Chapter 22: Harbor area

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Rosen instructed Bones to relay a message to the crew: they should try to avoid trouble, but if any issues arise, they should not back down and stay vigilant. Rosen mentioned feeling the presence of numerous observers lurking in the shadows and emphasized the importance of everyone returning to the Dawn by evening.

Even though Rosen could sense the general presence of these observers, he couldn't pinpoint them precisely without advanced Haki. He believed that being a Warlord naturally drew attention and accepted that he would have to get used to it.

Bones nodded in understanding and communicated Rosen's orders to the crew members who were about to split into two teams. Nicole Robin led the other group, primarily focused on purchasing supplies and exploring the island.

Rosen didn't delve into the personal lives of some male crew members, respecting their autonomy as adults. As the crew dispersed, Robin took the little manatee with her, its sad eyes tugging at their heartstrings. Despite its appearance, the manatee possessed decent combat abilities, and Robin would ensure its well-being.

Upon reaching the shore, Rosen savored a satisfying meal while absorbing the local scenery. He also obtained a local map guide to familiarize himself with the structure of Wine Island.

The island spanned approximately 25 kilometers in width and 12 kilometers in length, offering a substantial area to explore. Key locations included the manor area, the restricted zone, the civilian district, and the bustling harbor district.

Rosen and his companions found themselves amidst the lively harbor district, bustling with activity. The distinguished manor area emerged as the most affluent urban section, home to the three major wineries.

The area was surrounded by majestic mountains and flowing rivers, the mountainsides adorned with tall buildings. Renowned hot spring hotels and secure merchant enclaves catered mainly to international business travelers. The wines of Wine City, whether high spirits, red wine, or beer, were globally acclaimed for their exceptional quality, categorized as good, excellent, or top-tier.

In stark contrast, the restricted area served as a refuge for thieves, pirates, and individuals with bounties on their heads. Originally an abandoned ruin, it remained largely untouched due to the prevalent criminal activities that plagued the vicinity.

The civilian district housed the indigenous population of the island, encircling the outskirts of the manor area. However, the most spirited and chaotic locale was the harbor district.

During the day, the harbor district buzzed with thugs and pirates seeking entertainment and revelry. Unlike the restricted region, the harbor area was a hotspot for illicit activities, characterized by a wild atmosphere where law and disorder blurred.

Stretching along the island's coast, the harbor area served as a bustling commercial hub, hosting an expansive maritime market.

Each of these zones—concentric circles within one another—was represented on a map. The central circle symbolized the luxurious manor area, which gradually transitioned into the civilian district, expanding outward. The outermost ring delineated the vibrant harbor zone, while the exclusive restricted zone nestled between the civilian and harbor areas.

The arc-shaped ship berths in the harbor area formed a bustling commercial sector, featuring a mix of houses, shops, and establishments in disarray. Seafood vendors, weapon makers, alcohol stalls, specialty stores, and even a clandestine underground boxing arena contributed to the dynamic but intimidating atmosphere.

Venturing through the alleyways, Rosen was enveloped in a symphony of sounds—chirpy conversations, the welcoming calls of hosts, and the commotion of street activities. The surroundings were a vibrant mosaic of hustle and bustle, merging elements of disorder and liveliness, leaving an air of excitement and unease intertwined.

Rosen found himself unsettled amidst the chaotic sights, sounds, and scents of the bustling harbor district. The presence of thieves flaunting weapons, ex-soldiers posing as military personnel, and rowdy disturbances contrasted sharply with his idealistic worldview.

While Rosen grappled with the disorder, Bones and the crew appeared more at ease, adapting swiftly to the tumultuous environment, indicating a level of familiarity for them.

Seeking solace from the chaos, the trio discovered a decent tavern and settled in to order some food. Wanting to experience the local delicacies, Rosen was introduced to a selection of sea beast meat, fried frozen saury, and pearl rice by the tavern owner, who adjusted their attitude upon recognizing their status.

The tavern atmosphere quieted down as Bones and his companions made themselves comfortable, with patrons whispering softly, engaging in tobacco, alcohol, and card games while stealing glances at the newcomers.

Taking the lead, Bones requested specialty dishes, fine wine, and sought information about the pirates on the nearby Jiudu Island. His expertise as a former killer and renowned bounty hunter equipped him to navigate such environments confidently.

As Bones made his inquiries, the tavern owner displayed hesitancy, visibly anxious about the unfolding situation.

"Pardon me, but..." the owner started, revealing a hint of apprehension.

"What seems to be the issue?" Bones maintained his calm demeanor, while the tavern owner appeared increasingly nervous, hinting at an underlying tension.

"As we currently lack top-quality wine, may I propose an alternative of exceptional quality?" Bones asked, prompting the tavern owner's anxiety to rise as he feared any potential dissatisfaction leading to unwanted confrontations.

Over the previous days, the tavern owner had dealt with disputes concerning the absence of premium wine from affluent pirate clients. However, managing such scenarios paled in comparison to potentially facing the wrath of a Warlord and his entourage.

Expressing disappointment, MR.5 voiced his frustration at the news of the wine shortage. He had anticipated relishing the renowned wines of Wine City, and the unavailability of his desired beverage cast a pall over their expectations.

Moreover, the implication that they might settle for subpar wine seemed to strike a nerve. MR.5 challenged, "Are you implying that we deserve anything less than top-quality wine?!" His discontent escalated while tensions simmered in the tavern.