seems we're both shocked by my outburst, it's just too late to feel embarrassed about it, we both know I need the money.

"Do you have a lawyer?"

What exactly am I getting myself into and why would I need a lawyer, how could somebody who couldn't even afford a new apartment have the money to hire a lawyer "why would I need a lawyer tho"

He signs, and I take my time to take in his facial features, the ocean eyes, especially and his lips, the jaw, it's…..

"Did you hear me?"

Did anybody say anything tho "why would I…"

"Because you would have to sigh an NDA"

What and why, what secret is…

"Wait…are you planning to make me your dirty little secret?"

He looks at me but not really then he reach for my hand and lead us to the sofa facing the window

"You're little, I could make you dirty, but you're not my dirty little secret, I would have you on a runway if you want to, just to prove that I would always be proud"

I flex my fingers that are in his and he look down at it "You feel so little "

What sort of expression is that tho, do people feel amount of stuffs? Or Aiden is just being weird, I don't even know if that's a compliment

"Why would I need a lawyer Aiden?"

He licks is lips and I already wish he was licking something else

"Words can't get out that this is a contract marriage Mie, it would look bad on my reputation…"

What nonsense reputation, he's probably a nepo-baby and never had to a lift a finger all his life, and he's here sounding like the self made billionaire

"What do you do, I mean your job, you said the marriage is for your inheritance stuff"

He glance at me like I just asked him why he breaths

"Agnes Tech"

Wait, wait a minute he's the owner? Or he's the heir, but

"It's our family business, I need the CEO position Mie, and my grandfather wouldn't grant me that unless I get married, he wants a grandchild because he lost his son early"

"You father is dead?"

He looks at me like I'm talking out of my neck or something

"Everyone knows I'm the face of my family business Mie, don't insult my intelligence, are you saying you've never seen or heard about me until I showed up where you work?"

"Yes, of course, are you some sort of celebrity or something?"

He smirk and stretches his hand

"Hand me your phone"

I did and he searches for something on google then hand it back

"There "

Oh wow, he's indeed a billionaire with tittles to his name, the sole heir to the Agnes Tech and some other small company founded by him himself, he's literarily who he thinks he his wait, what was he saying about children

"You said grandchildren, your…"

He sign and put his arm over his face

"I'm not planning to impregnate you Mie, Kids are stress, I don't want them, once an escort caught my nut, I had her abort it under supervision, I hate kids Mie, they're headaches"

I honestly don't see myself having kids with a man I would be having arranged marriage with, He explains why the contract part of the marriage must be hidden, why we have to portray a united front and why I have to stop working at the restaurant, because has his wife, I can only work if I feel like and that should be after marriage,he tells me about his mother and grandmother and how I can easily win their heart.

While he talks about stuffs he does not like, I could only look at him and fall for his beauty over and over, he's finer than the TV boys he has this old-school and old money beauty with his jet black shiny hair styled up .

"Are you even listening?"

I snap out of it when I sight him lift his upper lip in annoyances

"I get it that, you don't believe in love, but what if I end up having feelings? Would you discard me when I'm no longer useful? And what if your mother doesn't want the likes of me with her son, I'm not pretty like the trophy wives and I don't even have a family, I don't…"

I stand up in a twinkle of an eye

"You would be my wife, for fuck's sake ! Not my mother's, and I don't give a fuck about everything, I choose you! I'm the one that chooses you Mie"

He's making everything sound so simple

"Okay but I don't want any sexual relationship with you either, I can't risk getting attached"

He smirks again, that arrogant bastard

"You're too little to take it anyway, my escort would sort me"

I trow the trow pillow at him in annoyance and he catch it before it could hit his face

"You're a feisty one"

Aiden had a female lawyer hired for me so I could be comfortable during the process of signing the NDA, the lawyer whose name is Linda explain everything and make it feel natural like the marriage isn't just for the camera, I almost forgot I have nowhere to call a home after the lawyers exit.

"Can I have part payment of the money so I can get an apartment?"

He smiles his devilish smile and tsks

"The money have been deposited in your account the moment you had your signature on that paper, and we would getting married soon, by soon I'm talking next week Friday"

"Whats the rush?, aren't we going to get to know each other?"

"This is not a love story, I don't mind if you reciprocate the physical attraction, but I want this with no strings attached "

Aiden have a room assigned to me just some feet down his and I honestly can't believe the room is bigger than my whole apartment, the bed is so lush and gentle I just had to jump on it and I fall flat on my ass on the bed.

A sound from my phone bring me out of my trance, it's my bedtime reminder, looks through apps and finally I checked on my bank app there is it, Three million dollar sitting in his glory !

I run out to the front room and I met Aiden on the phone with someone, I tried to listen in a calm my heartbeat, I didn'nt want to look too excited for the money

"Yes, have your best stylist chose them, send them here"

He takes his phone off his ear immediately he spot me

"I checked my account balance and saw…"

He almost look irritated

" I would have my accountant sort it out if that's small and…"

I didn't let him finish, I don't want to look money hungry

"No it's okay and kind of too much, I mean what would I do with that much money, I would probably donate half to charity"

He licks his lips and smiles

"Your soul is beautiful"

He pulls the band out of my hair, letting it fall over my shoulder and he put his hands around my neck from the left side, he looks into my eyes for long and I know he's looking for answers in my eyes and they probably give me away.

His lips is just inches from mine, when a loud powerful voice make him stop in his tracks

"It would be good if y'all can get a room, and who is she?"

Aiden turns around instantly, covering his body with mine

"Don't cockblock me mother, I've stopped being a teenager for years now and this is my house"