Marry him???? Marry himmmm I mean I have the Asian beauty, what why would a man I barely know want me to marry him? I mean he can literally get any woman he wants, he looks it, he speaks it, he commands it but why me though?

He never comes back to the restaurant after his stupid marriage proposal and I'm glad he went away, I don't like how he makes my heart flutter and my cheeks turn red just by looking at me, even though he stopped coming to the restaurant, his friends does and the black car is always following me.

Work was hethic today and I was so tired I just jumped on my bed, realising it's almost a week since the landlady notice I pick up my phone and start to look for apartment online, but the problem is money, I don't have enough and it's killing me so I just look through my instagram and slept off while at it.

Today, today is the last day and almost all my neighbours are out so I had no choice but to take few of my clothes to the restaurant and it's the hoping of talking to the manager, praying he allows me to stay at the extra store for some time, I wishhhhh.

Why would the first customer I attend to be the handsome fool, oh my, but I just had to smile and pretend like he didn't drop a bombshell yesterday "Hi sir, which of …" he doesn't let me finish

"You mie" I tried hard not to act tough but I just had to ask

"how I know your name?"

I don't know he reads mind to top his job

"Don't look at me like that, but if you want me to give you a reason to, I would"

I didn't know when I rolled my eyes and huff in response

"Excuse you" he smiles and I feel it at the lowest part of my tummy

"I know you've been forced to move out of your…"

I got so furious I almost yelled at him

"And how would you… this is privacy inversion, I could…"

He almost laugh but looked away and I can see his smile from the side "sue me" he says with a smirk

"Excuse me, you can't… how did you know where I'm living and how did you know…"

he smiles again and he look at me straight and dead in the eyes

"because I bought it and well if you move to another I will buy that as well until you agree to marry me"

I could only sign because this isn't funny anymore and its giving me chills I don't want to like and would never admit i want "if this is a joke"

" do I look like a clown to you?"

He grip my wrist across the counter and I look around but no one seems to notice, does that does look away once our gaze collide.

"Let go of my hand, it not proper and I'm…"

"It would be proper if we get married you know"

He winks

"You bought my apartment, can you even afford…"

He smiles an evil smile

"If you want me to name this restaurant to you and after you, I would right now beautiful"

Some boys walk towards the counter but stop in their tracks when Aiden look back at them, "Mr Walsh?"

The boy asks, Aiden drops my hand and face the boys fully

"The one and only"

The boy jump and stretch his hand to shake him but Aiden open his arms instead, at least he's nice, maybe he's not.

The other boys where quick to drop their bag and pull out a book asking for an autograph, I got sick of them acting like he's a celebrity or something so I used their distraction as a means to escape to the manager's office to ask him if I can be allowed to stay at the restaurant for some time, but he said the higher ups are against any special treatment towards any employee.

On my way home I saw a street cat and wished I was just a cat, I only have to worry about food, tourist could feed me, I have to sleep anywhere and the best could happen and some of them could adopt me

"I would do more than that if you allow me…"

I scream and turned around to face where the voice comes from, I don't even know why I'm not shocked at this nonsense he pulled, hold up, was I thinking out loud?

"See you need to stop, we don't even love each other, so how "

"Love is horrible, attraction would do"

I huff and almost punch him

"I'm not attracted to…"

"Shut it…don't lie to me"

He moves closer and I move back, after all we're in the streets and on the sidewalk

"I would shout"

He smiles a devilish and smile

"Do it "

At this point I'm getting scared and he start moving closer and I turn around and run all the way home panicking, when i got to the front of the building I saw the same car I've always seen tailing me,I thought I was just delusional and Aiden wouldn't stoop so low, I got so mad that I march towards the car to knock on the window, he got out of the car before I get there and I trow my bag at him but he catches it

"A Lady don't start a fight"

I yell at him angrily "but she can finish it, what do you want!!!!!"

"Well it's simple, marry me"

I don't even have the strength for his stupid games anymore so I just try talking some sense into him.

"I don't know what you think marriage is but I can't be stuck in it with a stranger forever! I have a lot going on in my life and right now and I don't need your silly jokes and creepy vibes to add to it! Find yourself someone else to torment"

He sighs

"The marriage does not have to be forever and your life wouldn't be hard anymore if you agree to marry me, it's just for some month, I want my inheritance of the family and my grandfather's nonsense strict rule of getting married before I can accomplish that is getting in my way, the marriage would only be for appearance and…"

I hissed, loudly and turn around to walk out on him but he says

"Even if your manager allows you to stay at the restaurant I would buy the restaurant and send you out, that's not giving you an option till you realize I could make breathing hell for you if you run "

At this point I'm getting scared and I look around for any body or anything to help

" it's not like you're a super rich or something, that you're…"

Then he smiles

"I'm not rich beautiful, I have a some billions to my name"

This is when I realize this man probably run away the mental hospital or he just decides to waste both our our time

"Invite me in for tea"


He shakes his head

"Don't be damn stubborn about everything Mie "

Him calling me the nickname my mother uses make the memories rush in

"Don't do that, don't call me that, it's miemie"

He takes some steps towards me and I move back

Screaming at him not to touch me then my legs feels like jelly and he holds me up, I was fighting my lung hard, to breath

"Breath mie, do it beautiful"

Someone, the driver I think, gets out of the car and tries to help him

"Don't touch her"

He says frankly

I could only breath and watch at the moment so I continue to do so and he moves my hair out of my face, telling me to breath and breath and breath till I closed my eyes.

Hmmmm my bed isn't this comfy and I spread my arms and I open my eyes instantly because my bed isn't this large either, where am I? I check under the sheet and I'm in a different cloth, I was about to scream when I heard him talk in his morning voice

"I didn't touch you,I wouldn't take advantage of you like that, I like my women willing, one of the maids changed your dress, it was drenched in sweat"

I smell different too and

"She ran you a bath while you were half conscious too"

I looked at him to see any traces of lies or …

"Don't look at me like that, you would know if I touched you"

He smirks and uncross his legs, letting the newspaper fall to the ground, he start to walk towards me and I jump off the bed, I sprint towards the door but he catches me before I could even move an inch

"Calm down Mie, you're safe with me"

I pushed him away in anger,

" where are my clothes ?"

He sighs " they're probably in the trash"

That left my mouth hanging

" why would you trash my dresses, I worked hard to get that for myself "

I shouted at him while pointing at the door

"Now open it I have to get to work and I have a house of my own"

He smiles a devilish smile

" not anymore, they started working on it this morning , and I have Your friend hand over your resignation letter, a fiancé of mine wouldn't be caught working at that place"

I see red and lunged at him but he caught my hand and hold me against him, his nose at the crook of my neck and he sniffed me, I pushed at him with all my strength but he didn't bulge

"Stay still, don't give me a boner"

" well that's your problem "

Wait did he say…

" let me gooooo"

He hold my hand firmly then sit down, forcing me to be on his lap then he sniffs me again and I tried to get off his lap

"Stop fidgeting, if I get a boner, you would make it go away"

I instantly stay still

" just let me go"

He looks away from me and signs

"You don't have a home to return to Mie, stay with me, marry me it would be on your terms"

I couldn't even fight for myself, so I did the only thing I'm capable of at the moment, I screamed at the top of my lungs.