Martin's Rise

I frowned. "Interesting jobs. I thought you only worked in the bar and went home to have sex with your girl." I said.

Drake sighed. "I wish that was my life. No. On my off hours I work cases of conflicts between people and couples. It's a lot of dangerous situations." He said.

I smiled and nodded my head. I turned to the double doors as the man in question came in. Martin Williams came into the bar dressed in a dark gray suit and long trench jacket with a fedora hat on his head. 

Martin looked like a straight up detective from the 1950s crime novel or movie from earth. He was wet from a rain storm and he shook off his jacket and walked toward the bar eying me with caution in his ruby eyes.

I set up his drink of choice. The magic of the Crossroads telling so. It was a plain black coffee in white cup with a little dust of cinnamon mixed on the top for some reason. He walked up setting down in front of me.

"Sage!" Martin said.