

"If you don't stop that right now I would result to kissing you"

Hun, I jump off his lap

"Did you say your fiancée or something"

He then put his arm over his face

" we're getting married aren't we?"

I Huff and exhale harshly, before I could say anything else, a beautiful woman in some sort of uniform comes in with a tray of fruit in her hand, she bows and leaves the tray on a stool beside the chair Aiden is sitting on,

" excuse me,can you show me the way to the front door?"

The lady looks straight at Aiden and he shakes his head then she says

"I'm sorry miss"

And she walks away

"Aiden, wash, or whatever, I have people that would know I'm missing and if they "

He turns his head in a mocking manner

"I know you're a refugee from Syria, I know your mother died and since you got here you have no family member but your friend at the restaurant, Talia"

Again, I'm not shocked

"And where did you… how"

He brings out some papers from the middle of the newspaper he's reading and hand it over to me, tears came rolling down when I saw the content and I trow the papers at him angrily

"How dare you!!!! You ran a background check on me? I can have you prosecuted for that if…"

He laughs at my bluff

"Tu es belle"

He stands up and walk towards me, I didn't know I was shaking until he held my arms

"I hate to see you cry beautiful"

Then I feel something wet coming from my neck up my chin, wait, did he just lick my tears? The numb feeling on my hand registers the fact that I just slapped him hard and flat on the face

"Oh my God"

He's still facing away from me and I silently move back towards the door, suddenly he moves towards me and I shrink to the floor with my arms around my head as a shield, I waited for minutes and the punch and blows never come, I peer up at him, he just stands there, looking at me like I didn't just hit him

"You shouldn't have done that "

Here it comes, he tsk

"You shouldn't, I only allow violence in the bedroom, now stand up !"

The command in his voice makes me shiver and I slowly stand, I haven't make to my full height when he heal my hand and lead us to the chair he sit and bend me over his lap with not so much force

"If you plan to snap my neck, don't make it hurt"

He laughs and pat my ass, did he?

"Let me go"

"You hit me Mie, I need to remind you no to do that again "

And with what , a hard slap lands on my ass, tears rush to my eyes as I try to wiggle out of his grip, but he held on strong, then I felt his strong hand again, and again, and again and again until i broke into in sobs and stay still then suddenly some part of me tingles and I feel something strange,

"Please, just let me go you would never see me again, I wouldn't ever dare breath the same air as you"

He kneads my ass and it was so sensational

"What's the fun in that? And that's not the point"

He sit me on his lap with my hands in one of his

"I don't want to hurt you Mie, you forced my hand, you shouldn't hit me"

I could only hiccup while I look around to find a way to get out of here, he wipes my tears with his thumbs and he held my gaze for something then he said again

"tu es belle"

I actually don't know what that means but it should be something good because he smiles whenever he says it

" you could have your maid be your fake wife, she's beautiful, and she's white"

He looks at me like he's not seeing me but he's seeing a mirage

"She is?"

I sign and jump off his lap

"Why would you resign on my behalf, not everyone is born with a silver spoon,some of us have stuffs to do to put food on the table and it's called working"

He tsk

"Marry me Mie I would make it worth it, I would pay, it's just till I get my inheritance, I would give you everything you want"

I laugh an hysterical laugh

"You just want to buy me" he smirks "that's because I can afford you"

I frown at him "I'm not a commodity"

"But you could be mine"

He says

"Even if I want to do this. You would have to ask me out on a proper date "

" I would if that's what you wanted Mie"

" don't call me that! "

He moves closer to me and I move back till there is no space anymore

"Don't touch me!"

He looks at me in a way I can't pinpoint

"I would have my driver take you back"

wait to where, the building he bought and demolished to antagonise me?

"You're evil"

he grumbles

"If that's what you label it for going after what I want"

He's so spoilt

"I can't be what you want… I'm a refugee, go for a white woman that's on your level and leave me the fuck alone "

He smirks

"I would have my driver drop you off, hoping you don't get raped on the streets "

He opens the door and motion for me to go, after taking the first step I realized there's no where I'm going exactly with no penny to my name, I could stay on the street and get raped or kidnapped for organ harvesting, I could be forced into prostitution and the worse could happen and I end up being killed by the gangsters

"You're safe with me "

I turn around on instinct and make the mistake holding his blue gaze with mine

"You would be safe with me, if you agree to this I would make sure you don't have to lift a finger or work for money, and after the divorce I would have properties in your name "

We're here again

"What's the point, it's I loveless marriage, I believe in love"

He pats his lap and look away from me

"Love is just a label, people are attracted to different things, in my case they're just attracted to my money and face, you're the only one immune to my charm, you don't have to be a dutiful wife, Mie, I wouldn't touch you if you don't want me to , I wouldn't, I don't get off force"

He then looks at me and smile

"I like you willing Me, I liked it when you held my hand to check if I was injured even though you know I did that to get your attention, I like how you held my gaze and didn't back down until a customer interrupt you, I like how happy you get thinking about your favorite tv show…"

" you were spying on me"

He laugh with his head thrown back

"I stalked you, I watched you sleep you…."


"You were in my room…you…"

"I couldn't resist it Mie, do you want me to lie to you?"

He moves closer to me and hold my waist in his arm

" I could be possessive and obsessive, I could be demanding and everything else but I would be good to you, I would let you use me Mie, I promise you"

Thinking about it, i don't have a choice, while he's giving me a choice to be everything and have everything, it's a no strings attached kind of thing and I don't have to do anything than be a mannequin to be wife, he promised not to touch me if I don't want it too, I could grab the chance and have the life have always wanted for myself.

"How much?"