ch 40

Edward's POV:

"Do we have all the suitcases?" Emmett sighed resigned as he loaded the suitcases into his Jeep all the while, chanting ….please not more, please not more, please not more, please not more,.... in his mind.

I gazed at Emmett's crammed car before my view wandered to Carlisle's Mercedes that was equally crammed. I could only sigh and shake my head. Why the females in my family had to take the better half of their wardrobe every time we went on vacation was an unsolved riddle to me. Even after all of those decades.

Not to forget they would buy new clothes wherever we travelled and Alice was a psychic, for Pete's sake. Why she couldn't just pack what she needed I would never understand. She never had any trouble to organise our outfits for an entire week in advance.

The big question was also why couldn't she just do that for the few days we were on vacation as well?

"Yes." Alice sang as she came out of the house answering Emmett question.

"Finally." Emmett murmured relieved.

"We see you at the airport then." Carlisle said as he and Esme went to the Mercedes in which my beautiful fiancée was already sitting in the backseat. I quickly took my place at her side.

Rose was still in the house not being able to decide which jacket to wear on the way to the airport. That meant Emmett, Jasper and Alice had to wait.

"Do you have everything that you need?" Esme asked when she reached for the seatbelt.

"Yes. Well at least I have everything." My love answered and then looked at me. "You?"

"I'm also good."

"Alright then," with that Carlisle started the car and we took off.

A few weeks had gone by since Anna fainted, we discovery that my love was turning into a Vampire and her senses, her speed and her strength increased day by day.

After some experimenting Carlisle developed a version of our substitute blood that suited all her needs. My Anna was still too early in the transition to be able to consume the original stuff. And as for now the substitute blood was only an addition to her normal human diet.

The characteristics of the transition were small fevers every two weeks ever since she was consuming the addition Carlisle developed for her what also meant that it slowed the transition down, though my venom was still leaking out of her organs at normal rate.

Anna had to absolve certain tests every week to document her progress of the change. She wasn't very keen of them but didn't complain either. So far nothing alarming had been detected which for, I was grateful.

We were currently on our way to our winter vacation in Switzerland. We had a vacation house there, of course. I couldn't wait to show my fiancée the beautiful winter landscape of Kitzbühel, the ski region in Switzerland we were going to.

"Are you excited to learn how to ski?" Esme turned around as she asked my love warmly.

"Yes, very. I can't wait."

I was a little concerned about the whole skiing thing, seeing as how many people were getting hurt. They had a special plane at the air port of the ski region that they called the "Gibs-Bomber", "the plaster bomber", in English, that was daily transporting people with ski injuries back to their home countries in Europe.

I shuddered at that thought but I wouldn't go there. Anna was fine, she would be fine at the end of that vacation and returning home with all of her bones intact. I would see to it.

"Are you alright?" Anna asked, gazing puzzled at me as I sighed.

"Of course, my love." I smiled softly down at her, placing my lips against her temple while I remembered how we ended up going skiing.




"Has anyone an idea what we are going to do this Christmas?" Alice asked as she was hanging head down from the couch in the living room while she just couldn't decide which winter collection from which designer she would show off this year. There just weren't enough days and occasions for all the outfits she had in mind.

"Aspen?" Jasper offered.

"We've been there for the last four years." Emmett dismissed the idea not wanting to go there this Christmas.

"Switzerland? We haven't been there in years." Rose answered rather emotionless, not bothering to look up from her magazine.

"Switzerland." Esme mulled the idea over and smiled. "It's beautiful there during winter and I haven't had a look at the house in over seven years."

"The slopes there aren't that bad. I haven't christened them with my snowboard yet. It's decided then." Emmett nodded already planning which slope he would rush down first.

"Anna, can you ski?" Jasper asked her looking up from his book after he picked up on her emotions of excitement that were suddenly beaten down a notch.

"Ah….well I did stand on skies once but I wouldn't call that skiing. I did ice skiing but that's a few years ago. I wonder if I could do it, still?"


My mind immediately switched to the statistic of how many people were getting hurt or died during such kind of activity. I had to bit my tongue or else I would have certainly said something that would have put me out of Anna's good grace.

She hated it when I went all overprotective on her as she called it and in the back of my mind I knew she was right and I did worry way too much. The problem was I just couldn't switch that trail of my personality off.

But what I could do was not to voice every frantic, overprotective thought that shot through my mind and take every aspect of the situation in consideration before I approached Anna with my concerns if I thought it was needed.

Luckily for my sanity she often saw my point when I talked to her about the concerns I had regarding her safety and her health and she was willing to find a compromise. But if I would have tried to do things behind her back...…

Let's just say a Vampire can fear a human or hybrid in transition. I did cross her a few times and I had to pay greatly for it.

My love wouldn't talk to me for two days straight or even acknowledge my presence. I tried to dazzle her but every time I thought I had her she seemed to catch herself and was even angrier at me then before.

"You definitely have to learn snowboarding that's the best." Emmett boomed.

Emmett's proposal didn't help my situation in any way either since it was clear that my love's health was like a game of Russian roulette I became even more protective of her.

Though her body did became stronger in one aspect, the speed, the strength that she now possessed she was also more fragile. If not for the substitute blood she would have starved no matter how much human food she ate.

The venom in her body feasted on the trace elements, minerals, iron and the red blood cells in her blood, burning it all away before the antibodies she had in her system were able to stop the venoms toxic effect on her body.

"If I manage not to break my neck on skies I might try the snowboard." My love smiled at Emmett and a determinate look appeared in her eyes.

I tensed as she spoke about her death this freely. It was like walking on a tightrope. On one hand I'd worry about her wellbeing on the other I didn't want to stop her from the things that brought her joy. It was not easy to find a balance.

Who would have thought that I would be looking forward to turning her into a Vampire someday?

Picking up on Anna's sudden excitement of the prospect of skiing Emmett boomed again.

"That's the spirit little sis."

"And not to forget the most exciting activity we can do there." Alice chirped as she jumped up and down.

"Shopping." My love called out with faked enthusiasm.

My fiancée liked shopping normally but my favourite sister could make it too much sometimes.

"And there is also the confectioner that will make your wedding cake. You will love his designs." My pixie sister informed us.

My fiancée and I only nodded in acknowledgement.

"Where exactly is the house you own in Switzerland?" She turned her head to face me.

"It's in Kitzbühel. The house is great especially the grotto." Rose smirked while her mind wandered away into memories that I never wanted to witness.

"The grotto?" Anna asked puzzled. I kissed the tip of her nose and smiled down at her. Maybe this trip would be more fun then I first thought.


End of Flashback.


We waited in our private jet for the others. I could already hear their thoughts.

"That's a new plane isn't it?" My love asked looking around the suite.

"Yes, it is. It's been seven years after all."

My fiancée only shook her head at my statement but the cute smile didn't leave her delicious mouth. How I loved her smile. She turned around hiding her beautiful smile from me and pulled her IPod out.

I couldn't suppress the groan.

"The Shoop, Shoop, Shoop Song. Again?" I could only helplessly shake my head.

My love looked sheepish at me, smiling.

"Sorry but I really have it with that one right now, ever since I saw the movie again. Be thankful it's not Britney."

"Believe me I am." The music of that person just wasn't my cup of tea. Maybe the reason therefore was that Alice always used it to block me?

The others arrived and we were ready for the take off. The plane ride was comfortable and thanks to the strong wind current in our favour we arrived faster then planned.

As we exited the plane our rental cars were already waiting for us.

"You are definitely not holding back?" My love laughed when she caught a glance at the shiny dark silver SUV.

"Why should we?" I shrugged and Anna giggled, rolling her eyes.

"So you speak German?"

"Yes, I do though many people in Germany as well as here in Switzerland are capable of speaking English."

"Bro stop babbling and come and help me with these." Emmett's voice boomed along the runway while he was covered behind the suitcases.

"It's not my fault your wife thinks that this is a one year long journey around the world." I teased him and out of the corner of my eye I could see that both of my sisters were throwing me dirty looks.

I bent down and placed a kiss on Anna's cheek before going to help Emmett and Jasper with all of the suitcases. Why woman would pack nearly their entire wardrobes when they went on vacations, no matter how short, was something I would never understand.

And yes I had to mention it again!

Within two hours we arrived at our vacation house. The landscape around the house was as beautiful as always around the winter time.

"Wow." Was all my love was able to get out.

The snow was glittering in the last rays of the sun as twilight began to make it's presence known.

Everything was covered in white puffy snow and it looked like a winter wonderland. When I gazed at Anna I saw her deep hazel pools sparkle in awe. My love was unique in a myriad of ways. For example something as simple as snow could make her beautiful face lit up with excitement and joy.

"Want to see the house now?" I asked her as I locked my arm around her waist and kissed her temple.

"Sure just let me get my suitcase."

My fiancée was about to walk to the car to get them but I beat her to it and brought them already to our room.

"Every the gentleman," she smiled softly at me.

"Not this time."

Anna titled her head to one side and looked puzzled at me.

"Just practice for some of my future responsibilities as your husband." I explained.

"Oh!" My love laughed at that.

"Get a room you two!" Emmett drawled as he passed us.

I scooped her up in my arms, enjoying the feel of her body against my own and ran into our room, just as requested, setting her back down on her feet.

"You like it?"

I asked her as she took her time to look around our room.

"Edward I could never not like Esme's taste that would be blasphemy." She said in a serious and sincere voice.

I could hear Esme being proud and touched by that statement.

"Esme is happy you like it."

My love smiled when something caught her attention. I followed her line of sight and saw the polar bear's fur lying in front of the fireplace.

"Let me guess Emmett?"

"Yes, we kind of collected then over the years. The polar bears are an endangered pieces that's why we don't hunt them often. But when we do we keep the fur."

My love nodded and went to unpack our luggage but she stopped before she touched the suitcase and she looked calculative at me.

"I mean I still have some responsibilities of my own right?" She asked in a mocking tone crossing her arms over her chest and glaring playfully at me.

I went to her pulled her into my embrace, locking her waist with my arms and kissed her forehead.

"I'm not one to allow or deny you anything. You are your own person, you decide and as a couple we decide together."

Her eyes lit up and a warm smile appeared on her kissable lips.

"Guess you earned a reward." She purred as she grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me to her lips.

Her soft warm lips touched mine and I couldn't help myself but to press her more into my body.

She was torturing me sweetly with light, short kisses on my lips, each time a soft short touch of her lips on mine.

"I'm sorry I'm so much to deal with sometimes." I murmured against her lips.

"I'm not. I knew what I was signing up for." She answered and I couldn't take it anymore. I covered her lips with mine, kissing her hard. I lifted her from the ground and her legs locked around my waist.

The swell in my pants was throbbing painfully. When she took a sharp breath I knew she felt it. I placed her on the soft, white fur in front of the fireplace, never breaking our kiss.

The fire in the fireplace was cracking, providing to the romantic atmosphere that had build around us. The kiss was urgent and passionate.

I needed her now.

Shortly breaking my lips away from hers and instantly missing the contact I freed myself from the offending fabrics on my torso. I wanted to feel her warm hands on my chest.

My love smiled a little dazzled, up at me running one hand down my chest, sending little jolts of electricity down my spine with her feather light touch while her other hand rested on my hip.

She was wearing a red sweater that clung to her curves and dark blue jeans. I went to sit in front of her. Her curious gaze was directed at me, wondering what I was up to.

I placed my hands on her knees spreading her legs so I could fit in between them. My hands reached to the hem of her red sweater and I slowly pulled it up.

Only enough to reveal her belly button. I kissed the soft skin of her stomach around her belly button, blowing my breath across her hot flesh, causing goose bumps to break across her skin.

I loved the effect I had on her. Her heart was beating fast and hard and her breathing was heavy and ragged while little soft moans escaped her lips.

Having taken care of the skin around her belly button I dipped my tongue in it and swirled it around. My love began to squirm beneath me.

First slow and then faster my love writhed under me and giggled as my actions I tickled her. I could smell the effect I was having on her right then.

The ache in my lower part was becoming uncomfortable. I lifted myself up and closed my eyes desperately trying to compose myself to be able to avid third base.

My love suddenly started to lift herself up too until she was kneeling before me, mirroring my position.


Anna only smirk at me seductively and placed her lips on my chest over the place where my silent heart rested. Little warm kisses were raining down on my cool flesh as I felt her hands working on my belt.

When my belt was opened she unzipped my jeans and pushed them down my thighs together with my boxer briefs.

My love looked up at me, bit her bottom lip and pushed on my chest, ordering me silently to lay down. I complied.

Lying on my back Anna freed me from my pants completely. My length was on full attention and jerked in anticipation.

My arousal grew exponentially as I felt her soft, warm fingers touch my cool flesh. First she was only lightly brushing along my shaft while my muscles contracted rhythmically before she took me firmly into her hand, coaxing a deep growl out of my throat.

My love placed a single kiss on my chest holding me firmly in her delicate hand. I practically whimpered when she made the first, soft stroke.

The feeling of her hand going up and down my bare length was heavenly. She pressed her open palm over the head, rubbing my pre-cum on her palm before moving up and down again.

Violent shivers of pleasure were running through my body as she stroked me. Every few strokes she would run her thumb over my tip, making me jerk harder in her hand.

I closed my eyes while shallows breaths escaped my mouth as her grip on me tightened and she quickened the pace.


I heard her laugh softly as I neared my orgasm. I gripped the fur beneath me, my back arched and my hips left the ground as I exploded. A snarl of pleasure felt my lips as her hand was milking me while I rode the waves of my orgasm out.

After I reached my release I was breathing heavily and fast. The wonderful feelings of peace and happiness after a climax were filling me again.

I could feel the satisfied gaze of my love on me. Anna gave me a quick kiss on the tip of my nose and went to the bathroom to get a washcloth and a towel to clean me up.

Having fulfilled her task she placed herself next to me in my arm. Her left hand was on my chest, running her fingers over my skin.

My Anna was writing symbols on my chest, tickling me, when I allowed comprehension to come back to me and I turned to face her.

"What?" She asked me with an innocent look not being able to hide her smile.

Within a second she was under me and her jeans half way down her legs.

"Hmm….is something wrong with my pants? Don't you like them?" She teased me amused.

"They're in the way." I answered in a hoarse voice.

Her beautiful legs were spread before me revealing her damp panties. I touched her in the middle of her wet panties making her shiver at the contact.

I stroked up and down the lace that covered my personal heaven, making her writhe beneath me while soft pleads and moans left her lips.

Having teased her enough her panties joined her jeans somewhere in the room. Taking a look at the perfection before me I bend my head and started kissing down her creamy tight.

I kissed and licked my way down to her centre. The muscles in her body tensed and relaxed with ever touch of mine.

The scent of her arousal was intoxicating. I had never thought that there would be something that smelled better then her blood but I had been proven wrong.

At first my lips were lightly brushing over her centre until I ended the torture for the both of us and tasted her delicious nectar.

Ever since the first time I tasted her I was addicted. Hungrily I was licking off ever drop of intoxicating honey. Kissing her, licking her, sucking her softly and carefully.

I was holding her hips firm in place to have better control and to be able to make sure my teeth wouldn't accidentally injure her delicate skin.

My Anna was squirming under me more violently as my tongue entered her, swirling around in her entrance. Her heart beat was rapid and her breathing became more ragged with each lick of mine.

I loved the sounds that she was making as respond to my touch. One hand of hers was in my hair, scratching my scalp before she suddenly let go. I knew she was close.


My Anna always said that before she came. My mouth was still on her, savouring every drop of her nectar as she came. I rode her orgasm out with her.

When my love stopped shaking I kissed my way up her body while she slightly shivered coming down from her high. Her breathing was still heavy as I reached her mouth.

A lazy smile was playing on her lips as she locked her right arm around my neck, pulling me down, chasing my mouth with her own.

We kissed lazily slowly basking in the afterglow.


"The bunny slope is ready." Emmett boomed after he entered the lodge.

"Hmm…?" My love looked puzzled at him while she ate her breakfast.

"Jasper and Emmett made a bunny slope for you near the house so we can teach you how to ski." I explained to her.

"But why did you have to make one?" She asked confused.

"Because on our private bunny slope there are no chances of you getting run over by someone else. It's for safety reason."

My love just rolled her eyes on me but didn't comment it.

"So you want to learn how to ski first or go ice skating?" Alice asked excited while she danced to our side.

"In that case I chose ice skating. I haven't done that in years." Anna smiled brightly.

"Very well I already booked an indoor ice ring for all of us." Alice chirped happily.

"You…" my love began but stopped herself quickly, "never mind."

After my Anna finished her breakfast we went into town to the indoor ice ring. It was a giant hall where official sporting events took place.

"I better don't ask how much this costs." Anna shook her head while she put her ice skates on.

"No, you don't want to know." I confirmed.

"Alright I'm ready to get my backside black and blue." Anna announced while she stood up on her ice skates.

I went to her side, wrapped my arm around her waist and brought my lips to her ear.

"I hope you know that that generous bum of yours won't ever touch the ice with me around." She rolled her eyes at me again.

"You can sweet talk later now let's get on the ice." She murmured while she proceeded to drag me on the ice.

The others were already sliding on the ice. Rose threw her music mix into the sound system of the building and was jumping and making pirouettes same as Alice while their husbands stood leaned against the railing watching them. Esme and Carlisle were making rounds around the ice ring holding hands and wore content expressions on their faces.

I went on the ice first while Anna was still getting the plastic protection off the vats. She let the second piece fall to her left where mine also were and took a careful step on the ice while she held on to the railing for dear life.

Emmett and Jasper were in hysterics when they saw her holding on to the railing while her body was bent in an awkward position.

"Love shall I help you?" I asked and tried to keep myself from chuckling.

"Don't! I do it on my own!" So I stayed back.

Anna straightened her body and carefully pushed on foot in front of the other still holding on to the railing. I was beside her to make sure she wouldn't fall but she didn't need my help at all.

With each step she took she gained more confidence and was better on the ice. It wasn't that her venom filled body wasn't able to perfectly ice skate in an instant but her still partly human brain told her that she needed to be careful. When she rounded the ring once she let go of the railing and slid on the skates into my waiting arms.

"I really like the Vampire benefits." She smiled at me while her eyes were shinning with excitement.

"Glad you see it that way my love." I chuckled.

"You know exactly that I think it's great." She said as her hands made their way up my chest, over my shoulders and went into the hair on my neck. Her fingers threaded through my hair there and she played with the locks on the back of my neck, making me purr.

"Catch me." she giggled as she suddenly pushed herself away from me.

I stood there for a minute disoriented before the hysterical laughter of my brothers brought me back to reality. I threw them a dirty look and went after my little vixen.

In the three hours we spend on the ice Anna learned to slide securely on the ice and how to slow down and come to a stop on ice skates. If I wouldn't have known better I would have thought that she ice skated all her life. Thanks to my venom in her system her balance was better then a human's could ever have been and her reflexes also improved a great deal over the last few weeks.

"That was fun." Anna laughed when she let herself fall into my arms.

"The fun is not over yet because now we girls have an appointment at a spa." Alice chirped happily as she slid past us.

My love laughed lustily.

"What?!" I asked confused.

"When Alice said that we girls have an appointment at a spa you immediately pouted." She giggled.

"And you wonder why." My hands were at her sides and I was tickling her mercilessly.

After the visit in the spa, a little shopping trip and lunch in one of the noble cafes in town we went back home.

"It's still bright outside let's try the bunny slope." My fiancée coaxed me.

"I don't know, shouldn't you relax instead? Not that it will be too much for you."

"I'm fine," she pouted at me now.

I looked deep into her dark depths and slowly her head leaned forward and her lips made contact with my throat, she was placing small kisses along my neck.

"Please," Anna whimpered while her hot breath played on my cool skin making me shiver.

"O.K." I breathed without thinking.

She pulled away from me and smiled brightly.

"Great, let's go."

Aren't you a well trained puppy?! I heard Emmett mock in his mind.

I sighed, there was no denying it. She knew exactly how to push my buttons to get what she wanted. I shook my head and went after my little temptress.

First I explained all the basics to her before going to the practical part. Emmett and Jasper were watching us making bets if my Anna would fall on her bottom. They would never change.

I showed Anna how to move her legs, how she had to sway her hips and how to use her body to navigate. Teaching her how to ski was a rather sensual experience.

I had my hands on her hips all the time as she was of need to be steadied until she got a hang on the thing. Though if I was being honest she could hold her ground without my help but I wasn't about to take my hands off her.

The fact that her back was pressed into my front and that her apple round backside brushed against my member wasn't making the task of letting go of her any easier.

Liking this much? Jasper taunted me amused sensing my emotions and a smug smirk was plastered on his face.

Of cause something like this would never go under Emmett's radar.

Who would have thought Eddie boy. I'm proud of you man!

I just rolled my eyes at them but didn't comment it, they were right after all.

"You know honey, I love your hands on me but if you don't let go I won't learn how to ski." Anna pointed out.

"If I have to." I sighed rather unhappily.

"Here is a compromise. Tonight you won't need to take your hands off me at all." My mate promised.

"Sounds great." I kissed her temple and let go of her hips.

At first she was a little unsteady, what was connected to her psyche. Her still mostly human brain told her that she had never done this before and that she had to be careful while her body automatically knew what to do.

Despite the disagreement between her body and her mind she managed to come down the bunny slope without falling down. I was next to her the entire time but she didn't need my help at all. For some reason that made me sad and proud at once.

On the next few turns I just waited for her at the end of the slope. She was good of course with help of the venom she had the whole thing mastered in just a few tries without falling down. Or so I thought because suddenly she was standing unsteady on her skies and was about to fall down.

Luckily I was there and could catch her in time.

I looked down at her in my arms and was about to ask her if she was alright when she suddenly attacked my mouth with hers.

"You know that makes it worth to fall." She smiled at me after breaking the kiss.

"Did you do it on purpose?"

"Who knows?" She smiled alluring at me before jumping out of my arms.

She was teasing me. I liked the playful way we behaved around each other but it was also making it hard to hold back.

I was confined in sweet torture.

"Tomorrow I want to try a bigger slope." She informed me.

"Of cause you do."

"Come on give me some credit here." She complained playfully, swatting my arm.

"Alright, alright tomorrow we try a slope for big girls."

"Sounds better." The beautiful sound of my fiancées laughter filled the air. I loved it to see her carefree like this.


Christmas eve went by peacefully and was filled with a lot of joy, happiness and a myriad of presents. The last day of the Christmas festive season was coming to an end.

"You still aren't finished?" Alice whined as she saw that my love hadn't finished her dinner yet.

"Where's the fire Alice?" Anna asked amused looking at Alice's pouting face.

"In my room there are clothes and make-up waiting for you." Alice continued whining.

"And they still will be there in ten minutes." My love answered smugly.

Alice looked frustrated crossed her arms over her chest and glared at Anna's sandwich. It was hard not to laugh while watching Alice count down the seconds until the sandwich would be gone.

"When are Fin and Tia arriving tomorrow?" My love asked.

"At seven in the morning Esme and I we will fetch them up as well as Batiste and Lethia and bring to their hotel." Carlisle answered her question.

"You will bring Batiste and Lethia to the hotel but return with Fin and Tia." Alice corrected.

"I will?" Carlisle looked puzzled at her.

"Of cause I need time to style Tia before we go shopping." Alice said it as if that was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Of course." Carlisle nodded smiling warmly down at her.

"What exactly is this medical conference about that you and Batiste will visit? And why did they choose a date between Christmas and New Year for such a conference?" Anna asked curious.

"Honestly I have no idea about the date but the conference is about a few medical fields..." Carlisle excitedly explained while Alice let her head fall dramatically on her crossed arms that lay on the table before her.

When my love swallowed her last bite of the sandwich and Carlisle also was done explaining Alice was instantly at her side looking like a lost puppy.

"O.K. Alice I will be there in a second I just need to....."

My fiancée stopped mind sentence as she noticed that her dishes were gone and saw Jasper clean them.

"Poor Jasper." My love looked at him sympathetically. Jasper chuckled amused.

"He won't be so poor when he gets his reward." Alice chirped as she dragged my love upstairs.

My Anna only smiled and shook her head.

No peeking in my mind Edward or you will get to know exactly how my husbands reward will look like. Alice threatened.

I cringed at that prospect. After an hour of Anna Barbie my love got released from the little pixie.

I waited for her leaning at the opposite wall of Alice's room, already changed into my bathing trunks.

The door opened and my breath caught in my throat. Her hair was up though a few strains of her locks were loosely falling in her face and around her shoulders.

Anna's make-up was light, emphasizing her beautiful hazel pools. Looking down I saw that she was wearing one of mine white button down shirts. Underneath I was able to detect a black bikini.

Alice was trying to kill me. It was all I could do not to bounce on my fiancée here and now.

"So I'm finally getting to see the famous grotto?" My love asked alluring.

I swallowed hard before I was able to answer.

"Yes." I shuttered.

Happy with her work Alice bounced out of the room.

"Have fun in the grotto, kids." Alice sang as she disappeared, going to Jasper.

Being referred to as a kid should have ticked me off but I was too distracted to care.

I had my love in my arms in a split of a second. Her warm hands were on my bare chest, warming me inside out.

My lips slowly found hers and we shared a soft lovingly kiss. As we broke the kiss I placed my forehead on hers.

"You look….you look generous."

"Thanks," she giggled softly.


"Yes, but I think you should carry me. You just made my knees weak." She whispered shyly.

"It's my pleasure." Stealing another kiss I scooped her up in my arms.

Arriving at the entrance to the grotto in put her down and opened the door of the stair case that would lead us down to the crystal clear water.

Going down the stairs my love suddenly wondered.

"Edward why is it so warm here?"

"That's because we have a hot spring under the house. The pools of the grotto are filled with warm to hot water."

"Seems to be in fashion the whole water running under the house thing." My beautiful fiancée laughed.

When we entered the grotto under the lodge my love was overwhelmed. She looked around while her eyes were shinning in fascination and awe.

In front of us a wide river flowed that had junctions in different caves. White but also colourful lights were embedded into the rocks of the grotto lightening the space.

We had lights installed in all the different colours, making it possible to play off a variety of light arrangements which had a calming effect and contributed to the atmosphere.

Soft piano music was bouncing off the walls around us. The acoustic down here was perfect.

"How do you even find such houses and places?"

"Well with so much time on our hands." I shrugged.

"Wow." Was all she could say being completely taken with the place.

"Alice told me that you renting this house out. Guess it's taken all of the time?"

"Pretty much and we are getting offers for this lodge all of the time."

"Who wants to by it for example?"

"Donald Trump, Jennifer Lopez, Lenny Kravitz, Michael Jordan and some more."

My love sighed shaking her head.

"What's wrong?"

"Just asking myself if I will ever fully get used to this." She smiled at me.

"You are going to be officially a Cullen in a few months. This is the way we life Anna."

"I know it's just hard to shake off my old life but with time."

"You are going to have more then enough of it in a little while." I chuckled kissing her neck.

"Hmm…..what are you doing?" My love asked in a hoarse voice.

"Kissing your neck and trying to get that shirt off your body as much as I love that you wear my clothes. I still like you better without anything on." I answered as I kissed her neck and had my hands opened the first buttons of the white shirt.

My Anna giggled and run out of my arms. Turning around to face me she was slowly unbuttoning the rest of the buttons on my shirt that covered her delicious body, swaying seductively to the music as she did so.

I stood rooted in place watching her. One after another the buttons were opening until she reached the last one.

When the shirt was open she pushed it painfully slow off her shoulders. I watched as the fabrics fell from her shoulders down her arms and finally landed on the ground.

She was a vision.

If my heart could still beat it would have jumped out of my chest right then. My Anna was standing there in a small black bikini, leaving very little to the imagination.

Desire was running through every fibre of my being like a wild fire. I couldn't hold back anymore. I launched myself at her and into a passionate kiss with her, careful not to hurt my precious angle.

"I'm afraid that little black fabrics won't be on your body much longer." I growled against her lips.

"I was hoping you say that." My love giggled.


I was lapping at the slightly salty tasting skin of her neck when I heard her yawn.

"Sorry," she said and yawned again.

I glanced at my watched and was surprised to find that it was already passed two o'clock in the morning.

"Seems like you are ready to hit the pillow." I smiled teasingly at her.

"Yeah," she whimpered and locked her arms around my neck.

I chuckled and carried her blissfully exhausted frame into our room, rubbing us dry with the fluffy white towels before we snuggled up next to each other in our bed.

"Sweet dreams my love," I murmured when I kissed her forehead.

"Night," she mumbled with a voice that was heavy with sleep.

I chuckled lightly and pressed her closer into my chest, having my arm protectively wrapped around her.

In the night when the moon was at it's highest and the stars light was lighting my mate's beautiful face her expression turned into a frown while her entire body tensed and she clutched herself to me.

She held her breath and her heart was hammering rapidly in her chest from one second to the other. Carlisle wrote it off as symptoms of her transition but I just couldn't shake the feeling off that there was more behind her nightly anxiety attacks.

It could have been just me being in my element worrying too much. As much as I changed with Anna being at my side I was still a worrywart. I hoped it was just the worrywart in me going overboard and nothing else.