What are these Options

"What are these options you are offering us?" Jari asked in suspicion. 

He was right to be suspicious of me. I was looking to get to a quick end of this stupid case as quickly as possible and I didn't give a damn who was right or wrong in it. I just wanted these assholes out of my life as quickly as possible.

They both stared at me in confusion. I smiled. "You both can read my thoughts easily right. So you know I'm just all about ending this shit as quickly as possible." I said.

Jari stared at me with caution on his face though. "That's true but something is off about you." He said.

I stared back raising my eye brows. "Really? What's that?" I said.

"Somehow your able to hide your thoughts of the plan behind both options from us." Mari said.

I nodded. I set the coin down for a second. "It's something about you two keeps bothering me." I said suddenly as my own thoughts drifted again as the oddity of them kept bothering me.