"Nooooooooo take me instead, take me, don't touch my daughter, please, I would do anything, not my daughter, noooooooo"

My last momery of my mother was at the verge of her death, they shot my mother, in the head, right in front of me, I watch her eyes say those words for the last time, and ever since, that was the only thing I dreamed about, it's a nightmare at this point though, a nightmare that doesn't scare me anymore but only reminds me of her sacrifice and why I need to give my children a better life than I ever had "earth to miemie, the customer is waiting " Talia my friend yells across from me, I rush over to the table with a firm grip on my jotter "This one?" I hear a man from the table murmur, I almost got electrified on spot when I looked up and my gaze collide with the blue eyes, these are the eyes I read about, the eyes that drive women crazy in novels, the eyes that commands with just a glance, the eyes that would be beautiful under the sky but… hold on he's a customer here, Earth to!!!

I look away as fast as possibly to bow my head in respect then the blue eyed man said "yeah this one" chills runs down my spine, looking around there are four men in total sitting round the table with the restaurant's most expensive wine on the table, they all look like men created by lucifer himself, their appearance his sinful and they're all too beautiful to look at, my eyes wanders to the blue ones again and I held his gaze for sometime, then he shook his head and stand up to go outside with his phone to his ear " looking like that, I would have anything you offer me" one of them says with a smile and I smile back at him politely then go ahead to bring him the menu, when I got back to the table, the blue eyed beauty is back and he wasn't looking at my face this time, he's looking at everywhere below my neck, I attended to them and rush to the counter " he's a fine man so I understand the red on your cheeks" Talia teases as I rest against the wall.

I make my way home, by home I mean my junkyard apartment, but it's still a roof over my head, that's what I'm earning currently can afford anyway, I notice a black car following me from work but I don't think I'm that important for anyone to waste their special time stalking me, I enter my apartment with so much joy because my favourite TV show is getting extended, but I couldn't even watch it for minutes and slept…

I noticed those men kept frequenting the restaurant, not all of them everyday, but the blue eyed one is always here and our gaze is always colliding most times he's here on weekends too but not in suit but in Jean and a polo that makes him look like the play boys in hight school fantasy stories "well I think Aiden is forcing us to hold our meetings here because that Asian chic caught his eye" the one sitting beside the blues eyes beauty says with disgust. He turns his head and open his mouth to talk but closes it, then continue to hold my gaze, while looking at me he let the wine glass cup slip through his fingers to the floor and he didn't even flinch, Talia rushes to the table to check but he shakes his head and point at me saying "No, I want that one" Talia walk back to the counter shocked as I am and she pushes me toward to go attend to him

I get to work immediately but he holds my hand in a form grip " The glass is not hurt I am" he shows me his hand with a tiny cut, I don't know why he intentionally break the glass then act like it was an accident and he's hurt, but I put a towel over his hand regardless " that's a good way to make her hold your hand aiden" the man sitting just beside him says, Aiden, that's his name "I'm sorry about the…" he looked at me hard and said "tu es belle" the men at the table turned their head to look at him in awe " come again sir" I ask politely and he replied "it's fine"

I drop his hand and walk away from the table to rant to Talia because what the Aiden man just did is total nonsense and I couldn't even say anything because I'm afraid to lose my job.

The next morning, a notice came in from the landlady, it was about the building getting demolished because she sold it to a company and the decision was so fast she couldn't give her tenant more time? Not everyone could afford to change house as quick as she wished and I'm highly disappointed that I had a bad day all through, a week notice is too short, I can't even stay with my only friend Talia, because she stays with her boyfriend, I would be homeless at this point "Mieeee" Talia shout "Mr Aiden Walsh asks to see you" I don't know what the man possibly wants from me but thinking of attending to this man send chills down my spine because ever since the glass cup incident he never looks at me, not even once " I don't intend to waste your time, so I would make this conversation shorter than I want it to be " he looks down at me with his jaw set hard " I have a proposition for you" I tried not to look as shocked as I truly am " sir?"

" It's Aiden, call me Aiden"

He says with some sort of mockery in his tone

"I don't think… "

He smirks " I would do the thinking for both of us beautiful "

I swallowd nothing in particular as try to pretend I didn't just hear him call me beautiful

"What did you want to talk about sir"

He looks away and back in an instant then opens his mouth to say the most untrue and unpalatable word ever " marry me"

He says with confidence that is probably imported from space, I got scared and the only rational decision I could make was to run, and I ran away as fast as possible.