ch 70

Anna's POV:

"What do you want for lunch?" My husband asked me while I rolled after him in my electric wheelchair into the kitchen.


"Are you ready, love?" Edward asked me when he entered the bathroom while I was washing my hands after being finished with my morning routine.

"I think I'll mange the few steps back to bed on my own," I rolled my eyes at him through the mirror.

"Love," he scowled, "don't be difficult. You know that you are allowed only to lie down and to sit."

I cranked my neck and glared at him even though I knew that he was right. I just couldn't help but to feel irritated with him. Damn pregnancy hormones.

"I'm still washing my hands," huffing at him, because there was nothing else I could do, I took my sweet time, knowing exactly that that annoyed him.

Strangely the thought satisfied me.

It's time you meet the world, sweetheart, before I will drive your daddy insane. I thought and smiled down at my belly.

"What's so funny?" Edward asked suddenly standing behind me before he swept my hair from the side of my neck and placed tiny kisses on my skin.

"You are playing unfair," I moaned as his lips brushed over my skin.

He chuckled and with one final kiss against my neck I was in his arms being carried back to bed. The cheater zipped into the bathroom, shutting the water off and back handing me a towel which I took while I pouted/glared at him.

There was a knock on the door before it got ripped wide open and Alice skipped into the room.

"Morning," she beamed, "I've got something for you."

"Morning you, too," I greeted her just as she waved someone in.

I thought I didn't see right when I saw what Carlisle was pushing in front of him.

"What's with the wheelchair?" I exclaimed.

"It's an electric wheelchair." Alice corrected me. I gave her a look.

"Well it is solidly for this drama queen here," she danced over to Edward and hung herself onto his arms. My husband pressed his lips into a thin line.

"I had a vision of you getting out of bed," she paused for the dramatics while said Vampire rolled his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, hissing "Alice!"

"What! You didn't even hit the ceiling anymore but you went straight through the roof." She placed her hand on her hip daring him to talk back.

"The house been already reconstructed for the wheelchair." Carlisle smiled amused at me.

I gave the wheelchair a critical look and a small smile made it on my face.

"Maybe it'll be fun."

End of Flashback.

"I would like a chicken burger with cucumber, tomato, onion, iceberg salad, ketchup, mustard and mayo. The roll toasted golden in a pan, of course, and a few French fries. And a big glass of a chilled Fanta/Coke mix," I smiled at him as he looked at me while he leaned against the breakfast bar braced on his forearms.

"Demanding aren't we?" A teasing eyebrow was being raised at me.

"Hey, this are the last days I'm able to eat human food so yes I am demanding in that department." I suck my tongue out at him.

Edward's expression suddenly darkened and he looked down at the surface of the breakfast bar.

"Do you regret it sometimes?" He mumbled before he looked up at me.

His eyes were guarded and an expressionless mask overtook his features.

"What do you mean?" I was confused.

"That you chose me," he voice was quiet and small.

"Oh Edward," I sighed as my shoulder slumped down and my heart felt heavy.

"I do miss my mom and my family in general, especially now," I said and looked down at my belly as I patted it.

"But," I smiled up at him, "I do not regret choosing you, choosing us, this life at your side. I knew that I would have to sacrifice a lot but I'm also getting a lot in return. Most important of all, you."

When the last word fell from my lips Edward was kneeling in front of me. A myriad of emotions was rushing behind is amber depths before he pressed his lips to mine for a soulful and desperate kiss.

I was just about to deepen the kiss when Edward suddenly ripped his mouth from mine and looked in utter horror and anguish into nothing while I could hear a pitiful but quiet whimper coming from the living room.

"Edward, what happened? What did you see?" I asked him when his eyes focused back on me but no word left his lips.

Instead his hand hesitantly lifted in the air and moved to my swollen stomach. His fingertips tenderly touched my belly and he looked as if he might break down in tears any second. Fear and panic washed over me instantly.

"What's wrong with Jason? Tell me!" I demanded already totally freak out while terror and fear were coursing through me.

0~~~0 [A few days later] 0~~~0

"…..and hit me baby one more time." Esme squealed holding her slip up in the air.

"That was song title thirty eight with the word baby in it which means Esme won that round," Alice announced.

"That makes it a neck-and-neck race between Esme and Rose," I murmured as I noted the point for Esme on my list.

We had a little baby shower. Alice had been planning a big one with all of our friends but in the past three and a half weeks my condition got worse. The further into my transition I was in the less oxygen my blood contained since Vampires are not in need of it.

But Jason needed oxygen and my body was not able to deliver that to him. I had been hooked up on a respirator – stuck with the dreaded oxygen nasal cannula - ever since Alice had a vision of Jason being a still born.

But as horrible that was – poor Jasper had to work overtime to keep me calm – it also had a good side to it. Seeing our son dead in Alice's vision shook Edward awake and for the first time he noticed just how much the little nudger really meant to him.

"But first," Alice sang mysteriously, rose from her seat and rushed out of the room. A few seconds later she came back with the guys who looked a little confused.

"How are you feeling?" Edward wasted no time and came directly over to me, placing a tender kiss on my cheek.

"Fine," I smiled at him before I grabbed a handful of his shirt and pulled him in for a real kiss.

Truth to be told I was not great and I was tired but if I admitted that to my worrywart of a husband I would have been put into bed before I could blink. I knew my limits and would never endanger my little baby boy but Edward had become deaf on that ear.

While his cool lips were moving against my own his hand gently rested on my swollen belly and I could feel our son kick.

"He seems to be alright too," Edward smiled softly down at my stomach.

The love in his eyes when he looked at the arch where our son was in made my heart swell.

"This game is for the boys." Alice announced breaking my husband and me out of our little bubble.

When I looked in her direction I saw her lift the cover off the table that usually stood in the dinning room but was brought into the living room for the party.

Underneath the cover were diapers and everything one needed to swaddle a baby and to my utter astonishment there were also really ugly dolls that suddenly started crying. Those dolls immediately reminded me of the fake babies in "License to wed".

"You will need to practice before handling Jason," Alice beamed at me.

My strength as a newborn was my greatest concern right next to the bloodlust. I was terrified of the possibility to crush my little baby boy by accident.

"You know normal dolls would have done it as well."

"Maybe but where is the fun in that?" She shrugged before eyeing Emmett, Edward and her husband.

"Now gentleman it's time for you to show your skills." She laughed evilly.

"Those little ones want to be fed, cuddled, diapered and burped. Now show us what you've got."

"Hey! How come Carlisle is being spared?" Emmett protested.

"Because he knows how to do it that's no fun at all," Alice sighed, glancing reproachfully at said Vampire who chuckled.

"We are obviously here to amuse the ladies," Jasper drawled looking rather sceptically at the hollering monsters.

"Yep," Alice popped the "p" and skipped over to take her seat in front of me on the ground efficiently driving Edward from my side who had to participate though I had no doubt that this task would be a piece of cake for him.

Emmett and Jasper quickly caught on where feeding and cuddling was concerned but from then on….

"Seems like little Wilbert is scared of you." Emmett quipped amused.

"Would you just shut it, Emmett," Jasper huffed annoyed at his brother while rocking the bellowing plastic baby in his arms.

"First of all language and second I don't think so," Emmett laughed while "his" baby burped after having eaten and did not cry at all ever since he took it into his arms.

"What's wrong with this thing? Is it broken?" Poor Jasper growled as he looked at the offending thing with a raised eyebrow.

"The little bit just doesn't like you," Emmett continued to tease him just as his doll dirtied the diapers.

Emmett and Edward were both changing the babies while Jasper gone over to ignoring the howling of the toy and threw the doll on the table to diaper it as well.

All three boys shrank back the second they opened the diapers.

"For lord's sake Alice!" Emmett exclaimed and gagged before he pinched his nose.

Even I could smell the offending stench from across the room.

"It's my special mix. Do you think a real baby smells any better?" She challenged him.

While Emmett and Jasper still looked grossed out Edward held his breath and went to work.

Esme, Carlisle, Rose, Alice and I had our fun watching Jasper and Emmett make faces which twisted from shock to disgust to absolute mortification while they cleaned and diapered the dolls.

0~~~0 [A few days later] 0~~~0

I head the door to Edward's and mine bedroom being opened and my eyes shot open. I had napped away once again like I did so often over the last few days.

The closer I got to the due date which Carlisle and Alice deemed to be around February 10th the more exhausted I felt and there were about seventeen more days to go.

"How do you feel, love?" Edward asked me after he closed the door behind him and made to stroll over to my side while I was lying in our big comfy bed.

"Uncomfortable all over," I sighed.

I felt all wrong but couldn't tell exactly what was wrong with me. I was extremely uncomfortable in my own skin but not in pain it was just unbelievably annoying.

"Do you want me to get you something?"

I sucked in a breath.

"Actually yes."

"And that would be?"

"I want that shirt gone." I pointed at the fabrics he was wearing.

He looked down at it before he raised an eyebrow, smiling in amusement at me when he gazed back up at me.

"You want this gone?" He asked in a playful voice.

"Yes," I giggled while he was slowly, very slowly unbuttoning his shirt.

"I thought you were a Vampire not a turtle or maybe I should consider looking for free places in nursing homes for you. You know your age," I sighed flippantly not looking at him.

"You little," I heard him exclaim and the next thing I knew he was hovering over me – without his shirt – and pressed a soft kiss on my lips.

When we broke the kiss I pushed my hand in his silky locks and gazed into his bright gold.

"Maybe I will keep you."

"Only maybe?" He questioned and dipped down placing a kiss on the corner of my mouth before leaving a path of butterfly kisses from my lips over my cheek to my ear.

"Stop!" I breathed weakly while goose flesh broke out on my skin and I shivered at the sensation he was causing when he light sucked on the sensitive spot behind my ear.

"How about a bath?" He asked when he lifted his head.

"Do I smell?" I cranked my neck and sniffed.

"No," a chuckle tore from his chest, "I was just thinking of ways how to get you naked and my hands on you."

"You have such a one tracked mind." I shook my head at him in mocked disapproval.

We hadn't made love in weeks due to my condition but he used every opportunity that presented itself to him to get me naked and to touch me. Not that I was complaining in any way.

"That is absolutely and completely your fault my love." His amber depths were shining down with sincerity at me.

I cupped his face in my hands and brought it down for a kiss.

"I'm going to draw you a bath," he nuzzled the side of my neck before he ran off to the bathroom and I heard the rush of the water hitting against the metal of the bathtub.

Edward's POV:

"Yummy," Anna hummed happily while she was eating her cookie ice cream as she watched some show on the flat screen in our bedroom.

"Still hungry?" I asked just as she was to devour a spoon full.

"Hpm-hm," she shook her head and was scooping some of the sticky substance on her spoon as a yawn overtook her. Her free hand immediately covered her mouth and I couldn't help but chuckle as I watched her fighting against the yawn and losing the battle.

"Not funny," my love grumped and glared at me before she shoved the spoon full into her mouth.

It was February the 4th and for the past week all Anna did was either to eat or to sleep. She was constantly tired and had no problems sleeping over ten hours straight and still be exhausted once she woke.

Lying on my side facing her, my left hand went to stroke her expanded belly tenderly while my lips brushed over her temple.

"I'm sorry, my love."

She made a sound of acknowledgement while her eyes were glued to the screen. I sighed getting her attention in the past few days was nearly impossible though I seemed to be still good enough as a pillow. She loved to sleep on my chest.

Jasper who was sitting on the loveseat next to our bed chuckled.

How often have you tried and failed to get her attention in the past thirty minutes?

I threw a pillow at him. He caught it easily and gave me a challenging and smug look.

Watch and learn!

"Anna, what exactly is this show about?"

"As if that's going to work," I muttered under my breath, rolling my eyes at him.

But to my great astonishment my lovely wife paused in devouring her ice cream and began to explain the plot line of the show to him. I groaned and buried my head in her hair.

My hand was still on her swollen stomach and I felt as our son kicked out as he was slowly waking up.

"Ouch," Anna winced slightly before Jasper used his ability to calm the little football player down. In theory Jason couldn't really hurt Anna because of her hybrid body but we didn't want to take any chances.

I pushed the blanket down to her hips and pulled her shirt off her belly before I began to run my fingertips over her bare expanded skin. I could feel his mind open up to me as he was looking fascinated up to where my fingertips were touching my wife's belly.

He couldn't really see anything except of lighter and darker shadows but he could feel the pressure against Anna's stomach. I loved to watch his innocent mind. It was fascinating for me to witness the progress in his development.

I have often heard the minds of babies when they were still in their mothers wombs or the minds of little children but never did those have any interests for me though I did prefer to listen to their innocent, childish musing than to "whatever" – preferably me - their mothers had running through their minds.

"Is his shield down again?" My love asked while I was softly patting her belly and grinning to myself.

I nodded my head and she drove her hand into my hair before she cranked her neck to place a kiss on my forehead.

Soon I heard her even breathing and when I looked up I saw her peaceful expression as she slept, the cup with the ice cream still in her hand.

"Thank you," I nodded at Jasper when he took it out of her hands and was about to bring it back into the kitchen.

When I gazed back at her I wondered if this was all a beautiful dream and I was afraid of the moment when I would be ripped out of this dream to have to be faced with the cold reality of still being alone.

I had long ago surrendered to what was happening and when I heard the thoughts of my son for the first time it took me some time but I couldn't imagine living in a world where the both of them did not exist.

How I deserved all this luck – a beautiful wife who loved me and now a child, a son - I had no idea nor did I know if I would ever be really worthy of such a precious gift.

Those insecurities were a part of me and I would fight and struggle with them as long as I lived. I knew that now but I also knew that they did not control me anymore. I didn't define myself through them anymore.

They became moments of doubt that every one encounters at some point in their life, some more often than others.

I choose to cherish the gift I received instead of questioning if I earned it, if I was good enough for something so valuable. Though I had those fears under control others were still ruling me.

Carlisle was quite confident that everything would go well during the birth and that Anna as well as our son would be alright but I could not share his optimism.

Everything was at stake for me and I just couldn't shake the bad feeling away that something might go wrong no matter how many times Alice assured me that I was paranoid. Her visions were subjective after all and the future could change any second.

My love sighed contently beside me as she nuzzled closer to me in her slumber. A flick of her silky hair fell into her face because of the movement covering her closed lids. I chuckled quietly as her nose screwed up because the hair tickled her and brushed it carefully out of her face.

While his mom slept peacefully the little man was wide wake and was playing with his fingers. I could feel the orders in his mind for them to stretch and cruel up again.

Snooping around in my son's mind I found myself glad that the real hybrids were nothing like Renesmee was described in the books. Her mind developed faster then her body. While she was already on the metal and emotional level of an adult the whole outside world still saw her as a child.

Not to mention all the feeling she would have to experience through puberty when she was in the body of a, about, five year old. It couldn't be good for anyone to have their mind and body completely out of balance like this.

Shaking my head I looked down at me wife realizing that I loved her more ever day. My love for this beautiful creature grew with ever smiled and ever kiss she granted me. She was her own person and an independent woman.

I loved every facet of her. Her carefree side, her serious side, her fun side, the side of her that loved to tease the heck out of me, even the side of her that chastised me when I had done something she didn't approve of and of course all the others sides of her as well.

I tried to concentrate on all the good things but as much as I tried to stay positive I couldn't keep the worry from me. What if something would go wrong during the birth or her change?

"You worry too much?" Jasper whispered coming back into Anna's and mine bedroom with Alice in tow.

Alice was checking the future and she still saw me with my stunning wife and our child.

"Thank you."

"Sure thing." She smiled at me.

"It's just…."

"We know we all worry a little but I'm absolutely certain that everything will end well."

"How can you be so sure? What if she….." I couldn't end that sentence.

"She won't."

"How can you be sure?" She chuckled at my question.

"Because I'm fairly sure she would kick death in it's backside if it tried to take her away from you. Vampires and Werewolves didn't stop her in the past."

A small smile showed on my lips as I though about those times. My love could be quite an aggressive tigress if she wanted to be.

I brushed a light kiss over her lips and suddenly heard her heart rate speed up before she opened her eyes as I in the same moment felt my pants getting wet and started to scream, grabbing at her belly while her face twisted in pain.

Carlisle was immediately in our room with Rose hot on his heels, who disappeared in the room with the medical stuff.

"It's too early," I mumbled dumbly numbed with shock.

"Babies do not tend to stick to a schedule." He replied before he turned to Jasper.

"Keep him calm. Rose!"

A split of a second later she flew into the room carrying the stretcher. I carefully scooped Anna up in my arms as she tried to keep her screams in and placed her on the stretcher to transport her into the medical room.

"It's alright my love everything is going to be fine."

She looked at me with wide open eyes and gripped my shirt with her small hands as hard as she could while Carlisle and Jasper carried her.

"It hurts! It hurt!" She cried as she was laid her on the operation table.

"Just a few more moments, my love." I murmured stroking her hair out of her face as Jasper was sending powerful waves of exhaustion and tiredness into her.

Under ten seconds she was out like a light and Carlisle, Rose and I got to work just as Jasper left the room – his gift still held a firm hold on Anna – to wait with the others in Anna's and my bedroom.

Anna's shirt was thrown back as Rose sterilised the area where Carlisle would cut through her skin using the custom made scalpel with the diamond blade while I filled two syringes with my venom to be injected directly into her wound.

The screeching of metal being bent and cut filled the room as the scalpel pierced through her hard skin. To be on the safe side we all held our breaths as her blood streamed out of the gash Carlisle created.

My instincts demanded of me to get Carlisle away from my mate since he was clearly hurting her but I was too numb and focused on what needed to be done to be able to pay attention on anything else, let alone be able to really feel anything except of utter panic.

Seconds later he cut through to where Jason was while he put the scalpel away I pushed my hands inside my wife, reaching for our son.

He was belted in a cocoon that was flexible but at the same time sturdy. As I held him Rose had already the towel in her hands, ready to get him and check on him while I turned my attention back to my wife Carlisle was met with a slight problem.

"What's taking so long?" I barked curtly at him.

"I can't cut through the umbilical cord." He answered through his grit teeth as he tried harder.

I carefully handed Jason to Rose before I grabbed the cord in both hands using all my strength to rip it apart.

Rose immediately carried Jason to the other side of the room, freeing him from the cocoon – he started screaming much to everyone's relief – while Carlisle was removing the placenta from Anna's abdomen.

He was done with his work quickly, taking one last check to be on the safe side before he gave me the go to inject my venom into the inside of her belly which was filled with blood.

Carlisle was taking care of the cut on her stomach while I stole a quick look at her unconscious form before I brought my lips to her neck, kissing the spot I would tear apart with my teeth.

Her blood flooded into my mouth though it lost it's addicting call it still tasted sweet and intoxicating but that was only a passing thought somewhere in the back of my mind.

Sucking her blood into my mouth I mixed it with my venom before I pushed the poisoned liquid into her body sealing the bit with a flick of my tongue.

"The bleeding stopped," Carlisle sighed in relief and made to treat the wound with my venom out of the other syringe using it to heal the cut.

I heard her breathing and her heart beat quicken and soon Jasper could not keep her unconscious anymore because the pain was too great. Her beautiful eyes ripped open as her face twisted up into an anguished grimace and she let out a pain-filled groan while her finger bored into the operation table beneath her as her body arched of the surface under her.

I did register that Carlisle had gone to check on Rose and Jason but that was a far thought in my mind. Anna was my first priority.

"Edward everything is going to be fine." Alice whispered as she came to check on me. I think I made a grunting sound of acknowledgement.

I just sat there next to my love placing my hand on her forehead to cool her down a little if that helped at all.

I had no idea how much time past but Emmett had been standing next to me all of the sudden asking if I wanted to move my wife to our bed. Without looking at him I nodded while Anna was twisting and moaning in pain.

I rested her on our bed and placed myself next to her pulling her to my cold body in the attempt to help her with the unbearable heat.

I didn't know if the coolness of my body would help her or not but I hoped so. I knew the unbearable pain that she had to endure now for three days. I had prayed that she would burn a shorter amount of time because of the transition she had already gone through but Alice's vision told me my prayers had been not heard.

I always thought that burning for three days was the most painful experience in my existence that was before Anna suddenly disappeared for seven torturous years but seeing her now lying in my arms writhing in agony…I didn't even have words for this misery.

My love was being so brave. She tried not to scream after she seemed to have become accustom to the pain and it wasn't such a shock to her system anymore. Her lips were pressed into a thin line, only whimpering and moaning escaped her periodically.

I knew she was doing it for my sake, she tried to be strong for me. She was putting me before herself. How I deserved her I had no idea and I would never have.

"I love you, my love, and I'm here with you. I will be the whole time." I whispered in her ear.

"When you come back to me we will go running. You always wanted to know how it feels like to go full speed." I smiled a small smile as I remembered her pouty face.

"You were so adorable when I told you that I couldn't run on full speed with you because your human body wouldn't be able to take the force of the wind crashing into you." My beautiful wife loved speed just as much as I did.

"Though the frustrated frown when I easily outrun you on your top hybrid speed was just as cute." I chuckled half-heartedly.

"Our son is waiting impatiently for his beautiful and courageous mother." I had listened to Carlisle's mind and discovered that everything was alright with him.

He was in the care of the others and I didn't need to worry about him for now. I could fully concentrate on my wonderful wife.

"Love, you have to come back to me there is still so much you have to teach me and to show me."

Before Anna turned up in my life all I was doing was to get from one hour to the other. I had my family, my music, books and fast cars, I accepted that I would be always alone and talked myself into being fine with it.

But in truth I was lying to myself. I wasn't fine. I wasn't O.K. Only as my Anna walked into my life I began to live.

She changed everything and showed me the world. She was interested in many things and though I might not always share her fascination for her current interest it was interesting to find out if I like it or not.

And now she even made me a father, something I though was utterly impossible.

A small cry fell from here lips it had been over ten hours by now and still many more to go. Her body was shaking with pain in my arms and I knew I couldn't take this anguish way. It was painful not to be able to help her.

She was sweating and her breaths were short and shallow. I talked to her since my voice seemed to calm her down a little.

I wanted her to know that I was with her all the time. Somewhere along the second day Alice made me change her out of her blood stained clothes, because I wouldn't let her do it.

All our family members were coming in to check on her and me in a steady rhythm. Sometimes they would also talk to her, sometimes only offer me their support.

Rose and Esme brought Jason in so I could take a good look at him. I had seen him only briefly during the birth.

He was perfect. Just a little larger than my hand.

He had my green eyes – much to my disappointment I would miss Anna's breathtaking hazel pools – and a mob of dark blond hair on his head which would most likely get darker with time

He had pale skin just a little darker than my own and a set of full developed sharp teeth. His features were in perfect synchrony.

He was the most perfect and cutest thing I had ever seen directly after his mother.

I was pleased to discover that he accepted the baby formula we had developed especially for him.

The hours on the third day were the worst they just didn't want to go by. My love had my body temperature by then and her skin was as pale as mine.

Her face was beyond perfection. Her leashes got thicker and darker. Her eyes a little bigger. Her lips a little fuller. Her features a mix out of sharp and soft.

She her face looked like the one of a young women, a teenager, but also had the schema of childlike characteristics. An unknown beauty to man kind and Vampire kind alike.

I felt her body next to mine becoming more slender and firmer. As I heard her heart rate speed up I knew it was time.

"It'll be over soon." Carlisle said as he came back into Anna's and mine bedroom.

I was not in the condition to say anything as I anxiously put my head on her chest to hear her last heart beats. I listened to her racing heart as she endured the final pain of the turning and then there was nothing.

Absolute silence.

My love didn't move in my arms.

Panic was shooting through me like a wild fire as she didn't move or breathe.

"Don't worry! Just give her some time to adjust to her new body and her new senses. She had a taste of it before but now they are better and stronger." Alice chirped as she and Jasper entered the room.

Suddenly my love took a deep breath and with a start her beautiful ruby eyes were open. Utter relief washed over me.

In the next moment she was across the room at the wall in a defensive half crouch. She was looking at all of the people in the room.

Gauging, every one of our family members. First Carlisle who was standing the closest to her from where she stood now, then Jasper who stood protectively in front of Alice and then Emmett.

Rose and Esme were with Jason downstairs my love must have noticed his heart beat but tore her eyes away from the spot on the ground and looked at me.

A lump had build in my throat out of fear of being erased out of her memories.

I was a wreck.

Despite my worries my mind didn't fail to notice how stunning she looked. My love wore only very little fabrics on that perfect body of hers.

Hot pants and a short tank top, allowed me a good look at her body which was slim but her frame still had delicious, feminine curves. Her muscles were toned but feminine.

Through the fabrics of her top I could see the shape of her breasts. They were firmer and rounder but still the same wonderful size.

Her abdomen was absolutely flat but now seemed stronger with some slight muscles. Her narrow waist led into her perfectly curved hips.

Her legs were in perfect proportion to the rest of her body. Her skin was pale, creamy and flawless.

And when I looked into her brilliant ruby eyes again it nearly knocked me off my feet. She was truly the most beautiful, stunning, gorgeous creature I had ever seen.

There was no match for her beauty and perfection in this world and there would never be.

As much as I was captured by the physical beauty of my wife the fear didn't leave me for a second.

Painful seconds flew by before she slowly straightened up and looked curiously at me. A little sparkle of hope shot through me.

Hesitantly she took a step towards me. Jasper was immediately alarmed but I hissed at him not to move, he complied though wasn't happy with it.

In an instant she crossed the room standing in front of me. My love bit her bottom lip and carefully and hesitantly placed her hand on my cheek.

I leaned in into her touch. The same electric current was still flowing between us. I sighed in relief and contentment.

"Edward." My name fell form her lips, her voice sounding like chiming bells, while her lips were curved into a shy, brilliant smile.

My tense body relaxed immediately when my name felt her lips and my own brilliant smile spread across my face answering hers.

I kissed her then while I pulled her into my embrace. I just couldn't help myself. I was delirious with relief. She did not forget me.

As we pulled away from each other to look into one another eyes her beautiful smile became more and more strained and she brought her hand to her throat and coughed dryly.

Alice was at our side in an instant with two one and a half liter bottles in her hands which were already opened and had been put into thick metal tubes so Anna wouldn't immediately crush the plastic with her newborn strength.

Anna's POV:

It was strange one moment I was floating in darkness and in the next I felt the lick of flames that dully burned at my flesh somewhere around my lower belly.

I was not conscious but also not unconscious. I wafted somewhere in between while not being able to open my eyes.

I was not able to see or make myself known but I noticed when Edward had placed a gentle kiss on my neck and then his razor sharp teeth broke through my skin to inject his venom into my veins.

Pain like I never knew existed coursed through every fibre of my frame.

It hurt so much I could not even scream in the beginning. I did not know how long but I couldn't hear, see or feel anything except the white hot ache that was swallowing me into the pits of anguish and hellish torture.

An aggressive red and a taunting orange was all I was able to see in my minds eye while my body was slowly eaten away by the most agonising substance imaginable.

I grit my teeth to keep from screaming but I couldn't tell if I was indeed doing so or if that only happened in my mind. I left like I had absolutely no control over my own body anymore.

My skin crawled and started to peel of my muscles while my insides cooked and burned or at least that was how it felt. At least now I had an idea how it would feel to be hit by one of our anti-Vampire bullets.

At some point I stopped trying to fight against the fire and pain. I stopped trying to exist and surrendered to the waves of the liquid death as the fire rolled like lava over and over through my body.

I had no idea how long I was drowning in the darkness and anguish as it took everything from me what my shield was not able to protect quickly enough but at some point another flame joined the ones that have already been rankling me.

I braced myself for more pain that did not come instead I felt a warm sensation overtake my body and heal the screaming burns that the other flames had left as they ceased to rage within me.

It took me a while I noticed that I knew the new flame. It was my little flame that found a home within me from the first moment I met David and copied his gift.

Slowly I also was able to hear the wild and uncontrollable racing of my heart as it tried with all it's might to jump out of my chest.

I briefly wondered if I was having a heart attack as the stabs of pain were cracking my torso open while my heart was beating faster and faster. I tensed all my muscles which I was able to feel again as the pain in my chest grew unbearable.

I was about to bit down on my bottom lip when the pain in my torso suddenly stopped just as my last heart beat rang through my frame. I sighed in relief and relaxed my body.

A soft brush along my forehead alerted me to the presence of someone else. I didn't need to open my eyes to know that it was Edward.

But when I did open my eyes and saw his relieved expression all of the sudden my head was about to explode. Before I knew what happened I was against a wall as far away from him as I could while my gifts raged inside my head.

I could feel my shield readjusting and locking my gifts away that somehow escaped the tight control I had over them. Luckily no one made an attempt to move closer to me because even when I knew that they were my family and would never hurt me some of my gifts longed to be unleashed on them.

To kiss Edward being a full Vampire was an utterly mind blowing experience. All my nerve ends and senses tingled when his lips met my own and my body hummed in pleasure because of his touch. It had always loved his touch but this….this feeling was nearly unbearably exquisite and also unbelievably addictive.

But as mind blowing the kiss had been the burning in my throat brought me back to reality quicker than I would have liked. Luckily, Alice was there with the substitute blood that appeased the merciless flames.

After the haze in my mind eased and the fire in my throat had been calmed I suddenly got bombarded by new sensations. I though I knew what was waiting for me once I woke up from my change since I had been partly Vampire for months but I was proven wrong. I had no idea what I was getting myself into once I entered Edward's world.

I saw things I never knew existed. I could see better when I was still human with the venom working in my system but it was nothing compared to what my eyes could catch as a Vampire.

Colours, shadows, the structure of things, I could even see the air moving around me and the waves that the sound made as it travelled through the space when someone spoke. It was fascinating and strange at once.

A myriad, no universes of fragrances suddenly assaulted my nose as my ears took in all sounds in the area. I could hear it all, every singly movement that someone made, the sounds of animals that were crawling and running outside while I was in the house, the whistling of the wind against the outside walls, the rustling of the leaves as they swayed in the breeze miles away from where I was, the beating of wings of the flies that flew some miles away from my location, the cries of even the tiniest insects as they communicated with one another.

And above all the steady but a little fast heart beat from further down in the house that was accompanied by an even breathing. My son. I longed to see him as my heart shattered with love for him but….

This new world was fascinating to me but also frightening since I had no idea how to make the sounds stop. My eyes were being overwhelmed with colours and structures. My sense of smell bombarded with a myriad of scents I did not even know existed and my ears were being defeated by all the noises. Even my sense of touch was being assaulted by the molecules in the air.

My mind was being pulled into millions of directions. I felt like on an extreme rollercoaster ride entirely disoriented and lost.

"Anna," A velvet voice, like milk and honey, broke through the chaos that surrounded me.

With a kick start my mind roared to life like a super computer. Section for section was being switched on like an endless room where one light was being lit after another revealing more of the hidden space behind the darkness.

There was suddenly so much room. My mind held my abilities under control, dealt with all the new impressions that were crushing down on me, regulated the assault of my senses while I noticed my family being with, I had time to worry about everything, miss and wonder about my baby boy and I was hyper aware of my husband next to me.

And all of it happened simultaneously. Frankly what my mind could do left me gob smacked and I somehow knew I had just experienced the tip of the ice berg.

My eyes suddenly snapped open, I had not even known I had closed them, and gazed frantically into his mosaic like golden pools that were looking worriedly at me.

"Edward," I was surprised by my own voice even though I had called his name before but I did not realize then that that melodic symphony was my voice.

And what surprised me even more was that the overload that threatened to swallow me a second ago was gone, chased away by the melodic sound of my husband's voice and by his touch.

I sighed in relief and smiled as he was tenderly cupping my cheek.

"Can I see him?" I nearly begged.

"Here have another one," Carlisle handed me another bottle with True Blood, "it's better to be safe than sorry." He smiled warmly at me.

I nodded and slowly drained the yummy tasting substance as the others left Edward's and mine bedroom.

"Do I need to hold my breath?" I asked Edward worryingly.

He grinned at me and shook his head.

"No, his scent is unique, mild and clean but nothing appetising. Don't worry it will not trigger your thirst."

I nodded suddenly being extremely nervous and a little afraid. I wanted, I longed to see my baby boy but at the same time I was scared out of my mind that I would hurt him.

Two hands cupped my face and forced me to look at the smiling expression of the owner.

"It will be fine, my love. We are all there." Edward assured me before he inched closer to me brushing his lips against my own.

The first contact was brief before Edward launched himself at me, forcing my lips apart with his tongue while he drew me into his arms as he explored my mouth and moaned.

He pressed me tightly against him. His arms held me to him in an iron cage while I fought a hard battle against my desire to do the same. I was afraid of hurting him since I knew that I was stronger than him at the moment.

I moaned and panted into his mouth while my body went hot and cold. Our tongues danced together pushing from his mouth into my own, sucking, licking, massaging….everything we could not do while I still was partly human.

"Love, touch me," he panted quietly as he briefly broke the kiss.

I shook my head and Edward pulled away looking dazed from the kiss but also confused.

"I'm too scared to hurt you," I admitted panting, desperately trying to catch some unnecessary oxygen as my body begged me to give in into his plea.

How much more I suddenly desired my husband left me dumbfounded. It was as if he was a magnet pulling me to him with a force I never knew existed. It was all I could do not to jump him then and there.

Edward sighed and looked with soft eyes at me before he smiled and placed a soft kiss against my cheek.

"Later then, right now there is someone who is impatiently waiting for you."

I bit my lip and felt the frantic beating of my phantom heart inside my chest while my need to see my baby battled the need to spend alone time with my husband.

I shook my head, bit the inside of my cheek and tried with all my might to pull myself together.

Once we arrived in the living room Carlisle, Emmett, Rose, Jasper and Alice had build a line in front of Esme who had Jason in her arms.

Edward wrapped his arm around my waist having a firm hold on me. I was aware of his every move but the giddy nervousness I felt at the prospect of seeing my son for the first time had me firmly in it's clutches.

"It's going to be fine, my love."

I nodded, swallowed hard and for the first time since I walked out of Edward's and mine bedroom I took a breath. To my utter relief I didn't smell anything tasty, just seven Vampires and something like a Vampire.

"See, she is calm." Edward smiled at Esme who nodded but was still on guard.

She circled Carlisle and that was the first time I really saw him.

"He is so tiny," I whispered as his shocking green pools looked at me before he yawned closing those beautiful depths and snuggled further into the blanket he was enveloped in.

"Aww….." I hummed as my heart swelled with love and pride. His little face was perfect. He was the cutest thing I had ever seen in my life. He looked so much like his father, exactly what I had wished for; a little duplicate of Edward.

Stepping a little closer I leaned over him.

"Hi," I breathed while my face was covered by an ear splitting grin.

Jason's tiny fingers stretched and moved a little as he did something that sounded like happy noises and my heart was utterly lost to him while his father moved behind me sneaked his arms over my hips, pressing my back firmly against his chest before he brushed a gentle kiss against my neck and rested his chin on my shoulder as the both of us admired our son.