ch 41

Edward's POV:

"Guten Morgen!" Alice sang as she entered Anna's and my room, without knocking beforehand.

Good thing she is a psychic and it wouldn't happen that she caught someone off guard in an uncomfortable situation but then again she is a psychic.

"It's still dark outside." My Anna grumbled into my chest after she dragged her eyes open to witness the lack of day light.

"No wonder it's just 6 a.m." I chuckled.

The clock on the wall just reached the full hour.

"6 a.m.?! Good night." My love mumbled as she snuggled deeper into my torso.

Anna wasn't a morning person when she had stayed up late especially on vacations and weekends and we did enjoy the grotto until late into the night....or morning.

"But…" Alice pouted already having seen that this one wouldn't go as she had hopped.

"Good night Alice." Anna mumbled rather irritated before she put one leg above mine, snuggled further into me while her hot breath was tickling my skin before she sighed in contentment.

"I need to style you before Tia arrives…." Alice pouted in her super cute voice that she used to get others to do what she wanted.

Anna sighed annoyed against my skin as she heard the tone Alice was using. She peeled herself off me and slowly turned around to face our pixie sister.

"Alice there is the door," she pointed at the object in question behind the shopaholic, "and you are closing it behind yourself on your way out or else I'm dressing and styling myself." My girl said with finality ringing in her voice before she turned back around and snuggled back into my body.

Alice's jaw hit the floor and she was pouting. She looked like a lost puppy as she whimpered quietly. With her bottom lip stuck out, shivering. Her look was crowned with a really sad expression on her face while she sulked out of the room closing the door behind her like she had been asked.

"She is complaining to Jasper that she didn't get her way." I chuckled.

"Sorry Jasper." Anna mumbled in a voice that was laced with sleep.

I couldn't help but to shake my head. Alice should have known better then to try to throw my fiancé this early out of bed.

My love slept in again almost instantly and started to stir next to me some time after 7 a.m.

"Good morning love." I greeted her while my nose ran along the column of her throat.

"Morning handsome," she responded in a still sleepy voice and her morning greeting was followed by a yawn.

"Still sleepy?" I questioned.

She thought about it for a minute while my lips lingered on the flesh of her exposed cleavage as I was taking in her exquisite scent.

"No, I'm awake now."

"Good because a certain someone is already wagging her tail outside our door." I chucked against her skin.

Anna sighed defeated, grabbed my face into her hands, brought it to hers and placed her lips against mine for a hard and long good morning kiss. Her tongue darted out and softly traced along my lips. My body was buzzing with, the constantly present, electricity at the contact.

I groaned as her hands found their way into my hair and she was slightly tugging at my locks what caused shivers of pleasure to run through my entire body. I felt her smile against my mouth before we broke the kiss. My tongue quickly rushed out of my mouth to greedily lick her exquisite taste off my lips.

"Alright I'm yours Alice." My love announced.

"Hey I thought you were mine." I pouted playfully.

"Not for the next few hours." Alice informed me when she pushed the door open and entered the room.

"Morning Alice." Anna greeted her.

"Morning you too. And now hurry under the shower because I need my raw material cleaned and fresh." The little pixie commanded.

Anna turned her head to look at me.

"Bet even Mussolini has nothing on your sister." She said rather emotionless before climbing out of bed and making her way to the bathroom.

"She is your sister too, you know."

I smirked and shook my head. None could give out orders better then Alice. That was the reason why I didn't even try to follow Anna into the shower. Our little sister could be quite a pain if she was crossed.

I wondered why Rose, Esme and Anna were able to deal with her but none of us guys was. Was it because we were having a y-chromosome instead of another x one?

Anna's POV:

"Hi Fin, hi Tia! How was the flight?" I greeted them when they entered the house, giving Tia a hug after she had been attacked by Alice.

"Awesome! Flying first class is the only way to travel if you ask me especially if you have a very comfortable pillow at hand." She said and winked at Fin.

"I know exactly what you mean." We both giggled while our boys shook their heads at us.

"It's girls time so hush.." Alice was chasing the males from our sides.

"Are you tired? How's the jet lag?"

"I'm wide awake and full of energy actually."

"You are going to need all of your energy since we are going shopping with Alice." I warned her.

Alice decided that we made enough small talk and started pushing us up the stairs to her room.

"What did you have for breakfast? An entire load of read bull?" Tia asked raising an eyebrow at the little pixie.

"Nope that is just her usual self." I giggled.

"If you two are done then maybe we can concentrate on the important things here." The pixie huffed annoyed.

"Sorry Alice." Tia and I apologized in union.

We arrived in her room and she immediately pushed us into the chairs that were placed in front of a table with various make-up products on it. A huge grin was plastered on her face as she began humming and deciding how she would style us today.

Meanwhile Tia leaned back in her seat and looked up and down my frame, narrowing her eyes at me.

"I hate you." She suddenly stated.

I looked at her surprised and puzzled while Alice buzzed around us.

"And why is that if I may ask?"

"Because every time I see you it's like you became prettier. That sucks quite frankly! I'm starting to develop a complex." She exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air.

"First Aya and Lethia. Then Esme and Alice. And now you. And don't even get me started on Rosalie! She is completely out of the loop. There aren't even words to describe her." She huffed raising her hands into the air again.

"Since when have you self-esteem issues? You seemed to be the kind of girl that couldn't care less about the appearance of others."

"I am! I do but that doesn't mean I can't bitch around about the injustice in the world." She wiggled her eyebrows at me with a smug smile on her lips.

I shook my head at her.

"You are staying human or…" Alice asked taking part in the conversation.

"No, Fin will turn me when I'm older...about twenty to twenty-five. It's just not me to stay a teeny forever." She mused.

"Couldn't you just continue aging when you want? Didn't Lethia say something like that?" I asked.

Tia opened her mouth to answer but no sound escaped her lips. She was most likely asking Fin through the connection the blood bond gave them what was O.K. to tell us.

Edward read in their minds as they told us about the blood bond that the life partners are capable to communicate using telepathy, kind of like the Werewolves in La Push only that the connection is limited exclusively to the two lovers in a blood bond.

"Only the pure blooded ones have that ability." She answered.

"Pure blooded ones?" Alice repeated with his eyebrows raised.

"There are two ways to become a Lycan. One is to be born as one, the pure blooded kind of their species and the other is to be turned into one." Tia shrugged.

"Your kind can only be turned?" Tia voiced her curiosity.

"Yes, a human needs to be bitten by our kind. Our venom needs to enter their blood system." Alice informed.

"How does it work with Lycans?"

"Fin needs to bite me and I have to drink his blood for the transition to take place." Tia answered my question.

"But when Fin is a pure blooded Lycan and you won't be then in which category will your children fit then?" I asked curious about this.

Tia sighed.

"Well pure blooded parents have pure blooded children obviously. If a pure blooded or a turned one has a child with a human the children turn out to be human with no traces of Lycan at all in them. If both of the parties are turned ones they can't have children at all for some reason and if a pure blooded mates with a turned one, they are able to have one child, only one child."

"Why only one?" Alice wore a puzzled expression on her pixie face.

"None knows the answer to that. That's just how it has always been according to Batiste." Tia shrugged.

"You and Fin?"

"We will have a child after I'm turned. I don't think that parents should live longer then their children and I'd like to give my child immortality." Tia said looking thoughtful.

Just then I was hit by a vision. I saw Rose in a car dealership. She was ordering a new car for Carlisle, some new model that would come out in a limited edition in two years. I could also briefly see Emmett and Jasper in the background taking a look at motorbikes.

When I resurfaced out of my vision Tia was gazing with a curious and slightly worried expression at me.

"We have to hurry up the boutiques will open soon." Alice chirped, rushing Tia and me and successfully distracting her.

I didn't have visions often. Only once in a while a vision would overtake me. I couldn't control it like Alice could and Carlisle didn't want me to push it as long as I wasn't fully a Vampire.

I agreed completely with him on that one. I was thankful that Edward's and Jasper's gift didn't show themselves at all so far. I wasn't sure if I would have been able to deal with all of those voices in my head while my brain was still not working on full Vampire capacity.

"We have to hurry." Alice muttered under her breath.

"It's not like someone is going to buy the stores empty." I dismissed her approach of anxiousness.

Alice gave a sharp look that let me slump deeper into my chair and swallow loudly.

"If we won't be on time someone else will buy the dress that you have to wear for the spring dance. It is unique." Alice nearly growled at me while her hands were on her hips and she had her eyes narrowed at me.

"O.K." I tried to calm her.

The pixie nodded and disappeared in her walk in closet.

"Wow she really is taking shopping seriously." Tia whispered to me while looking with fear at the entrance of the closet where Alice just disappeared behind.

I nodded at her. We both looked at one another for a little while and then broke out in hysterical giggles.

Edward's POV:

I was walking on the shopping mile in Kitzbühel, a noble alpine resort in Switzerland, hand in hand with my love. I was glad that I could finally enjoy the day after the worst was over.

Hurricane Alice had clamed down after nearly five hours of power shopping with Emmett, Jasper, Fin and me in tow. Rose, Anna, Esme, Lethia and Tia seemed to enjoy the shopping spree while we guys just endured it.

"This is absolutely beautiful here." My love breathed as she looked at the decorations as our little group was walking through a street where booths with food and the usual corny things that one could buy around Christmas time were lined up.

Around Christmas time Kitzbühel always looked like a winter paradise, Christmas decorations and little lights were everywhere.

"You like Christmas."

"Yes, the snow, the green, the red, the lights and the smell of Christmas I love it. Though it won't smell good anymore once I'm a V, right?"

In public places Anna tended to call Vampires only with the first letter, so none would accidentally heard something he wasn't supposed to.

"No, it won't." I said sadly.

"Hey, don't look so sad. I'm getting something better in return. Forever. With. You." My love smiled at me.

"I love you. You know that?" I brought our intertwined hands to my mouth and placed a kiss on the back of her hand.

"I love you too." Her eyes were sparkling as she looked up at me.

My love giggled. "We are so cheesy sometimes but I like it."

"I'm glad to finally have a reason to be cheesy." I said as I kissed her temple.

Anna's POV:

"And here we are." Alice announced when she came to a halt in front of a patisserie that had tasty looking cakes and cookies on the display in the window and was called the "Zucker Paradies", "sugar paradise" in English.

I looked puzzled at her.

"Did you forget that I wanted to introduce you to the pastry cook who will make your wedding cake?" She raised a perfect eyebrow at me.

"Oh right you did mention something like that." I smiled apologetically at her.

"You'll find meat the Mercedes car dealership. I still have some shopping to do." Rose said and wandered off followed by a relieved looking Emmett.

Jasper gazed at Alice with hope shinning in his golden eyes and she sighed.

"Alright go."

"Thank you darlin," he smiled and place a quick kiss on her cheek. It was unusual for them to show affection openly in public. Guess it wasn't needed with Jasper being an emphat, he always felt how much Alice loved him.

We entered the patisserie and were immediately greeted by a man in black dress pants, a pale blue bottom down and a friendly smile on his face.

"Welcome in the "Zucker Paradies". I'm Stefan Kramer."

"I'm Alice Cullen and this is my mother Esme." She introduced the two of them first and worked down the rest of us before they dived in into the exchange of pleasantries.

When the door to the patisserie opened my nose was instantly assaulted with the sweet aroma of candy, chocolate, vanilla, coffee, citrus fruits and other yummy smelling scents. I never have been a sweet tooth but I loved the sweet and mouth-watering smell.

Mr. Kramer guided us upstairs to the private rooms of his store where we would taste some of his cakes to decide which one would be best for the wedding. Alice had shown Edward and me some of the options for the wedding cake on their web side. It was really hard to decide which design to choose because many of the looked amazing.

"Please take your seats I'll be back in a minute." Mr. Kramer said and disappeared downstairs while we sat down around the elegant set table that had white and silver for the colour scheme.

"Is it bad for you to be here?" I asked Edward quietly.

"No," he shook his head, took my hand in his and placed a light kiss on the tip of my nose.

"But the scent?"

"The dominant scent is sweet, similar to our own. Overly sweet scents do not smell bad to us."

"Really?!" I asked surprised.

Edward nodded again and I smiled at him.

"I hope you are hungry." I heard Alice say.

"So we are your guinea pigs!" Tia glared playfully at her.

"Of course you are," Alice admitted shamelessly.

"Alice," Esme chided her.

"Don't worry Esme Alice picked the right ones. My mom and Tia are the biggest sweet teeth you ever going to encounter on the surface of this planet," Fin laughed, having thrown an arm over Tia's shoulders.

"So when do they serve the cake," Tia asked already holding her fork in her hand.

Tia, Fin, Lethia and I tasted ourselves through a variety of cakes and also saw about five albums full of different designs for my wedding cake. The attending Vampires didn't have to pretend to eat since the staff was told that they had a food allergy.

"Hmm…sorry but do you have a cake that is filled with lemon cream….or something like it?." I asked the pastry cook after I had only eaten overly sweet tasting cakes.

Mr. Kramer thought for a moment and disappeared downstairs again, coming back only moments later, with cute looking tarts.

"These are some prototypes for our spring delicacies." He said as a waiter placed the little cupcakes on our plates.

I bit into the little art work and I couldn't help the moan that escaped my mouth. The interaction of the different citrus flavours with the discrete sweetness was like a perfect symphony on my tongue.

"I think we have a winner," Alice announced happily as the others who could eat also moaned once they took a bite.

The cake would have a white chocolate icing and would be decorated with white and silver pears made out of candy and roses made out of marzipan.

Fin sighed heavily and long, after we were out of the patisserie.

"You alright?" Lethia asked him as he looked rather uncomfortable.

"How the two of you aren't sick by now I'll never understand. Each of you ate more of the cakes then Anna and I together." Fin shook his head.

"He needs a little walk then he will be fine again." She waved Esme's slightly concerned expression off.

I took only a bite of each cake and drowned the sweet taste down with black coffee thankfully that prevented me from getting sick. Unfortunately the trick didn't seem to have helped Fin.

"We can go down there." Alice pointed down a path that leaded out of the inner-city.

"The landscape is beautiful. The path is quite comfortable for a walk and the house of the mayor who will perform Tanya's wedding is located there. I needed to check how far they are with the preparations for the wedding."

"I still can't believe you pulled that off, to organise an entire wedding on the first day of the Christmas holidays." Tia shook her head.

Tanya and our others cousins called to wish us merry Christmas and when Alice told Tanya how beautiful is was here the blond Vampire decided all of the sudden that she wanted a winter wedding.

"This is a holiday region. Christmas is the time of the year in which they are making the most money." Alice shrugged unimpressed.

Edward's POV:

We walked down the snow covered path while the white powder gnashed under our feet. The sight on the mountains was free once we left the inner-city and from the wind that blew into my face I could tell that more snow would fall in the night.

Anna held my hand in hers while her thumb stroked lazy circled over the skin it could reach. I gazed at her only to see her curious depths take everything around her in. I loved to discover the world anew through her eyes.

"Umm….Edward?" Fin's voice broke me out of my review.

"Yes," I turned around to face him. I stopped blocking my ability. I could reduce the mental voices of others to a buzzing in the back of my mind but it only worked as long none was screaming in their mind. The quiet buzzing in the back of my mind got louder and tried to read in his thoughts what he wanted but couldn't get a clear reading.

"Can you by any chance read minds?" That one stopped everyone dead in their tracks.

"What?!" Tia and Lethia asked in union.

"It's just something that caught my attention. During classes you always watch Anna and when the teacher asks you something you know the answer even though you haven't been paying attention at all. The way you glare at some of the males that ogle Anna as if there was more behind it. The way you answer questions that should catch you by surprise and many more little things let me believe that you are capable of reading minds." Fin stated.

Anna's POV:

Tia and Lethia first looked at Fin with their eyes wide open before their curious, disbelieving and slightly horrified gaze turned on Edward. I honestly haven't seen that one coming. That Fin would figure out Edward's ability.

"You are right. I can read minds." Edward admitted.

"What you've been reading my mind all the time." Tia shouted angered at Edward after the shock began to wear off.

"No, yours I'm trying to tune out for dear life." My Vampire muttered.

Tia raised an eyebrow at him expecting an explanation.

"You could put every sailor to shame." Edward sighed giving her the "stinky eye". "Just like that." He nodded and winced a few times.

"Then get out of my head." Tia yelled at my fiancé.

"He can't if you scream things at him. Edward can't turn his ability off." I informed her while I rubbed Edward's arm.

Tia narrowed her eyes at my Vampire but seemed to have stopped yelling at him in her mind because I could feel Edward relax next to me.

"Gosh it's gotta be awful to have him in your mind all the time." Tia assessed.

"I wish." Edward snort what felt the non Vampires confused.

"I'm a shield he can't read my mind."

"So there are more abilities in your family?" Lethia asked. She looked confused, a little embarrassed and uncomfortable but not angry about the fact that we haven't told them about our abilities for this long, especially about Edward's.

Then again there were also things they didn't want to tell us until they knew us better or at all for that matter.

"I see the future and my husband is an emphat." Alice answered.

"Well at least that's better then pretty face." Tia glared at my Vampire who just shrugged.

"It's not like I have asked for this ability."

"How much do you know about us?" Lethia looked directly into his eyes.

"I do not prey on others thoughts. I mainly use my ability to secure the safety of my family." Edward interjected.

Lethia nodded.

"I can only hear the passing thoughts of the people around me."

"I think I get the picture." Lethia pursed her lips.

"Lethia…" Esme's sweet voice breathed.

"Don't worry Esme if it would have been the other way around we wouldn't have said anything as well. Keeping secrets from strangers is second nature to all of us after all." Lethia smiled warmly but I could see that it was an act.

Edward's POV:

"How is the situation with the Lycans?" Jasper asked me as he, Emmett and Carlisle found me near a frozen lake that was located not far from our vacation house.

Anna was taking a short nap because she was drained from the shopping trip. After she had one of her attacks that she usually had during her slumber I went for a run to clear my head.

"They aren't exactly thrilled that I can read their minds and collected more information about them then they wanted to share with us but I think once they get use to the idea of me being a mind reader it'll be fine." I answered him at least I didn't hear anything in their minds that would lead me to believe otherwise.

"What's with that troubled face? Is it because of David, because he is new to our diet?" Emmett asked concerned.

"I'm not exactly happy about a Vampire I don't know or haven't even met before anywhere near Anna, even though he is Tanya's fiancé but I can deal with that." I answered truthfully.

"What is it then, son?" Carlisle asked as he put his hand on my shoulder.

"I just have this feeling in the pit of my stomach that something is about to happen, something bad. If something were to happen to….."

"Did Alice see something?" Emmett wondered.

"No," I shook my head.

"You just worry too much Edward." Jasper drawled.

"I know that. It's just with all that happened in the past."

"I know man but it won't be long anymore and she is going to be a Vampire, a pretty hard kill like the rest of us." Emmett tried to cheer me up.

"As long none has the brilliant idea to carry a candle lighter and a can of hairspray with them." Jasper mumbled.

"Oh come on man it was years ago and you still can't get over it."

"That's not it Emmett. We believed ourselves to be the most dangerous predators and superior to the human kind but a human could easily kill a Vampire. It does worry me. I think for the first time I understand why the Volturi doesn't want the humans to find out about us. They could erase our kind if they knew our weaknesses."

Emmett's face fell at that.

"I was also surprised by the fact how easy it was for her to set him on fire back then." Carlisle stated thoughtfully.

The only advantage we have is that we are fast. That's making it more even but still….. Jasper thought to himself.

"No matter what and if there is something coming at us we have the means to protect ourselves now more then ever. You don't need to worry so much." Emmett dismissed my concerns.

"Maybe your right." I agreed after a long pause. We did have enough weapons to scare off every attacker, Vampire and Werewolf alike.

"That's the spirit." Emmett boomed.

"Since we are hosting a wedding in a few days how are you feeling about your own? There are only a few months left." Carlisle asked curious though the fatherly worry was shinning through in his voice as he changed the topic.

"If I had my way it'd be only a few seconds. Sometimes I just wish to grab her and to envelop."

"Yeah, that would mean you are only a few seconds away before Alice kills you for ruining the dream wedding she is obsessively planning." Emmett pointed out.

"You are right and Anna wants the whole big wedding thing."

"I thought that was what you always wanted too." Jasper asked confused before my emotions gave him the answer to why I wanted to marry her as fast as possible. Of course that wasn't the only reason.

Why did I insist on waiting until our wedding night?

"You waited for over a century. You will survive a few more weeks." Jasper smiled sympathetic at me.

"Easy for you to say." I glared at him.

"See the positive side you still have all those practice times." Emmett tried to cheer me up.

"And from all I heard you are pretty good at it little bro. Of course you can always ask us for pointers." He grinned at me.

I grabbed some snow in my hand and threw it into his face. He didn't have time to duck. It hit him straight into his face.

Emmett wiped the snow off his face with one hand and grinned devious at me.

"You are going to pay for this." With that he grabbed a hand full of snow and tried to hit me with it.

Of course I was prepared and ducked what started a snow ball war between Emmett, Jasper Carlisle and me.


The Somerville's left Switzerland on the 29th to celebrate New Years with friends in Canada with no hard feelings over the discovery they made.

Two days later, exactly on New Year, Tanya and the others were to arrive. Rose and Emmett went to the air port to fetch them up.

I was in our room with my Anna. We were dressing ourselves for the arrival of the Denial's. Alice insisted on two different outfits to make sure the wedding and everything around it was perfect.

I didn't get the whole point since we would have to dress anew for the ceremony but with the mood Alice was currently in I didn't want to argue.

Alice proposed to take care of the wedding preparations for Tanya. She gladly accepted which meant that Alice was going crazy because everything had to be perfect.

This wasn't going to be Tanya's only wedding. She was planning another one in the country she was born in with everyone she knew. But inviting everyone and the planning took time. Tanya didn't want to wait. She wanted to be David's wife now.

It was decided or better Tanya decided that she would marry David here now only with the closest family and then later with everyone on a big castle in the Slovakia.

I sighed heavily as my mind was searching for explanations to why Anna had those attacks at night. Every night her entire body would tense, she would clutch herself to me for dear life, her breathing would set out and her heart would hammer rapidly in her chest.

When I asked her what she was dreaming about she answered that she couldn't remember most of it. She could only recall pieces like that she was lying on a dirty, dark green carpet in her dream and that there was a voice that was calling but she could never remember what the voice said.

Anna wasn't paying too much concern to her attacks. She was satisfied with Carlisle's explanation that it was connected with her transition. And as for her dreams, she assured me that it was nothing unusual for her to have the same dream for an extended period of time.

I sighed again while I was tying my tie my tie.

Small, warm hands touched my back that was only covered by the thin fabrics of my shirt sending shivers down my spine. Her hands slid over my hips and locked around my waist.

I took a deep calming breath as Anna was placing small, warm kisses over my shoulder blades though the fabrics of my shirt, stepping from behind to my front.

"Love what are you…"

But I didn't get to finish as she look up at me with a devious, sexy grin on her face and pushed against my chest.

I complied, amused by her actions and took some steps backwards until the back of my legs hit our bed and I let myself fall onto the soft mattress.

Anna smiled seductively at me and for the first time I noticed what she was wearing. She had only her lacy, cream coloured underwear on.

My breath hitched at the sight of her. This would be too easy.

Anna smiled victoriously at me when she saw my reaction to her state of near undress. Slowly bending down her warm hands touched my knees.

I gripped the fabrics of the comforter. I didn't have any pants on. I was lying in front of her only in my button down white shirt, a half tied tie and my boxers.

Her hands were slowly running up my tights making it hard for me to keep my thoughts straight.

As she reached my pelvis her warm hands slid down on the bed off me. I missed the contact immediately.

But it also gave me the chance to recover a little.

"Love what are you doing to me?" I asked rather breathless.

"Making you stop worrying." She answered in an alluring voice I didn't know she possessed as she straddled my waist.

"You have been worrying the whole time and now I'm giving you something else to think about or not think at all." She smiled seductively at me.

My Anna positioned herself over my growing problem and looked down at me with a sexy glint in her eyes while she licked her upper lip.

I groaned at the sight.

Taking a deep breath and gathering the little bit of sanity I had left I choked out.

"Love they are going to be here soon I don't…..ahhhhhhhhhhhh."

I couldn't finish my thought as my love grounded her hips into mine. My sight went black with pleasure and sweet torture.

"Love you are being unfair." I hissed as I tried to catch my breath.

"Am I really?" She grounded her hips into me slowly and forceful again.

I hissed as pleasure was running through me in waves.

"Do you have any idea what you are doing to me?" I asked strained still gripping the comforter.

"Hmm…..Let's see….." Her hands travelled up my button down shirt unbuttoning it as she went.

When the last button was opened she untied my tie and her hands found their way back to my abdomen.

Anna was running her hands slowly up my abs pushing my shirt open. Electricity was ruling my body and I closed my eyes enjoying every second of it.

"I'm just making sure you are going to be in a good mood when our guests arrive." She whispered against my skin as she was placing kisses all over my chest.

I briefly wondered what she was talking about but soon decided it didn't matter.

My Anna kissed, licked and nibbled her way from the base of my throat over my neck along my jaw line to my lips.

Her lips touched mine and I was lost.

Not liking the space that was between us since she was hovering over me I locked my arms around her and pressed her carefully to me.

While we were franticly kissing her body was being pressed flush against mine, melting into my frame. My throbbing hardness was pressed into her damp panties.

I couldn't help the grunt that escaped me at the contact. My love giggled into my mouth and started to slide off me.

I didn't like that but let her do it anyway. Anna was pressed against my side. I wanted her back on the top of me until I understood what she was up to.

Her right hand slid down my abdomen under the hem of my boxers, never breaking our kiss.

As her warm, soft hand gripped me hard I let out a hiss, instantly gripping the comforter again.

Our kiss was broken and Anna concentrated on my region down south while my eyes rolled back into my head.

She stroked me two times before freeing my member form the confines of my boxers. Having full access to my south part her lips found my neck.

I moaned out rather loudly and my breathing was increasing with every nibble, kiss and stroke.

"Love …..this…..ah…..I….ahhhh." I didn't even know what I was trying to say.

Comprehension was leaving me as my love continued to sweetly torture me.

I heard her heart rate increase as she nibbled my neck and brushed her thumb over the top of my member.

"Uh-huh," I croaked out as the pleasure was building in the pit of my stomach.

I felt my love smile against my skin before she laid her head on my chest and took the three finally strokes to my release.

"Oh…god…yes…" I cried out, raising my hips of the bed while Anna was milking me as I rode my orgasm out.

My love was lying still at my side as I was catching my breath and basking in the afterglow. My mind was blissfully blank.

As I calmed down I felt the bed slightly shift. Anna sat up, reached for the tissues on the nightstand and cleaned me up while I could feel her gaze on me. after she was finished with her task I sat up as well, cupped her cheek in my hand and brought my lips to hers whispering against them.

"You are getting way too good at this." Before I attacked her warm lips.

Anna broke the kiss snuggling her body into mine, her hands were running over my chest before I let her push me down again.

"If you think that I'm getting way too good at that, are you sure you want to be all alone with me on our honeymoon? Without anyone to keep you safe?" She smiled alluring down on me.

I couldn't take this anymore. I flipped her over and pressed her into the mattress hovering over her. She squealed at my action.

"Be careful love before I do something that Alice will kill me for." I growled lowly into her ear.

My mind was racing through the possibilities of how fast we could envelop, actually the mayor could marry us too.

Anna brought her lips to my ear after she stopped her giggles and whispered.

"Maybe you should go shower before I will give you a reason to do something Alice will kill you for." Then she pulled my earlobe between her lips, sucked on it and flicked it with her tongue.

I jumped to the other side of the room next to the bathroom door.

"Tonight you are going to pay for this." I promised hoarsely before quickly disappearing in the bathroom taking an ice cold shower.

If I didn't calm down quickly I would throw the wedding out of the window and I take her then and there.

While I let the ice cold water chill me further I could hear Anna still giggle, lying on our bed.

In this moment I desperately wished I knew a Vampire that could speed up time to the wedding and our honeymoon.


"They will be here in five minutes." Alice sang as I went down the stairs with Anna in my arm while Alice raced them up to get the list with the arrangements she made for Tanya's wedding.

"Stop worrying. That is a wedding a happy occasion." My love was trying to cheer me up.

I gave her a strain smile.

"Edward it's Tanya's wedding day." Alice barked from up stairs.

I sighed and tried to calm myself down. Anna and I joined the others in the living room and waited for Tanya's arrival.

"They are here!" Alice screeched as we heard the cars park in front of our lodge.

We all went to stand in the hallway as Tanya and the others came in. I had my arm around Anna and kept her close to me.

We all exchanged greetings and Anna got introduced to the Denali clan before we went to sit down in the living room.

While Eleazar and Carmen, Kate and Garrett and Tanya and Davis stood together embracing their mates Irina stood alone a few steps away from them. In her thoughts I could hear her loneliness, her sadness and the overwhelming feeling of being out of place as single among all those perfect couples.

I knew exactly how she felt. Before Anna entered my life I was in her place. I would have offered her some warm words or advice but I knew out of experience that nothing of those things was of any help or welcomed.

The youngest member of the Cullen's can adapt abilities of others and she has a shield, too. I never met anyone with two abilities that's going to be interesting once she is a Vampire. I wonder how long she has to be with someone to adapt his ability. Does it happen instantly? Or does it take time? I will have to exchange my opinions with Carlisle later.

Eleazar was thinking as he listened to a conversation between Esme and Carmen.

Alice was fussing over Tanya telling her details and Kate and Garrett were catching up with Emmett and Rosalie.

Did she take a liking to my David? The way she is staring at him? She better not try anything or else... Tanya screeched in her mind.

I looked down at my love and saw that she was indeed gazing intensely at David. It was more like gaze in awe.

I couldn't help the jealousy that shot through me but it was instantly followed by the worry that something was most likely wrong with her.

Tanya's thoughts were turning more and more hostile and she was about to position herself between Anna and David.

Hmm…that's interesting but I don't know what exactly she is doing. Eleazar thought as he noticed what was going on.

"Uh….Love?...Anna are you O.K.?" I asked her but she graced me with no reaction or indication that she heard me.

"Edward what is wrong with her?" Esme asked concerned.

"I don't know." I answered helplessly.

I just then my love recovered as she shook her head slightly. Everyone was staring at her now.

"What the hell was that just now? Why were you gazing at my man that way?" Tanya voice screeched harshly.

I was about to put Tanya in her place for yelling at my fiancé but I didn't have the opportunity.

"I…I'm sorry but his ability is something with fire, right?" My love stated not impressed by Tanya's outburst.

"Yes, that is right though I got to admit I'm not really good at controlling that ability. I've been trying for years but I still don't have it under control." David answered in a calm and friendly voice pressing Tanya closer to him.

"Did you just adapt my ability?" Eleazar asked amazed.

"I guess. It was different then with Kate because with her and you I knew what to expect but with him it was as if I had to put a puzzle together or something." My lovely fiancé answered as she tried to make sense out of what just happened.

"Yes, that's right it's like solving a puzzle. You adapt the abilities of others rather quickly Does it also work with Kate's?" Eleazar asked curious.

"I'm sorry but I can't really control it. It just comes and goes for now." Anna answered with a shrug.

"Of course…." Eleazar mumbled to himself.

"I'm sorry Tanya I didn't mean to set you off. I don't know how to explain it. I just couldn't stop until I figured it out." Anna gave her an apologetically smile.

"No, I'm sorry. I overreacted. I'm just really possessive of my man." Tanya smiled at her apologetically and pleading for understanding, of course my love immediately granted it.

After the little incident the males and the females separated to get ready for the ceremony.

The girls stayed in our lodge to dress and style while we guys already went to the little villa in which the ceremony would take place.

The house was completely white and the lit torches were already placed outside. The place was decorated with white flowers, candles and white and blue tulle.

The humans had already left the place as we arrived, as requested, only the mayor and his helper stayed.

"Your wedding is going to be the next one to attend?" Garrett asked me.

"Yes." I answered shortly. I didn't want to give Garrett any opportunity to make his jokes with me. Sometimes he could be way worse then Emmett.


"Shouldn't you ask David that? He is the one getting marries today." I raised an eye brow at him.

He laughed.

"Yes, I am but if he asks me one more time if I'm nervous I'm going to rip his head off." The soon to be husband scolded glaring at Garrett.

"Oh come on brother you are becoming an official part of this family now. As your older brother it's my duty to tease you mercilessly." Garrett laughed as he put his arm around David's shoulder.

"Older brother? I'm older then you by sixty years." David glared.

"Maybe but you are the last one to come to this family so you are the youngest brother. Right, Eleazar."

Both Garrett and David expected him to take their side but Eleazar suddenly became very interested in the decorations.

"Traitor!" David and Garrett said at the same time and started laughing.

I just shook my head as I heard the girls arrive.

"You might want to get ready the girls will be here in a minute." I warned them.

Everyone flew into their position, none wanted to anger Alice or Tanya or the two of them together...

David stood in front of Eleazar with Garrett at his side as his best man while I got ready to play the piano and the others took their places.

The girl's came in leaving only the bride and made of honour outside for the big entrance. Anna smiled warmly at me and gave me the sign to start playing.

The ceremony was quite and romantic.

Tanya and David disappeared shortly after the wedding starting their honeymoon. The rest of us went back to our houses, getting a ride in sleds. The Denial's had rented their own lodge.

It was already dark outside and as we drove down the hill on which the little white villa stood. We could see the town lights lightly shinning in the valley.

"This is so beautiful Edward." My love whispered.

"I know. Are you cold?" I asked concerned it was pretty cold outside.

"No, the covers here are pretty warm and Alice made sure my jacket is keeping me comfortable."

"Good." I kissed her temple and pulled her closer to me.

Our sled came to a halt at an overlook from where we could see the valley clearly. The sleds of the rest of our family had already arrived.

"I heard that the Sylvester fireworks here are very beautiful." My love mumbled.

"With you in my arms they are." I whispered into her ear.

"I love you." She whispered just as we heard the first bang of the fireworks.

"Happy new year my love." I placed a soft kiss on her lips which she returned.

Arriving at our vacation house, after the brilliant firework, we walked in to the living room to say good night to the others before disappearing in our room. There was still a promise I had to make good at.

"Anna, what is the matter with David's gift because there is more to your little black out then you led on." Jasper stated serious.

I was looking puzzled between the two of them so were the others.

"Yeah, you are right but the only reason I didn't say anything was because I didn't want to ruin Tanya's big day." Anna answered.

"And what didn't you tell us?" Carlisle asked curious.

"Hmm...I'll better show you." She smiled.

"Show us?" I was confused.

My Anna stepped out of my embrace and stood in the middle of the living room. She held her hand up and closer her eyes, she seemed to be concentrating.

I was just about to ask her what she was doing when she opened her eyes and snapped the fingers of her right hand.

As she snapped them as little explosion could be heard and a little flame popped out of nowhere, burning above her middle finger.

Automatically all of us stepped back at the sight of fire.

"What the hell is that?" Emmett asked irritated.

"It's David's ability. You remember he can control fire." My love answered smiling.

"So he can just pop fire out of nowhere?" Rose asked not being pleased with this piece of information.

"No, he already told you that he can't control it and he really can't. His control is enough to hold a little flame if he takes it of a candle but he can't do what I just did."

"How did you do it?" I asked amazed stepping closer to her.

"I don't really know something just clicked in my head and I knew how to do it." My Anna smiled at me the flame still burning over her hand.

"Does it feel warm?" Carlisle asked his curiosity getting the best of him.

"Not really it feels like my body temperature to me. You would have to tell me if it's warm." Anna shrugged.

Carlisle nodded and stepped closer holding his hand above the flame before quickly pulling it back.

"It's quite hot." He stated in wonder rubbing his hand.

"Sorry about that." My love apologized.

"Don't worry you didn't hurt me it's more like a reflex." Carlisle explained while his mind was making a mile a minute.

"Well at least I don't need a lighter anymore." My beautiful fiancé laughed as she tried to lighten the atmosphere.

While we were all staring at the flame in amazement my love suddenly yawned.

"You are tired." I stated as I locked my arms around her.

"Yeah sorry."

"Oh….yes….right….but I would like to do some tests tomorrow if that is alright with you?" Carlisle asked her excited.

"Of course Carlisle." Anna smiled at him. "Good night everyone." She said before we turned around to go to our bed room.

As I closed our bedroom door my love placed her hands on my chest and slid up my body until her lips reached my ear.

"How about you make good on your promise from before? In the shower." She whispered seductively in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

A low growl escaped out of my throat and a devious smile formed on my lips while I gazed hungrily at her as Anna sauntered over to the bathroom, slowly, taking her time with each step as she swayed her hips ever so slightly. I snapped my teeth together and was ready to go after my lovely prey.