid her on our bed before taking her clothes off. Being rid on my own I laid next to her, pressing as much of her feverish body to my cold one as possible, covering us with a thin cover.

Soon Carlisle came into the room.

I will take some of her blood to do some tests. We have to know how fast it is spreading.

Carlisle informed me I only gave a short nod and kissed her temple. While Carlisle proceeded with his task I sensed him hiding his thoughts from me.

"What are you hiding from me?" He looked up at me considering what to do.

"I have some theories but I need confirmation first. Don't worry son what ever this is we will find it out." He muttered, concentrating on his task to be able to block me better.

"Carlisle…" I was going to demand from him to show me his thoughts but he knew me to well.

"If this will not cool her down you need to fill the tub with cold water and lay down in the tub with her to make sure the water stays cold." He suggested and rushed out of the room before I could utter another word.

His presence was quickly replaced by Alice, Emmett, Rosalie and Esme. Jasper joined us as well. Since the substitute blood his control was flawless. His monster was also locked away and not tempted by the scent of blood anymore.

Though it was still not easy for him to be here the blood was not an issue anymore but the emotional chaos in the house was a huge strain on my emphatic brother. He tried his best to keep us all calm but at least on me his effort was lost.

Alice sat down on the edge of the bed and looked pained at my fiancée. Esme sat down near Anna's head and stroked her cheek in a motherly way.

"What do you see Alice?"

She hung her head.

"I can't see her ever since she fainted. I only get blurry visions. I can't really see anything."

Emmett and Rosalie stood near the door holding each other looking worried.

"It will be fine. It has to be." Esme said in a determinate voice.

I prayed to whoever and whatever there was that she was right.