ch 69

Anna's POV:

I groaned lightly as I stepped down the five stairs that led up to Edward's and mine part of the house. My belly was getting bigger every day and I still had two more months to go.

I knew that some women loved being pregnant but I was definitely not one of them. My back hurt like a raging bitch. I was tired most of the time and horny.

Sighing again, I tried to cheer myself up with the fact that I at least didn't have to do four more months of this which I would have if I was human.

Putting my right hand on the small of my back I massaged my tense muscles to try to ease the dull ach a little while I made my way over to the kitchen, thinking about what I should eat.

A croissant and a caffeine free coffee with a lot of milk sounded quite tempting. I smiled and put my free hand over my rumbling belly while I heard soft whispers and murmurs coming from the kitchen.

Once I stood in the doorway of said room I saw Carlisle, Edward and Rose standing in front of the stove and a lot of boxes and packets were spread all over the counter.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked with a curious and confused eyebrow that was raised at them.

The three of them turned around and smiled brilliantly at me.

My eyebrows immediately rammed into my hairline in alarm and I took a careful step back.

But I didn't get far since Edward walked over to me, placed a kiss against my temple and sneaked his arm around my waist holding me in place.

"We are trying to make food for the baby. Like the formula for newborns."

"Huilen had fed Nahuel blood and normal milk. We thought that we could try to create some sort of true blood that is cut out for the needs of the little one," Rose smiled gleefully at me and had a wicked gleam in her eyes.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked her, feeling really uncomfortable as the three Vampires were all gazing at me with those smiles on their faces that told you that they were up to no good.

"Well this substitute blood is specifically made for hybrids according to what nutrition a baby needs. It doesn't really taste good to a Vampire…" Carlisle explained and looked down at the glass with the somehow milky looking substance.

"You want me to try that?"

"At most it won't taste good but it won't hurt you or Jason." Rose quickly threw in.

I grimaced since I was pregnant I was even more picky than usually when it came to food.

"I know but maybe it would be a good idea if I stand next to the sink just in case it does not taste good at all." I said and Rose moved out of the way.

Carlisle handed me the glass and I smelled at it first.

"At least it does not smell bad," I joked as the three of them looked curiously at me and I took a sip.

I spit it out the same second the disgusting liquid hit my tongue.

"God is that sweet." I squeaked, put the glass on the counter, turned the water on and rinsed my mouth out.

I positively hated too sweet stuff.

"But it does not taste bad?" Carlisle pressed on.

"Not bad but disgustingly sweet."

He nodded and reached for the next glass.

"Not that I would dream of disturbing your fun but how exactly does me tasting those things give you any clue to wherever this will be acceptable for Jason or not?"

"We've got to start somewhere," Rose shrugged.

"Great!" I snorted, then sighed heavily and glared daggers at the slightly milky looking liquid but in the end I took the glass from his hands and tasted it.

Again and again and again…..

"That's the last one," Edward smiled at me as I looked through narrowed eyes at him.

Huffing I took a sip of the eights and last composition of the day.


I had been planning on having a croissant and a caffeine free coffee with a lot of milk but after the overdose of sweet stuff that had become a no go.

"Where are my potato chips?" I desperately needed something salty to erase the overly sweet taste in my mouth.

A second later Rose was dangling a bag of sour cream and onion chips in front of my face while Carlisle and Edward were discussing what improvements they could make on the new batch.

"Thanks," I smiled at her, snatched the bag from her hand and made to munch my favourite snack.


"Ooooo," I moaned softly while Edward's magical hands were kneading the muscles of my aching back.

"That feels heavenly," I sighed while I leaned back and rested the back of my head against his shoulder.

Edward chuckled from his position behind me on the bed and placed a tender kiss on my exposed neck.


"Uhm," I hummed in bliss.

"Today is the birthday of your mother." My eyes snapped open. "Do you want to talk about it?"

I lolled my head to look at him.

"Not really."

"Anna," he sighed.

"You should know me good enough by now to know that I'm not into deep soul searching conversations. I like to put conflicted emotions into a box and store it somewhere deep and dark where they do not bother me," Edward scowled at me before he gave me a stern look.

"Alright! Do you still miss your parents?"

My Vampire was surprised by my question but answered it after a few seconds.

"I do."

"I do too. And when I have the need to talk about it I will but right now….." I trailed off and turned my head to look out of the window in front of me.

I was not ready to have that talk. Maybe it would take me years to really lay my emotions out there. I missed my parents and my family especially now that I was becoming a mother but I was nowhere near ready to deal with those feelings.

I had never been someone who talked about this sort of stuff. I had always resolved things in my head and then talked about the result with persons who had a right to know.

I knew that Edward wanted me to let him in though I knew that he was just as unable to let me in on his emotional drama and the conflicted thoughts in his head but that was bridge we would have to pass with the years.

I loved Edward above everything else and I trusted him with my life but letting him in on my inner thoughts was something I could not do yet. Not because of him but because of me. I had to learn to talk about it.

Both of us were used to deal with this sort of "situation" on our own. Leaving behind this habit would take us time but I had no doubt that in a few years we would get there. Relationships grow with time after all if one cares for them.

Edward sighed and kept kneading my aching muscles before his lips touched the skin of my neck and he murmured a quiet apology.

A small smile occupied my face before I cranked my neck and gave him a quick peek on his cheek while he worked his magic.

"He is content and happy right now, just like you," my husband murmured after a while.

"You must be quite happy that his shield is not working all the time?" I teased.

He sighed and nuzzled his face in my neck while his hands continued their wonderful assault on the small of my back.

"Jason seems to be growing on you." I breathed happily.


Edward's POV:


Yes, he was.

The moment I caught his innocent thoughts, the world that was made out of shadows, light and dark, and sounds and feelings, my heart was lost.

From that moment on I couldn't see him as a thing anymore, something that could take my wife from me, from that moment on I saw the little being that was growing inside of my wife as my and Anna's son. The life that we created together.

I discovered that I cared for the little one. A warm feeling was suddenly flooding my chest whenever I thought about him.

One of the things I regretted after Carlisle told me what I had become was that I could never have a family, never be a father. With time passing I slowly gave up hope not only for a family of my own but to ever find the right one. I lost myself, committed sins and came to believe that I would be punished with solitude and loneliness for the rest of my immortal existence for the wrongdoings that weighted heavily on my shoulders and consciousness.

Then Anna came along and the lonely world of darkness and self-loathing that I had been living in began to crumble around me without me even knowing what was going on.

I had been confused, scared and slightly panicked she had turned the believes I had lived by for decades upside down and tore them down as she went.

It took me so long to realise that she was my mate because I was scared. Scared to have hope that such a precious gift was actually meant for me. I had been terrified to be disappointed. Afraid that warm, content feeling Anna put into my silent heart would rip me apart once she told me she didn't want me.

But Anna did, she wanted me and she loved me.

It was more then I had ever thought I would be granted.

I was unable to function without Anna.

I had always been dark and moody it had been my wife who brought out the best in me. She was the balance that fixed me. The reason I exist. Anna was made for me like I was made for her. And without her there was nothing left of me.

The moment I got to know that Anna was pregnant with my child two thoughts shot through my head.

The first was the worry what that being inside of her would do to her body and if it would threaten her life.

And the second thought was that I could not believe that I deserved such luck. I had already been blessed with the most wonderful woman in the world who was mine but to be also granted the wonder of becoming a father it seemed too much.

No one got that lucky.

I was scared and concerned that my luck would run out and that something horrible would happen.

The most disastrous thing.

I was still scared, concerned and terrified of the future but now there were two people that were close to my heart that I cared deeply about.

My amazing wife and our son.

In the end it came all down to this: I could not exist without Anna but it would hurt, deeply, leaving a wound that would never heal on both of our hearts, if something were to happen to the little angel we created together.

"Edward?" Anna's tender voice asked while I stilled my movements.

But instead of answering her I caught the lobe of her ear between my lips and began to suck softly on it. My hands inched from the small of her back to her hips where I stroked her flawless skin with my thumbs.

A moan drew from her chest and she arched into me.

I relished the feel of her body against mine. I drowned in her cute, little, seductive sound. I lost myself in her scent and her presence while I was leaving butterfly kisses on the skin of her delicate neck.

She grounded me and her touch reminded me of the facts that were ever present in my mind:

It was her who kept me sane.

It was her love that gave me strength.

It was her smile that gave me faith.

She was the one who ripped me out of the hell I had created around myself and led me to the heaven I never wanted to leave, that was mine.

"I love it here," Anna sighed contently breaking me out of my musing as she was lying in my arms, her head rested against my shoulder while her body was curled up in my lap as our legs were a tangled mess.

I carefully tugged the flick of her hair that had fallen into her beautiful hazel depths behind her ear and she looked up at me with a small content smile on her pouty lips while her dark pools were shinning with happiness and love.

"I love you," the words left my lips in a breath and while I was looking down at the wonderful being in my arms my chest cracked open with emotions.

She smiled wider, "I love you too."

I burned.

I perished.

I loved her so much that it literally hurt.

All I could do was to pulled her closer into my body and to rest my lips on hers, holding onto my mate before I would fall to ashes and be scattered to the four winds.


We spend Christmas and New Year in our luxurious lodge in Aspen. Esme and Alice had gone overboard with the decorations and I had partly the feeling of living at the North Pole in Santa's house but Anna loved it.

Her beautiful hazel pools would twinkle with joy and happiness every time she gazed at the Christmas tree that all of us had decorated.


"Wow! Will that tree even fit into the living room?" My wife asked when she saw the fir tree which Carlisle and I had picked out.

I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Alright! I didn't say anything," she held her hands up and back away from me.

I smiled and shook my head.

"We better get it into the living room." Carlisle suggested but was stopped by Esme and Alice who demanded to inspect the tree before it would enter the house any further.

"Good enough?"

"Passable," Alice nodded at me after she was satisfied with what she saw and went over to instruct Carlisle and me to where to place the fir.

"I love the smell of a real Christmas tree," my Anna mumbled after she drew a deep breath.

"Didn't you have real trees on Christmas?" Esme asked being curious.

"When I was little we had but after a few times it got too mess for my mom and she bought a plastic tree. It looked good but the smell was missing unfortunately therefore we always bought fir branches. My mom, grandma, my brother and I we would always decorate the trees while grandpa occasionally commented on it. It was fun," she looked happy and content remembering her past.

"Where are the decorations?" She asked as she looked around the room in search of said objects until the plate with the candy, on the couch table, caught her eye and she grabbed a cookie.

"What?" She pouted at me and munched the piece of pastry.

I smiled and shook my head in the past few days she became quite a sweet mouth.

"Being delivered." Emmett announced as he entered the room carrying a few boxes from the attic with the traditional golden, red and green balls, the glass icicles, the ornaments and other stuff in it.

Jasper followed suit a second after.

"The decorations have been here all the time?" Anna asked curiously.

"Yeah." Emmett nodded.

"No-one steals them?"

"The attic is locked and the only other person who has a key to it is the care taker of the house." Alice shrugged while she was opening the boxes and organising them.

"Guess that is our cue to leave," Emmett mumbled as he was about to step out of the living room.

"Aren't you helping decorating?"

"That's Esme's and Alice's job."

"Oh," Anna looked like someone just killed her puppy in front of her eyes.

She hadn't really cared about who decorated the tree last Christmas but then again last year the tree had already been decorated when we arrived in our vacation house in Kitzbühl, Austria. And she hadn't been pregnant then.

Esme noticed Anna's changed mood the same second I did and she walked over to my wife, wrapping her arm around Anna's shoulder.

"But we can decorate it all together this year."

"Really?" My love's beautiful hazel pools sparkled with happiness at the prospect.

Esme nodded.

"I'm gonna get the Christmas mix," Alice chirped as she went to her and Jasper's room to get her IPod and IHome.

End of flashback.

We had been all decorating the tree – in human pace - while listening to all sorts of Christmas songs though "Last Christmas" had been voted by Emmett, Jasper, Rose and me. I had to admit I enjoyed the cosy and contemplative Christmas we had.

I chuckled at the memory before a heavy sigh washed the smile off my face.

I worried about the future, about what would happen when it was time for Jason to meet the world but those dark thoughts only occupied my mind actively when I was not able to see and touch my breathtaking wife.

She glowed with happiness these days and it was hard to have negative thoughts when one looked into her, with life and joy sparkling, eyes made me forget everything around me.

I had long ago learned to just surrender to whatever Anna wanted because I was not able to resister her anyway once she started to pout and looked at me with those huge puppy dog eyes a "no" barely made it past my lips and if it did it was not like she would admit defeat.

Oh no, then bigger weapons were being pulled out. I used to taunt my brothers and occasionally Carlisle with how their wives had them pulled around their little finger. Well that had been thrown right back into my face.

I shook my head and smiled before it melted away as a cloud of worry hit me out of nowhere. That was how my life had been for the last couple of weeks a constant change between happiness and despair.

I sighed and was about to give myself over to the worry about my wife and the negative thoughts I had about the birth of our child. I was still a pessimist and for the life of me I wouldn't dare to believe that everything could go well for me.

To be blessed not only with the most wonderful woman in the world but also with a child, I just couldn't find anything that I had ever done in my life to deserve such a precious gift: a family of my own.

I knew that Anna would just roll her eyes at me and tell me to stop looking the gift horse into it's mouth.

Maybe it was my philosophical side that made everything so complicated and reflected the world only in black and white while Anna living on the practical side of things saw everything in all the colours of the spectrum.

Suddenly the beats of Beyoncé's Crazy in love ripped me out of my sullen musing. My head snapped up and I noticed that I was standing in front of the entrance to the kitchen, as lost as I had been in my thoughts I hadn't actively noticed the way I travelled.

But then again where else would I go if not to the place where Anna was. The pull she had on me was undeniable and all consuming.

I smiled and shook my head before my eyes were met with the exquisite view of my wife as she was swaying her hips to the music. Her belly had grown bigger but not big enough to hinder her movements, well as long as she stood once she sat down it was an entirely different story.

I felt a smirk tug on the corners of my mouth as I leaned against the door frame of the kitchen watching her dancing and making herself lunch.

I loved to watch her dance, sway those hips that still were small if not smaller then before (carrying our son burned more calories down than she could consume) and her entire body in rhythmic, sensual movements. Unfortunately she was a little shy to go out of herself while dancing like this in front of anyone, even me.

Once she was in the grove, like Emmett liked to put it, it was no problem for her to dance and enjoy herself freely but to get her that far was the tricky part and I wasn't always succeeding on that task. Which is why I was enjoying myself even more, now.

Anna always appeared to be collected, refined and calm while usually carrying a smile on her face but when she danced it was one of those rare moments were she could be goofy and just let go.

I could easily imagine the wonderful mother that she would be before my darker side reminded me that she might never get the chance. I shook my head to free myself from those dark thoughts.

I didn't want to think, to assume, I just wanted to enjoy every second I had with her.

My eyes followed every movement of her hips on their own accord. The black mini skirt clung to her every curve like a second skin and through her light blue blouse I could see the strips of her black bra.

She let herself fall into the rhythm of the song while she was preparing a sandwich. Her hips were swaying in one perfect, sexy, fluid gyration after another while her upper body moved sensually to the music.

Her movements were full of ease and grace, driving me in like a sirens call.

As the chorus began she was slightly sliding across the floor in her black high heels. How she managed not to break her neck in those was a riddle to me, especially now with that small orb in front of her but Anna in those deeds of sin…that was hot.

On the second line of the chorus Anna shook her luscious bottom to the rhythm, humming along to the melody. White hot lust was rushing through my body at that sight. My mouth went dry when I remembered how it felt to brush my hands down the creamy, soft flesh of her backside.

My fists were clenching and unclenching at my sides as I tried to regain control over myself. I was breathing hard and my arousal begged me to take the steps to close the distance between me and what my body desperately demanded.

Just as I was to give in to the lust that coursed through my body Anna suddenly turned around and shrieked in surprise. Her beautiful depths were wide with the scare I just gave her while she stared wordlessly at me with her right hand over her franticly beating heart.

"H-H-How long…..h-have you….." She stammered out of breath.

I chuckled before a crooked smile formed on my face.

"God, don't scare me like that," she scolded me after she was able to catch her breath.

I closed the distance between us with four quick strikes and placed my edger fingers on her hips. Her expanded belly prevented me for getting as close to her as I would have liked but I took what I could get.

"I'm sorry love but you were so sexy it left me speechless."

Anna gazed into my eyes before her hazel pools narrowed at me.

"Hmmm…and I should believe that?" She pouted playfully.

I leaned in to place a soft kiss on her lips.

"Am I forgiven?" I asked after I pulled back.

"Not yet," she shook her head.

I chuckled before I leaned in for another kiss. This one was deep and passionate, lasting until she was left breathless.

"Better," her eyes twinkled with mischief.

"How is your back?"

"Thankfully my back showed mercy on me and decided not to try to torture me to death today." She sighed and rolled her eyes before she buried her face in my neck.

"Those shoes?" I stepped away to be able to look at the seductive looking weapons.

"I told Alice she was nuts when she showed them to me and told me I should wear them but they are actually very comfy, one would not believe. I think it's because of the board heel. I love them." She beamed at me.

"Nice shirt," I noted as my best friends were greeting me out of the generously cut V-neckline and the push-up bra that – I swear - was made to drive me nuts with desire.

"I was actually planning on seducing you. Why else do you think I'm dressed like this? " Anna admitted while she titled her head.

"What happened to the plan?" I raised an eyebrow in question.

"I got hungry and decided to make myself a sandwich before getting you naked."

"Ouch you wound my ego. I'm second to a sandwich." I feigned hurt.

"You know… now that I'm already married to you…." She shrugged.

"You little," I exclaimed and went in to tickle her sides.

"Stop!...Stop!" she begged between the giggles that escaped her mouth.

"Tell me you love me," I commanded.

"I love you. I love you," she laughed and my fingers showed mercy.

When her giggles ceased her hands sneaked around my neck pulling me closer to her.

"I love you," she whispered while her beautiful depths shone with adoration.

Anna lifted her hand and touched my cheek with such a care and love that my heart swelled in my chest as a content sigh left my mouth. Only she had the power to make me feel cherished.

Her lips crashed onto mine and I was just about to deepen the kiss when suddenly a very hungry wolf growled between us. We both broke the kiss and looked down at her round stomach.

"Let me eat first before my belly crawls out of my gut and then let us continue where we left off." She offered.

"It's not like I have a choice," I pouted playfully at her while my raging hardness wanted to shoot itself.

"You know that you are my number one." She tried to appease me.

"But it doesn't hurt to show me."

My vixen giggled before she made to bit into her sandwich and I was tortured with the image of her tongue licking her swollen lips while she ate.

That sandwich couldn't disappear fast enough if someone asked me.


Anna's POV:


"Are you going to stare at those all day or are you going to eat them at some point?" My husband asked me amused.

My eyes briefly swayed at his form as he was leaning against the kitchen unit before they returned to the cupcakes in front of me while I was trying to figure out which one I should eat.

"Should I eat the cupcake with the lemon frosting or the one with the cappuccino frosting…or should I eat a doughnut?"

"Anna, nothing of those things appeal to me at all. I have no idea," he shrugged bemused.

"You are not a help at all," I scowled at him to which he chuckled and shook his head.

I stuck my tongue out at him and he laughed harder.

"Why don't you eat them both?" He offered.

"I will! I just can't decide which one to eat first."

An incredulous expression settled on his face before he huffed out a laugh, closed his eyes and let his head fall into his hands in defeat while his shoulders were shaking with laughter.

I rolled my eyes and just as I was to return to my difficult task of choosing a cupcake my cell rang out.

"Can you get it, please, I felt it on my night stand?" I asked Edward who was out of the door before I even ended my question.

"It's Jacob," he informed me when he came back and handed me the small piece of plastic.

I briefly wondered why they always called me instead of someone else of the family while I opened my cell and up the call on loud speaker.

"Hi Jake, to what do I own the pleasure." I chirped happily.

"Hi," he sighed heavily.

"Wow! That's a cheerful greeting."

"I'm sorry it's just…" He trailed off and sighed again.

Edward and I exchanged concerned looks.

"Jacob this is Edward. Did something happen?"


"I'm calling to warn you. Gene and two of his friends are missing currently." Jake admitted in a half defeated and half angry voice.

Edward's expression turned grave and concerned.

"But they do not know where we live do they?" I wondered.

"No, since not even I know where you currently are."

"Since they don't know where we are why exactly is it that you are calling?" Edward narrowed his eyes.

"They do not know where you are but if by some unfortunate luck they did found you I calling to ask of you to not to use your lethal weapons." His voice was almost pleading.

Edward's grit his teeth and did not look all too happy with the plea. I nudged him and widen my eyes at him to signal him to agree.

My husband sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose before he answered.

"We will try not to kill them but I can't promise anything."

"I understand," Jake answered in a tight voice before we exchanged pleasantries and ended the call.

"The pack is getting way to large for my comfort," Edward mumbled while he ran his hand through his hair.

"What now?"

My Vampire looked at me and his golden pools softened before he leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"Don't worry," I rolled my eyes at him and he chuckled before he went on, "I will call Carlisle and then we will discus this with the others later."

I nodded and watched him as he called Carlisle to set him into the picture.

"Alice will see it when suddenly everything turns black," I told him after he ended the call.

Edward sighed, "That's what Carlisle said."

He ran his hand through his hair again. I reached out to grab his shirt because he was pacing while talking to Carlisle he stood farther away from me. Once I had the fabrics between my fingers I pulled him to me and gave him a hug.

"It'll be fine," I smiled up at him and he bowed his head down to place a kiss on my lips.

I shrugged happily and turned my attention back to my cupcakes while hearing a car coming down the driveway.

"I'm home," Emmett's voice boomed when he ripped the front door open and stepped inside.

"Yeah we hear that," I mumbled while I eyed my selection of pastry.

"She is trying to decide which one of those she should eat." Edward answered Emmett's thoughts as he walked into the kitchen and saw me.

"Why doesn't she eat them both?"

"Don't ask. And we just received a call from Jacob Black. Those grousers are on the loose."

"Those pups?"

Edward nodded, "Carlisle wants to discus the situation later."

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Emmett nod his head before he stepped closer to me and put his hands on my shoulders. "Aaaaanyway!"

I cranked my neck to look at him.

"You are going to get dressed now. I have a surprise for you." I looked puzzled at him and then back at my cupcakes.

"While you are getting dressed," he carefully pushed me off the stool I was sitting on, "I will pack those cupcakes in a tupperbox then you can continue to muse in the car if you want to eat them." He smiled broadly at me while he sent me off to my room.

I was just about to turn around….

"We are going to town," he called.

"Thanks," he answered and giggled. Rose had really trained him well.

It was not such a big surprise when I opened the door to my walk in closet and found an outfit already laid out for me and a notice from Alice to wear what she had picked for me.

"Where are we going?" I asked when I walked into the hallway where Edward, Emmett and Rose – who did not look happy (guess she was told about the wolves) - were waiting for me.

"You will see when we are there," Emmett grinned happily.

"I thought you were shopping with Alice?"

"No, I went to get some parts for Emmett's jeep," Rose answered me before Emmett placed a loud kiss against Rose's temple and marched off to the car with her.

I looked at my husband who helped me into my jacket but he only shook his head. The traitor wouldn't tell a soul.

Edward handed me the tupperbox with the cupcakes in it and off we were as well.


I looked curiously around while we were all standing on the moving staircase that brought us to the lower level of the mall and suddenly my eyes spotted Alice and Jasper.

The little pixie was bouncing on the balls of her feet and looked like she might explode with excitement. Only seconds later Esme and Carlisle also came into view.

I was guided to others who stood next to a green spot with palms and other plants. Moving around the huge flowerpot with the plants in it Emmett pointed at a store.

"I know that! It's a build a bear workshop!" I exclaimed stunned when I was standing in front of it.

"Like my surprise?" Emmett chuckled.

"It's awesome!" I laughed and went inside looking at the selection of different bears and other animals.

Truth to be told Jason already had mountains of cuddly toys, cars and a whole lot of other stuff but guess a child could not have enough toys.

"Jason's bear gets this outfit," Emmett showed me a Harley Davidson biker jacket, black chaps and matching shoes.

"And of course he gets the motorcycle as well to go with the outfit," he gushed.

"Jason or the bear?"

"Both," Emmett answered after a second.

"Yeah, but maybe you should choose something fluffy and comfy for the outfit of the bear as long as Jason is still little so he can cuddle the bear." Emmett nodded and went off to look through the collection of outfits.

"How about I buy you a bear too?" Edward murmured into my ear while my back was pressed into his chest.

"Thank you," I smiled and cranked my neck to place a kiss on his lips.

After scanning the selection Emmett, Esme, Rose, Alice and I chose a toffee coloured bear for Jason and I decided on a snow white one for myself while Alice grabbed herself a Hello Kitty.

"You can also get one of those hearts," the woman who was stuffing Jason's bear said after she had already put in another with a heart beat sound effect into the toy, "it's a dollar for that heart and that dollar goes to the build a bear foundation to help needy kids get bears."

So Alice and I got each one of those hearts before I saw Carlisle ambling over with a bear in his hand.

"There is a little girl with cancer I'm attending to. Her parents are poor and can't always be there. I think she will be happy about a little friend." He explained as we all looked curiously at him.

I could hear a few of the mom's who had brought their children sigh in awe and if he could Carlisle would have blushed. Esme looked with adoration shining in her eyes at him before she kissed his cheek.

We got our bears stuffed and Alice had a field day in advising us in regards of the outfits after we gave the bears a "bubble bath" (We didn't bath the bears of course but they got blown by air to make them fluffy and that was the bubble bath). It's not like Alice would have ever let us skip that step.

Emmett choose the biker clothes, a baseball and a football outfit and a faded denim overall. Of course he also got all necessary accessories and the motorcycle for the bear.

Edward and I chuckled at Emmett's enthusiasm while Rose was helping him choosing things.

"What do you want for your bear?" My husband asked me.

"Hmmm…something for Mr. Buttercup?" I looked around and decide on a dress shirt, tie and vest, dress pants and some cute shoes but I also couldn't resist buying the plaid jeans outfit and a matching hat before we got the birth certificates for the toys.

"That was fun," I giggled when we left the store, "we should definitely do that again once Jason is old enough to build a bear, right." I looked down at my swollen belly and as if to answer Jason kicked against the spot where my hand was resting on my stomach.

His kicks did not hurt me. I hardly felt them thanks to the fact that I was partly Vampire already and my body wasn't as fragile.

"Ouch," I cried out as the white hot pain shot up my spine and my hand immediately went to the small of my back.

"Anna what's wrong?" Edward asked me in a slightly panicked voice.

"My lower back is killing me," I barely got out as waves of pain were coursing through my body.

"What is wrong with her?" Rose asked alarmed just as the elevator reached the level of the parking block where we have left our cars.

"Keys," Alice commanded and shot out of the elevator as soon as the doors opened. A second later I could hear the beeping of Emmett's jeep as she opened it with the radio key.

"Did she go into labour…..but her water didn't break," I could hear Emmett shooting down his own question.

Carlisle who stood to my left helped Edward to get me out of the elevator just as the jeep parked directly in front of us.

"Jasper," Carlisle murmured while I was whimpering out of pain and just as I thought I would not be able to take anymore the first wave of tiredness crashed over me. It took two more and I was out like a light.

I groaned when I slowly woke up again and was surprised that my head was nestled in my fluffy pillow while I was lying on my side on my bed.

Cool lips brushed against mine and I sighed contently before a whimper of protest left my mouth when suddenly those lips removed themselves from me.

A familiar chuckle graced my ears and I opened my eyes to pout at the owner of those lips that I wanted back on mine but he only grinned wider before his face twisted up in concern.

"How are you feeling, love?"

"Like I was pummelled into the ground," I quipped and a groan followed instantly, "Jasper meant it a little too well. What happened?"

Suddenly panic and fear had me in their grip.


"He is fine love, don't worry," Edward assured me while he was brushing his knuckles over my cheek in an attempt to calm me.

I let out a breath I did not know I was holding.

"OK, then what happened?"

"Your back started to ache…"

"Yeah, I remember that part," I rolled my eyes but did not dare to move while Edward who was resting on his side leaned in and placed a kiss against my forehead.

"But why?" I asked when he pulled away.

"The extra weight that you are carrying around means more work for your muscles and increased stress on your joints and your expanding uterus shifts the centre of your gravity. Now your body is stronger than the one of a human woman but Carlisle thinks that while the outside of your bones has gotten stronger your joints haven't really kept up and the hormonal changes you are going through are putting another strain on your body."

"Also it can happen that the growing uterus may cause back pain if it's pressing on a nerve in certain positions."

"You mean to tell me that while I stand Jason is pinching a nerve?" I blurted out.

"Yes," he nodded and he became serious, "and aside from that you have too high blood pressure as well."

"And that means?"

"Well you have to take some medicaments and you are on Bed rest from now on."

"Great," I pouted not happy at all about what I had just heard but once I looked down at my round belly my shoulders slumped in defeat and registration.

Bed rest it was.